format do # Decko uses "path" a bit unusually. In most formats, it returns a full url. In HTML, # it provides everything after the domain/port. # # If you're feeling your saucy oats, you might point out that typically "paths" don't # include queries and fragment identifiers, much less protocols, domains, and ports. # 10 pedantry points to you! But "path" has just four letters and is smart about # format needs, so using it will lead you down the right ... something or other. # Format#path is for generating standard card routes, eg, assuming the card # associated with the current format is named "current", it will generate paths like # these: # path view: :listing -> "current?view=listing" # path mark: [mycardid] -> "mycardname" # path format: :csv) -> "current.csv" # path action: :update -> "update/current" # #path produces paths that follow one of three main patterns: # 1. mark[.format][?query] # standard GET request # 2. action/mark[?query] # GET variant of standard actions # 3. new/mark # shortcut for "new" view of cardtype # @param opts [Hash, String] a String is treated as a complete path and # bypasses all processing # @option opts [String, Card::Name, Integer, Symbol, Card] :mark # @option opts [Symbol] :action card action (:create, :update, :delete) # @option opts [Symbol] :format # @option opts [Hash] :card # @option opts [TrueClass] :no_mark CAST_PARAMS = { slot: { hide: :array, show: :array, wrap: :array } }.freeze # TODO: monkey API for this def path opts={} return opts unless opts.is_a? Hash path = new_cardtype_path(opts) || standard_path(opts) contextualize_path path end # in base format (and therefore most other formats), even internal paths # are rendered as absolute urls. def contextualize_path relative_path card_url relative_path end private def new_cardtype_path opts return unless valid_opts_for_new_cardtype_path? opts "#{opts.delete :action}/#{path_mark opts}#{path_query opts}" end def valid_opts_for_new_cardtype_path? opts return unless opts[:action].in? %i[new type] # "new" and "type" are not really an action and are only # a valid value here for this path opts[:mark].present? end def standard_path opts path_base(opts) + path_extension(opts) + path_query(opts) end def path_base opts mark = path_mark opts if (action = path_action opts) action_base action, mark else mark end end def action_base action, mark mark.present? ? "#{action}/#{mark}" : "card/#{action}" # the card/ prefix prevents interpreting action as cardname end def path_action opts return unless (action = opts.delete(:action)&.to_sym) %i[create update delete].find { |a| a == action } end def path_mark opts return "" if markless_path? opts name = opts[:mark] ? Card::Name[opts.delete(:mark)] : add_unknown_name_to_opts name.to_name, opts name.to_name.url_key end def markless_path? opts opts[:action] == :create || opts.delete(:no_mark) end def path_extension opts extension = opts.delete :format extension ? ".#{extension}" : "" end def path_query opts opts = cast_path_opts opts opts.empty? ? "" : "?#{opts.to_param}" end # normalizes certain path opts to specified data types def cast_path_opts opts, cast_hash=CAST_PARAMS return opts unless opts.is_a?(::Hash) opts.each do |key, value| next unless (cast_to = cast_hash[key]) opts[key] = cast_path_value value, cast_to end end def cast_path_value value, cast_to if cast_to.is_a? Hash cast_path_opts value, cast_to else send "cast_path_value_as_#{cast_to}", value end end def cast_path_value_as_array value Array.wrap value end def add_unknown_name_to_opts name, opts return if name_specified?(opts) || name_standardish?(name) || Card.known?(name) opts[:card] ||= {} opts[:card][:name] = name end def name_specified? opts opts[:card] && opts[:card][:name] end # no name info will be lost by using url_key def name_standardish? name name.s == Card::Name.url_key_to_standard(name.url_key) end end public format :json do def add_unknown_name_to_opts name, opts # noop end end format :css do def contextualize_path relative_path if Card.config.file_storage == :local # absolute paths lead to invalid assets path in css for cukes card_path relative_path else # ...but relative paths are problematic when machine output and # hard-coded assets (like fonts) are on different servers card_url relative_path end end end format :html do # in HTML, decko paths rendered as relative to the site's root. def contextualize_path relative_path card_path relative_path end end format :email_html do def contextualize_path relative_path card_url relative_path end end