# frozen_string_literal: true require "optparse" require "anycable" $stdout.sync = true module AnyCable # Command-line interface for running AnyCable gRPC server # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength class CLI # (not-so-big) List of common boot files for # different applications APP_CANDIDATES = %w[ ./config/anycable.rb ./config/environment.rb ].freeze # Wait for external process termination (s) WAIT_PROCESS = 2 attr_reader :server, :health_server # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength def run(args) @at_stop = [] extra_options = parse_cli_options!(args) # Boot app first, 'cause it might change # configuration, loggin settings, etc. boot_app! parse_gem_options!(extra_options) configure_server! logger.info "Starting AnyCable gRPC server (pid: #{Process.pid})" print_versions! logger.info "Serving #{defined?(::Rails) ? 'Rails ' : ''}application from #{boot_file}" verify_connection_factory! log_grpc! if config.log_grpc log_errors! @server = AnyCable::Server.new( host: config.rpc_host, **config.to_grpc_params, interceptors: AnyCable.middleware.to_a ) # Make sure middlewares are not adding after server has started AnyCable.middleware.freeze start_health_server! if config.http_health_port_provided? start_pubsub! server.start run_custom_server_command! unless server_command.nil? begin wait_till_terminated rescue Interrupt => e logger.info "Stopping... #{e.message}" shutdown logger.info "Stopped. Good-bye!" exit(0) end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength def shutdown at_stop.each(&:call) server.stop end private attr_reader :boot_file, :server_command def config AnyCable.config end def logger AnyCable.logger end def at_stop if block_given? @at_stop << Proc.new else @at_stop end end def wait_till_terminated self_read = setup_signals while readable_io = IO.select([self_read]) # rubocop:disable Lint/AssignmentInCondition signal = readable_io.first[0].gets.strip raise Interrupt, "SIG#{signal} received" end end def setup_signals self_read, self_write = IO.pipe %w[INT TERM].each do |signal| trap signal do self_write.puts signal end end self_read end def print_versions! logger.info "AnyCable version: #{AnyCable::VERSION}" logger.info "gRPC version: #{GRPC::VERSION}" end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def boot_app! @boot_file ||= try_detect_app if boot_file.nil? $stdout.puts( "Couldn't find an application to load. " \ "Please specify the explicit path via -r option, e.g:" \ " anycable -r ./config/boot.rb or anycable -r /app/config/load_me.rb" ) exit(1) end begin require boot_file rescue LoadError => e $stdout.puts( "Failed to load application: #{e.message}. " \ "Please specify the explicit path via -r option, e.g:" \ " anycable -r ./config/boot.rb or anycable -r /app/config/load_me.rb" ) exit(1) end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength def try_detect_app APP_CANDIDATES.detect { |path| File.exist?(path) } end def configure_server! AnyCable.server_callbacks.each(&:call) end def start_health_server! @health_server = AnyCable::HealthServer.new( server, **config.to_http_health_params ) health_server.start at_stop { health_server.stop } end def start_pubsub! logger.info "Broadcasting Redis channel: #{config.redis_channel}" end # rubocop: disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize def run_custom_server_command! pid = nil stopped = false command_thread = Thread.new do pid = Process.spawn(server_command) logger.info "Started command: #{server_command} (pid: #{pid})" Process.wait pid pid = nil raise Interrupt, "Server command exit unexpectedly" unless stopped end command_thread.abort_on_exception = true at_stop do stopped = true next if pid.nil? Process.kill("SIGTERM", pid) logger.info "Wait till process #{pid} stop..." tick = 0 loop do tick += 0.2 break if tick > WAIT_PROCESS if pid.nil? logger.info "Process #{pid} stopped." break end end end end # rubocop: enable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize def log_grpc! ::GRPC.define_singleton_method(:logger) { AnyCable.logger } end # Add default exceptions handler: print error message to log def log_errors! if AnyCable.config.debug? # Print error with backtrace in debug mode AnyCable.capture_exception do |e| AnyCable.logger.error("#{e.message}:\n#{e.backtrace.take(20).join("\n")}") end else AnyCable.capture_exception { |e| AnyCable.logger.error(e.message) } end end def verify_connection_factory! return if AnyCable.connection_factory logger.error "AnyCable connection factory must be configured. " \ "Make sure you've required a gem (e.g. `anycable-rails`) or " \ "configured `AnyCable.connection_factory` yourself" exit(1) end def parse_gem_options!(args) config.parse_options!(args) rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => e $stdout.puts e.message $stdout.puts "Run anycable -h to see available options" exit(1) end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def parse_cli_options!(args) unknown_opts = [] parser = build_cli_parser begin parser.parse!(args) rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => e unknown_opts << e.args[0] unless args.size.zero? unknown_opts << args.shift unless args.first.start_with?("-") retry end end unknown_opts end def build_cli_parser OptionParser.new do |o| o.on "-v", "--version", "Print version and exit" do |_arg| $stdout.puts "AnyCable v#{AnyCable::VERSION}" exit(0) end o.on "-r", "--require [PATH|DIR]", "Location of application file to require" do |arg| @boot_file = arg end o.on "--server-command VALUE", "Command to run WebSocket server" do |arg| @server_command = arg end o.on_tail "-h", "--help", "Show help" do $stdout.puts usage exit(0) end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength def usage <<~HELP anycable: run AnyCable gRPC server (https://anycable.io) VERSION anycable/#{AnyCable::VERSION} USAGE $ anycable [options] BASIC OPTIONS -r, --require=path Location of application file to require, default: "config/environment.rb" --server-command=command Command to run WebSocket server --rpc-host=host Local address to run gRPC server on, default: "[::]:50051" --redis-url=url Redis URL for pub/sub, default: REDIS_URL or "redis://localhost:6379/5" --redis-channel=name Redis channel for broadcasting, default: "__anycable__" --redis-sentinels=<...hosts> Redis Sentinel followers addresses (as a comma-separated list), default: nil --log-level=level Logging level, default: "info" --log-file=path Path to log file, default: (log to STDOUT) --log-grpc Enable gRPC logging (disabled by default) --debug Turn on verbose logging ("debug" level and gRPC logging on) -v, --version Print version and exit -h, --help Show this help HTTP HEALTH CHECKER OPTIONS --http-health-port=port Port to run HTTP health server on, default: (disabled) --http-health-path=path Endpoint to server health cheks, default: "/health" GRPC OPTIONS --rpc-pool-size=size gRPC workers pool size, default: 30 --rpc-max-waiting-requests=num Max waiting requests queue size, default: 20 --rpc-poll-period=seconds Poll period (sec), default: 1 --rpc-pool-keep-alive=seconds Keep-alive polling interval (sec), default: 1 HELP end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength end