package org.embulk.input; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Driver; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Properties; import javax.validation.constraints.Size; import org.embulk.config.Config; import org.embulk.config.ConfigDefault; import org.embulk.config.ConfigException; import org.embulk.input.jdbc.AbstractJdbcInputPlugin; import org.embulk.input.jdbc.JdbcInputConnection; import org.embulk.input.sqlserver.SQLServerInputConnection; import; import static java.util.Locale.ENGLISH; public class SQLServerInputPlugin extends AbstractJdbcInputPlugin { private static int DEFAULT_PORT = 1433; public interface SQLServerPluginTask extends PluginTask { @Config("driver_path") @ConfigDefault("null") public Optional getDriverPath(); @Config("host") @ConfigDefault("null") public Optional getHost(); @Config("port") @ConfigDefault("1433") public int getPort(); @Config("instance") @ConfigDefault("null") public Optional getInstance(); @Config("database") @ConfigDefault("null") public Optional getDatabase(); @Config("integratedSecurity") @ConfigDefault("false") public boolean getIntegratedSecurity(); @Config("url") @ConfigDefault("null") public Optional getUrl(); @Config("user") @ConfigDefault("null") public Optional getUser(); @Config("password") @ConfigDefault("\"\"") public String getPassword(); @Config("schema") @ConfigDefault("null") public Optional getSchema(); @Config("application_name") @ConfigDefault("\"embulk-input-sqlserver\"") @Size(max=128) public String getApplicationName(); } @Override protected Class getTaskClass() { return SQLServerPluginTask.class; } private static class UrlAndProperties { private final String url; private final Properties properties; public UrlAndProperties(String url, Properties properties) { this.url = url; = properties; } public String getUrl() { return url; } public Properties getProperties() { return properties; } } @Override protected JdbcInputConnection newConnection(PluginTask task) throws SQLException { SQLServerPluginTask sqlServerTask = (SQLServerPluginTask) task; Driver driver; boolean useJtdsDriver = false; if (sqlServerTask.getDriverPath().isPresent()) { addDriverJarToClasspath(sqlServerTask.getDriverPath().get()); try { driver = (Driver) Class.forName("").newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ConfigException("Driver set at field 'driver_path' doesn't include Microsoft SQLServerDriver", e); } } else { // prefer Microsoft SQLServerDriver if it is in classpath try { driver = (Driver) Class.forName("").newInstance(); } catch (Exception ex) {"Using jTDS Driver"); driver = new net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver(); useJtdsDriver = true; } } UrlAndProperties urlAndProps = buildUrlAndProperties(sqlServerTask, useJtdsDriver); Properties props = urlAndProps.getProperties(); props.putAll(sqlServerTask.getOptions()); Connection con = driver.connect(urlAndProps.getUrl(), props); try { SQLServerInputConnection c = new SQLServerInputConnection(con, sqlServerTask.getSchema().orNull()); con = null; return c; } finally { if (con != null) { con.close(); } } } private UrlAndProperties buildUrlAndProperties(SQLServerPluginTask sqlServerTask, boolean useJtdsDriver) { Properties props = new Properties(); // common properties if (sqlServerTask.getUser().isPresent()) { props.setProperty("user", sqlServerTask.getUser().get()); } props.setProperty("password", sqlServerTask.getPassword()); if (useJtdsDriver) { // jTDS properties props.setProperty("loginTimeout", String.valueOf(sqlServerTask.getConnectTimeout())); // seconds props.setProperty("socketTimeout", String.valueOf(sqlServerTask.getSocketTimeout())); // seconds props.setProperty("appName", sqlServerTask.getApplicationName()); // TODO support more options as necessary // List of properties: } else { // SQLServerDriver properties props.setProperty("loginTimeout", String.valueOf(sqlServerTask.getConnectTimeout())); // seconds props.setProperty("applicationName", sqlServerTask.getApplicationName()); // TODO support more options as necessary // List of properties: } // skip URL build if it's set if (sqlServerTask.getUrl().isPresent()) { if (sqlServerTask.getHost().isPresent() || sqlServerTask.getInstance().isPresent() || sqlServerTask.getDatabase().isPresent() || sqlServerTask.getIntegratedSecurity()) { throw new ConfigException("'host', 'port', 'instance', 'database' and 'integratedSecurity' options are invalid if 'url' option is set."); } return new UrlAndProperties(sqlServerTask.getUrl().get(), props); } // build URL String url; if (!sqlServerTask.getHost().isPresent()) { throw new ConfigException("'host' option is required but not set."); } if (useJtdsDriver) { // jTDS URL: host:port[/database] or host[/database][;instance=] // host:port;instance= is allowed but port will be ignored? in this case. if (sqlServerTask.getInstance().isPresent()) { if (sqlServerTask.getPort() != DEFAULT_PORT) { logger.warn("'port: {}' option is ignored because instance option is set", sqlServerTask.getPort()); } url = String.format(ENGLISH, "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://%s", sqlServerTask.getHost().get()); props.setProperty("instance", sqlServerTask.getInstance().get()); } else { url = String.format(ENGLISH, "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://%s:%d", sqlServerTask.getHost().get(), sqlServerTask.getPort()); } // /database if (sqlServerTask.getDatabase().isPresent()) { url += "/" + sqlServerTask.getDatabase().get(); } // integratedSecutiry is not supported, user + password is required if (sqlServerTask.getIntegratedSecurity()) { throw new ConfigException("'integratedSecutiry' option is not supported with jTDS driver. Set 'driver_path: /path/to/sqljdbc.jar' option if you want to use Microsoft SQLServerDriver."); } if (!sqlServerTask.getUser().isPresent()) { throw new ConfigException("'user' option is required but not set."); } } else { // SQLServerDriver URL: host:port[;databaseName=] or host\instance[;databaseName=] // host\instance:port[;databaseName] is allowed but \instance will be ignored in this case. if (sqlServerTask.getInstance().isPresent()) { if (sqlServerTask.getPort() != DEFAULT_PORT) { logger.warn("'port: {}' option is ignored because instance option is set", sqlServerTask.getPort()); } url = String.format(ENGLISH, "jdbc:sqlserver://%s\\%s", sqlServerTask.getHost().get(), sqlServerTask.getInstance().get()); } else { url = String.format(ENGLISH, "jdbc:sqlserver://%s:%d", sqlServerTask.getHost().get(), sqlServerTask.getPort()); } // ;databaseName= if (sqlServerTask.getDatabase().isPresent()) { props.setProperty("databaseName", sqlServerTask.getDatabase().get()); } // integratedSecutiry or user + password is required if (sqlServerTask.getIntegratedSecurity()) { if (sqlServerTask.getUser().isPresent()) { throw new ConfigException("'user' options are invalid if 'integratedSecutiry' option is set."); } props.setProperty("integratedSecurity", "true"); } else { if (!sqlServerTask.getUser().isPresent()) { throw new ConfigException("'user' option is required but not set."); } } } return new UrlAndProperties(url, props); } }