### PHCDevworks Title/SEO for Rails6 (Page SEO, Titles & Title Tags) PHCDevworks Title/SEO Rails6 engine with helpers for page headings, taglines, SEO and title tags. * A dynamic way to add different page headings, taglines, SEO and title tags. * Setup in seconds with only one line of code in the application_controller file. * Save time and keep your rails projects manageable, multiple views tidy and secure. #### Step 1 - Add PHCDevworks-TitleSEO to your gemfile gem 'phcdevworks_titleseo' bundle install #### Step 2 - Load Helpers in the Application's Controller Add the line of code below into your app/controllers/application_controller.rb (application's controller file). helper PhcdevworksTitleseo::Engine.helpers #### Step 3 - Provide values for Titles & Subtitles **Page Titles** - At the top of the page, view add the hidden lines of code below. <% phc_title "Example Title" %> <% phc_title_tagline "Example Tagline" %> **Page SEO** - At the top of your layout view file add the hidden lines of code below. <% phc_seo_title "Example SEO Page Title" %> <% phc_seo_description "Example SEO Page Description" %> **Page Static BreadCrumbs** - At the top of the page, view add the hidden lines of code below. <% phc_breadcrumb_one "Example News" %> <% phc_breadcrumb_two "Article" %> <% phc_breadcrumb_three "Index" %> #### Add Titles to a Page Add the code below in your views whenever page titles are required (can be used unlimited number of times). <%= yield(:phc_title) %> #### Add Subtitles/Title Tags to your Pagefile Add the code below to your views whenever page subtitles are required (can also be used an unlimited number of times). <%= yield(:phc_title_tagline) %> #### Add SEO Tags to your Layout file