#![allow(unstable_name_collisions)] use itertools::Itertools; use quickcheck::{quickcheck, TestResult}; use std::fmt::Debug; struct Unspecialized(I); impl Iterator for Unspecialized where I: Iterator, { type Item = I::Item; #[inline(always)] fn next(&mut self) -> Option { self.0.next() } } impl DoubleEndedIterator for Unspecialized where I: DoubleEndedIterator, { #[inline(always)] fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option { self.0.next_back() } } fn test_specializations(it: &I) where I::Item: Eq + Debug + Clone, I: Iterator + Clone, { macro_rules! check_specialized { ($src:expr, |$it:pat| $closure:expr) => { // Many iterators special-case the first elements, so we test specializations for iterators that have already been advanced. let mut src = $src.clone(); for _ in 0..5 { let $it = src.clone(); let v1 = $closure; let $it = Unspecialized(src.clone()); let v2 = $closure; assert_eq!(v1, v2); src.next(); } } } check_specialized!(it, |i| i.count()); check_specialized!(it, |i| i.last()); check_specialized!(it, |i| i.collect::>()); check_specialized!(it, |i| { let mut parameters_from_fold = vec![]; let fold_result = i.fold(vec![], |mut acc, v: I::Item| { parameters_from_fold.push((acc.clone(), v.clone())); acc.push(v); acc }); (parameters_from_fold, fold_result) }); check_specialized!(it, |mut i| { let mut parameters_from_all = vec![]; let first = i.next(); let all_result = i.all(|x| { parameters_from_all.push(x.clone()); Some(x) == first }); (parameters_from_all, all_result) }); let size = it.clone().count(); for n in 0..size + 2 { check_specialized!(it, |mut i| i.nth(n)); } // size_hint is a bit harder to check let mut it_sh = it.clone(); for n in 0..size + 2 { let len = it_sh.clone().count(); let (min, max) = it_sh.size_hint(); assert_eq!(size - n.min(size), len); assert!(min <= len); if let Some(max) = max { assert!(len <= max); } it_sh.next(); } } fn test_double_ended_specializations(it: &I) where I::Item: Eq + Debug + Clone, I: DoubleEndedIterator + Clone, { macro_rules! check_specialized { ($src:expr, |$it:pat| $closure:expr) => { // Many iterators special-case the first elements, so we test specializations for iterators that have already been advanced. let mut src = $src.clone(); for step in 0..8 { let $it = src.clone(); let v1 = $closure; let $it = Unspecialized(src.clone()); let v2 = $closure; assert_eq!(v1, v2); if step % 2 == 0 { src.next(); } else { src.next_back(); } } } } check_specialized!(it, |i| { let mut parameters_from_rfold = vec![]; let rfold_result = i.rfold(vec![], |mut acc, v: I::Item| { parameters_from_rfold.push((acc.clone(), v.clone())); acc.push(v); acc }); (parameters_from_rfold, rfold_result) }); let size = it.clone().count(); for n in 0..size + 2 { check_specialized!(it, |mut i| i.nth_back(n)); } } quickcheck! { fn interleave(v: Vec, w: Vec) -> () { test_specializations(&v.iter().interleave(w.iter())); } fn interleave_shortest(v: Vec, w: Vec) -> () { test_specializations(&v.iter().interleave_shortest(w.iter())); } fn batching(v: Vec) -> () { test_specializations(&v.iter().batching(Iterator::next)); } fn tuple_windows(v: Vec) -> () { test_specializations(&v.iter().tuple_windows::<(_,)>()); test_specializations(&v.iter().tuple_windows::<(_, _)>()); test_specializations(&v.iter().tuple_windows::<(_, _, _)>()); } fn circular_tuple_windows(v: Vec) -> () { test_specializations(&v.iter().circular_tuple_windows::<(_,)>()); test_specializations(&v.iter().circular_tuple_windows::<(_, _)>()); test_specializations(&v.iter().circular_tuple_windows::<(_, _, _)>()); } fn tuples(v: Vec) -> () { test_specializations(&v.iter().tuples::<(_,)>()); test_specializations(&v.iter().tuples::<(_, _)>()); test_specializations(&v.iter().tuples::<(_, _, _)>()); } fn cartesian_product(a: Vec, b: Vec) -> TestResult { if a.len() * b.len() > 100 { return TestResult::discard(); } test_specializations(&a.iter().cartesian_product(&b)); TestResult::passed() } #[ignore] // It currently fails because `MultiProduct` is not fused. fn multi_cartesian_product(a: Vec, b: Vec, c: Vec) -> TestResult { if a.len() * b.len() * c.len() > 100 { return TestResult::discard(); } test_specializations(&vec![a, b, c].into_iter().multi_cartesian_product()); TestResult::passed() } fn coalesce(v: Vec) -> () { test_specializations(&v.iter().coalesce(|x, y| if x == y { Ok(x) } else { Err((x, y)) })) } fn dedup(v: Vec) -> () { test_specializations(&v.iter().dedup()) } fn dedup_by(v: Vec) -> () { test_specializations(&v.iter().dedup_by(PartialOrd::ge)) } fn dedup_with_count(v: Vec) -> () { test_specializations(&v.iter().dedup_with_count()) } fn dedup_by_with_count(v: Vec) -> () { test_specializations(&v.iter().dedup_by_with_count(PartialOrd::ge)) } fn duplicates(v: Vec) -> () { let it = v.iter().duplicates(); test_specializations(&it); test_double_ended_specializations(&it); } fn duplicates_by(v: Vec) -> () { let it = v.iter().duplicates_by(|x| *x % 10); test_specializations(&it); test_double_ended_specializations(&it); } fn unique(v: Vec) -> () { let it = v.iter().unique(); test_specializations(&it); test_double_ended_specializations(&it); } fn unique_by(v: Vec) -> () { let it = v.iter().unique_by(|x| *x % 50); test_specializations(&it); test_double_ended_specializations(&it); } fn take_while_inclusive(v: Vec) -> () { test_specializations(&v.iter().copied().take_while_inclusive(|&x| x < 100)); } fn while_some(v: Vec) -> () { test_specializations(&v.iter().map(|&x| if x < 100 { Some(2 * x) } else { None }).while_some()); } fn pad_using(v: Vec) -> () { use std::convert::TryFrom; let it = v.iter().copied().pad_using(10, |i| u8::try_from(5 * i).unwrap_or(u8::MAX)); test_specializations(&it); test_double_ended_specializations(&it); } fn with_position(v: Vec) -> () { test_specializations(&v.iter().with_position()); } fn positions(v: Vec) -> () { let it = v.iter().positions(|x| x % 5 == 0); test_specializations(&it); test_double_ended_specializations(&it); } fn update(v: Vec) -> () { let it = v.iter().copied().update(|x| *x = x.wrapping_mul(7)); test_specializations(&it); test_double_ended_specializations(&it); } fn tuple_combinations(v: Vec) -> TestResult { if v.len() > 10 { return TestResult::discard(); } test_specializations(&v.iter().tuple_combinations::<(_,)>()); test_specializations(&v.iter().tuple_combinations::<(_, _)>()); test_specializations(&v.iter().tuple_combinations::<(_, _, _)>()); TestResult::passed() } fn intersperse(v: Vec) -> () { test_specializations(&v.into_iter().intersperse(0)); } fn intersperse_with(v: Vec) -> () { test_specializations(&v.into_iter().intersperse_with(|| 0)); } fn combinations(a: Vec, n: u8) -> TestResult { if n > 3 || a.len() > 8 { return TestResult::discard(); } test_specializations(&a.iter().combinations(n as usize)); TestResult::passed() } fn combinations_with_replacement(a: Vec, n: u8) -> TestResult { if n > 3 || a.len() > 7 { return TestResult::discard(); } test_specializations(&a.iter().combinations_with_replacement(n as usize)); TestResult::passed() } fn permutations(a: Vec, n: u8) -> TestResult { if n > 3 || a.len() > 8 { return TestResult::discard(); } test_specializations(&a.iter().permutations(n as usize)); TestResult::passed() } fn powerset(a: Vec) -> TestResult { if a.len() > 6 { return TestResult::discard(); } test_specializations(&a.iter().powerset()); TestResult::passed() } fn zip_longest(a: Vec, b: Vec) -> () { let it = a.into_iter().zip_longest(b); test_specializations(&it); test_double_ended_specializations(&it); } fn zip_eq(a: Vec) -> () { test_specializations(&a.iter().zip_eq(a.iter().rev())) } fn multizip(a: Vec) -> () { let it = itertools::multizip((a.iter(), a.iter().rev(), a.iter().take(50))); test_specializations(&it); test_double_ended_specializations(&it); } fn izip(a: Vec, b: Vec) -> () { test_specializations(&itertools::izip!(b.iter(), a, b.iter().rev())); } fn iproduct(a: Vec, b: Vec, c: Vec) -> TestResult { if a.len() * b.len() * c.len() > 200 { return TestResult::discard(); } test_specializations(&itertools::iproduct!(a, b.iter(), c)); TestResult::passed() } fn repeat_n(element: i8, n: u8) -> () { let it = itertools::repeat_n(element, n as usize); test_specializations(&it); test_double_ended_specializations(&it); } fn exactly_one_error(v: Vec) -> TestResult { // Use `at_most_one` would be similar. match v.iter().exactly_one() { Ok(_) => TestResult::discard(), Err(it) => { test_specializations(&it); TestResult::passed() } } } } quickcheck! { fn put_back_qc(test_vec: Vec) -> () { test_specializations(&itertools::put_back(test_vec.iter())); let mut pb = itertools::put_back(test_vec.into_iter()); pb.put_back(1); test_specializations(&pb); } fn put_back_n(v: Vec, n: u8) -> () { let mut it = itertools::put_back_n(v); for k in 0..n { it.put_back(k); } test_specializations(&it); } fn multipeek(v: Vec, n: u8) -> () { let mut it = v.into_iter().multipeek(); for _ in 0..n { it.peek(); } test_specializations(&it); } fn peek_nth_with_peek(v: Vec, n: u8) -> () { let mut it = itertools::peek_nth(v); for _ in 0..n { it.peek(); } test_specializations(&it); } fn peek_nth_with_peek_nth(v: Vec, n: u8) -> () { let mut it = itertools::peek_nth(v); it.peek_nth(n as usize); test_specializations(&it); } fn peek_nth_with_peek_mut(v: Vec, n: u8) -> () { let mut it = itertools::peek_nth(v); for _ in 0..n { if let Some(x) = it.peek_mut() { *x = x.wrapping_add(50); } } test_specializations(&it); } fn peek_nth_with_peek_nth_mut(v: Vec, n: u8) -> () { let mut it = itertools::peek_nth(v); if let Some(x) = it.peek_nth_mut(n as usize) { *x = x.wrapping_add(50); } test_specializations(&it); } } quickcheck! { fn merge(a: Vec, b: Vec) -> () { test_specializations(&a.into_iter().merge(b)) } fn merge_by(a: Vec, b: Vec) -> () { test_specializations(&a.into_iter().merge_by(b, PartialOrd::ge)) } fn merge_join_by_ordering(i1: Vec, i2: Vec) -> () { test_specializations(&i1.into_iter().merge_join_by(i2, Ord::cmp)); } fn merge_join_by_bool(i1: Vec, i2: Vec) -> () { test_specializations(&i1.into_iter().merge_join_by(i2, PartialOrd::ge)); } fn kmerge(a: Vec, b: Vec, c: Vec) -> () { test_specializations(&vec![a, b, c] .into_iter() .map(|v| v.into_iter().sorted()) .kmerge()); } fn kmerge_by(a: Vec, b: Vec, c: Vec) -> () { test_specializations(&vec![a, b, c] .into_iter() .map(|v| v.into_iter().sorted_by_key(|a| a.abs())) .kmerge_by(|a, b| a.abs() < b.abs())); } } quickcheck! { fn map_into(v: Vec) -> () { let it = v.into_iter().map_into::(); test_specializations(&it); test_double_ended_specializations(&it); } fn map_ok(v: Vec>) -> () { let it = v.into_iter().map_ok(|u| u.checked_add(1)); test_specializations(&it); test_double_ended_specializations(&it); } fn filter_ok(v: Vec>) -> () { test_specializations(&v.into_iter().filter_ok(|&i| i < 20)); } fn filter_map_ok(v: Vec>) -> () { test_specializations(&v.into_iter().filter_map_ok(|i| if i < 20 { Some(i * 2) } else { None })); } // `Option` because `Vec` would be very slow!! And we can't give `[u8; 3]`. fn flatten_ok(v: Vec, char>>) -> () { let it = v.into_iter().flatten_ok(); test_specializations(&it); test_double_ended_specializations(&it); } } quickcheck! { // TODO Replace this function by a normal call to test_specializations fn process_results(v: Vec>) -> () { helper(v.iter().copied()); helper(v.iter().copied().filter(Result::is_ok)); fn helper(it: impl Iterator> + Clone) { macro_rules! check_results_specialized { ($src:expr, |$it:pat| $closure:expr) => { assert_eq!( itertools::process_results($src.clone(), |$it| $closure), itertools::process_results($src.clone(), |i| { let $it = Unspecialized(i); $closure }), ) } } check_results_specialized!(it, |i| i.count()); check_results_specialized!(it, |i| i.last()); check_results_specialized!(it, |i| i.collect::>()); check_results_specialized!(it, |i| { let mut parameters_from_fold = vec![]; let fold_result = i.fold(vec![], |mut acc, v| { parameters_from_fold.push((acc.clone(), v)); acc.push(v); acc }); (parameters_from_fold, fold_result) }); check_results_specialized!(it, |mut i| { let mut parameters_from_all = vec![]; let first = i.next(); let all_result = i.all(|x| { parameters_from_all.push(x); Some(x)==first }); (parameters_from_all, all_result) }); let size = it.clone().count(); for n in 0..size + 2 { check_results_specialized!(it, |mut i| i.nth(n)); } } } }