# Railsifiying mobile development ** This is a rough idea, which may have lots of holes, please comment on it, post issues, or fork. ** It's time we take control of iOS app development, because it's clunky, slow, not obvious and because we love Ruby & Rails. We can't have "just" styling, it's not a full solution we need a framework now more then ever. With that said, I believe Rails provides a solid MVC. It can help hide or augment may of the typical problems with iOS development. Directory structure: .teacup |____app | |____config | | |____application.rb | | |____boot.rb | | |____initializers | | | |____twitter.rb | |____controllers | | |____events_controller.rb | | |____venues_controller.rb | |____db | | |____migrations | | | |____20120514201043_create_events.rb | | | |____20120514201044_add_price_to_events.rb | | | |____20120514201045_create_venues.rb | | |____README.md | | |____schema.rb | |____models | | |____event.rb | | |____venue.rb | |____views | | |____events | | | |____edit.ipad.rb | | | |____edit.iphone.rb | | | |____show.ipad.rb | | | |____show.iphone.rb | | |____venues |____README.md