# danger-spec_postfix Danger plugin to validate files (or directories) naming. ## Installation $ gem install danger-spec_postfix ## Example of usage 1. Add lint to your Dangerfile (specifying what you want to check and how) For example in order to make sure that all tests in your 'spec/' folder have required postfix '_spec' (this is the purpose plugin was initially built for) add: ``` options = { message: 'Tests should have `_spec` postfix', scope: %r{spec/}, match: %r{_spec.rb$} } spec_postfix.lint(options) ``` You can also pass `exceptions` param in order to skip irrelevant files or directories: ``` options = { message: 'Tests should have `_spec` postfix', scope: %r{spec/}, match: %r{_spec.rb$} exception: Regexp.union(%r{rails_helper.rb}, %r{rails_helper.rb}, %{spec/factories/}, %r{spec/support/}) } spec_postfix.lint(options) ``` 2. Get warnings: ``` "Tests should have `_spec` postfix: spec/models/test_without_postfix.rb" ``` ## Development 1. Clone this repo 2. Run `bundle install` to setup dependencies. 3. Run `bundle exec rake spec` to run the tests. 4. Use `bundle exec guard` to automatically have tests run as you make changes. 5. Make your changes.