// This is the orginial function from Stuart Langridge at http://www.kryogenix.org/ // This is the update function from Jeff Minard - http://www.jrm.cc/ function superTextile(s) { // CAJ - First, strip out extra newlines and whitespace at the start // of comments. This will yield more appropriate text for formatting. s = s.split("\n").map(function(l) { return ((l=='') || (l.match(/^\s+$/))) ? "" : l.replace(/^\s+/,'') ; }).join("\n") ; var r = s; // quick tags first qtags = [ ['\\*', '\\*', 'strong'], ['\\?\\?', '\\?\\?', 'cite'], ['\\+', '\\+', 'ins'], //fixed ['~', '~', 'sub'], ['\\^', '\\^', 'sup'], // me ['{{{', '}}}', 'code']]; for (var i=0;i'+'$1'+''); }; // underscores count as part of a word, so do them separately re = new RegExp('\\b_(.+?)_\\b','g'); r = r.replace(re,'$1'); //jeff: so do dashes re = new RegExp('[\s\n]-(.+?)-[\s\n]','g'); r = r.replace(re,'$1'); // links re = new RegExp('"\\b(.+?)\\(\\b(.+?)\\b\\)":([^\\s]+)','g'); r = r.replace(re,'$1'); re = new RegExp('"\\b(.+?)\\b":([^\\s]+)','g'); r = r.replace(re,'$1'); // images re = new RegExp('!\\b(.+?)\\(\\b(.+?)\\b\\)!','g'); r = r.replace(re,'$2'); re = new RegExp('!\\b(.+?)\\b!','g'); r = r.replace(re,''); // block level formatting lines = r.split('\n'); out = [] ; nr = ''; var incode = 0 ; var cur_block = [] ; // collect lines into a block before processing them. for (var i=0;i" + cur_block.join("
") + "

") ; cur_block = [] ; // otherwise, just add the line to the current block, escaping HTML entities } else { cur_block.push(line.split("&").join("&").split("<").join("<").split(">").join(">")) ; } // for normal text, look for line-level items to replace. If no // replacement is found, then add the line to the current block. } else { // an empty line means we should end the current paragraph if ((line == '') || line.match(/^\s+$/)) { changed = 1 ; line = '' ; // convert bq. => blockquote. } else if (line.search(/^\s*bq\.\s+/) != -1) { line = line.replace(/^\s*bq\.\s+/,'\t
'; changed = 1; // convert h* => heading } else if (line.search(/^\s*h[1|2|3|4|5|6]\.\s+/) != -1) { line = line.replace(/^\s*h([1|2|3|4|5|6])\.(.+)/, '$2'); changed = 1; // convert - to bulletted list. liu tag will be fixed later. } else if (line.search(/^\s*-\s+/) != -1) { line = line.replace(/^\s*-\s+/,'\t') + ''; changed = 1; changed = 1; // convert * to bulletted list. liu tag will be fixed later. } else if (line.search(/^\s*\*\s+/) != -1) { line = line.replace(/^\s*\*\s+/,'\t') + ''; changed = 1; changed = 1; // convert # to numbered list. lio tag will be fixed later. } else if (line.search(/^\s*#\s+/) != -1) { line = line.replace(/^\s*#\s+/,'\t') + ''; changed = 1; changed = 1; // open code tag will start code } else if (line.match(/^\s*\{\{\{\s*$/)) { incode++ ; line = '' ; changed = 1; } // if the line was changed, the emit the current block as a paragraph // and emit the line itself. Otherwise, just push the line into the // current block. if (changed > 0) { if (cur_block.length > 0) { out.push("

" + cur_block.join(" ") + '

') ; cur_block = [] ; } out.push(line) ; } else { cur_block.push(line) ; } } } // done. if there are any lines left, in the current block, emit it. if (cur_block.length > 0) { out.push("

" + cur_block.join(" ") + '

') ; cur_block = [] ; } // Second pass to do lists. This will wrap the lists in
  • |
      tags. inlist = 0; listtype = ''; for (var i=0;i AND r = r.replace(/li[o|u]>/g,'li>'); return r; }; function publish(symbolSet) { publish.conf = { // trailing slash expected for dirs ext: ".html", outDir: JSDOC.opt.d || SYS.pwd+"../out/jsdoc/", templatesDir: JSDOC.opt.t || SYS.pwd+"../templates/sproutcore/", symbolsDir: "symbols/", srcDir: "symbols/src/" }; if (!publish.conf.templatesDir.match(/\/$/)) { publish.conf.templatesDir += '/'; // add trailing slash } if (JSDOC.opt.s && defined(Link) && Link.prototype._makeSrcLink) { Link.prototype._makeSrcLink = function(srcFilePath) { return "<"+srcFilePath+">"; } } IO.mkPath((publish.conf.outDir+"symbols/src").split("/")); // used to check the details of things being linked to Link.symbolSet = symbolSet; try { var classTemplate = new JSDOC.JsPlate(publish.conf.templatesDir+"class.tmpl"); var classesTemplate = new JSDOC.JsPlate(publish.conf.templatesDir+"allclasses.tmpl"); } catch(e) { print(e.message); quit(); } // filters function hasNoParent($) {return ($.memberOf == "")} function isaFile($) {return ($.is("FILE"))} function isaClass($) {return ($.is("CONSTRUCTOR") || $.isNamespace)} var symbols = symbolSet.toArray(); var files = JSDOC.opt.srcFiles; for (var i = 0, l = files.length; i < l; i++) { var file = files[i]; var srcDir = publish.conf.outDir + "symbols/src/"; makeSrcFile(file, srcDir); } var classes = symbols.filter(isaClass).sort(makeSortby("alias")); Link.base = "../"; publish.classesIndex = classesTemplate.process(classes); // kept in memory for (var i = 0, l = classes.length; i < l; i++) { var symbol = classes[i]; var output = ""; output = classTemplate.process(symbol); IO.saveFile(publish.conf.outDir+"symbols/", symbol.alias+publish.conf.ext, output); } // regenrate the index with different relative links Link.base = ""; publish.classesIndex = classesTemplate.process(classes); try { var classesindexTemplate = new JSDOC.JsPlate(publish.conf.templatesDir+"classes-json.tmpl"); } catch(e) { print(e.message); quit(); } var classesIndex = classesindexTemplate.process(classes); // IO.saveFile(publish.conf.outDir, "index"+publish.conf.ext, classesIndex); IO.saveFile(publish.conf.outDir, "classes.json", classesIndex); classesindexTemplate = classesIndex = null; try { var classesindexTemplate = new JSDOC.JsPlate(publish.conf.templatesDir+"index.tmpl"); } catch(e) { print(e.message); quit(); } var classesIndex = classesindexTemplate.process(classes); IO.saveFile(publish.conf.outDir, "index"+publish.conf.ext, classesIndex); classesindexTemplate = classesIndex = classes = null; try { var fileindexTemplate = new JSDOC.JsPlate(publish.conf.templatesDir+"allfiles.tmpl"); } catch(e) { print(e.message); quit(); } var documentedFiles = symbols.filter(isaFile); var allFiles = []; for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { allFiles.push(new JSDOC.Symbol(files[i], [], "FILE", new JSDOC.DocComment("/** */"))); } for (var i = 0; i < documentedFiles.length; i++) { var offset = files.indexOf(documentedFiles[i].alias); allFiles[offset] = documentedFiles[i]; } allFiles = allFiles.sort(makeSortby("name")); var filesIndex = fileindexTemplate.process(allFiles); IO.saveFile(publish.conf.outDir, "files"+publish.conf.ext, filesIndex); fileindexTemplate = filesIndex = files = null; } /** Just the first sentence. */ function summarize(desc) { if (typeof desc != "undefined") return desc.match(/([\w\W]+?\.)[^a-z0-9]/i)? RegExp.$1 : desc; } /** make a symbol sorter by some attribute */ function makeSortby(attribute) { return function(a, b) { if (a[attribute] != undefined && b[attribute] != undefined) { a = a[attribute].toLowerCase(); b = b[attribute].toLowerCase(); if (a < b) return -1; if (a > b) return 1; return 0; } } } function include(path) { var path = publish.conf.templatesDir+path; return IO.readFile(path); } function makeSrcFile(path, srcDir, name) { if (JSDOC.opt.s) return; if (!name) { name = path.replace(/\.\.?[\\\/]/g, "").replace(/[\\\/]/g, "_"); name = name.replace(/\:/g, "_"); } var src = {path: path, name:name, charset: IO.encoding, hilited: ""}; if (defined(JSDOC.PluginManager)) { JSDOC.PluginManager.run("onPublishSrc", src); } if (src.hilited) { IO.saveFile(srcDir, name+publish.conf.ext, src.hilited); } } function makeSignature(params) { if (!params) return "()"; var signature = "(" + params.filter( function($) { return $.name.indexOf(".") == -1; // don't show config params in signature } ).map( function($) { return $.name; } ).join(", ") + ")"; return signature; } /** Find symbol {@link ...} strings in text and turn into html links */ function resolveLinks(str, from) { str = str.replace(/\{@link ([^} ]+) ?\}/gi, function(match, symbolName) { return new Link().toSymbol(symbolName); } ); return str; }