module Tomoto class LDA def :one, min_cf: 0, min_df: 0, rm_top: 0, k: 1, alpha: 0.1, eta: 0.01, seed: nil) model = _new(to_tw(tw), k, alpha, eta, seed || -1) model.instance_variable_set(:@min_cf, min_cf) model.instance_variable_set(:@min_df, min_df) model.instance_variable_set(:@rm_top, rm_top) init_params(model, binding) end def self.load(filename) model = new model._load(filename) model end def add_doc(doc) _add_doc(prepare_doc(doc)) end def make_doc(doc) _make_doc(tokenize_doc(doc)) end # TODO support multiple docs def infer(doc, iter: 100, tolerance: -1, workers: 0, parallel: :default, together: 0) raise "cannot infer with untrained model" unless defined?(@prepared) _infer(doc, iter, tolerance, workers, to_ps(parallel), together) end def count_by_topics prepare _count_by_topics end def removed_top_words prepare _removed_top_words(@rm_top) end def save(filename, full: true) _save(filename, full) end # returns string instead of printing def summary(initial_hp: true, params: true, topic_word_top_n: 5) summary = [] summary << "" basic_info(summary) summary << "|" summary << "" training_info(summary) summary << "|" if initial_hp summary << "" initial_params_info(summary) summary << "|" end if params summary << "" params_info(summary) summary << "|" end if topic_word_top_n > 0 summary << "" topics_info(summary, topic_word_top_n: topic_word_top_n) summary << "|" end # skip ending | summary.pop summary.join("\n") end def topic_words(topic_id = nil, top_n: 10) if topic_id _topic_words(topic_id, top_n) else { |i| _topic_words(i, top_n) } end end def train(iterations = 10, workers: 0, parallel: :default) prepare _train(iterations, workers, to_ps(parallel)) end def tw TERM_WEIGHT[_tw] end private def prepare unless defined?(@prepared) _prepare(@min_cf, @min_df, @rm_top) @prepared = true end end def prepare_doc(doc) raise "cannot add_doc() after train()" if defined?(@prepared) tokenize_doc(doc) end def tokenize_doc(doc) doc = doc.split(/[[:space:]]+/) unless doc.is_a?(Array) doc end def basic_info(summary) sum = used_vocab_freq.sum.to_f mapped = { |v| v / sum } entropy = { |v| v * Math.log(v) }.sum summary << "| #{"Tomoto::", "")} (current version: #{VERSION})" summary << "| #{num_docs} docs, #{num_words} words" summary << "| Total Vocabs: #{vocabs.size}, Used Vocabs: #{used_vocabs.size}" summary << "| Entropy of words: %.5f" % entropy summary << "| Removed Vocabs: #{removed_top_words.any? ? removed_top_words.join(" ") : ""}" end def training_info(summary) summary << "| Iterations: #{global_step}, Burn-in steps: #{burn_in}" summary << "| Optimization Interval: #{optim_interval}" summary << "| Log-likelihood per word: %.5f" % ll_per_word end def initial_params_info(summary) if defined?(@init_params) @init_params.each do |k, v| summary << "| #{k}: #{v}" end else summary << "| Not Available" end end def params_info(summary) summary << "| alpha (Dirichlet prior on the per-document topic distributions)" summary << "| #{alpha}" summary << "| eta (Dirichlet prior on the per-topic word distribution)" summary << "| %.5f" % eta end def topics_info(summary, topic_word_top_n:) counts = count_by_topics topic_words(top_n: topic_word_top_n).each_with_index do |words, i| summary << "| ##{i} (#{counts[i]}) : #{words.keys.join(" ")}" end end def to_ps(ps) PARALLEL_SCHEME.index(ps) || (raise ArgumentError, "Invalid parallel scheme: #{ps}") end class << self private def to_tw(tw) TERM_WEIGHT.index(tw) || (raise ArgumentError, "Invalid tw: #{tw}") end def init_params(model, binding) init_params = {} method(:new).parameters.each do |v| next if v[0] != :key init_params[v[1]] = binding.local_variable_get(v[1]).inspect end model.instance_variable_set(:@init_params, init_params) model end end end end