=== NOTE: There are some incompatibilities between versions before 0.0.5, we're trying to improve this from version 0.0.5 and above === NOTE: From version 0.1.0 and above erb will be use and no abstract class will be use --- {}[https://codeclimate.com/github/mattways/rails_dash] {Build Status}[https://travis-ci.org/mattways/rails_dash] {Dependency Status}[https://gemnasium.com/mattways/rails_dash] = Rails Dash Minimalistic and easy to customize dashboard. = Install Put this line in your Gemfile: gem 'rails_dash' Then bundle: $ bundle = Usage To install the dash do: rails g dash:install To generate a resource do: rails g dash:resource model = Customize To protect the dash directory edit authorize filter in: app/controllers/dash_controller.rb To change the behavior of a resource: app/controllers/dash/model_controller.rb To change the layout edit: app/views/layouts/dash.html.erb To change the resource form edit: app/views/dash/model/form.html.erb To change the resource grid edit: app/views/dash/model/index.html.erb To change the records in the grid and the filter behavior edit the filter scope in your resource model: app/models/model.rb