## # This example config file is set up to work using the Solr request handler # called "advanced" in the example Blacklight solrconfig.xml: # http://github.com/projectblacklight/blacklight-jetty/blob/master/solr/conf/solrconfig.xml # # NOTE WELL: Using a seperate request handler is just one option, in most cases # it's simpler to use your default solr request handler set in Blacklight itself, # in which case you can delete/comment out this entire file! # See README. BlacklightAdvancedSearch.config.merge!( # :search_field => "advanced", # name of key in Blacklight URL, no reason to change usually. # Set advanced_parse_q to true to allow AND/OR/NOT in your basic/simple # Blacklight search, parsed by Advanced Search Plugin. #:advanced_parse_q => true, :qt => "advanced" # name of Solr request handler, leave unset to use the same one as your Blacklight.config[:default_qt] ) # You don't need to specify search_fields, if you leave :qt unspecified # above, and have search field config in Blacklight already using that # same qt, the plugin will simply use them. But if you'd like to use a # different solr qt request handler, or have another reason for wanting # to manually specify search fields, you can. Uses the hash format # specified in Blacklight::SearchFields BlacklightAdvancedSearch.config[:search_fields] = search_fields = [] search_fields << { :key => 'author', :solr_local_parameters => { :pf => "$pf_author", :qf => "$qf_author" } } search_fields << { :key => 'title', :solr_local_parameters => { :pf => "$pf_title", :qf => "$qf_title" } } search_fields << { :key => 'subject', :solr_local_parameters => { :pf => "$pf_subject", :qf => "$qf_subject" } } search_fields << { :key => 'keyword', :solr_local_parameters => { :pf => "$pf_keyword", :qf => "$qf_keyword" } } search_fields << { :key => 'numbers', :solr_local_parameters => { :pf => "$pf_number", :qf => "$qf_number" } } ## # The advanced search form displays facets as a limit option. # By default it will use whatever facets, if any, are returned # by the Solr qt request handler in use. However, you can use # this config option to have it request other facet params than # default in the Solr request handler, in desired. # BlacklightAdvancedSearch.config[:form_solr_parameters] = { # "facet.field" => [ # "format", # "lc_1letter_facet", # "language_facet" # ], # "facet.limit" => -1, # all facet values # "facet.sort" => "index" # sort by index value (alphabetically, more or less) # }