en: activerecord: errors: models: keppler_frontend/view_callback: attributes: name: uniqueness_callback: This callback already exists keppler_frontend: success: Your file has been successfully uploaded fail: The file format is not valid destroy: The file has been successfully deleted select_view_confirm: This action will overwrite the view. Do you want to continue? select_theme_view: Select a theme view multimedia: copy: Copy Url copy_html: Copy Html theme: success: The theme has been successfully added fail: The file is not recognized as a keppler theme apply: The change has been successfully applied models: singularize: keppler_frontend/view: view callback_function: callback view: view theme: theme partial: partial function: function pluralize: keppler_frontend/views: views callback_functions: callbacks views: views themes: themes functions: functions modules: new: new keppler_frontend/admin/views: Frontend keppler_frontend/admin/themes: Themes keppler_frontend/admin/callback_functions: Callbacks keppler_frontend/admin/functions: Function form: callbacks: Callbacks actions: add_callback: Add new callback attributes: function: Function callback: Callback keppler: sidebar-menu: keppler-frontend: Frontend keppler-frontend-submenu: views: Views assets: Assets themes: Themes partials: Partials models: singularize: keppler_frontend/view: view view: view theme: theme partial: partial function: function pluralize: keppler_frontend/views: views views: views themes: themes partials: partials functions: functions modules: keppler_frontend/admin/views: Frontend keppler_frontend/admin/themes: Themes keppler_frontend/admin/partials: Partials actions: generate: Generate new_view: New View created: Created updated: Updated create: Create update: Update user_interfaces: User Interfaces preview: Preview add_theme: Asign Theme interface: Interface Editor download: Download assets: Assets deleted: Deleted view_list: Views list themes_list: Themes list callbacks_list: Callbacks list new: New show: Show edit: Update clone: Clone editor: Editor delete: Delete index: List change_rol: Change role select_all: Select all refresh: Refresh search: Search go_to_web: Go to web edit_profile: Edit profile sign_out: Sign out back: Back cancel: Cancel assing_rol: Assign rol select_rol: Select rol save: Save save_and_add_another: Save and add another back_history: "Back to history" appearance_defaut: Set default apply: Apply views: Views close: Close route_errors: exist: View alright exist activerecord: attributes: id: Id title: Title subtitle: Subtitle tags: Etiquetas name: Name first_name: 'First Name' last_name: 'Last Name' full_name: 'Full Name' email: Email role: Role phone: Phone phone_number: 'Phone Number' phone_code: 'Phone Code' area_code: 'Phone Code' phone_one: 'Phone One' phone_two: 'Phone Two' age: Age image: Image photo: Photo attachment: Attachment pdf: PDF avatar: Avatar icon: Icon image_background: 'Background Image' brand: Brand country: Country state: State city: City company: Company product: Product client: Client partner: Partner code: Code alliance: Alliance ally: Ally category: Category service: Service project: Project type: Type address: Address size: Size distance: Distance description: Description short_description: 'Short Description' long_description: 'Long Description' details: Details message: Message content: Content date: Date date_begin: 'Date Begin' date_end: 'Date End' begin: Begin end: End check_in: 'Check In' check_out: 'Check Out' price_local: Local Price price_dollar: Dollar Price format: Format errors: messages: record_invalid: "Validation failed: %{errors}" restrict_destroy: "Cannot delete record" restrict_dependent_destroy: has_one: "Cannot delete record because a dependent %{record} exists" has_many: "Cannot delete record because dependent %{record} exist"