An SVG renderer for the Prawn PDF library. This will take an SVG file as input and render it into your PDF. Find out more about the Prawn PDF library at: Using prawn-svg: Prawn::Document.generate("svg.pdf") do svg svg_data, :at => [x, y], :width => w end :at must be specified. :width, :height, or neither may be specified; if neither is present, the resolution specified in the SVG will be used. prawn-svg is in its infancy and does not support the full SVG specifications. It currently supports: - line tag - polyline tag - polygon tag - circle tag - ellipse tag (although this seems to be buggy) - rect tag supports rounded rects, but only one radius is applied to all corners - path tag supports moveto, closepath, lineto, horiz lineto, vert lineto, curveto, smooth curveto, quad curveto, smooth quad curveto does not support elliptical arc - text and tspan tags attributes: size, text-anchor, font-family, font-weight, dx, dy - svg, g and symbol tags - use tag - style tag, if css_parser gem is installed on the system [1] - attributes/styles: fill, stroke, stroke-width, opacity, fill-opacity, stroke-opacity, transform - transform methods: translate, rotate, scale, matrix - colors: html standard names, #xxx, #xxxxxx, rgb(1, 2, 3), rgb(1%, 2%, 3%) - measurements specified in pt, cm, dm, ft, in, m, mm, yd, % - fonts: generic CSS fonts, built in PDF fonts, and any TTF fonts in your fonts path By default, prawn-svg has a fonts path of ["/Library/Fonts", "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/**"] to catch Mac OS X and Debian Linux users. You can add to the font path: Prawn::Svg.font_path << "/my/font/directory" prawn-svg does NOT support external references, gradients/patterns or markers. [1] If the css_parser gem is installed, it will handle CSS style definitions, but only simple tag, class or id definitions.