//= require fe/fe.common.js
// used by answer sheets
window.fe = {};
fe.pageHandler = {
initialize : function(page) {
this.auto_save_frequency = 30; // seconds
this.timer_id = null;
this.current_page = page;
$('#' + page).data('form_data', this.captureForm($('#' + page)));
this.page_validation = {}; // validation objects for each page
$(document).trigger('feShowPage'); // allow other code to handle show page event by using $(document).on('feShowPage', function() { ... });
// this.background_load = false;
// this.final_submission = false;
// swap to a different page
showPage : function(page) {
// hide the old
$('#' + this.current_page + '-li').removeClass('active');
$('#' + this.current_page).hide();
// HACK: Need to clear the main error message when returning to the submit page
// It is very confusing to users to be there when they revisit the page
$('#submit_message, .submit_message').hide();
$('#application_errors, .application_errors').html('');
// show the new
// $('#' + page + '-li').removeClass('incomplete');
// $('#' + page + '-li').removeClass('valid');
$('#' + page + '-li').addClass('active');
$('#' + page).show();
this.current_page = page;
$(document).trigger('feShowPage'); // allow other code to handle show page event by using $(document).on('feShowPage', function() { ... });
// callback onSuccess
pageLoadedBackground : function(response, textStatus, jqXHR) {
//this.pageLoaded(response, textStatus, jqXHR, true)
fe.pageHandler.pageLoaded(response, textStatus, jqXHR, true)
// callback onSuccess
pageLoaded : function(response, textStatus, jqXHR, background_load) {
background_load = typeof background_load !== 'undefined' ? background_load : false;
// var response = new String(transport.responseText);
let match = response.match(/
0) {
} else {
if (!background_load) { fe.pageHandler.showPage(page); } // show after load, unless loading in background
if (background_load) { fe.pageHandler.validatePage(page, true); }
$('#' + page).data('form_data', fe.pageHandler.captureForm($('#' + page)));
$(document).trigger('fePageLoaded'); // allow other code to handle page load event by using $(document).on('fePageLoaded', function() { ... });
loadPage : function(page, url, background_load, validate_current_page) {
background_load = typeof background_load !== 'undefined' ? background_load : false;
validate_current_page = typeof validate_current_page !== 'undefined' ? validate_current_page : true;
let isValid;
if (validate_current_page) {
isValid = this.validatePage(this.current_page); // mark current page as valid (or not) as we're leaving
} else {
isValid = true
// Provide a way for enclosing apps to not go to the next page until the current page is valid
// They can do that with this:
// $(document).on 'fePageLoaded', (evt, page) ->
// $(".page > form").addClass('enforce-valid-before-next');
if (!isValid && $('#' + this.current_page + "-form").hasClass('enforce-valid-before-next')) {
// scroll up to where the error is
this.unregisterAutoSave(); // don't auto-save while loading/saving
// will register auto-save on new page once loaded/shown
if (!background_load) {
if ($('a[name="main"]').length == 1) {
} else {
if (fe.pageHandler.isPageLoaded(page) && page.match('no_cache') == null) {
// if already loaded (element exists) excluding pages that need reloading
if (!background_load) { fe.pageHandler.showPage(page); }
} else {
url: url,
type: 'GET',
data: {'answer_sheet_type':answer_sheet_type},
success: background_load ? fe.pageHandler.pageLoadedBackground : fe.pageHandler.pageLoaded,
error: function (xhr, status, error) {
alert("There was a problem loading that page. We've been notified and will fix it as soon as possible. To work on other pages, please refresh the website.");
document.location = document.location;
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
$('body').trigger('ajax:loading', xhr);
complete: function (xhr) {
$('body').trigger('ajax:complete', xhr);
// save form if any changes were made
savePage : function(page, force, blocking) {
if (page == null) page = $('#' + this.current_page);
if (typeof blocking == "undefined") blocking = false;
// don't save more than once per second
let timeNow = new Date();
let lastSave;
if (typeof lastSave !== "undefined" && lastSave && !force && (timeNow - lastSave < 1000)) {
return true;
lastSave = timeNow;
let form_data = this.captureForm(page);
if( form_data ) {
if( page.data('form_data') == null || page.data('form_data').data !== form_data.data || force === true) { // if any changes
page.data('form_data', form_data);
$.ajax({url: form_data.url, type: 'put', data: form_data.data,
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
$('#spinner_' + page.attr('id')).show();
complete: function (xhr) {
$('#spinner_' + page.attr('id')).hide();
success: function (xhr) {
page.data('save_fails', 0)
$(document).trigger('fePageSaved'); // allow other code to handle save event by using $(document).on('fePageSaved', function() { ... });
async: !blocking,
error: function() {
let save_fails = page.data('save_fails') == null ? 0 : page.data('save_fails');
save_fails += 1;
page.data('save_fails', save_fails)
if (save_fails >= 3) {
alert("There was a problem saving that page. We've been notified and will fix it as soon as possible. This might happen if you logged out on another tab. The page will now reload.");
document.location = document.location;
} else {
page.data('save_fails', save_fails + 1)
page.data('form_data', null); // on error, force save for next call to save
// WARNING: race conditions with load & show?
// sort of a mess if save fails while another page is already loading!!
// Update last saved stamp
savePages : function(force) {
$('.answer-page').each(function() {fe.pageHandler.savePage(null, force)})
// setup a timer to auto-save (only one timer, for the page being viewed)
registerAutoSave: function(page) {
this.timer_id = setInterval(this.savePages, this.auto_save_frequency * 1000);
unregisterAutoSave: function() {
if( this.timer_id != null )
this.timer_id = null;
// serialize form data and extract url to post to
captureForm : function(page) {
let form_el = $('#' + page.attr('id') + '-form');
if( form_el[0] == null ) return null;
let form_all_el = form_el.find("input:not(.dont_submit), textarea:not(.dont_submit), select:not(.dont_submit)");
return {url: form_el.attr('action'), data: form_all_el.serialize() + '&answer_sheet_type=' + answer_sheet_type};
// enable form validation (when form is loaded)
enableValidation : function(page) {
// Provide a way for enclosing apps to not have validation continually as people fill things out
// They can do that with this:
// $(document).on 'fePageLoaded', (evt, page) ->
// $(".page > form").addClass('no-ongoing-validation');
$('#' + page + '-form:not(.no-ongoing-validation)').validate({onsubmit:false, focusInvalid:true, onfocusout: function(element) { this.element(element);}});
$('#' + page + '-form:not(.no-ongoing-validation):input').change(function() {
fe.pageHandler.validatePage(page, true);
validatePage : function(page, page_classes_only) {
page_classes_only = typeof page_classes_only !== 'undefined' ? page_classes_only : false;
// Provide a way for enclosing apps to never validate a form
// They can do that with this:
// $(document).on 'fePageLoaded', (evt, page) ->
// $(".page > form").addClass('no-validation');
if ($('#' + this.current_page + "-form").hasClass('no-validation')) { return; }
try {
let li = $('#' + page + '-li');
let form = $('#' + page + '-form');
let valid = form.valid();
if (!page_classes_only) {
// Move radio button errors up
$('.choice_field input[type=radio].error').removeClass('error')
$('div.yesno label.error').hide();
if (valid) {
$(document).trigger('fePageValid', page); // allow other code to handle show page event by using $(document).on('fePageValid', function() { ... });
} else {
$(document).trigger('fePageInvalid', page); // allow other code to handle show page event by using $(document).on('fePageInvalid', function() { ... });
return valid;
catch(err) {
// If the user clicks too quickly, sometimes the page element isn't properly defined yet.
// If we don't catch the error, js stops execution. If we catch it, the user just has to click again.
// callback when falls to 0 active Ajax requests
completeAll : function()
$('.page:visible #submit_button').attr('disabled', true)
$('#submit_message, .submit_message').html('');
$('#submit_message, .submit_message').hide();
// validate all the pages
$('.page_link').each(function(index, page) {
let all_valid = ($('#list-pages li.incomplete').length == 0);
// Make sure any necessary payments are made
let payments_made = $('.payment_question.required').length <= $('.payment').length
if( payments_made)
// force an async save (so it finishes before submitting) in case any input fields on submit_page
this.savePage(null, true, true);
// submit the application
if($('#submit_to')[0] != null)
let url = $('#submit_to').val();
// clear out pages array to force reload. This enables "frozen" apps
// immediately after submission - :onSuccess (for USCM which stays in the application vs. redirecting to the dashboard)
let curr = fe.pageHandler.current_page;
$.ajax({url: url, dataType:'script',
data: {answer_sheet_type: answer_sheet_type, a: $('input[type=hidden][name=a]').val()},
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
$('body').trigger('ajax:loading', xhr);
success: function(xhr) {
$('#list-pages a').each(function() {
if ($(this).attr('data-page-id') != curr) $('#' + $(this).attr('data-page-id')).remove();
complete: function(xhr) {
$('body').trigger('ajax:complete', xhr);
let btn = $('#submit_button');
if (btn) { btn.attr('disabled', false); }
// some pages aren't valid
$('#submit_message, .submit_message').html("Please make a payment");
$('#submit_message, .submit_message').show();
let btn = $('#submit_button'); if (btn) { btn.attr('disabled', false); }
// is page loaded? (useful for toggling enabled state of questions)
isPageLoaded : function(page)
return $('#' + page)[0] != null
checkConditional : function($element) {
let vals;
let matchable_answers = String($element.data('conditional_answer')).split(';').map(function(s) { return s.trim(); })
if ($element.hasClass('fe_choicefield') && ($element.hasClass('style_yes-no') || $element.hasClass('yes-no'))) {
if ($(matchable_answers).filter([1, '1', true, 'true', 'yes', 'Yes']).length > 0) {
matchable_answers = [1, '1', true, 'true', 'yes', 'Yes'];
if ($(matchable_answers).filter([0, '0', false, 'false', 'no', 'No']).length > 0) {
matchable_answers = [0, '0', false, 'false', 'no', 'No'];
vals = $([$element.find("input[type=radio]:checked").val()]);
} else if ($element.hasClass('fe_choicefield') && $element.hasClass('checkbox')) {
vals = $element.find("input[type=checkbox]:checked").map(function(i, el) { return $(el).val(); });
} else if ($element.hasClass('fe_choicefield') && $element.hasClass('radio')) {
vals = $([$element.find("input[type=radio]:checked").val()]);
} else {
vals = $([$element.find("input:visible, select:visible").val()]);
let match = $(matchable_answers).filter(vals).length > 0 || (matchable_answers == "" && vals.length == 0);
switch ($element.data('conditional_type')) {
case 'Fe::Element':
if (match) {
$("#element_" + $element.data('conditional_id')).show();
} else {
$("#element_" + $element.data('conditional_id')).hide();
case 'Fe::Page':
let prefix = $element.data('answer_sheet_id_prefix');
let pg = prefix + '_' + $element.data('application_id') + '-fe_page_' + $element.data('conditional_id');
let li_id = 'li#'+pg+'-li';
li_id += ', li#'+pg+'-no_cache-li';
if (match) {
// load the page (in the background) to determine validity
this.loadPage(pg, $(li_id).find('a').attr('href'), true);
} else {
next : function(validate_current_page) {
validate_current_page = typeof validate_current_page !== 'undefined' ? validate_current_page : false;
let curr_page_link = $('#'+fe.pageHandler.current_page+"-link");
//fe.pageHandler.loadPage('application_22544-fe_page_165-no_cache','/fe/answer_sheets/22544/page/165/edit'); return false;
let page_link = curr_page_link
.filter(function() { return $(this).find('a.page_link:visible').length > 0 })
$(".answer-page:visible div.buttons button").prop("disabled", true)
fe.pageHandler.loadPage(page_link.data('page-id'), page_link.attr('href'), false, validate_current_page);
prev : function() {
let curr_page_link = $('#'+fe.pageHandler.current_page+"-link");
//fe.pageHandler.loadPage('application_22544-fe_page_165-no_cache','/fe/answer_sheets/22544/page/165/edit'); return false;
let page_link = curr_page_link
.filter(function() { return $(this).find('a.page_link:visible').length > 0 })
$(".answer-page:visible div.buttons button").prop("disabled", true)
fe.pageHandler.loadPage(page_link.data('page-id'), page_link.attr('href'));
$(document).on('ready turbo:load', function () {
<% if Fe.bootstrap %>
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18754020/bootstrap-3-with-jquery-validation-plugin
errorElement: "span",
errorClass: "help-block",
highlight: function (element, errorClass, validClass) {
unhighlight: function (element, errorClass, validClass) {
errorPlacement: function (error, element) {
if (element.parent('.input-group').length || element.prop('type') === 'checkbox' || element.prop('type') === 'radio') {
} else {
<% end %>
$(document).on('click', '.save_button', function() {
fe.pageHandler.savePage($(this).closest('.answer-page'), true);
$(document).on('click', '.reference_send_invite', function() {
let el = this;
let form_elements = $(el).closest('form').find('input:not(.dont_submit), textarea:not(.dont_submit), select:not(.dont_submit)');
let data = form_elements.serializeArray();
data.push({name: 'answer_sheet_type', value: answer_sheet_type});
$.ajax({url: $(el).attr('href'), data: data, dataType: 'script', type: 'POST',
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
$('body').trigger('ajax:loading', xhr);
complete: function (xhr) {
$('body').trigger('ajax:complete', xhr);
error: function (xhr, status, error) {
$('body').trigger('ajax:failure', [xhr, status, error]);
return false;
$(document).on('focus', 'textarea[maxlength]', function() {
let max = parseInt($(this).attr('maxlength'));
$(this).parent().find('.charsRemaining').html('You have ' + (max - $(this).val().length) + ' characters remaining');
}).on('keyup', 'textarea[maxlength]', function(){
let max = parseInt($(this).attr('maxlength'));
if($(this).val().length > max){
$(this).val($(this).val().substr(0, $(this).attr('maxlength')));
$(this).parent().find('.charsRemaining').html('You have ' + (max - $(this).val().length) + ' characters remaining');
}).on('blur', 'textarea[maxlength]', function() {
$(document).on('click', ".conditional input, .conditional select", function() {
$(document).on('keyup', ".conditional input, .conditional select", function() { $(this).click(); });
$(document).on('blug', ".conditional input, .conditional select", function() { $(this).click(); });
$(document).on('change', ".conditional select", function() { $(this).click(); });
$(document).on('keyup', 'textarea[maxlength]', function() {
let maxlength = parseInt($(this).attr('maxlength'));
let remaining = maxlength - $(this).val().length;
$(document).on('click', 'a[disabled]', function(event) {
$(function() {
function updateTotal(id) {
try {
let total = 0;
$(".col_" + id).each(function(index, el) {
total += Number($(el).val().replace(',',''));
$('#total_' + id).val(total).trigger('totalChanged');
} catch(e) {
function submitToFrame(id, url) {
let form = $('')
let csrf_token = $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content'),
csrf_param = $('meta[name=csrf-param]').attr('content'),
dom_id = '#attachment_field_' + id,
metadata_input = '',
file_field = '