package burp;
* @(#)
* Copyright PortSwigger Ltd. All rights reserved.
* This code may be used to extend the functionality of Burp Suite Free Edition
* and Burp Suite Professional, provided that this usage does not violate the
* license terms for those products.
* This interface is used to define an insertion point for use by active Scanner
* checks. Extensions can obtain instances of this interface by registering an
* IScannerCheck
, or can create instances for use by Burp's own
* scan checks by registering an
* IScannerInsertionPointProvider
public interface IScannerInsertionPoint
* Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the value of a URL
* parameter.
static final byte INS_PARAM_URL = 0x00;
* Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the value of a body
* parameter.
static final byte INS_PARAM_BODY = 0x01;
* Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the value of an HTTP
* cookie.
static final byte INS_PARAM_COOKIE = 0x02;
* Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the value of an item
* of data within an XML data structure.
static final byte INS_PARAM_XML = 0x03;
* Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the value of a tag
* attribute within an XML structure.
static final byte INS_PARAM_XML_ATTR = 0x04;
* Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the value of a
* parameter attribute within a multi-part message body (such as the name of
* an uploaded file).
static final byte INS_PARAM_MULTIPART_ATTR = 0x05;
* Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the value of an item
* of data within a JSON structure.
static final byte INS_PARAM_JSON = 0x06;
* Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the value of an AMF
* parameter.
static final byte INS_PARAM_AMF = 0x07;
* Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the value of an HTTP
* request header.
static final byte INS_HEADER = 0x20;
* Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into a REST parameter
* within the URL file path.
static final byte INS_URL_REST = 0x21;
* Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the name of an added
* URL parameter.
static final byte INS_PARAM_NAME_URL = 0x22;
* Used to indicate where the payload is inserted into the name of an added
* body parameter.
static final byte INS_PARAM_NAME_BODY = 0x23;
* Used to indicate where the payload is inserted at a location manually
* configured by the user.
static final byte INS_USER_PROVIDED = 0x40;
* Used to indicate where the insertion point is provided by an
* extension-registered
* IScannerInsertionPointProvider
static final byte INS_EXTENSION_PROVIDED = 0x41;
* Used to indicate where the payload is inserted at an unknown location
* within the request.
static final byte INS_UNKNOWN = 0x7f;
* This method returns the name of the insertion point.
* @return The name of the insertion point (for example, a description of a
* particular request parameter).
String getInsertionPointName();
* This method returns the base value for this insertion point.
* @return the base value that appears in this insertion point in the base
* request being scanned, or
* null
if there is no value in the base request that
* corresponds to this insertion point.
String getBaseValue();
* This method is used to build a request with the specified payload placed
* into the insertion point. Any necessary adjustments to the Content-Length
* header will be made by the Scanner itself when the request is issued, and
* there is no requirement for the insertion point to do this. Note:
* Burp's built-in scan checks do not apply any payload encoding (such as
* URL-encoding) when dealing with an extension-provided insertion point.
* Custom insertion points are responsible for performing any data encoding
* that is necessary given the nature and location of the insertion point.
* @param payload The payload that should be placed into the insertion
* point.
* @return The resulting request.
byte[] buildRequest(byte[] payload);
* This method is used to determine the offsets of the payload value within
* the request, when it is placed into the insertion point. Scan checks may
* invoke this method when reporting issues, so as to highlight the relevant
* part of the request within the UI.
* @param payload The payload that should be placed into the insertion
* point.
* @return An int[2] array containing the start and end offsets of the
* payload within the request, or null if this is not applicable (for
* example, where the insertion point places a payload into a serialized
* data structure, the raw payload may not literally appear anywhere within
* the resulting request).
int[] getPayloadOffsets(byte[] payload);
* This method returns the type of the insertion point.
* @return The type of the insertion point. Available types are defined in
* this interface.
byte getInsertionPointType();