class Numeric def integer?; true; end def truthy?; self > 0; end def commatize to_s.gsub(/(\d)(?=\d{3}+(?:\.|$))(\d{3}\..*)?/,'\1,\2') end # # Clamp the number to a specific range # # Examples: # 234234234523.clamp(0..100) #=> 100 # 12.clamp(0..100) #=> 12 # -38817112.clamp(0..100) #=> 0 # def clamp(range) if self < range.first range.first elsif self >= range.last if range.exclude_end? range.last - 1 else range.last end else self end end # # Time methods # { 'second' => 1, 'minute' => 60, 'hour' => 60 * 60, 'day' => 60 * 60 * 24, 'week' => 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, 'month' => 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, 'year' => 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, }.each do |unit, scale| define_method(unit) { self * scale } define_method(unit+'s') { self * scale } end def ago - self end def from_now + self end # # If `n.times` is like `each`, `n.things` is like `map`. Return # def things(&block) if block_given?, &block) else (0...self).to_a end end [:cos, :sin, :tan, :acos, :asin, :atan, :cosh, :sinh, :tanh, :acosh, :asinh, :atanh, :exp, :log2, :log10, :sqrt, :cbrt, :frexp, :erf, :erfc, :gamma, :lgamma ].each do |meth| class_eval %{ def #{meth} Math.#{meth}(self) end } end def ln Math.log(self) end # Math.log is different in 1.8 if RUBY_VERSION["1.8"] def log(n=nil) if n Math.log(self) / Math.log(n) else Math.log(self) end end else def log(n=nil) if n Math.log(self, n) else Math.log(self) end end end BYTE_SIZE_TABLE = { # power # units 0 => "", 1 => "KB", 2 => "MB", 3 => "GB", 4 => "TB", 5 => "PB", 6 => "EB", 7 => "ZB", 8 => "YB", } def human_bytes(decimals=0) power = self.log(1024).floor base = 1024.0 ** power units = BYTE_SIZE_TABLE[power] "#{(self / base).round(decimals)}#{units}" end alias_method :human_size, :human_bytes end class Integer # # 'true' if the integer is 0 # def blank?; self == 0; end # # Convert the number into a hexadecimal string representation. # (Identical to to_s(16), except that numbers < 16 will have a 0 in front of them.) # def to_hex "%0.2x" % self end # # Convert the number to an array of bits (least significant digit first, or little-endian). # def to_bits # TODO: Why does thos go into an infinite loop in 1.8.7? ("%b" % self) end alias_method :bits, :to_bits # # Cached constants for base62 encoding # BASE62_DIGITS = ['0'..'9', 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z'].map(&:to_a).flatten BASE62_BASE = BASE62_DIGITS.size # # Convert a number to a string representation (in "base62" encoding). # # Base62 encoding represents the number using the characters: 0..9, A..Z, a..z # # It's the same scheme that url shorteners and YouTube uses for their # ID strings. (eg: # def to_base62 result = [] remainder = self max_power = ( Math.log(self) / Math.log(BASE62_BASE) ).floor max_power.downto(0) do |power| divisor = BASE62_BASE**power #p [:div, divisor, :rem, remainder] digit, remainder = remainder.divmod(divisor) result << digit end result << remainder if remainder > 0{|digit| BASE62_DIGITS[digit]}.join '' end # # Returns the all the prime factors of a number. # def factors Prime # autoload the prime module { |n,count| [n]*count }.flatten end # # Factorial (iterated style) # def fact total = 1 self.downto(2) { |x| total *= x } total end alias_method :factorial, :fact # # Fibonacci (recursive style) # def fib self < 2 ? self : (self-1).fib + (self-2).fib end alias_method :fibonacci, :fib # # Convert seconds to hours:minutes:seconds (hours is dropped if it's zero) # def to_hms seconds = self days, seconds = seconds.divmod(86400) hours, seconds = seconds.divmod(3600) minutes, seconds = seconds.divmod(60) result = "%0.2d:%0.2d" % [minutes,seconds] result = ("%0.2d:" % hours) + result if hours > 0 or days > 0 result = ("%0.2d:" % days) + result if days > 0 result end end # # Monkeypatch [] into Bignum and Fixnum using class_eval. # # (This is necessary because [] is defined directly on the classes, and a mixin # module will still be overridden by Big/Fixnum's native [] method.) # [Bignum, Fixnum].each do |klass| klass.class_eval do alias_method :bit, :"[]" # # Extends [] so that Integers can be sliced as if they were arrays. # def [](arg) case arg when Integer self.bit(arg) when Range self.bits[arg] end end end end class Time # # Relative time, in words. (eg: "1 second ago", "2 weeks from now", etc.) # def in_words delta = ( a = delta.abs amount = case a when 0 'just now' when 1 '1 second' when 2..59 "second".amount(a) when 1.minute...1.hour "minute".amount(a/1.minute) when "hour".amount(a/1.hour) when "day".amount(a/ when 1.week...1.month "week".amount(a/1.week) when 1.month...12.months "month".amount(a/1.month) else "year".amount(a/1.year) end if delta < 0 amount += " from now" elsif delta > 0 amount += " ago" end amount end end