<h3>Hotspot Results</h3>
<p>Meta analysis of your metrics to find hotspots in your code.</p>

<% if !@hotspots || @hotspots.size == 0 %>
No Hotspots were found.
<% elsif @hotspots && @hotspots.size > 0 %>

<% granularities = [:files, :classes, :methods] %>
<tr valign="top">
<% granularities.each do |granularity| %>  
   <th width='33%'> 
<%= granularity.to_s.capitalize %></th>
<% end %>

<% items = [] %>
<% granularities.each_index do |index| %>
  <% granularity = granularities[index] %>
  <% items << @hotspots[granularity] %>
<% end %>

<% items_length = 0 %>
<% columns = [0, 1, 2] %>
<% while (items_length < items[0].length || items_length < items[1].length || items_length < items[2].length) do %>
    <tr  valign="top"> 
       <% columns.each do |column| %>
       <% item = items[column].length >= items_length ? items[column][items_length] : nil %>
       <% if item %>
          <%= display_location(item[:location], nil) %>
        <!-- TODO HOTSPOTS for metric fu nice metric_link method -->
        <% item[:details].each do |metric, info| %>
          <%#= metric_link(@stat, metric, h(metric.to_s.capitalize)) + ": " + h(info)%><br/>
          <%= "#{metric.to_s.capitalize}: #{info}" %><br/>
          <% end %>
      <% else %>
      <td> &nbsp; </td>
      <% end %>
      <% end %>
      <% items_length += 1 %>
    <% end %>

<% end %>

<p>Generated on <%= Time.now.localtime %></p>