require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper') require 'cucumber/step_mother' require 'cucumber/rb_support/rb_language' module Cucumber module RbSupport describe RbStepDefinition do let(:user_interface) { double('user interface') } let(:rb) { support_code.load_programming_language('rb')} let(:support_code) do, {}) end let(:dsl) do rb end def unindented(s) s.split("\n")[1..-2].join("\n").indent(-10) end describe "snippets" do it "should recognise numbers in name and make according regexp" do rb.snippet_text('Given', 'Cloud 9 yeah', nil).should == unindented(%{ Given /^Cloud (\\d+) yeah$/ do |arg1| pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had end }) end it "should recognise a mix of ints, strings and why not a table too" do rb.snippet_text('Given', 'I have 9 "awesome" cukes in 37 "boxes"', Cucumber::Ast::Table).should == unindented(%{ Given /^I have (\\d+) "([^"]*)" cukes in (\\d+) "([^"]*)"$/ do |arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, table| # table is a Cucumber::Ast::Table pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had end }) end it "should recognise quotes in name and make according regexp" do rb.snippet_text('Given', 'A "first" arg', nil).should == unindented(%{ Given /^A "([^"]*)" arg$/ do |arg1| pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had end }) end it "should recognise several quoted words in name and make according regexp and args" do rb.snippet_text('Given', 'A "first" and "second" arg', nil).should == unindented(%{ Given /^A "([^"]*)" and "([^"]*)" arg$/ do |arg1, arg2| pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had end }) end it "should not use quote group when there are no quotes" do rb.snippet_text('Given', 'A first arg', nil).should == unindented(%{ Given /^A first arg$/ do pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had end }) end it "should be helpful with tables" do rb.snippet_text('Given', 'A "first" arg', Cucumber::Ast::Table).should == unindented(%{ Given /^A "([^"]*)" arg$/ do |arg1, table| # table is a Cucumber::Ast::Table pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had end }) end end describe "#load_code_file" do after do FileUtils.rm_rf('tmp.rb') end def a_file_called(name)'tmp.rb', 'w') do |f| f.puts yield end end it "re-loads the file when called multiple times" do a_file_called('tmp.rb') do "$foo = 1" end rb.load_code_file('tmp.rb') $foo.should == 1 a_file_called('tmp.rb') do "$foo = 2" end rb.load_code_file('tmp.rb') $foo.should == 2 end end describe "Handling the World" do it "should raise an error if the world is nil" do dsl.World {} begin rb.before(nil) raise "Should fail" rescue RbSupport::NilWorld => e e.message.should == "World procs should never return nil" e.backtrace.length.should == 1 e.backtrace[0].should =~ /spec\/cucumber\/rb_support\/rb_language_spec\.rb\:\d+\:in `World'/ end end module ModuleOne end module ModuleTwo end class ClassOne end it "should implicitly extend world with modules" do dsl.World(ModuleOne, ModuleTwo) rb.before(mock('scenario').as_null_object) class << rb.current_world included_modules.inspect.should =~ /ModuleOne/ # Workaround for RSpec/Ruby 1.9 issue with namespaces included_modules.inspect.should =~ /ModuleTwo/ end rb.current_world.class.should == Object end it "should raise error when we try to register more than one World proc" do expected_error = %{You can only pass a proc to #World once, but it's happening in 2 places: spec/cucumber/rb_support/rb_language_spec.rb:\\d+:in `World' spec/cucumber/rb_support/rb_language_spec.rb:\\d+:in `World' Use Ruby modules instead to extend your worlds. See the Cucumber::RbSupport::RbDsl#World RDoc or } dsl.World { } lambda do dsl.World { } end.should raise_error(RbSupport::MultipleWorld, /#{expected_error}/) end end describe "step argument transformations" do describe "without capture groups" do it "complains when registering with a with no transform block" do lambda do dsl.Transform('^abc$') end.should raise_error(Cucumber::RbSupport::RbTransform::MissingProc) end it "complains when registering with a zero-arg transform block" do lambda do dsl.Transform('^abc$') {42} end.should raise_error(Cucumber::RbSupport::RbTransform::MissingProc) end it "complains when registering with a splat-arg transform block" do lambda do dsl.Transform('^abc$') {|*splat| 42 } end.should raise_error(Cucumber::RbSupport::RbTransform::MissingProc) end it "complains when transforming with an arity mismatch" do lambda do dsl.Transform('^abc$') {|one, two| 42 } rb.execute_transforms(['abc']) end.should raise_error(Cucumber::ArityMismatchError) end it "allows registering a regexp pattern that yields the step_arg matched" do dsl.Transform(/^ab*c$/) {|arg| 42} rb.execute_transforms(['ab']).should == ['ab'] rb.execute_transforms(['ac']).should == [42] rb.execute_transforms(['abc']).should == [42] rb.execute_transforms(['abbc']).should == [42] end end describe "with capture groups" do it "complains when registering with a with no transform block" do lambda do dsl.Transform('^a(.)c$') end.should raise_error(Cucumber::RbSupport::RbTransform::MissingProc) end it "complains when registering with a zero-arg transform block" do lambda do dsl.Transform('^a(.)c$') { 42 } end.should raise_error(Cucumber::RbSupport::RbTransform::MissingProc) end it "complains when registering with a splat-arg transform block" do lambda do dsl.Transform('^a(.)c$') {|*splat| 42 } end.should raise_error(Cucumber::RbSupport::RbTransform::MissingProc) end it "complains when transforming with an arity mismatch" do lambda do dsl.Transform('^a(.)c$') {|one, two| 42 } rb.execute_transforms(['abc']) end.should raise_error(Cucumber::ArityMismatchError) end it "allows registering a regexp pattern that yields capture groups" do dsl.Transform(/^shape: (.+), color: (.+)$/) do |shape, color| {shape.to_sym => color.to_sym} end rb.execute_transforms(['shape: circle, color: blue']).should == [{:circle => :blue}] rb.execute_transforms(['shape: square, color: red']).should == [{:square => :red}] rb.execute_transforms(['not shape: square, not color: red']).should == ['not shape: square, not color: red'] end end it "allows registering a string pattern" do dsl.Transform('^ab*c$') {|arg| 42} rb.execute_transforms(['ab']).should == ['ab'] rb.execute_transforms(['ac']).should == [42] rb.execute_transforms(['abc']).should == [42] rb.execute_transforms(['abbc']).should == [42] end it "gives match priority to transforms defined last" do dsl.Transform(/^transform_me$/) {|arg| :foo } dsl.Transform(/^transform_me$/) {|arg| :bar } dsl.Transform(/^transform_me$/) {|arg| :baz } rb.execute_transforms(['transform_me']).should == [:baz] end it "allows registering a transform which returns nil" do dsl.Transform('^ac$') {|arg| nil} rb.execute_transforms(['ab']).should == ['ab'] rb.execute_transforms(['ac']).should == [nil] end end describe "hooks" do it "should find before hooks" do fish = dsl.Before('@fish'){} meat = dsl.Before('@meat'){} scenario = mock('Scenario') scenario.should_receive(:accept_hook?).with(fish).and_return(true) scenario.should_receive(:accept_hook?).with(meat).and_return(false) rb.hooks_for(:before, scenario).should == [fish] end it "should find around hooks" do a = dsl.Around do |scenario, block| end b = dsl.Around('@tag') do |scenario, block| end scenario = mock('Scenario') scenario.should_receive(:accept_hook?).with(a).and_return(true) scenario.should_receive(:accept_hook?).with(b).and_return(false) rb.hooks_for(:around, scenario).should == [a] end end end end end