# appium_thor [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/appium_thor.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/appium_thor)[![Dependency Status](https://gemnasium.com/appium/appium_thor.svg)](https://gemnasium.com/appium/appium_thor) Appium Thor helpers for appium's gems (appium_lib, appium_capybara) -- Example configuration ```ruby Appium::Thor::Config.set do gem_name 'appium_lib' github_name 'ruby_lib' version_file 'path/to/version.rb' end ``` Available tasks ``` thor build # Build a new gem (same as gem task) thor bump # Bump the z version number and update the date thor bumpx # Bump the x version number, set y & z to zero, update the ... thor bumpy # Bump the y version number, set z to zero, update the date thor byte # Remove non-ascii bytes thor dev # Install gems required for release task thor docs # Update android and iOS docs thor gem # Build a new gem thor install # Install gem thor notes # Update release notes thor publish # Build and release a new gem to rubygems.org (same as rele... thor release # Build and release a new gem to rubygems.org thor uninstall # Uninstall gem ```