require 'thread' require 'time' require 'uri' require 'rack' require 'rack/builder' module Sinatra VERSION = '0.9.1' # The request object. See Rack::Request for more info: # class Request < Rack::Request def user_agent @env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] end def accept @env['HTTP_ACCEPT'].to_s.split(',').map { |a| a.strip } end # Override Rack 0.9.x's #params implementation (see #72 in lighthouse) def params self.GET.update(self.POST) rescue EOFError => boom self.GET end end # The response object. See Rack::Response and Rack::ResponseHelpers for # more info: # # class Response < Rack::Response def initialize @status, @body = 200, [] @header ={'Content-Type' => 'text/html'}) end def write(str) @body << str.to_s str end def finish @body = block if block_given? if [204, 304].include?(status.to_i) header.delete "Content-Type" [status.to_i, header.to_hash, []] else body = @body || [] body = [body] if body.respond_to? :to_str if body.respond_to?(:to_ary) header["Content-Length"] = body.to_ary. inject(0) { |len, part| len + part.bytesize }.to_s end [status.to_i, header.to_hash, body] end end end class NotFound < NameError #:nodoc: def code ; 404 ; end end # Methods available to routes, before filters, and views. module Helpers # Set or retrieve the response status code. def status(value=nil) response.status = value if value response.status end # Set or retrieve the response body. When a block is given, # evaluation is deferred until the body is read with #each. def body(value=nil, &block) if block_given? def block.each ; yield call ; end response.body = block else response.body = value end end # Halt processing and redirect to the URI provided. def redirect(uri, *args) status 302 response['Location'] = uri halt(*args) end # Halt processing and return the error status provided. def error(code, body=nil) code, body = 500, code.to_str if code.respond_to? :to_str response.body = body unless body.nil? halt code end # Halt processing and return a 404 Not Found. def not_found(body=nil) error 404, body end # Set multiple response headers with Hash. def headers(hash=nil) response.headers.merge! hash if hash response.headers end # Access the underlying Rack session. def session env['rack.session'] ||= {} end # Look up a media type by file extension in Rack's mime registry. def media_type(type) Base.media_type(type) end # Set the Content-Type of the response body given a media type or file # extension. def content_type(type, params={}) media_type = self.media_type(type) fail "Unknown media type: %p" % type if media_type.nil? if params.any? params = params.collect { |kv| "%s=%s" % kv }.join(', ') response['Content-Type'] = [media_type, params].join(";") else response['Content-Type'] = media_type end end # Set the Content-Disposition to "attachment" with the specified filename, # instructing the user agents to prompt to save. def attachment(filename=nil) response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment' if filename params = '; filename="%s"' % File.basename(filename) response['Content-Disposition'] << params end end # Use the contents of the file at +path+ as the response body. def send_file(path, opts={}) stat = File.stat(path) last_modified stat.mtime content_type media_type(opts[:type]) || media_type(File.extname(path)) || response['Content-Type'] || 'application/octet-stream' response['Content-Length'] ||= (opts[:length] || stat.size).to_s if opts[:disposition] == 'attachment' || opts[:filename] attachment opts[:filename] || path elsif opts[:disposition] == 'inline' response['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline' end halt, 'rb') rescue Errno::ENOENT not_found end class StaticFile < ::File #:nodoc: alias_method :to_path, :path def each rewind while buf = read(8192) yield buf end end end # Set the last modified time of the resource (HTTP 'Last-Modified' header) # and halt if conditional GET matches. The +time+ argument is a Time, # DateTime, or other object that responds to +to_time+. # # When the current request includes an 'If-Modified-Since' header that # matches the time specified, execution is immediately halted with a # '304 Not Modified' response. def last_modified(time) time = time.to_time if time.respond_to?(:to_time) time = time.httpdate if time.respond_to?(:httpdate) response['Last-Modified'] = time halt 304 if time == request.env['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] time end # Set the response entity tag (HTTP 'ETag' header) and halt if conditional # GET matches. The +value+ argument is an identifier that uniquely # identifies the current version of the resource. The +strength+ argument # indicates whether the etag should be used as a :strong (default) or :weak # cache validator. # # When the current request includes an 'If-None-Match' header with a # matching etag, execution is immediately halted. If the request method is # GET or HEAD, a '304 Not Modified' response is sent. def etag(value, kind=:strong) raise TypeError, ":strong or :weak expected" if ![:strong,:weak].include?(kind) value = '"%s"' % value value = 'W/' + value if kind == :weak response['ETag'] = value # Conditional GET check if etags = env['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] etags = etags.split(/\s*,\s*/) halt 304 if etags.include?(value) || etags.include?('*') end end ## Sugar for redirect (example: redirect back) def back ; request.referer ; end end # Template rendering methods. Each method takes a the name of a template # to render as a Symbol and returns a String with the rendered output. module Templates def erb(template, options={}) require 'erb' unless defined? ::ERB render :erb, template, options end def haml(template, options={}) require 'haml' unless defined? ::Haml options[:options] ||= self.class.haml if self.class.respond_to? :haml render :haml, template, options end def sass(template, options={}, &block) require 'sass' unless defined? ::Sass options[:layout] = false render :sass, template, options end def builder(template=nil, options={}, &block) require 'builder' unless defined? ::Builder options, template = template, nil if template.is_a?(Hash) template = lambda { block } if template.nil? render :builder, template, options end private def render(engine, template, options={}) #:nodoc: data = lookup_template(engine, template, options) output = __send__("render_#{engine}", template, data, options) layout, data = lookup_layout(engine, options) if layout __send__("render_#{engine}", layout, data, options) { output } else output end end def lookup_template(engine, template, options={}) case template when Symbol if cached = self.class.templates[template] lookup_template(engine, cached, options) else, template, options)) end when Proc when String template else raise ArgumentError end end def lookup_layout(engine, options) return if options[:layout] == false options.delete(:layout) if options[:layout] == true template = options[:layout] || :layout data = lookup_template(engine, template, options) [template, data] rescue Errno::ENOENT nil end def template_path(engine, template, options={}) views_dir = options[:views_directory] || self.options.views || "./views" "#{views_dir}/#{template}.#{engine}" end def render_erb(template, data, options, &block) original_out_buf = @_out_buf data = if data.kind_of? Proc instance =, nil, nil, '@_out_buf') locals = options[:locals] || {} locals_assigns = locals.to_a.collect { |k,v| "#{k} = locals[:#{k}]" } src = "#{locals_assigns.join("\n")}\n#{instance.src}" eval src, binding, '(__ERB__)', locals_assigns.length + 1 @_out_buf, result = original_out_buf, @_out_buf result end def render_haml(template, data, options, &block) engine =, options[:options] || {}) engine.render(self, options[:locals] || {}, &block) end def render_sass(template, data, options, &block) engine =, options[:sass] || {}) engine.render end def render_builder(template, data, options, &block) xml = => 2) if data.respond_to?(:to_str) eval data.to_str, binding, '', 1 elsif data.kind_of?(Proc) end! end end # Base class for all Sinatra applications and middleware. class Base include Rack::Utils include Helpers include Templates attr_accessor :app def initialize(app=nil) @app = app yield self if block_given? end # Rack call interface. def call(env)!(env) end attr_accessor :env, :request, :response, :params def call!(env) @env = env @request = @response = @params = nil invoke { dispatch! } invoke { error_block!(response.status) } status, header, body = @response.finish # Never produce a body on HEAD requests. Do retain the Content-Length # unless it's "0", in which case we assume it was calculated erroneously # for a manual HEAD response and remove it entirely. if @env['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'HEAD' body = [] header.delete('Content-Length') if header['Content-Length'] == '0' end [status, header, body] end # Access options defined with Base.set. def options self.class end # Exit the current block and halt the response. def halt(*response) response = response.first if response.length == 1 throw :halt, response end # Pass control to the next matching route. def pass throw :pass end # Forward the request to the downstream app -- middleware only. def forward fail "downstream app not set" unless @app.respond_to? :call status, headers, body = @response.status = status @response.body = body @response.headers.merge! headers nil end private # Run before filters and then locate and run a matching route. def route! @params = nested_params(@request.params) # before filters self.class.filters.each { |block| instance_eval(&block) } # routes if routes = self.class.routes[@request.request_method] original_params = @params path = unescape(@request.path_info) routes.each do |pattern, keys, conditions, block| if match = pattern.match(path) values = match.captures.to_a params = if keys.any?{}) do |hash,(k,v)| if k == 'splat' (hash[k] ||= []) << v else hash[k] = v end hash end elsif values.any? {'captures' => values} else {} end @params = original_params.merge(params) @block_params = values catch(:pass) do conditions.each { |cond| throw :pass if instance_eval(&cond) == false } throw :halt, instance_eval(&block) end end end end # No matching route found or all routes passed -- forward downstream # when running as middleware; 404 when running as normal app. if @app forward else raise NotFound end end def nested_params(params) return indifferent_hash.merge(params) if !params.keys.join.include?('[') params.inject indifferent_hash do |res, (key,val)| if key.include?('[') head = key.split(/[\]\[]+/) last = head.pop head.inject(res){ |hash,k| hash[k] ||= indifferent_hash }[last] = val else res[key] = val end res end end def indifferent_hash {|hash,key| hash[key.to_s] if Symbol === key } end # Run the block with 'throw :halt' support and apply result to the response. def invoke(&block) res = catch(:halt) { instance_eval(&block) } return if res.nil? case when res.respond_to?(:to_str) @response.body = [res] when res.respond_to?(:to_ary) res = res.to_ary if Fixnum === res.first if res.length == 3 @response.status, headers, body = res @response.body = body if body headers.each { |k, v| @response.headers[k] = v } if headers elsif res.length == 2 @response.status = res.first @response.body = res.last else raise TypeError, "#{res.inspect} not supported" end else @response.body = res end when res.respond_to?(:each) @response.body = res when (100...599) === res @response.status = res end res end # Dispatch a request with error handling. def dispatch! route! rescue NotFound => boom handle_not_found!(boom) rescue ::Exception => boom handle_exception!(boom) end def handle_not_found!(boom) @env['sinatra.error'] = boom @response.status = 404 @response.body = ['

Not Found

'] error_block! boom.class, NotFound end def handle_exception!(boom) @env['sinatra.error'] = boom dump_errors!(boom) if options.dump_errors? raise boom if options.raise_errors? @response.status = 500 error_block! boom.class, Exception end # Find an custom error block for the key(s) specified. def error_block!(*keys) errmap = self.class.errors keys.each do |key| if block = errmap[key] res = instance_eval(&block) return res end end nil end def dump_errors!(boom) backtrace = clean_backtrace(boom.backtrace) msg = ["#{boom.class} - #{boom.message}:", *backtrace].join("\n ") @env['rack.errors'].write(msg) end def clean_backtrace(trace) return trace unless options.clean_trace? trace.reject { |line| line =~ /lib\/sinatra.*\.rb/ || (defined?(Gem) && line.include?(Gem.dir)) }.map! { |line| line.gsub(/^\.\//, '') } end @routes = {} @filters = [] @conditions = [] @templates = {} @middleware = [] @errors = {} @prototype = nil class << self attr_accessor :routes, :filters, :conditions, :templates, :middleware, :errors public def set(option, value=self) if value.kind_of?(Proc) metadef(option, &value) metadef("#{option}?") { !!__send__(option) } metadef("#{option}=") { |val| set(option,{val}) } elsif value == self && option.respond_to?(:to_hash) option.to_hash.each { |k,v| set(k, v) } elsif respond_to?("#{option}=") __send__ "#{option}=", value else set option,{value} end self end def enable(*opts) opts.each { |key| set(key, true) } end def disable(*opts) opts.each { |key| set(key, false) } end def error(codes=Exception, &block) if codes.respond_to? :each codes.each { |err| error(err, &block) } else @errors[codes] = block end end def not_found(&block) error 404, &block end def template(name, &block) templates[name] = block end def layout(name=:layout, &block) template name, &block end def use_in_file_templates! ignore = [/lib\/sinatra.*\.rb/, /\(.*\)/, /rubygems\/custom_require\.rb/] file = caller. map { |line| line.sub(/:\d+.*$/, '') }. find { |line| ignore.all? { |pattern| line !~ pattern } } if data ='__END__')[1] data.gsub!(/\r\n/, "\n") template = nil data.each_line do |line| if line =~ /^@@\s*(.*)/ template = templates[$1.to_sym] = '' elsif template template << line end end end end # Look up a media type by file extension in Rack's mime registry. def media_type(type) return type if type.nil? || type.to_s.include?('/') type = ".#{type}" unless type.to_s[0] == ?. Rack::Mime.mime_type(type, nil) end def before(&block) @filters << block end def condition(&block) @conditions << block end private def host_name(pattern) condition { pattern === } end def user_agent(pattern) condition { if request.user_agent =~ pattern @params[:agent] = $~[1..-1] true else false end } end def accept_mime_types(types) types = [types] unless types.kind_of? Array!{|t| media_type(t)} condition { matching_types = (request.accept & types) unless matching_types.empty? response.headers['Content-Type'] = matching_types.first true else false end } end public def get(path, opts={}, &block) conditions = @conditions.dup route('GET', path, opts, &block) @conditions = conditions route('HEAD', path, opts, &block) end def put(path, opts={}, &bk); route 'PUT', path, opts, &bk; end def post(path, opts={}, &bk); route 'POST', path, opts, &bk; end def delete(path, opts={}, &bk); route 'DELETE', path, opts, &bk; end def head(path, opts={}, &bk); route 'HEAD', path, opts, &bk; end private def route(verb, path, opts={}, &block) host_name opts[:host] if opts.key?(:host) user_agent opts[:agent] if opts.key?(:agent) accept_mime_types opts[:provides] if opts.key?(:provides) pattern, keys = compile(path) conditions, @conditions = @conditions, [] define_method "#{verb} #{path}", &block unbound_method = instance_method("#{verb} #{path}") block = if block.arity != 0 lambda { unbound_method.bind(self).call(*@block_params) } else lambda { unbound_method.bind(self).call } end (routes[verb] ||= []). push([pattern, keys, conditions, block]).last end def compile(path) keys = [] if path.respond_to? :to_str special_chars = %w{. + ( )} pattern = path.gsub(/((:\w+)|[\*#{special_chars.join}])/) do |match| case match when "*" keys << 'splat' "(.*?)" when *special_chars Regexp.escape(match) else keys << $2[1..-1] "([^/?&#]+)" end end [/^#{pattern}$/, keys] elsif path.respond_to? :match [path, keys] else raise TypeError, path end end public def helpers(*extensions, &block) class_eval(&block) if block_given? include *extensions if extensions.any? end def register(*extensions, &block) extensions << if block_given? extensions.each do |extension| extend extension extension.registered(self) if extension.respond_to?(:registered) end end def development? ; environment == :development ; end def test? ; environment == :test ; end def production? ; environment == :production ; end def configure(*envs, &block) return if reloading? yield if envs.empty? || envs.include?(environment.to_sym) end def use(middleware, *args, &block) @prototype = nil @middleware << [middleware, args, block] end def run!(options={}) set options handler = detect_rack_handler handler_name =*::/, '') puts "== Sinatra/#{Sinatra::VERSION} has taken the stage " + "on #{port} for #{environment} with backup from #{handler_name}" unless handler_name =~/cgi/i self, :Host => host, :Port => port do |server| trap(:INT) do ## Use thins' hard #stop! if available, otherwise just #stop server.respond_to?(:stop!) ? server.stop! : server.stop puts "\n== Sinatra has ended his set (crowd applauds)" unless handler_name =~/cgi/i end end rescue Errno::EADDRINUSE => e puts "== Someone is already performing on port #{port}!" end # The prototype instance used to process requests. def prototype @prototype ||= new end # Create a new instance of the class fronted by its middleware # pipeline. The object is guaranteed to respond to #call but may not be # an instance of the class new was called on. def new(*args, &bk) builder = builder.use Rack::Session::Cookie if sessions? && !test? builder.use Rack::CommonLogger if logging? builder.use Rack::MethodOverride if methodoverride? @middleware.each { |c, args, bk| builder.use(c, *args, &bk) } super builder.to_app end def call(env) synchronize do reload! if reload? end end def reloading? @reloading end def reload! @reloading = true reset! $LOADED_FEATURES.delete("sinatra.rb") ::Kernel.load app_file @reloading = false end def reset!(base=superclass) @routes = base.dupe_routes @templates = base.templates.dup @conditions = [] @filters = base.filters.dup @errors = base.errors.dup @middleware = base.middleware.dup @prototype = nil end protected def dupe_routes routes.inject({}) do |hash,(request_method,routes)| hash[request_method] = routes.dup hash end end private def detect_rack_handler servers = Array(self.server) servers.each do |server_name| begin return Rack::Handler.get(server_name) rescue LoadError rescue NameError end end fail "Server handler (#{servers.join(',')}) not found." end def inherited(subclass) subclass.reset! self super end @@mutex = def synchronize(&block) if lock? @@mutex.synchronize(&block) else yield end end def metadef(message, &block) (class << self; self; end). send :define_method, message, &block end end set :raise_errors, true set :dump_errors, false set :clean_trace, true set :sessions, false set :logging, false set :methodoverride, false set :static, false set :environment, (ENV['RACK_ENV'] || :development).to_sym set :run, false set :server, %w[thin mongrel webrick] set :host, '' set :port, 4567 set :app_file, nil set :root, { app_file && File.expand_path(File.dirname(app_file)) } set :views, { root && File.join(root, 'views') } set :public, { root && File.join(root, 'public') } set :reload, { app_file? && app_file !~ /\.ru$/i && development? } set :lock, { reload? } # static files route get(/.*[^\/]$/) do pass unless options.static? && options.public? path = options.public + unescape(request.path_info) pass unless File.file?(path) send_file path, :disposition => nil end error ::Exception do response.status = 500 content_type 'text/html' '

Internal Server Error

' end configure :development do get '/__sinatra__/:image.png' do filename = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/images/#{params[:image]}.png" content_type :png send_file filename end error NotFound do (<<-HTML).gsub(/^ {8}/, '')

Sinatra doesn't know this ditty.

Try this:
#{request.request_method.downcase} '#{request.path_info}' do\n  "Hello World"\nend
HTML end error do next unless err = request.env['sinatra.error'] heading = + ' - ' + err.message.to_s (<<-HTML).gsub(/^ {8}/, '')


#{escape_html(clean_backtrace(err.backtrace) * "\n")}


HTML end end end # Base class for classic style (top-level) applications. class Default < Base set :raise_errors, { test? } set :dump_errors, true set :sessions, false set :logging, { ! test? } set :methodoverride, true set :static, true set :run, { ! test? } def self.register(*extensions, &block) #:nodoc: added_methods = {|m| m.public_instance_methods }.flatten Delegator.delegate *added_methods super(*extensions, &block) end end # The top-level Application. All DSL methods executed on main are delegated # to this class. class Application < Default end module Delegator #:nodoc: def self.delegate(*methods) methods.each do |method_name| eval <<-RUBY, binding, '(__DELEGATE__)', 1 def #{method_name}(*args, &b) ::Sinatra::Application.#{method_name}(*args, &b) end private :#{method_name} RUBY end end delegate :get, :put, :post, :delete, :head, :template, :layout, :before, :error, :not_found, :configures, :configure, :set, :set_option, :set_options, :enable, :disable, :use, :development?, :test?, :production?, :use_in_file_templates!, :helpers end def, options={}, &block) base = base.send :class_eval, &block if block_given? base end # Extend the top-level DSL with the modules provided. def self.register(*extensions, &block) Default.register(*extensions, &block) end # Include the helper modules provided in Sinatra's request context. def self.helpers(*extensions, &block) Default.helpers(*extensions, &block) end end class String #:nodoc: # Define String#each under 1.9 for Rack compatibility. This should be # removed once Rack is fully 1.9 compatible. alias_method :each, :each_line unless ''.respond_to? :each # Define String#bytesize as an alias to String#length for Ruby 1.8.6 and # earlier. alias_method :bytesize, :length unless ''.respond_to? :bytesize end