= compete A wrapper for compete.com API. Can be used to look up information (trust level, rankings, visitors) for a domain. = Requirements You'll need an account at http://developer.compete.com/ Depending on number of requests you make you'll need to pay. We (Simplificator) have no connection with compete.com! = Usage Sign up at http://developer.compete.com/ and get an API key Install the simplificator-compete gem. Look at compete.rb to see available information (i.e. metrics_ranking, metrics_link, ...) ---- require 'rubygems' require 'simplificator-compete' COMPETE_API_KEY = 'your api key' info = Compete.for_domain('simplificator.com') if info.data_available? puts "Ranking is: #{info.metrics_ranking}" else puts "no data" end ---- == Copyright Copyright (c) 2009 Simplificator GmbH. See LICENSE for details.