@timeseries Is the main collection of data retrieved from Graphite. The form is a json array of arrays of objects.
@a,@b,@c,... Are convenience variables extracted from @timeline, by position. @a is the first entry, @b the second and so on. Note: These are not predictable when using wildcard metrics.
with_metrics { |a,b| .. } Iterates over each metric in the timeseries aligning the timestamp for each metric across iterations. Block args are the variables you want to map to the metrics by position.
graph_value[label, timestamp, value] Plots an x/y for the given label on the graph.
Array.mean Calculates the mean of the Array of Numeric. e.g. @a.values.mean
Array.median Calculates the median of the Array of Numeric. e.g. @a.values.median
Array.sum Calculates the sum of the Array of Numeric. e.g. @a.values.sum
Array.percentile(n) Calculates the n-th percentile of the Array of Numeric. e.g. @a.values.percentile(90)