## # Support legacy URL helpers that use hashes instead of the `:to` keyword argument. # # @example # get "/photos/:id" => "photos#show" # @example # mount Sidekiq::Web => "/sidekiq" # @example # get "search" => :index # @example # get "admin_users" => "users" module Rage::Router::DSLPlugins::LegacyHashNotation %i(get post put patch delete).each do |action_name| define_method(action_name) do |*args, **kwargs| if args.empty? && !kwargs.empty? path, handler = kwargs.first to = if handler.is_a?(Symbol) raise ArgumentError, "Could not derive the controller value from the route definitions" if @controllers.empty? "#{@controllers.last}##{handler}" elsif handler.is_a?(String) && !handler.include?("#") "#{handler}##{path.split("/").last}" elsif handler.is_a?(String) handler end end if path && to options = kwargs.except(path).merge(to: to) super(path, **options) else super(*args, **kwargs) end end end def mount(*args, **kwargs) if args.empty? && !kwargs.empty? app, at = kwargs.first options = kwargs.except(app).merge(at: at) super(app, **options) else super(*args, **kwargs) end end end