LiveRecord.Model.create = (config) -> config.modelName != undefined || throw new Error('missing :modelName argument') config.callbacks != undefined || config.callbacks = {} config.plugins != undefined || config.callbacks = {} # NEW Model = (attributes) -> this.attributes = attributes # instance callbacks this._callbacks = { 'on:connect': [], 'on:disconnect': [], 'on:response_error': [], 'before:create': [], 'after:create': [], 'before:update': [], 'after:update': [], 'before:destroy': [], 'after:destroy': [] } Object.keys(this.attributes).forEach (attribute_key) -> if Model.prototype[attribute_key] == undefined Model.prototype[attribute_key] = -> this.attributes[attribute_key] this Model.modelName = config.modelName Model.prototype.modelName = -> Model.modelName Model.prototype.subscribe = -> return this.subscription if this.subscription != undefined # listen for record changes (update / destroy) subscription = App['live_record_' + this.modelName() + '_' +] = App.cable.subscriptions.create({ channel: 'LiveRecordChannel' model_name: this.modelName() record_id: }, record: -> return @_record if @_record identifier = JSON.parse(this.identifier) @_record = Model.all[identifier.record_id] # on: connect connected: -> if @record()._staleSince != undefined @syncRecord(@record()) @record()._callCallbacks('on:connect', undefined) # on: disconnect disconnected: -> @record()._staleSince = (new Date()).toISOString() unless @record()._staleSince @record()._callCallbacks('on:disconnect', undefined) # on: receive received: (data) -> if data.error @record()._staleSince = (new Date()).toISOString() unless @record()._staleSince @onError[data.error.code].call(this, data) @record()._callCallbacks('on:response_error', [data.error.code]) delete @record()['subscription'] else @onAction[data.action].call(this, data) # handler for received() callback above onAction: update: (data) -> @record().update(data.attributes) destroy: (data) -> @record().destroy() # handler for received() callback above onError: forbidden: (data) -> console.error('[LiveRecord Response Error]', data.error.code, ':', data.error.message, 'for', @record()) bad_request: (data) -> console.error('[LiveRecord Response Error]', data.error.code, ':', data.error.message, 'for', @record()) # syncs local record from remote record syncRecord: -> @perform( 'sync_record', model_name: @record().modelName(), record_id: @record().id(), stale_since: @record()._staleSince ) @record()._staleSince = undefined ) this.subscription = subscription Model.prototype.unsubscribe = -> return if this.subscription == undefined App.cable.subscriptions.remove(this.subscription) delete this['subscription'] Model.prototype.isSubscribed = -> this.subscription != undefined # ALL Model.all = {} # CREATE Model.prototype.create = () -> this._callCallbacks('before:create', undefined) Model.all[] = this this.subscribe() this._callCallbacks('after:create', undefined) this # UPDATE Model.prototype.update = (attributes) -> this._callCallbacks('before:update', undefined) self = this Object.keys(attributes).forEach (attribute_key) -> self.attributes[attribute_key] = attributes[attribute_key] this._callCallbacks('after:update', undefined) true # DESTROY Model.prototype.destroy = -> this._callCallbacks('before:destroy', undefined) this.unsubscribe() delete Model.all[] this._callCallbacks('after:destroy', undefined) this # CALLBACKS ## class callbacks Model._callbacks = { 'on:connect': [], 'on:disconnect': [], 'on:response_error': [], 'before:create': [], 'after:create': [], 'before:update': [], 'after:update': [], 'before:destroy': [], 'after:destroy': [] } Model.addCallback = Model.prototype.addCallback = (callbackKey, callbackFunction) -> index = this._callbacks[callbackKey].indexOf(callbackFunction) if index == -1 this._callbacks[callbackKey].push(callbackFunction) return callbackFunction Model.removeCallback = Model.prototype.removeCallback = (callbackKey, callbackFunction) -> index = this._callbacks[callbackKey].indexOf(callbackFunction) if index != -1 this._callbacks[callbackKey].splice(index, 1) return callbackFunction Model.prototype._callCallbacks = (callbackKey, args) -> # call class callbacks for callback in Model._callbacks[callbackKey] callback.apply(this, args) # call instance callbacks for callback in this._callbacks[callbackKey] callback.apply(this, args) # AFTER MODEL INITIALISATION # add callbacks from arguments for callbackKey, callbackFunctions of config.callbacks for callbackFunction in callbackFunctions Model.addCallback(callbackKey, callbackFunction) # enable plugins from arguments for pluginKey, pluginValue of config.plugins if LiveRecord.plugins index = Object.keys(LiveRecord.plugins).indexOf(pluginKey) LiveRecord.plugins[pluginKey].applyToModel(Model, pluginValue) if index != -1 # add new Model to collection LiveRecord.Model.all[config.modelName] = Model Model