module HomePage module ApplicationHelper include AutoHtml # Taken from # Modified to support html in flash message def bootstrap_flash_raw flash_messages = [] flash.each do |type, message| flash.delete(type) # Skip Devise :timeout and :timedout flags next if type == :timeout next if type == :timedout content = type.to_s == "filter" ? "" : content_tag(:button, raw("×"), :class => "close", "data-dismiss" => "alert") type = :success if ["notice", "filter"].include? type.to_s type = :danger if ["alert", "error", "recaptcha_error"].include? type.to_s content += raw(message) text = content_tag(:div, content, :class => "alert fade in alert-#{type}") flash_messages << text if message end flash_messages.join("\n").html_safe end def markdown(text) syntax_highlighter( auto_html(text) do youtube(width: 515, height: 300) dailymotion(width: 515, height: 300) vimeo(width: 515, height: 300) google_video(width: 515, height: 300) image redcarpet( renderer: no_images: true, no_styles: true, hard_wrap: true, with_toc_data: true ), markdown_options: { no_intra_emphasis: true, autolink: true, fenced_code_blocks: true } ) link :target => "_blank", :rel => "nofollow" end.gsub(/(>https?:\/\/[^\<\\]+)/) do |match| truncate(match) end.gsub('
', '').gsub('
', '') ).html_safe end def syntax_highlighter(html) doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html)"//code[@class]").each do |code| code.replace Albino.colorize(code.text.rstrip, code[:class]) end doc.to_s end end end