#!/usr/bin/env ruby #-- # Copyright &169;2001-2008 Integrallis Software, LLC. # All Rights Reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #++ require 'trellis/utils' require 'trellis/logging' require 'rubygems' require 'rack' require 'radius' require 'builder' require 'hpricot' require 'rexml/document' require 'extensions/string' require 'haml' require 'markaby' require 'redcloth' require 'bluecloth' require 'english/inflect' module Trellis # -- Application -- # Represents a Trellis Web Application. An application can define one or more # pages and it must define a home page or entry point into the application class Application include Logging # descendant application classes get a singleton class level instances for # holding homepage, dependent pages, static resource routing paths def self.inherited(child) #:nodoc: child.meta_attr_reader(:homepage) child.attr_array(:pages, :create_accessor => false) child.attr_array(:static_routes) child.meta_def(:logger) { Application.logger } super end # class method that defines the homepage or entry point of the application # the entry point is the URL pattern / where the application is mounted def self.home(sym) @homepage = sym @pages << sym end # class method that takes a list of page symbols def self.pages(*syms) @pages = @pages | syms end # define url paths for static resources def self.map_static(urls = [], root = File.expand_path("#{File.dirname($0)}/../html/")) @static_routes << {:urls => urls, :root => root} end # bootstrap the application def start(port = 3000) Application.logger.info "Starting Trellis Application #{self.class} on port #{port}" Rack::Handler::Mongrel.run configured_instance, :Port => port do |server| trap(:INT) do Application.logger.info "Exiting Trellis Application #{self.class}" server.stop end end end def configured_instance application = Rack::ShowStatus.new(self) application = Rack::ShowExceptions.new(application) application = Rack::CommonLogger.new(application, Application.logger) application = Rack::Session::Cookie.new(application) # set all static resource paths self.class.static_routes.each do |path| application = Rack::Static.new(application, path) end application end # implements the rack specification def call(env) response = Rack::Response.new request = Rack::Request.new(env) session = env["rack.session"] route = DefaultRouter.new(self).route(request) Application.logger.debug "request received with url_root of #{request.script_name}" page = route.destination.new if route.destination if page page.class.url_root = request.script_name page.inject_dependent_pages page.call_if_provided(:before_load) page.load_page_session_information(session) page.call_if_provided(:after_load) page.params = request.params.keys_to_symbols page = page.process_event(route.event, route.value, route.source, session) if route.event # prepare the http response if request.post? && page.kind_of?(Trellis::Page) # redirect after post response.status = 302 response.headers["Location"] = "#{request.script_name}/#{page.class.class_to_sym}" else response.body = page.kind_of?(Trellis::Page) ? page.render : page response.status = 200 end else # could find a page with default router, now what? end response.finish end end # -- Route -- # A route object encapsulates an event, the event destination (target), the # event source and an optional event value class Route attr_reader :destination, :event, :source, :value def initialize(destination, event, source, value) @destination, @event, @source, @value = destination, event, source, value end end # -- Router -- # A Router returns a Route in response to an HTTP request class Router attr_reader :application def initialize(application) @application = application end end # -- DefaultRouter -- # The default routing scheme is in the form /page[.event_[source]][/value][?query_params] class DefaultRouter < Router ROUTE_REGEX = %r{^(?:/)([^.]+)(?:.([^_/]+)(?:_([^/]+))?)?(?:/([\w]+)$)?} def route(request) value, source, event, destination = request.path_info.match(ROUTE_REGEX).to_a.reverse destination = @application.class.homepage unless destination page = Page.get_page(destination.to_sym) Route.new(page, event, source, value) end end # -- Page -- # Represents a Web Page in a Trellis Application. A Page can contain multiple # components and it defines a template or view either as an external file # (xml, xhtml, other) or programmatically using Markaby or HAML # A Trellis Page contains listener methods to respond to events trigger by # components in the same page or other pages class Page @@subclasses = Hash.new attr_accessor :params, :logger def self.inherited(child) #:nodoc: @@subclasses[child.class_to_sym] = child child.instance_variable_set(:@name, child.underscore_class_name) child.attr_array(:pages, :create_accessor => false) child.attr_array(:components) child.attr_array(:stateful_components) child.attr_array(:persistents) child.meta_attr_accessor :url_root child.meta_attr_accessor :name child.meta_attr_accessor :layout child.meta_def(:add_stateful_component) { |tid,clazz| @stateful_components << [tid,clazz] } locate_template child super end def self.template(body = nil, options = nil, &block) format = options[:format] if options if block_given? mab = Markaby::Builder.new({}, self, &block) html = mab.to_s else case format when :haml html = Haml::Engine.new(body).render when :textile html = RedCloth.new(body).to_html when :markdown html = BlueCloth.new(body).to_html else # assume the body is (x)html html = body end end @template = Hpricot.XML(html) find_components end def self.parsed_template # try to reload the template if it wasn't found on during inherited # since it could have failed if the app was not mounted as root unless @template Application.logger.debug "parsed template was no loaded, attempting to load..." locate_template(self) end @template end def self.pages(*syms) @pages = @pages | syms end def self.persistent(*fields) meta_attr_reader fields @persistents = @persistents | fields end def self.get_page(sym) @@subclasses[sym] end def initialize # TODO this is Ugly.... should no do it in initialize since it'll require super in child classes self.class.stateful_components.each do |id_component| id_component[1].enhance_page(self, id_component[0]) end @logger = Application.logger end def process_event(event, value, source, session) method = source ? "on_#{event}_from_#{source}" : "on_#{event}" # execute the method passing the value if necessary unless value method_result = send method.to_sym else method_result = send method.to_sym, value end # determine navigation flow based on the return value of the method call if method_result if method_result.kind_of?(Trellis::Page) page = method_result # save the current page persistent information if self != method_result save_page_session_information(session) page.inject_dependent_pages page.call_if_provided(:before_load) end # save the persistent information before rendering a response page.save_page_session_information(session) end end method_result end def load_page_session_information(session) load_persistent_fields_data(session) load_stateful_components_data(session) end def save_page_session_information(session) save_persistent_fields_data(session) save_stateful_components_data(session) end def render call_if_provided(:before_render) result = Renderer.new(self).render call_if_provided(:after_render) result end # inject an instance of each of the injected pages classes as instance variables # of the current page def inject_dependent_pages self.class.inject_dependent_pages(self) end def self.inject_dependent_pages(target) @pages.each do |sym| clazz = Page.get_page(sym) target.instance_variable_set("@#{sym}".to_sym, clazz.new) target.meta_def(sym) { instance_variable_get("@#{sym}") } end end private def self.locate_template(clazz) begin if clazz.url_root.nil? || clazz.url_root.blank? dir = "#{File.dirname($0)}/../html/" else dir = "#{File.dirname($0)}#{clazz.url_root}/html/".gsub("Rack: ", '') end base = "#{clazz.underscore_class_name}" Application.logger.debug "looking for template #{base} in #{dir}" [:xhtml, :haml, :textile, :markdown].each do |format| filename = "#{base}.#{format}" file = File.find_first(dir, filename) if file Application.logger.debug "found template for page => #{clazz}: #{filename}" File.open(file, "r") { |f| clazz.template(f.read, :format => format) } break end end rescue Exception => e Application.logger.debug "no template found for page => #{clazz}: #{base} : #{e}" end end def self.find_components @components.clear classes_processed = [] doc = REXML::Document.new(@template.to_html) # look for component declarations in the template doc.elements.each('//trellis:*') do |element| # retrieve the component class component = Component.get_component(element.name.to_sym) # for components that are contained in other components # pass the parent information (parent tid) unless component.containers.empty? parent = nil # loop over all the container types until we find the matching parent component.containers.each do |container| parent = REXML::XPath.first(element, "ancestor::trellis:#{container}") break if parent end element.attributes['parent_tid'] = parent.attributes['tid'] if parent end tid = element.attributes['tid'] unless component Application.logger.info "could not find #{element.name} in component hash" else # add component class to the page component list components << component add_stateful_component(tid, component) #should I always do this? process_component_contributions(component, classes_processed, element.attributes) # also process any component dependencies - this should be recursive component.dependencies.each do |dependency| components << dependency process_component_contributions(dependency, classes_processed) end end end end def self.process_component_contributions(component, classes_processed, attributes=nil) unless classes_processed.include?(component) component.add_style_links_to_page(self, attributes) component.add_script_links_to_page(self, attributes) component.add_class_styles_to_page(self, attributes) component.add_class_scripts_to_page(self, attributes) component.add_document_modifications_to_page(self) end component.add_styles_to_page(self, attributes) component.add_scripts_to_page(self, attributes) classes_processed << component unless classes_processed.include?(component) end def load_persistent_fields_data(session) self.class.persistents.each do |persistent_field| field = "@#{persistent_field}".to_sym current_value = instance_variable_get(field) new_value = session["#{self.class}_#{persistent_field}"] if current_value != new_value && new_value != nil instance_variable_set(field, new_value) end end end def load_stateful_components_data(session) self.instance_variables.each do |instance_variable_name| instance_variable = self.instance_variable_get(instance_variable_name.to_sym) instance_variable.load_component_session_information(self, instance_variable_name, session) if instance_variable.respond_to?(:load_component_session_information) end end def save_persistent_fields_data(session) self.class.persistents.each do |persistent_field| session["#{self.class}_#{persistent_field}"] = instance_variable_get("@#{persistent_field}".to_sym) end end def save_stateful_components_data(session) self.instance_variables.each do |instance_variable_name| instance_variable = self.instance_variable_get(instance_variable_name.to_sym) instance_variable.save_component_session_information(self, instance_variable_name, session) if instance_variable.respond_to?(:save_component_session_information) end end end # page # -- Renderer -- # Responsible for processing tags/components in the page templates # Uses the Radius context object onto which components registered themselves # (the tags that they respond to) class Renderer include Radius def initialize(page) @page = page @context = Context.new # add all instance variables in the page as values accesible from the tags page.instance_variables.each do |var| value = page.instance_variable_get(var) unless value.kind_of?(Trellis::Page) sym = "#{var}=".split('@').last.to_sym @context.globals.send(sym, value) end end # add the page to the context too @context.globals.page = page # register the components contained in the page with the renderer's context page.class.components.each do |component| component.register_with_tag_context(@context) end @parser = Parser.new(@context, :tag_prefix => 'trellis') end def render @parser.parse(@page.class.parsed_template.to_html) end end # renderer # -- Component -- # The component represents a stateless (tag) or a stateful components. Trellis # components can provide contributions to the page. The contributions can be # javascript, css stylesheets either at the class level or on a per instance # basis. Components contain parameters that can be coerced or casted to a # particular type before being handed to the event handling code class Component # the page instance containing the component attr_accessor :page, :logger @@components = {} def initialize() @logger = Application.logger end def self.inherited(child) #:nodoc: # component registration @@components[child.class_to_sym] = child child.meta_attr_accessor(:body) child.meta_attr_accessor(:cname) child.cname = child.underscore_class_name child.meta_def(:stateful?) { @stateful } child.attr_array(:fields, :create_accessor => false) child.attr_array(:style_links) child.attr_array(:script_links) child.attr_array(:scripts) child.attr_array(:class_scripts) child.attr_array(:styles) child.attr_array(:class_styles) child.attr_array(:persistents) child.attr_array(:dependencies) child.attr_array(:document_modifications) child.attr_array(:containers) Application.logger.debug "registered component for tag #{child.cname} => class #{child}" super end def self.tag_name(name) @cname = name end def self.contained_in(*args) @containers = @containers | args end def self.field(sym, options=nil) # extract options coherce_to = options[:coherce_to] if options default_value = options[:defaults_to] if options persistent = options[:persistent] if options @fields << sym # add an instance field to the component attr_accessor sym # store in array of persistent fields persistents << sym if persistent # castings if coherce_to meta_def("#{sym}=") do |value| Application.logger.debug "casting value #{sym} to #{coherce_to}" self.instance_variable_set("@#{sym}", value) end end send("#{sym}=", default_value) if default_value end def self.dom_contribution(&block) #TODO names don't match! @document_modifications << block end def self.add_style_links_to_page(page, attributes) style_links.each do |href| href = href.replace_ant_style_properties(attributes) if attributes builder = Builder::XmlMarkup.new link = builder.link(:rel => "stylesheet", :type => "text/css", :href => href) page.parsed_template.at("html/head").containers.last.after("\n#{link}") end end def self.add_script_links_to_page(page, attributes) script_links.each do |src| src = src.replace_ant_style_properties(attributes) if attributes builder = Builder::XmlMarkup.new script = builder.script('', :type => "text/javascript", :src => src) page.parsed_template.at("html/head").containers.last.after("\n#{script}") end end def self.add_class_styles_to_page(page, attributes) class_styles.each do |body| body = body.replace_ant_style_properties(attributes) if attributes builder = Builder::XmlMarkup.new style = builder.style(:type => "text/css") do |builder| builder << body end page.parsed_template.at("html/head").containers.last.after("\n#{style}") end end def self.add_class_scripts_to_page(page, attributes) class_scripts.each do |body| body = body.replace_ant_style_properties(attributes) if attributes builder = Builder::XmlMarkup.new script = builder.script(:type => "text/javascript") do |builder| builder << body end page.parsed_template.at("html/body").containers.last.after("\n#{script}") end end def self.add_styles_to_page(page, attributes) styles.each do |body| body = body.replace_ant_style_properties(attributes) if attributes builder = Builder::XmlMarkup.new style = builder.style(:type => "text/css") do |builder| builder << body end page.parsed_template.at("html/head").containers.last.after("\n#{style}") end end def self.add_scripts_to_page(page, attributes) scripts.each do |body| body = body.replace_ant_style_properties(attributes) if attributes builder = Builder::XmlMarkup.new script = builder.script(:type => "text/javascript") do |builder| builder << body end page.parsed_template.at("html/body").containers.last.after("\n#{script}") end end def self.add_document_modifications_to_page(page) document_modifications.each do |block| page.parsed_template.instance_eval(&block) end end def self.page_contribution(sym, contribution, options=nil) # add the contribution to the appropriate array of contributions # scripts, class_scripts, styles, class_styles, script_links, style_links scope = options[:scope] || :class if options receiver = sym.to_s.plural receiver = "class_#{receiver}" if scope == :class instance_variable_get("@#{receiver}").send(:<<, contribution) end def self.get_component(sym) @@components[sym] end def self.render(&body) @body = body end def self.register_with_tag_context(context) Application.logger.debug "registering #{self} with tag context" if @containers.empty? context.define_tag("#{@cname}", {}, &@body) else @containers.each do |container| Application.logger.debug "=> registering tag name #{container}:#{@cname}" context.define_tag("#{container}:#{@cname}", {}, &@body) end end end def self.is_stateful instance_variable_set "@stateful".to_sym, true end def self.depends_on(*syms) syms.each do |sym| component = Component.get_component(sym) dependencies << component if component end end def save_component_session_information(page, instance_variable_name, session_data) self.class.persistents.each do |field| key = "#{page.class}_#{self.class}_#{instance_variable_name}_#{field}" session_data[key] = instance_variable_get("@#{field}".to_sym) end end def load_component_session_information(page, instance_variable_name, session_data) self.class.persistents.each do |field| field_sym = "@#{field}".to_sym current_value = instance_variable_get(field_sym) new_value = session_data["#{page.class}_#{self.class}_#{instance_variable_name}_#{field}"] if current_value != new_value && new_value != nil instance_variable_set(field_sym, new_value) end end end private # - takes a page parameter # - adds an instance of the component with the given id to the page # - adds a wrapper method that # - is named on_event_from_source where source is the specific component id # - calls the component instance on_event method passing any params # - responds with a redirect to a page or a value def self.enhance_page(page, id) if @stateful cname = @cname # create an instance of the component component_instance = self.new #TODO maybe this constructor can take the page # set the page on the instance of the component component_instance.page = page # set the component instance by id on the page page.instance_variable_set("@#{cname}_#{id}".to_sym, component_instance) # add an accessor method to get to the component instance page.meta_def("#{cname}_#{id}") do self.instance_variable_get("@#{cname}_#{id}".to_sym) end # create pass-through methods for each event handler in the component (on_something methods) self.public_instance_methods.each do |method_name| if method_name.starts_with?('on_') page.meta_def("#{method_name}_from_#{cname}#{id}") do |*args| result = page.instance_variable_get("@#{cname}_#{id}".to_sym).send(method_name.to_sym, *args) # if the method returns a page, navigate to that page, otherwise navigate to the source page (result && result.kind_of?(String)) ? result : page end end end end end end # load trellis core components require 'trellis/core_components' end