h1. sudo_attributes Adds 'sudo' methods to active record classes, allowing you to easily override protected attributes. h2. The Problem ActiveRecord (ActiveModel in Rails 3) provides a convenient way to make your application more secure by using "protected" attributes. Protected attributes are assigned using either @attr_protected@ or @attr_accessible@. This adds security by preventing mass assignment of attributes when doing things like @user.update_attributes(params[:user])@. The issue is that it can be tedious to always manually assign protected attributes in an administrative area of your application. You may find yourself doing things like:
user = User.find(params[:id])
user.admin = true
user.something_else = true
h2. The Solution SudoAttributes adds a few 'sudo' methods to your models, allowing you to override the protected attributes **when you know the input can be trusted**. It's as easy as adding one method call to your models like so:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  sudo_attr_protected :admin

user = User.find(params[:id])
h2. Class Methods The class methods *sudo_attr_protected* and *sudo_attr_accessible* will be available to all ActiveRecord models. When called, it adds numerous 'sudo' methods to the class. You may still use the default methods @attr_protected@ or @attr_accessible@ provided by rails, but you must still call @has_sudo_attributes@ in order to gain access to the sudo methods. Here are four different ways it can be used: @sudo_attr_protected :attribute1, :attribute2@ - Defines protected attributes @sudo_attr_accessible :attribute1, :attribute2@ - Defines accessible attributes @sudo_attr_protected@ or @sudo_attr_accessible@ - With no arguments, it will rely on calls to @attr_protected@ or @attr_accessible@ Any model that calls @sudo_attr_*@ will also be able to create new instances that override protected attributes using the following methods: @Model.sudo_create@ - Uses same syntax as @Model.create@ to instantiate and save an object with protected attributes @Model.sudo_create!@ - Similar to @Model.sudo_create@, but it raises an ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid exception if there are invalid attributes @Model.sudo_new@ - Uses same syntax as @Model.new@ to instantiate, but not save an object with protected attributes h2. Instance Methods The following instance method is available to any ActiveRecord model that calls @has_sudo_attributes@ * @sudo_update_attributes@ - Uses identical syntax to @update_attributes@, but overrides protected attributes. * @sudo_update_attributes!@ - Same as sudo_update_attributes, but raises ActiveRecord errors. Same as @update_attributes!@ h2. Examples **Protect an admin boolean attribute**
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  sudo_attr_protected :admin
In your admin controller...
params[:user] = {:name => "Pete", :admin => true} (Typically set from a form)

@user = User.sudo_create(params[:user])

Somewhere else in your admin controller...

params[:user] = {:admin => false, :name => "Pete"}

h2. Copyright Copyright (c) 2010 Peter Brown. See LICENSE for details.