es: activerecord: models: comment: 'comment' comments: 'comments' page: 'page' pages: 'pages' tag: 'tag' tags: 'tags' attributes: pages: title: "título" short_title: 'título breve' description: "descripción" body: "parte principal" for_the_blog: 'contraseña' parent_title: 'page parent title' tags: name: "name" comments: author: 'author' body: "body text" locale: 'language' status: 'status' pages: author: 'autor' create_new: 'crear una nueva página' edit_this: 'edit this page' home: 'home page' not_published_yet: 'Not published yet' publish: 'publish' published: '¿publicado?' unpublish: 'unpublish' reorder_root_menus: 'reorder root menu items' create: notice: 'La página se ha creado correctamente' warning: 'Hubo un problema al guardar la página' update: notice: 'La página se ha actualizado correctamente' warning: 'Hubo un problema al guardar la página' destroy: notice: 'la página se ha eliminado' root_warning: "No se puede eliminar la página, ya que es la bienvenida principal. Por favor, cámbialo." hint: title: 'nice and descriptive' short_title: 'ideally one word only, used for the menu' status: changed: published: 'The page has been published' unpublished: "The page has been unpublished. It's a draft again." toggled: "The blog status of the page has been changed" tags: edit_this: 'edit this tag' tag_list: 'tag list' update: notice: 'The tag was successfully updated.' warning: 'There was a problem saving the tag' hint: name: 'Lower case only. Multiple words should be joined by a dash (-) and NOT spaces' comments: login_needed: 'You need to be logged in to leave a comment' sorted_by_oldest: 'This section is sorted by oldest comment first so that they can be moderated from top to bottom.' what_do_you_think: 'What do you think?' create: notice: 'The comment was successfully created.' warning: 'There was a problem saving the comment to the database' update: notice: 'The comment was successfully updated.' warning: 'There was a problem saving this comment' destroy: notice: 'The comment was deleted' moderation: accept: notice: "This comment has been accepted" warning: "Some error occurred and the comment could not be moderated and accepted" block: notice: "This comment has been blocked" warning: "Some error occurred and the comment could not be moderated and blocked" actions: accept: "accept!" block: "block!" status: pending: 'pending' accepted: 'accepted' blocked: 'blocked' blog: itself: 'blog' home: 'home blog' official: 'the official blog'