3.0 radiant_slab_with_doas 8091a0c3-7760-4da6-adf4-133d55872816 6a2e572a-a2c1-483b-8263-0c81dfcd5f49 20201026T190725Z C49A7DAB RadiantSlabWithDoas Radiant Slab with DOAS Adds a radiant slab with DOAS ventilation system to the model. This measure adds either a radiant floor slab or radiant ceiling slab with dedicated outdoor air system to conditioned zones in the model. Radiant systems are comfortable with wider zone air temperature range. Use the CBE Thermal Comfort Tool or other method to set thermostat setpoint temperatures. This measure optionally removes existing HVAC systems (recommended). This measure is dependent on an ASHRAE climate zone to set insulation and design supply temperature levels, so make sure this is set in the site parameters of the model. Plant equipment options are an Air Source Heat Pump or a Boiler for hot water, and an Air Cooled Chiller or Water Cooled Chiller for chilled water. The Air Source Heat Pump object uses a user-defined plant component in EnergyPlus and may not be compatible with several reporting measures, including the *Enable Detailed Output for Each Node in a Loop* measure. If Water Cooled Chiller is selected, the measure will add a condenser loop with a variable speed cooling tower, and optionally enable water-side economizing when wet bulb conditions allow. By default, the slab system does not include carpet. Carpet greatly reduces the heat transfer capacity of the radiant system. If carpet is preferred, a ceiling-type slab and no lockout are recommended to avoid unmet hours. The measure includes several control parameters for radiant system operation. Use the defaults unless you have strong reasons to deviate from them. This measure runs a sizing run to set equipment efficiency values, so it may take up to a few minutes to run. This measure adds many EnergyManagementSystem objects to the model. **DO NOT** change design days after running this measure. Adding additional HVAC measures after applying this measure may break the model. Radiant systems are particularly limited in cooling capacity and the model may have many unmet hours as a result. To reduce unmet hours, use an expanded comfort range as mentioned above, remove carpet, reduce internal loads, reduce solar and envelope gains during peak times, or disable the lockout. remove_existing_hvac Remove existing HVAC system (keeps service water heating and zone exhaust fans) Boolean true false true true true false false heating_plant_type Heating Plant Type Choice true false Air Source Heat Pump Air Source Heat Pump Air Source Heat Pump Boiler Boiler cooling_plant_type Cooling Plant Type Choice true false Air Cooled Chiller Air Cooled Chiller Air Cooled Chiller Water Cooled Chiller Water Cooled Chiller waterside_economizer Water-side economizer (water cooled chiller only) Choice true false none none none integrated integrated non-integrated non-integrated radiant_type Radiant System Type Choice true false floor floor floor ceiling ceiling include_carpet Include carpet over the radiant slab Only applicable in radiant floor systems. This will greatly reduce system effectiveness and controllability. Boolean true false false true true false false control_strategy Control Strategy Choice true false proportional_control proportional_control proportional_control proportional_gain Proportional Gain Double true false 0.3 minimum_operation Minimum Operating Hours Fractional Hours Allowed, e.g. 30 min = 0.5 Double true false 1 switch_over_time Switch Over Time Minimum time limitation for when the system can switch between heating and cooling. Fractional hours allowed, e.g. 30 min = 0.5. Double true false 24 radiant_lockout Enable radiant lockout Lockout the radiant system to avoid operating during peak hours. Boolean true false false true true false false lockout_start_time Lockout Start Time Decimal hour of when radiant lockout starts. Fractional hours allowed, e.g. 30 min = 0.5. Double true false 12 lockout_end_time Lockout End Time Decimal hour of when radiant lockout ends. Fractional hours allowed, e.g. 30 min = 0.5. Double true false 20 add_output_variables Add output variables for radiant system Boolean true false true true true false false standards_template Standards Template Standards template to use for HVAC equipment efficiencies and controls. Choice true false 90.1-2013 90.1-2013 90.1-2013 DEER 2017 DEER 2017 DEER 2020 DEER 2020 HVAC.Whole System Measure Type ModelMeasure string Intended Software Tool Apply Measure Now string Intended Software Tool OpenStudio Application string Intended Software Tool Parametric Analysis Tool string README.md.erb erb readmeerb 703C9964 USA_CA_San.Francisco.Intl.AP.724940_TMY3.epw epw test EF1A69B0 USA_IL_Chicago-OHare.Intl.AP.725300_TMY3.epw epw test C254B53F multi_zone_office_3C.osm osm test 7CBAD8AA single_zone_office_5A.osm osm test 44FD3DF2 README.md md readme 8618B20F LICENSE.md md license E0468DD6 OpenStudio 2.9.0 2.9.0 measure.rb rb script 466F7B10 radiant_slab_with_doas_test.rb rb test 34F1B714