### Copyright 2016 Pixar
###    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
###    with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
###    compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
###    Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
###    6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
###       names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
###       and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
###       the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
###    You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
###        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
###    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
###    distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
###    KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
###    language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.

module D3
  class Package < JSS::Package

    ################# Private Instance Methods #################

    ### Is there a process running that would prevent installation?
    ### @return [Boolean]
    def install_prohibited_by_process?
      return false unless @prohibiting_process
        D3.prohibited_by_process_running? @prohibiting_process
    end #

    ### If needed, uninstall any previously installed versions of this basename
    def remove_previous_installs_if_needed (verbose = false)
      if @remove_first && D3::Client::Receipt.basenames.include?(@basename)
        previous_rcpt = D3::Client::Receipt.all[@basename]
        if previous_rcpt.removable?
          D3.log "Uninstalling previously installed version of #{@basename}" , :info
            D3::Client.set_env :uninstalling_before_install, previous_rcpt.edition
            D3::Client.unset_env :uninstalling_before_install
          end # begin
          D3.log "Previously installed version of #{@basename} is not uninstallable, not uninstalling.", :info
        end # if previous_rcpt.removable?
      end # @remove_first && D3::Client::Receipt.basenames
    end # remove_previous_installs_if_needed

    ### Create a new D3 receipt for this pkg and store it in the
    ### receipts datastore.
    ### @return [void]
    def write_rcpt
        new_rcpt =  D3::Client::Receipt.new( :basename => @basename,
            :version => @version,
            :revision => @revision,
            :admin => @admin,
            :installed_at => Time.now,
            :id => @id,
            :status => @status,
            :jamf_rcpt_file => @receipt,
            :apple_pkg_ids => @apple_receipt_data.map{|r| r[:apple_pkg_id]},
            :removable => removable?,
            :pre_remove_script_id => @pre_remove_script_id,
            :post_remove_script_id => @post_remove_script_id,
            :expiration => @expiration_to_apply.to_i,
            :expiration_paths => @expiration_paths,
            :custom_expiration => @custom_expiration,
            :prohibiting_process => @prohibiting_process)

        D3::Client::Receipt.add_receipt new_rcpt, :replace

    end # write_rcpt

    ### Dump this pkg as a YAML marshalled string, for archiving
    ### @reutrn [String] the YAML representation of this pkg
    def package_yaml
      YAML.dump self

    def added_by= (name)
      @added_by = name

    def added_date= (date)
      @added_date = date

    def released_by= (name)
      @released_by = name

    def release_date= (date)
      @release_date = date

    def apple_receipt_data= (data)
      @apple_receipt_data = data

    ### Given one of the keys of the D3::Database::PACKAGE_TABLE[:field_definitions] hash,
    ### convert the matching attribute value with the :to_sql Proc and return it.
    ### If there is no matching attribute, assume the argument is a value
    ### and return it Mysql.quoted.
    ### @param key[Symbol] the attribute to convert to SQL
    ### @return [String] the attribute value converted to an SQL-happy format
    def to_sql(key)
      if key.is_a?(Symbol) and self.respond_to?(key)
        return 'NULL' if self.send(key).to_s.empty?
        if P_FIELDS[key] and P_FIELDS[key][:to_sql]
          return Mysql.quote(P_FIELDS[key][:to_sql].call(self.send(key)).to_s)
          return Mysql.quote(self.send(key).to_s)
        end # if P_FIELDS[key] and P_FIELDS[key][:to_sql]
        return Mysql.quote(key.to_s)
      end #  if key.is_a?(Symbol)
    end # to_sql(key)

    ### Given one of the keys of the D3::Database::PACKAGE_TABLE[:field_definitions] hash,
    ### and a value from an SQL query, convert the SQL value to the appropriate Ruby value
    ### with the :to_ruby Proc and return it
    ### @param key[Symbol] the attribute to convert to SQL
    ### @return [Object] the attribute value converted to an SQL-happy format
    def to_ruby(key, sql_val)
      # Note = the d3pkgdata has already been 'rubyized' via the D3::Database.table_records method
      # (which was used by D3::Package.package_data)
      return sql_val unless P_FIELDS[key][:to_ruby]
      return P_FIELDS[key][:to_ruby].call(sql_val)

    ### Make this package not live, which could be described as killing it, but
    ### I think it would be more like 'zombification',
    ### leaving no pkg live for this basename
    ### @return [void]
    def deprecate(admin = @admin)

      raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "Only live packages can be deprecated." unless @status == :live
      @status = :deprecated
      stmt = JSS::DB_CNX.db.prepare "UPDATE #{P_TABLE[:table_name]} SET #{P_FIELDS[:status][:field_name]} = #{to_sql :status} WHERE #{P_FIELDS[:id][:field_name]} = '#{@id}'"

      stmt_result = stmt.execute

      # update our knowledge of the world
      D3::Package.package_data :refresh


    ### Delete any scripts associated with this pkg
    ### but only if they aren't associated with other d3 pkgs or casper policies
    ### @return [Array<String>] a textual list of scripts and whether they were
    ###   deleted or not (and why not)
    def delete_pkg_scripts

      # gather the ids of all scripts used by all policies
      # this is a hash of arrays  pol_name => [id,id,id]
      policy_scripts = D3.policy_scripts

      script_deletion_actions = []

      scripts = [:pre_install_id , :post_install_id , :pre_remove_id , :post_remove_id ]

      scripts.each do |script_type|

        type_display = script_type.to_s.chomp('_id')

        victim_script_id = self.send script_type
        victim_script_name = JSS::Script.map_all_ids_to(:name)[victim_script_id]

        # skip if not in jss
        next unless JSS::Script.all_ids.include? victim_script_id

        # these d3 pkg editions use this script
        d3_users = (D3::Package.packages_for_script(victim_script_id) - [@id])
        d3_users.map!{|pkgid| D3::Package.ids_to_editions[pkgid]}

        # these policies use this script
        policy_users = []
        policy_scripts.each do |pol, pol_scripts|
          policy_users << pol if pol_scripts.include? victim_script_id

        if d3_users.empty? and policy_users.empty?
          # delete the script!
          JSS::Script.new(id: victim_script_id).delete
          script_deletion_actions << "deleted #{type_display} script '#{victim_script_name}'"
          # add the info to the returned report
          d3_users.each {|edition| script_deletion_actions << "#{type_display} script '#{victim_script_name}' is in use by d3 package: #{edition}"}
          policy_users.each {|pol_name| script_deletion_actions << "#{type_display} script '#{victim_script_name}' is in use by policy: #{pol_name}"}
        end # if both empty

      end # scripts.each do |script_type|

      return script_deletion_actions

    end # delete_scripts

  end # class Package
end # module D3