require 'drb' require 'drbdump' require 'optparse' class Ping class Responder def ping i, data return i, data end end def self.process_args argv options = { client: nil, count: Float::INFINITY, flood: false, interval: 1, reconnect: false, server: false, size: 0, } interval_set = false op = do |opt| opt.banner = <<-BANNER Usage: ping.rb [options] [druby://...] With no arguments, spawns a child process and sends DRb messages to it To ping across multiple machines start a server with: ping.rb --server And submit the given URI to a client: ping.rb druby://... BANNER opt.separator nil opt.separator 'Options:' opt.on('-c', '--count COUNT', Integer, 'Number of packets to send') do |count| options[:count] = count end opt.on('-f', '--flood', 'Send packets as fast as possible', 'Prints one . per 1000 messages') do options[:flood] = true end opt.on('-i', '--interval SECONDS', Float, 'Time between non-flood packets') do |interval| options[:interval] = interval interval_set = true end opt.on('-s', '--packet-size SIZE', Integer, 'Size of extra data to send') do |size| options[:size] = size end opt.on( '--reconnect', 'Reconnect for each ping') do options[:reconnect] = true end opt.on( '--server', 'Run only as a server') do |value| options[:server] = true end end op.parse! argv raise OptionParser::ParseError, '--flood with --interval is nonsense' if options[:flood] and interval_set raise OptionParser::ParseError, '--server with --flood is nonsense' if options[:server] and options[:flood] raise OptionParser::ParseError, '--server with --count is nonsense' if options[:server] and options[:count] options[:client] = argv.shift if /\Adruby:/ =~ argv.first raise OptionParser::ParseError, '--server with client URI is nonsense' if options[:server] and options[:client] options rescue OptionParser::ParseError => e $stderr.puts op $stderr.puts $stderr.puts e.message abort end def argv = ARGV options = process_args argv ping = new options end def initialize options @count = options[:count] @client = options[:client] @flood = options[:flood] @interval = options[:interval] @reconnect = options[:reconnect] @remote = nil @server = options[:server] @size = options[:size] @uri = nil @data = ('a'..'z').cycle.first(@size).join end def delay_ping statistic = seq = 0 until (seq += 1) > @count do send_message seq, statistic end ensure puts puts delay_statistics statistic end def delay_statistics statistic '%d messages, min/avg/max/stddev = %0.3f/%0.3f/%0.3f/%0.3f ms' % [ statistic.count, statistic.min, statistic.mean, statistic.max, statistic.standard_deviation ] end def flood_ping start = seq = 0 until (seq += 1) > @count do begin seq, @data rescue DRb::DRbConnError end reconnect print '.' if seq % 1000 == 0 end ensure elapsed = - start puts puts flood_statistics(elapsed, seq - 1) end def flood_statistics elapsed, messages '%d messages in %0.3f seconds, %d messages/sec' % [ messages, elapsed, messages / elapsed ] end def loopback uri = DRb.uri pid = fork do DRb.stop_service DRb.start_service ping uri end trap 'INT' do Process.kill 'INT', pid end trap 'TERM' do Process.kill 'TERM', pid end Process.wait pid end def ping uri @uri = uri @remote = DRb::DRbObject.new_with_uri @uri if @flood then flood_ping else delay_ping end end def reconnect return unless @reconnect @uri do [false, false] end end def run DRb.start_service nil, if @server then puts DRb.uri DRb.thread.join elsif @client then ping @client else loopback end end def send_message seq, statistic message = 'success' start = begin seq, @data rescue DRb::DRbConnError => e message = e end elapsed = ( - start) * 1000 statistic.add elapsed puts '%s %s: seq=%d time=%0.3f ms' % [@uri, message, seq, elapsed] reconnect sleep @interval end end ARGV if $0 == __FILE__