←   [documentation](documentation.md) ## I want not to use kaminari for Admin UI By default we use Kaminari pagination for Admin UI. But you can change this. For example, your **comments_controller.rb** looks like this: **app/controllers/comments_controller.rb** ```ruby class CommentsController < ApplicationController # layout 'admin' # Define your restrict methods and use them like this: # # before_action :user_required, except: %w[index create] # before_action :owner_required, except: %w[index create] # before_action :admin_required, only: %w[total_draft total_published total_deleted total_spam] include TheComments::Controller # >>> include TheComments::Controller <<< # (!) Almost all methods based on *current_user* method # # 1. Controller's public methods list: # You can redifine it for your purposes # public # %w[ manage index create edit update ] # %w[ my_comments my_draft my_published ] # %w[ draft published deleted spam ] # %w[ to_draft to_published to_deleted to_spam ] # %w[ total_draft total_published total_deleted total_spam ] # # # 2. Controller's private methods list: # You can redifine it for your purposes # # private # %w[ comment_template comment_partial ] # %w[ denormalized_fields request_data_for_comment define_commentable ] # %w[ comment_params patch_comment_params ] # %w[ ajax_requests_required cookies_required ] # %w[ empty_trap_required tolerance_time_required ] # KAMINARI pagination: # following methods based on gem "kaminari" # You should redefine them if you use something else # # public # %w[ manage index edit ] # %w[ draft published deleted spam ] # %w[ my_comments my_draft my_published ] # %w[ total_draft total_published total_deleted total_spam ] end ``` There is we can see comments about kaminari. So, we can try to change it. There is example how it can be in your real app: ```ruby class CommentsController < ApplicationController layout 'admin' before_action :user_required, except: %w[index create] before_action :owner_required, except: %w[index create] before_action :admin_required, only: %w[total_draft total_published total_deleted total_spam] include TheComments::Controller public def index @comments = ::Comment.with_state(:published).recent.super_paginator(params) render comment_template(:index) end def manage @comments = current_user.comcoms.active.recent.super_paginator(params) render comment_template(:manage) end def my_comments @comments = current_user.my_comments.active.recent.super_paginator(params) render comment_template(:my_comments) end def edit @comments = current_user.comcoms.where(id: params[:id]).super_paginator(params) render comment_template(:manage) end %w[draft published deleted].each do |state| define_method "#{state}" do @comments = current_user.comcoms.with_state(state).recent.super_paginator(params) render comment_template(:manage) end define_method "total_#{state}" do @comments = ::Comment.with_state(state).recent.super_paginator(params) render comment_template(:manage) end unless state == 'deleted' define_method "my_#{state}" do @comments = current_user.my_comments.with_state(state).recent.super_paginator(params) render comment_template(:my_comments) end end end def spam @comments = current_user.comcoms.where(spam: true).recent.super_paginator(params) render comment_template(:manage) end def total_spam @comments = ::Comment.where(spam: true).recent.super_paginator(params) render comment_template(:manage) end end ```