extern "C" { #include "nyara.h" } #include #include #include #include #include "inc/str_intern.h" struct RouteEntry { // note on order: scope is supposed to be the last, but when searching, is_sub is checked first bool is_sub; // = last_prefix.start_with? prefix char* prefix; long prefix_len; regex_t *suffix_re; VALUE controller; VALUE id; // symbol VALUE accept_exts; // {ext => true} VALUE accept_mimes; // [[m1, m2, ext]] std::vector conv; VALUE scope; char* suffix; // only for inspect long suffix_len; // don't make it destructor, or it could be called twice if on stack void dealloc() { if (prefix) { xfree(prefix); prefix = NULL; } if (suffix_re) { onig_free(suffix_re); suffix_re = NULL; } if (suffix) { xfree(suffix); suffix = NULL; } } }; typedef std::vector RouteEntries; static std::map route_map; static OnigRegion region; // we can reuse the region without worrying thread safety static ID id_to_s; static rb_encoding* u8_enc; static VALUE str_html; static VALUE nyara_http_methods; static bool start_with(const char* a, long a_len, const char* b, long b_len) { if (b_len > a_len) { return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < b_len; i++) { if (a[i] != b[i]) { return false; } } return true; } static enum http_method canonicalize_http_method(VALUE m) { VALUE method_num; if (TYPE(m) == T_STRING) { method_num = rb_hash_aref(nyara_http_methods, m); } else { method_num = m; } Check_Type(method_num, T_FIXNUM); return (enum http_method)FIX2INT(method_num); } static VALUE ext_clear_route(VALUE req) { for (auto i = route_map.begin(); i != route_map.end(); ++i) { RouteEntries* entries = i->second; for (auto j = entries->begin(); j != entries->end(); ++j) { j->dealloc(); } delete entries; } route_map.clear(); return Qnil; } static VALUE ext_register_route(VALUE self, VALUE v_e) { // get route entries enum http_method m = canonicalize_http_method(rb_iv_get(v_e, "@http_method")); RouteEntries* route_entries; auto map_iter = route_map.find(m); if (map_iter == route_map.end()) { route_entries = new RouteEntries(); route_map[m] = route_entries; } else { route_entries = map_iter->second; } // prefix VALUE v_prefix = rb_iv_get(v_e, "@prefix"); long prefix_len = RSTRING_LEN(v_prefix); char* prefix = ALLOC_N(char, prefix_len); memcpy(prefix, RSTRING_PTR(v_prefix), prefix_len); // check if prefix is substring of last entry bool is_sub = false; if (route_entries->size()) { is_sub = start_with(route_entries->rbegin()->prefix, route_entries->rbegin()->prefix_len, prefix, prefix_len); } // suffix VALUE v_suffix = rb_iv_get(v_e, "@suffix"); long suffix_len = RSTRING_LEN(v_suffix); char* suffix = ALLOC_N(char, suffix_len); memcpy(suffix, RSTRING_PTR(v_suffix), suffix_len); regex_t* suffix_re; OnigErrorInfo err_info; onig_new(&suffix_re, (const UChar*)suffix, (const UChar*)(suffix + suffix_len), ONIG_OPTION_NONE, ONIG_ENCODING_ASCII, ONIG_SYNTAX_RUBY, &err_info); std::vector _conv; RouteEntry e; e.is_sub = is_sub; e.prefix = prefix; e.prefix_len = prefix_len; e.suffix_re = suffix_re; e.suffix = suffix; e.suffix_len = suffix_len; e.controller = rb_iv_get(v_e, "@controller"); e.id = rb_iv_get(v_e, "@id"); e.conv = _conv; e.scope = rb_iv_get(v_e, "@scope"); // conv VALUE v_conv = rb_iv_get(v_e, "@conv"); VALUE* conv_ptr = RARRAY_PTR(v_conv); long conv_len = RARRAY_LEN(v_conv); if (onig_number_of_captures(suffix_re) != conv_len) { e.dealloc(); rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "number of captures mismatch"); } for (long i = 0; i < conv_len; i++) { ID conv_id = SYM2ID(conv_ptr[i]); e.conv.push_back(conv_id); } // accept e.accept_exts = rb_iv_get(v_e, "@accept_exts"); e.accept_mimes = rb_iv_get(v_e, "@accept_mimes"); route_entries->push_back(e); return Qnil; } static VALUE ext_list_route(VALUE self) { // note: prevent leak with init nil volatile VALUE arr = Qnil; volatile VALUE e = Qnil; volatile VALUE prefix = Qnil; volatile VALUE conv = Qnil; volatile VALUE route_hash = rb_hash_new(); for (auto j = route_map.begin(); j != route_map.end(); j++) { RouteEntries* route_entries = j->second; VALUE arr = rb_ary_new(); rb_hash_aset(route_hash, rb_str_new2(http_method_str(j->first)), arr); for (auto i = route_entries->begin(); i != route_entries->end(); i++) { e = rb_ary_new(); rb_ary_push(e, i->is_sub ? Qtrue : Qfalse); rb_ary_push(e, i->scope); rb_ary_push(e, rb_str_new(i->prefix, i->prefix_len)); rb_ary_push(e, rb_str_new(i->suffix, i->suffix_len)); rb_ary_push(e, i->controller); rb_ary_push(e, i->id); conv = rb_ary_new(); for (size_t j = 0; j < i->conv.size(); j++) { rb_ary_push(conv, ID2SYM(i->conv[j])); } rb_ary_push(e, conv); rb_ary_push(arr, e); } } return route_hash; } static VALUE build_args(const char* suffix, std::vector& conv) { volatile VALUE args = rb_ary_new(); volatile VALUE str = rb_str_new2(""); long last_len = 0; for (size_t j = 0; j < conv.size(); j++) { const char* capture_ptr = suffix + region.beg[j+1]; long capture_len = region.end[j+1] - region.beg[j+1]; if (conv[j] == id_to_s) { rb_ary_push(args, rb_enc_str_new(capture_ptr, capture_len, u8_enc)); } else if (capture_len == 0) { rb_ary_push(args, Qnil); } else { if (capture_len > last_len) { RESIZE_CAPA(str, capture_len); last_len = capture_len; } memcpy(RSTRING_PTR(str), capture_ptr, capture_len); STR_SET_LEN(str, capture_len); rb_ary_push(args, rb_funcall(str, conv[j], 0)); // hex, to_i, to_f } } return args; } static VALUE extract_ext(const char* s, long len) { if (s[0] != '.') { return Qnil; } s++; len--; for (long i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!isalnum(s[i])) { return Qnil; } } return rb_str_new(s, len); } extern "C" RouteResult nyara_lookup_route(enum http_method method_num, VALUE vpath) { RouteResult r = {Qnil, Qnil, Qnil, Qnil}; auto map_iter = route_map.find(method_num); if (map_iter == route_map.end()) { return r; } RouteEntries* route_entries = map_iter->second; const char* path = RSTRING_PTR(vpath); long len = RSTRING_LEN(vpath); // must iterate all bool last_matched = false; auto i = route_entries->begin(); for (; i != route_entries->end(); ++i) { bool matched; if (i->is_sub && last_matched) { // save a bit compare matched = last_matched; } else { matched = start_with(path, len, i->prefix, i->prefix_len); } last_matched = matched; if (/* prefix */ matched) { const char* suffix = path + i->prefix_len; long suffix_len = len - i->prefix_len; if (i->suffix_len == 0) { if (suffix_len) { r.ext = extract_ext(suffix, suffix_len); if (r.ext == Qnil) { break; } } r.args = rb_ary_new3(1, i->id); r.controller = i->controller; break; } else { long matched_len = onig_match(i->suffix_re, (const UChar*)suffix, (const UChar*)(suffix + suffix_len), (const UChar*)suffix, ®ion, 0); if (matched_len > 0) { if (matched_len < suffix_len) { r.ext = extract_ext(suffix + matched_len, suffix_len); if (r.ext == Qnil) { break; } } r.args = build_args(suffix, i->conv); rb_ary_push(r.args, i->id); r.controller = i->controller; break; } } } } if (r.controller != Qnil) { r.scope = i->scope; if (r.ext == Qnil) { if (i->accept_exts == Qnil) { r.ext = str_html; } else { // NOTE maybe rejected r.ext = i->accept_mimes; } } else { if (i->accept_exts != Qnil) { if (!RTEST(rb_hash_aref(i->accept_exts, r.ext))) { r.controller = Qnil; // reject if ext mismatch } } } } return r; } static VALUE ext_lookup_route(VALUE self, VALUE method, VALUE path) { enum http_method method_num = canonicalize_http_method(method); volatile RouteResult r = nyara_lookup_route(method_num, path); volatile VALUE a = rb_ary_new(); rb_ary_push(a, r.scope); rb_ary_push(a, r.controller); rb_ary_push(a, r.args); rb_ary_push(a, r.ext); return a; } extern "C" void Init_route(VALUE nyara, VALUE ext) { nyara_http_methods = rb_const_get(nyara, rb_intern("HTTP_METHODS")); id_to_s = rb_intern("to_s"); u8_enc = rb_utf8_encoding(); str_html = rb_str_new2("html"); OBJ_FREEZE(str_html); rb_gc_register_mark_object(str_html); onig_region_init(®ion); rb_define_singleton_method(ext, "register_route", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(ext_register_route), 1); rb_define_singleton_method(ext, "clear_route", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(ext_clear_route), 0); // for test rb_define_singleton_method(ext, "list_route", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(ext_list_route), 0); rb_define_singleton_method(ext, "lookup_route", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(ext_lookup_route), 2); }