require 'rexml/document' require 'optparse' module Sinicum module Runner class RunnerCli SINICUM_ENV_NAME = "SINICUM_ENV" WEBAPP_BASE_DIR = File.join(FileUtils.pwd, "tmp", "magnolia") RUNNER_TMP_DIR = ".sinicum-runner" def run(args) parse_args(args) check_environment setup_directories build_webapp unless @options.skip_build start_tomcat unless @options.only_build end private def check_environment check_for_file("pom.xml") check_for_file("Gemfile") check_for_file(File.join(magnolia_module_dir, "pom.xml")) end def setup_directories FileUtils.mkdir(runner_dir) unless File.exists?(runner_dir) end def check_for_file(file) unless File.exists?(file) puts "Required file #{file} not found. Please check if you are running the command " + "from the Rails root directory." exit 1 end end def build_webapp current_dir = FileUtils.pwd run_command("#{SINICUM_ENV_NAME}=#{@options.environment} " + "mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean package war:exploded") ensure end def start_tomcat options = [] options.concat(@options.to_jvm_options) options.concat(["-jar", jar_location, "--basedir", runner_dir, "--appbase", webapp_directory_path]) options.concat(@options.to_option_args) ret_value = system({ SINICUM_ENV_NAME => @options.environment }, "java", *options) puts "" exit 1 unless ret_value ret_value end def runner_dir File.expand_path(RUNNER_TMP_DIR) end def jar_location loc = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../java/sinicum-runner-#{runner_jar_version}.jar" File.expand_path(loc) end def runner_jar_version unless @runner_jar_version @runner_jar_version = version_from_pom( File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "pom.xml")) end @runner_jar_version end def magnolia_module_dir unless @magnolia_module_dir pom ="pom.xml") doc = @magnolia_module_dir = File.expand_path( find_first_element(doc, "/project/modules/module").text) end @magnolia_module_dir end def webapp_directory_path File.join(WEBAPP_BASE_DIR, @options.environment, @options.environment) end def magnolia_module_name unless @magnolia_module_name pom =, "pom.xml")) doc = @magnolia_module_name = find_first_element(doc, "/project/artifactId").text end @magnolia_module_name end def magnolia_module_version unless @magnolia_module_version pom =, "pom.xml")) doc = element = find_first_element(doc, "/project/version") unless element find_first_element(doc, "/project/parent/version") end @magnolia_module_version = element.text end @magnolia_module_version end def version_from_pom(path) version = nil if File.exists?(path) pom = doc = version = find_first_element(doc, "/project/version").text end version end def find_first_element(document, path) element = nil document.elements.each(path) do |el| element = el break end unless element puts "No element with the path #{path} found pom.xml" exit 1 end element end def parse_args(args) @options = end def run_command(command, options = nil) if options ret_value = system(command, *options) else ret_value = system(command) end raise "Error running command '#{command}'" unless ret_value end end class Options DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT = "development" attr_reader :port, :ajp_port, :context, :skip_build, :only_build, :hostname, :environment, :scheme, :proxyport def initialize(args = []) options = do |opts| opts.on("-p", "--port [PORT]", "HTTP port to bind to") do |port| @port = port end opts.on("-a", "--ajp [AJP_PORT]", "enable the AJP web protocol") do |ajp_port| @ajp_port = ajp_port end opts.on("-c", "--context [CONTEXT_PATH]", "application context path") do |context| @context = context end opts.on("-n", "--hostname [HOSTNAME]", "application host name") do |hostname| @hostname = hostname end opts.on("-S", "--https-scheme", "use HTTPS as connector scheme and 443 as proxy port") do |scheme| @scheme = scheme end opts.on("-P", "--proxyport [PROXYPORT]", "tomcat connector proxy port") do |proxyport| @proxyport = proxyport end @skip_build = false opts.on("-s", "--skip-build", "skips the build of the Maven project") do |skip| @skip_build = true end @only_build = false opts.on("-b", "--only-build", "only builds the Maven project") do |skip| @only_build = true end @environment = DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT opts.on("-e", "--environment [ENVIRONMENT]", "name of the Magnolia environment") do |environment| @environment = environment end opts.on("-J[PARAM]", "JVM parameter") do |parameter| jvm_params << parameter end end options.parse!(args) end def jvm_params @jvm_params ||= [] end def to_jvm_options result = [] if jvm_params.size == 0 result << "-Xmx512m" else jvm_params.each { |par| result << par } end result end def to_option_args args = [] args.concat(["-p", port]) if port args.concat(["-a", ajp_port]) if ajp_port args.concat(["-c", context]) if context args.concat(["-n", hostname]) if hostname args.concat(["-S"]) if scheme args.concat(["-P", proxyport]) if proxyport args end end end end