module Krikri ## # Implements SPARQL queries for finding RDF Resources by their PROV-O history. module ProvenanceQueryClient SPARQL_CLIENT = Repository.query_client module_function ## # Finds all entities generated or revised by the activity whose URI is # given. # # @param activity_uri [#to_uri] the URI of the activity to search # # @param include_invalidated [Boolean] Whether to include entities that # have been invalidated with # # @see # @see Krikri::LDP::Invalidatable # # @return [RDF::SPARQL::Query] a query object that, when executed, will # give solutions containing the URIs for the resources in `#record`. def find_by_activity(activity_uri, include_invalidated = false) raise ArgumentError, 'activity_uri must be an RDF::URI' unless activity_uri.respond_to? :to_term query = .where([:record, [RDF::PROV.wasGeneratedBy, '|', RDF::DPLA.wasRevisedBy], activity_uri.to_term]) if include_invalidated query else # We need to say "and if RDF::PROV.invalidatedAtTime is not set." # # The SPARQL query should be: # # PREFIX prov: # SELECT * WHERE { # ?subject prov:wasGeneratedBy . # FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?subject prov:invalidatedAtTime ?x } # } # # ... However there doesn't appear to be a way of constructing # 'FILTER NOT EXISTS' with SPARQL::Client. Instead, we've managed to # hack the following solution together. # # SPARQL::Client#filter is labeled @private in its YARD comment (and # has no other documentation) but it's not private, at least for # now. query.filter \ 'NOT EXISTS ' \ '{ ?record ?x }' end end end end