# frozen_string_literal: true
module Axlsx
# When multiple values are chosen to filter by, or when a group of date values are chosen to filter by,
# this object groups those criteria together.
class Filters
include Axlsx::OptionsParser
include Axlsx::SerializedAttributes
# Creates a new Filters object
# @param [Hash] options Options used to set this objects attributes and
# create filter and/or date group items
# @option [Boolean] blank @see blank
# @option [String] calendar_type @see calendar_type
# @option [Array] filter_items An array of values that will be used to create filter objects.
# @option [Array] date_group_items An array of hases defining date group item filters to apply.
# @note The recommended way to interact with filter objects is via AutoFilter#add_column
# @example
# ws.auto_filter.add_column(0, :filters, :blank => true, :calendar_type => 'japan', :filter_items => [100, 'a'])
def initialize(options = {})
parse_options options
serializable_attributes :blank, :calendar_type
# Allowed calendar types
CALENDAR_TYPES = %w(gregorian gregorianUs gregorianMeFrench gregorianArabic hijri hebrew taiwan japan thai korea saka gregorianXlitEnglish gregorianXlitFrench none).freeze
# Flag indicating whether to filter by blank.
# @return [Boolean]
attr_reader :blank
# Calendar type for date grouped items.
# Used to interpret the values in dateGroupItem.
# This is the calendar type used to evaluate all dates in the filter column,
# even when those dates are not using the same calendar system / date formatting.
attr_reader :calendar_type
# Tells us if the row of the cell provided should be filterd as it
# does not meet any of the specified filter_items or
# date_group_items restrictions.
# @param [Cell] cell The cell to test against items
# TODO implement this for date filters as well!
def apply(cell)
return false unless cell
filter_items.each do |filter|
return false if cell.value == filter.val
# The filter values in this filters object
def filter_items
@filter_items ||= []
# the date group values in this filters object
def date_group_items
@date_group_items ||= []
# @see calendar_type
# @param [String] calendar The calendar type to use. This must be one of the types defined in CALENDAR_TYPES
# @return [String]
def calendar_type=(calendar)
RestrictionValidator.validate 'Filters.calendar_type', CALENDAR_TYPES, calendar
@calendar_type = calendar
# Set the value for blank
# @see blank
def blank=(use_blank)
Axlsx.validate_boolean use_blank
@blank = use_blank
# Serialize the object to xml
def to_xml_string(str = +'')
str << ''
filter_items.each { |filter| filter.to_xml_string(str) }
date_group_items.each { |date_group_item| date_group_item.to_xml_string(str) }
str << ''
# not entirely happy with this.
# filter_items should be a simple typed list that overrides << etc
# to create Filter objects from the inserted values. However this
# is most likely so rarely used...(really? do you know that?)
def filter_items=(values)
values.each do |value|
filter_items << Filter.new(value)
# Date group items are date group filter items where you specify the
# date_group and a value for that option as part of the auto_filter
# @note This can be specified, but will not be applied to the date
# values in your workbook at this time.
def date_group_items=(options)
options.each do |date_group|
raise ArgumentError, "date_group_items should be an array of hashes specifying the options for each date_group_item" unless date_group.is_a?(Hash)
date_group_items << DateGroupItem.new(date_group)
# This class expresses a filter criteria value.
class Filter
# Creates a new filter value object
# @param [Any] value The value of the filter. This is not restricted, but
# will be serialized via to_s so if you are passing an object
# be careful.
def initialize(value)
@val = value
# Filter value used in the criteria.
attr_accessor :val
# Serializes the filter value object
# @param [String] str The string to concact the serialization information to.
def to_xml_string(str = +'')
str << ""
# This collection is used to express a group of dates or times which are
# used in an AutoFilter criteria. Values are always written in the calendar
# type of the first date encountered in the filter range, so that all
# subsequent dates, even when formatted or represented by other calendar
# types, can be correctly compared for the purposes of filtering.
class DateGroupItem
include Axlsx::OptionsParser
include Axlsx::SerializedAttributes
# Creates a new DateGroupItem
# @param [Hash] options A hash of options to use when
# instanciating the object
# @option [String] date_time_grouping the part of the date this
# filter should apply for grouping
# @option [Integer|String] year @see year
# @option [Integer] month @see month
# @option [Integer] day @see day
# @option [Integer] hour @see hour
# @option [Integer] minute @see minute
# @option [Integer] second @see second
def initialize(options = {})
raise ArgumentError, "You must specify a year for date time grouping" unless options[:year]
raise ArgumentError, "You must specify a date_time_grouping when creating a DateGroupItem for auto filter" unless options[:date_time_grouping]
parse_options options
serializable_attributes :date_time_grouping, :year, :month, :day, :hour, :minute, :second
# Allowed date time groupings
DATE_TIME_GROUPING = %w(year month day hour minute second).freeze
# Grouping level
# This must be one of year, month, day, hour, minute or second.
# @return [String]
attr_reader :date_time_grouping
# Year (4 digits)
# @return [Integer|String]
attr_reader :year
# Month (1..12)
# @return [Integer]
attr_reader :month
# Day (1-31)
# @return [Integer]
attr_reader :day
# Hour (0..23)
# @return [Integer]
attr_reader :hour
# Minute (0..59(
# @return [Integer]
attr_reader :minute
# Second (0..59)
# @return [Integer]
attr_reader :second
# The year value for the date group item
# This must be a four digit value
def year=(value)
RegexValidator.validate "DateGroupItem.year", /\d{4}/, value
@year = value
# The month value for the date group item
# This must be between 1 and 12
def month=(value)
RangeValidator.validate "DateGroupItem.month", 0, 12, value
@month = value
# The day value for the date group item
# This must be between 1 and 31
# @note no attempt is made to ensure the date value is valid for any given month
def day=(value)
RangeValidator.validate "DateGroupItem.day", 0, 31, value
@day = value
# The hour value for the date group item
# # this must be between 0 and 23
def hour=(value)
RangeValidator.validate "DateGroupItem.hour", 0, 23, value
@hour = value
# The minute value for the date group item
# This must be between 0 and 59
def minute=(value)
RangeValidator.validate "DateGroupItem.minute", 0, 59, value
@minute = value
# The second value for the date group item
# This must be between 0 and 59
def second=(value)
RangeValidator.validate "DateGroupItem.second", 0, 59, value
@second = value
# The date time grouping for this filter.
def date_time_grouping=(grouping)
RestrictionValidator.validate 'DateGroupItem.date_time_grouping', DATE_TIME_GROUPING, grouping.to_s
@date_time_grouping = grouping.to_s
# Serialize the object to xml
# @param [String] str The string object this serialization will be concatenated to.
def to_xml_string(str = +'')
serialized_tag('dateGroupItem', str)