require 'spec_helper' describe Qa::TermsController, :type => :controller do before do @routes = Qa::Engine.routes end describe "#check_vocab_param" do it "should return 404 if the vocabulary is missing" do get :search, { :q => "a query", :vocab => "" } expect(response.code).to eq("404") end end describe "#check_query_param" do it "should return 404 if the query is missing" do get :search, { :q => "", :vocab => "tgnlang" } expect(response.code).to eq("404") end end describe "#init_authority" do context "when the authority does not exist" do it "should return 404" do get :search, { :q => "a query", :vocab => "non-existent-authority" } expect(response.code).to eq("404") end end context "when a sub-authority does not exist" do it "should return 404 if a sub-authority does not exist" do get :search, { :q => "a query", :vocab => "loc", :sub_authority => "non-existent-subauthority" } expect(response.code).to eq("404") end end context "when a sub-authority is absent" do it "should return 404 for LOC" do get :search, { :q => "a query", :vocab => "loc" } expect(response.code).to eq("404") end it "should return 404 for oclcts" do get :search, { :q => "a query", :vocab => "oclcts" } expect(response.code).to eq("404") end end end describe "#search" do before :each do stub_request(:get, ""). with(:headers => {'Accept'=>'application/json'}). to_return(:body => webmock_fixture("loc-names-response.txt"), :status => 200) end it "should return a set of terms for a tgnlang query" do get :search, {:q => "Tibetan", :vocab => "tgnlang" } expect(response).to be_success end it "should not return 404 if sub_authority is valid" do get :search, { :q => "Berry", :vocab => "loc", :sub_authority => "names" } expect(response).to be_success end end describe "#index" do context "with supported authorities" do it "should return all local authority state terms" do get :index, { :vocab => "local", :sub_authority => "states" } expect(response).to be_success end it "should return all MeSH terms" do get :index, { :vocab => "mesh" } expect(response).to be_success end end context "when the authority does not support #all" do it "should return null for tgnlang" do get :index, { :vocab => "tgnlang" } expect(response.body).to eq("null") end it "should return null for oclcts" do get :index, { :vocab => "oclcts", :sub_authority => "mesh" } expect(response.body).to eq("null") end it "should return null for LOC authorities" do get :index, { :vocab => "loc", :sub_authority => "relators" } expect(response.body).to eq("null") end end end describe "#show" do context "with supported authorities" do before do stub_request(:get, ""). with(:headers => {'Accept'=>'application/json', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip, deflate', 'User-Agent'=>'Ruby'}). to_return(:status => 200, :body => webmock_fixture("loc-names-response.txt"), :headers => {}) end it "should return an individual state term" do get :show, { :vocab => "local", :sub_authority => "states", id: "OH" } expect(response).to be_success end it "should return an individual MeSH term" do get :show, { vocab: "mesh", id: "D000001" } expect(response).to be_success end it "should return an individual subject term" do get :show, { vocab: "loc", sub_authority: "subjects", id: "sh85077565" } expect(response).to be_success end end end end