module PagesHelper def form_url @parent_page ? page_children_path(@parent_page) : page_path(@page) end def form_object @parent_page ? [@parent_page, @page] : @page end def to_html_options(pages){|p| [p.title,]} end ###################################################### ## ## ## Begin of uploadify_s3 ## ## ###################################################### def uploadify_s3(options = {}) # stylesheet_link_tag('uploadify/uploadify') << # javascript_include_tag('uploadify/jquery.uploadify.v2.1.0.min') << # javascript_include_tag('uploadify/swfobject') << javascript_uploadify_s3_tag(options) end protected def javascript_uploadify_s3_tag(options = {}) options = default_options.merge(options) javascript_tag( %( $(document).ready(function() { $("#{options[:file_input_selector]}").uploadify({ 'fileDataName' : 'file', 'uploader' : '/uploadify.swf', 'script' : '#{bucket_url}', 'cancelImg' : '/images/uploadify/cancel.png', 'folder' : 'attachments', 'auto' : true, 'multi' : true, 'buttonText' : 'Add File', 'sizeLimit' : '#{max_filesize}', 'fileDesc' : '#{options[:file_desc]}', 'fileExt' : '#{options[:file_ext]}', 'onSelect' : function(event, queueID, fileObj) { if (fileObj.size >= "#{max_filesize}") { $("#{options[:file_input_selector]}").uploadifyCancel(queueID); alert('Sorry the max file size is #{((max_filesize/1024)/1024)} MB'); return false; } $('div.button_group').hide(); return true; }, 'onComplete' : function(event, queueID, fileObj, response) { $('div.button_group').show(); fileInfo = { 'name' :, 'size' : fileObj.size, 'type' : fileObj.type, 'url' : '#{bucket_url}#{upload_path}/' + + '#{rangen}' }; var onsucc = (#{options[:on_success]}); onsucc(fileInfo); $('#{options[:file_input_selector]}').hide(); return true; }, 'onError' : function (a, b, c, d) { if ( == 201) { fileInfo = { 'name' :, 'size' : c.size, 'type' : c.type, 'url' : '#{bucket_url}#{upload_path}/' + + '#{rangen}' }; var onsucc = (#{options[:on_success]}); onsucc(fileInfo); $('#{options[:file_input_selector]}').hide(); } else { var onerror = (#{options[:on_error]}); if (onerror) { onerror(d.type, d.text); $('#file_uploaderQueue').hide(); return false; } } return true; }, 'scriptData' : { 'AWSAccessKeyId': '#{aws_access_key}', 'key': '#{key}', 'acl': '#{acl}', 'policy': '#{s3_policy}', 'success_action_status': '201', 'signature': encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent('#{s3_signature}')), 'Content-Type': '' } }); }); )) end def bucket_url "http://#{bucket}" end def key "#{upload_path}/${filename}#{rangen}" end def rangen @rangen ||= '' # rand(36 ** 8).to_s(36) end def policy_doc @policy ||= "{'expiration': '#{expiration_date}', 'conditions': [{'bucket': '#{bucket}'}, ['starts-with', '$key', '#{upload_path}'], {'acl': '#{acl.to_s}'}, ['content-length-range', 0, #{max_filesize}], {'success_action_status': '201'}, ['starts-with','$folder',''], ['starts-with','$Filename',''], ['starts-with','$fileext',''], ] }" end def s3_policy Base64.encode64(policy_doc).gsub(/\n|\r/, '') end def s3_signature raise "Secret key should not be nil." if self.aws_secret_key.nil? b64_hmac_sha1(aws_secret_key, s3_policy) end def load_s3config a = YAML.load_file("#{Rails.root}/config/amazon_s3.yml") puts 'loading config from yaml file.' @s3config = a['development'] puts @s3config.inspect end def s3config(name) load_s3config unless @s3config @s3config[name] end def aws_access_key s3config 'access_key_id' end def aws_secret_key s3config('secret_access_key') end def bucket s3config('bucket') end def acl s3config('default_acl') || "public-read" end def upload_path s3config('upload_path') || 'attachments' end def max_filesize s3config('max_file_size') || 1000.megabyte end def expiration_date 10.hours.from_now.utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z') end def default_options { :button_text => 'Add File', :button_img => '/images/uploadify/upload.png', :height => '20', :width => '30', :file_ext => '*.*', :file_input_selector => '#file_upload', :file_desc => 'Please choose your file' } end end