# FFaker reference * [FFaker::AWS](#ffakeraws) * [FFaker::Address](#ffakeraddress) * [FFaker::AddressAU](#ffakeraddressau) * [FFaker::AddressBR](#ffakeraddressbr) * [FFaker::AddressCA](#ffakeraddressca) * [FFaker::AddressCH](#ffakeraddressch) * [FFaker::AddressCHDE](#ffakeraddresschde) * [FFaker::AddressCHFR](#ffakeraddresschfr) * [FFaker::AddressCHIT](#ffakeraddresschit) * [FFaker::AddressDA](#ffakeraddressda) * [FFaker::AddressDE](#ffakeraddressde) * [FFaker::AddressFI](#ffakeraddressfi) * [FFaker::AddressFR](#ffakeraddressfr) * [FFaker::AddressGR](#ffakeraddressgr) * [FFaker::AddressID](#ffakeraddressid) * [FFaker::AddressIN](#ffakeraddressin) * [FFaker::AddressJA](#ffakeraddressja) * [FFaker::AddressKR](#ffakeraddresskr) * [FFaker::AddressMX](#ffakeraddressmx) * [FFaker::AddressNL](#ffakeraddressnl) * [FFaker::AddressPL](#ffakeraddresspl) * [FFaker::AddressRU](#ffakeraddressru) * [FFaker::AddressSE](#ffakeraddressse) * [FFaker::AddressSN](#ffakeraddresssn) * [FFaker::AddressUA](#ffakeraddressua) * [FFaker::AddressUK](#ffakeraddressuk) * [FFaker::AddressUS](#ffakeraddressus) * [FFaker::Airline](#ffakerairline) * [FFaker::Animal](#ffakeranimal) * [FFaker::AnimalCN](#ffakeranimalcn) * [FFaker::AnimalES](#ffakeranimales) * [FFaker::AnimalPL](#ffakeranimalpl) * [FFaker::AnimalUS](#ffakeranimalus) * [FFaker::Avatar](#ffakeravatar) * [FFaker::BaconIpsum](#ffakerbaconipsum) * [FFaker::Bank](#ffakerbank) * [FFaker::Book](#ffakerbook) * [FFaker::Boolean](#ffakerboolean) * [FFaker::CheesyLingo](#ffakercheesylingo) * [FFaker::Code](#ffakercode) * [FFaker::Color](#ffakercolor) * [FFaker::ColorPL](#ffakercolorpl) * [FFaker::ColorUA](#ffakercolorua) * [FFaker::Company](#ffakercompany) * [FFaker::CompanyCN](#ffakercompanycn) * [FFaker::CompanyIT](#ffakercompanyit) * [FFaker::CompanyJA](#ffakercompanyja) * [FFaker::CompanySE](#ffakercompanyse) * [FFaker::Conference](#ffakerconference) * [FFaker::CoursesFR](#ffakercoursesfr) * [FFaker::Currency](#ffakercurrency) * [FFaker::DizzleIpsum](#ffakerdizzleipsum) * [FFaker::Education](#ffakereducation) * [FFaker::EducationCN](#ffakereducationcn) * [FFaker::Filesystem](#ffakerfilesystem) * [FFaker::Food](#ffakerfood) * [FFaker::FoodPL](#ffakerfoodpl) * [FFaker::FreedomIpsum](#ffakerfreedomipsum) * [FFaker::Gender](#ffakergender) * [FFaker::GenderBR](#ffakergenderbr) * [FFaker::GenderCN](#ffakergendercn) * [FFaker::GenderID](#ffakergenderid) * [FFaker::GenderJA](#ffakergenderja) * [FFaker::GenderJP](#ffakergenderjp) * [FFaker::GenderKR](#ffakergenderkr) * [FFaker::GenderPL](#ffakergenderpl) * [FFaker::Geolocation](#ffakergeolocation) * [FFaker::Guid](#ffakerguid) * [FFaker::HTMLIpsum](#ffakerhtmlipsum) * [FFaker::HealthcareIpsum](#ffakerhealthcareipsum) * [FFaker::HealthcareRU](#ffakerhealthcareru) * [FFaker::HipsterIpsum](#ffakerhipsteripsum) * [FFaker::Identification](#ffakeridentification) * [FFaker::IdentificationBR](#ffakeridentificationbr) * [FFaker::IdentificationES](#ffakeridentificationes) * [FFaker::IdentificationESCL](#ffakeridentificationescl) * [FFaker::IdentificationESCO](#ffakeridentificationesco) * [FFaker::IdentificationIN](#ffakeridentificationin) * [FFaker::IdentificationKr](#ffakeridentificationkr) * [FFaker::IdentificationMX](#ffakeridentificationmx) * [FFaker::IdentificationPL](#ffakeridentificationpl) * [FFaker::IdentificationTW](#ffakeridentificationtw) * [FFaker::Image](#ffakerimage) * [FFaker::Internet](#ffakerinternet) * [FFaker::InternetSE](#ffakerinternetse) * [FFaker::Job](#ffakerjob) * [FFaker::JobBR](#ffakerjobbr) * [FFaker::JobCN](#ffakerjobcn) * [FFaker::JobFR](#ffakerjobfr) * [FFaker::JobJA](#ffakerjobja) * [FFaker::JobKR](#ffakerjobkr) * [FFaker::JobVN](#ffakerjobvn) * [FFaker::Locale](#ffakerlocale) * [FFaker::Lorem](#ffakerlorem) * [FFaker::LoremAR](#ffakerloremar) * [FFaker::LoremCN](#ffakerloremcn) * [FFaker::LoremFR](#ffakerloremfr) * [FFaker::LoremIE](#ffakerloremie) * [FFaker::LoremJA](#ffakerloremja) * [FFaker::LoremKR](#ffakerloremkr) * [FFaker::LoremPL](#ffakerlorempl) * [FFaker::LoremRU](#ffakerloremru) * [FFaker::LoremUA](#ffakerloremua) * [FFaker::Movie](#ffakermovie) * [FFaker::Music](#ffakermusic) * [FFaker::Name](#ffakername) * [FFaker::NameAR](#ffakernamear) * [FFaker::NameBR](#ffakernamebr) * [FFaker::NameCN](#ffakernamecn) * [FFaker::NameCS](#ffakernamecs) * [FFaker::NameDA](#ffakernameda) * [FFaker::NameDE](#ffakernamede) * [FFaker::NameES](#ffakernamees) * [FFaker::NameFR](#ffakernamefr) * [FFaker::NameGA](#ffakernamega) * [FFaker::NameGR](#ffakernamegr) * [FFaker::NameID](#ffakernameid) * [FFaker::NameIN](#ffakernamein) * [FFaker::NameIT](#ffakernameit) * [FFaker::NameJA](#ffakernameja) * [FFaker::NameKH](#ffakernamekh) * [FFaker::NameKR](#ffakernamekr) * [FFaker::NameMX](#ffakernamemx) * [FFaker::NameNB](#ffakernamenb) * [FFaker::NameNL](#ffakernamenl) * [FFaker::NamePH](#ffakernameph) * [FFaker::NamePL](#ffakernamepl) * [FFaker::NameRU](#ffakernameru) * [FFaker::NameSE](#ffakernamese) * [FFaker::NameSN](#ffakernamesn) * [FFaker::NameTH](#ffakernameth) * [FFaker::NameTHEN](#ffakernamethen) * [FFaker::NameTW](#ffakernametw) * [FFaker::NameUA](#ffakernameua) * [FFaker::NameVN](#ffakernamevn) * [FFaker::NatoAlphabet](#ffakernatoalphabet) * [FFaker::PhoneNumber](#ffakerphonenumber) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberAU](#ffakerphonenumberau) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberBR](#ffakerphonenumberbr) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberCH](#ffakerphonenumberch) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberCU](#ffakerphonenumbercu) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberDA](#ffakerphonenumberda) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberDE](#ffakerphonenumberde) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberFR](#ffakerphonenumberfr) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberID](#ffakerphonenumberid) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberIT](#ffakerphonenumberit) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberJA](#ffakerphonenumberja) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberKR](#ffakerphonenumberkr) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberMX](#ffakerphonenumbermx) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberNL](#ffakerphonenumbernl) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberPL](#ffakerphonenumberpl) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberRU](#ffakerphonenumberru) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberSE](#ffakerphonenumberse) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberSG](#ffakerphonenumbersg) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberSN](#ffakerphonenumbersn) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberTW](#ffakerphonenumbertw) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberUA](#ffakerphonenumberua) * [FFaker::Product](#ffakerproduct) * [FFaker::SSN](#ffakerssn) * [FFaker::SSNMX](#ffakerssnmx) * [FFaker::SSNSE](#ffakerssnse) * [FFaker::SemVer](#ffakersemver) * [FFaker::Skill](#ffakerskill) * [FFaker::Sport](#ffakersport) * [FFaker::SportPL](#ffakersportpl) * [FFaker::SportUS](#ffakersportus) * [FFaker::String](#ffakerstring) * [FFaker::Time](#ffakertime) * [FFaker::Tweet](#ffakertweet) * [FFaker::UniqueUtils](#ffakeruniqueutils) * [FFaker::Unit](#ffakerunit) * [FFaker::UnitEnglish](#ffakerunitenglish) * [FFaker::UnitMetric](#ffakerunitmetric) * [FFaker::Vehicle](#ffakervehicle) * [FFaker::Venue](#ffakervenue) * [FFaker::Youtube](#ffakeryoutube) ## FFaker::AWS | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `instance_tenancy` | host, host, default | | `instance_type` | c1.medium, t2.small, m4.4xlarge | | `offering_type` | Heavy Utilization, No Upfront, Medium Utilization | | `product_description` | Windows with SQL Server Web (Amazon VPC), Windows with SQL Server Standard, Windows with SQL Server Web (Amazon VPC) | ## FFaker::Address | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 03144, 512, 1573 | | `city` | Latiashire, Lake Stephaineport, Tracieport | | `city_prefix` | Lake, North, Port | | `city_suffix` | land, haven, land | | `country` | India, Turks and Caicos Islands, Montserrat | | `country_code` | MY, BW, BS | | `neighborhood` | Renton West, Pound Ridge East, Florissant West | | `secondary_address` | Suite 652, Suite 033, Apt. 428 | | `street_address` | 916 Fahey Stravenue, 626 Kozey Creek, 955 Rice Trail | | `street_name` | Chuck Dale, Boyer Loaf, Harvey Inlet | | `street_suffix` | Crescent, Station, Avenue | | `time_zone` | America/Mazatlan, Asia/Dhaka, America/Bogota | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressAU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 69788, 44025, 7658 | | `city` | Alonzoville, East Tobiasshire, Socorrostad | | `city_prefix` | Lake, East, Port | | `city_suffix` | mouth, side, chester | | `country` | Vanuatu, Honduras, Faroe Islands | | `country_code` | GN, CY, CA | | `full_address` | 104 Gaynelle Branch, Cairns QLD 5606, 74147 Bergnaum Fields, Shellharbour NSW 4655, 63689 Kevin Pine, Wollongong NSW 2612 | | `neighborhood` | Gates Mills North, Bronxdale, Northwoods West | | `postcode` | 7310, 2165, 6168 | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 626, Apt. 415, Apt. 785 | | `state` | Queensland, Victoria, New South Wales | | `state_abbr` | NSW, ACT, SA | | `street_address` | 991 Friesen Lodge, 673 Berge Point, 40973 Breitenberg Expressway | | `street_name` | Dahlia Walk, Amelia Terrace, Skiles Lights | | `street_suffix` | Trail, Gardens, Inlet | | `suburb` | Charters Towers, Grafton, Ballarat | | `time_zone` | Australia/Canberra, Australia/Adelaide, Australia/Sydney | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressBR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 7341, 428, 287 | | `city` | Jequié, Rio Verde, Ibirité | | `city_prefix` | New, New, South | | `city_suffix` | town, borough, ton | | `country` | Saint Kitts and Nevis, Mongolia, Mayotte | | `country_code` | BS, YE, BD | | `full_address` | Travessa Noélia Fernandes Melo, 241, Lagarto, Bahia, Brazil, Avenida Benedito Monteiro Rezende, 3480, Embu das Artes, Bahia, Brazil, Rua Naxla Barros, 41913, Colatina, Paraíba, Brazil | | `neighborhood` | Cipriani, Bronxdale, Ladue South | | `secondary_address` | Suite 294, Suite 233, Suite 172 | | `state` | Distrito Federal, Paraíba, Roraima | | `state_abbr` | PR, TO, RR | | `street` | Rua Tânia Pereira, Travessa Matilde Barbosa Albuquerque, Alameda Wilson Monteiro | | `street_address` | 304 Bergnaum Radial, 3913 Lauretta Trafficway, 214 Farrell Freeway | | `street_name` | Torphy Crest, Ullrich Ways, Reanna Valleys | | `street_prefix` | Alameda, Travessa, Alameda | | `street_suffix` | Viaduct, Villages, Manor | | `time_zone` | Asia/Dhaka, Europe/Minsk, Pacific/Honolulu | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 80829-083, 16749-831, 16195-765 | ## FFaker::AddressCA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 966, 2400, 97161 | | `city` | Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Huntsville, Thunder Bay | | `city_prefix` | South, North, South | | `city_suffix` | port, burgh, mouth | | `country` | Virgin Islands, U.S., Djibouti, Swaziland | | `country_code` | SM, GT, GE | | `neighborhood` | Bridesburg, Bushwick South, East of Telegraph Road | | `postal_code` | T3L 4V3, B9T 3M8, G1H 5X0 | | `province` | Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nunavut | | `province_abbr` | BC, PE, SK | | `secondary_address` | Suite 702, Apt. 595, Suite 772 | | `street_address` | 57969 Waneta Shore, 221 Van Villages, 524 Spencer Pines | | `street_name` | Nader Park, Neva Ports, Barrows Groves | | `street_suffix` | Stravenue, Flat, Meadows | | `time_zone` | Pacific/Auckland, Europe/Berlin, Asia/Taipei | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressCH | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 719, 5594, 2618 | | `canton_abbr` | GE, ZH, BL | | `city` | Dustinberg, Rosannehaven, East Deloresmouth | | `city_prefix` | East, East, Port | | `city_suffix` | fort, mouth, port | | `country` | Korea, Democratic People's Republic of, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Denmark | | `country_code` | WS, MX, GI | | `neighborhood` | Dyker Heights, Kingsbridge Heights, Schall Circle/Lakeside Green | | `postal_code` | 6047, 9061, 4323 | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 087, Apt. 481, Apt. 255 | | `street_address` | 45043 Lahoma Vista, 0166 Glover Gardens, 246 Jones Falls | | `street_name` | Librada Glens, Bernier Course, Harris Plains | | `street_suffix` | Causeway, Greens, Fall | | `time_zone` | Europe/Vilnius, Asia/Kamchatka, America/Halifax | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressCHDE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 87872, 47674, 5511 | | `canton` | Zug, Luzern, Uri | | `canton_abbr` | SH, NE, GR | | `city` | Lillyhaven, Schoenland, Adamsfurt | | `city_prefix` | West, West, Port | | `city_suffix` | town, ton, borough | | `country` | Holy See (Vatican City State), Sint Maarten (dutch Part), Gambia | | `country_code` | IO, GR, DM | | `neighborhood` | Cleveland Park, South of Lake Shore Blvd, Sagaponack Seaside | | `postal_code` | 4458, 6330, 0330 | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 990, Suite 355, Apt. 063 | | `street_address` | 95283 Deckow Divide, 2669 Kautzer Roads, 89820 Melinda Lake | | `street_name` | Bauch Falls, Rudolf Hill, Beahan Plain | | `street_suffix` | Cape, Square, Overpass | | `time_zone` | Europe/Warsaw, Asia/Kathmandu, America/Caracas | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressCHFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 32115, 38132, 6364 | | `canton` | Bâle-Campagne, Glaris, Uri | | `canton_abbr` | SH, JU, UR | | `city` | South Monique, Port Gwennville, South Tessatown | | `city_prefix` | North, South, North | | `city_suffix` | furt, chester, haven | | `country` | Mayotte, Marshall Islands, Réunion | | `country_code` | TF, CR, AL | | `neighborhood` | East of Telegraph Road, East of Telegraph Road, Allegheny West | | `postal_code` | 8237, 4472, 5318 | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 865, Apt. 504, Suite 521 | | `street_address` | 937 Powlowski Green, 5329 Solange Squares, 842 Kautzer Light | | `street_name` | Luettgen Bypass, Bernhard Forest, Kuhic Oval | | `street_suffix` | Isle, Common, Trafficway | | `time_zone` | America/Caracas, Europe/Budapest, Europe/Dublin | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressCHIT | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 241, 80332, 25803 | | `canton` | Zurigo, Uri, Basilea Campagna | | `canton_abbr` | AG, BE, NE | | `city` | Port Reta, South Lance, Huelburgh | | `city_prefix` | Lake, South, West | | `city_suffix` | town, shire, town | | `country` | Denmark, United States, Moldova, Republic of | | `country_code` | GS, GE, PR | | `neighborhood` | Allegheny West, Schall Circle/Lakeside Green, West Covina East | | `postal_code` | 2856, 8459, 8042 | | `secondary_address` | Suite 656, Apt. 434, Suite 934 | | `street_address` | 664 Cecil Harbors, 440 Aron Dam, 01707 Daniel Wall | | `street_name` | Lidia Orchard, Ayesha Walks, Haag Springs | | `street_suffix` | River, Lock, Divide | | `time_zone` | Europe/Moscow, Asia/Kuwait, Asia/Vladivostok | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressDA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 2654, 8333, 2810 | | `city` | Gudme, Otterup, Regstrup | | `city_prefix` | East, West, New | | `city_suffix` | berg, stad, ville | | `country` | CuraÇao, Eritrea, Norfolk Island | | `country_code` | SZ, GE, TM | | `full_address` | Kirkegårdsvej 31 1620 Aarhus V Sjælland DANMARK, Bronzealderen 77 2376 Børkop Hovedstaden DANMARK, M W Gjøes Vej 4 9296 Jelling Midtjylland DANMARK | | `kommune` | Furesø, Vesthimmerlands, Middelfart | | `neighborhood` | Ocean Parkway South, South of Lake Shore Blvd, Bushwick South | | `post_nr` | 6479, 0855, 2869 | | `region` | Syddanmark, Syddanmark, Midtjylland | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 572, Apt. 157, Apt. 445 | | `state` | Herlev, Holbæk, Greve | | `street_address` | Postgade 62, Lille Solhøjvej 76, Tjørnekrattet 91 | | `street_name` | Bousagervej, Kildehusene, Frøhaven | | `street_suffix` | Hill, Alley, Stravenue | | `time_zone` | America/La_Paz, Asia/Kuala_Lumpur, Europe/Helsinki | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 7805, 9537, 7699 | ## FFaker::AddressDE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 02782, 567, 073 | | `city` | Steinbach, Dieburg, Kraichtal | | `city_prefix` | Lake, East, South | | `city_suffix` | ville, berg, haven | | `country` | Zimbabwe, Palestine, State of, Sweden | | `country_code` | IL, BT, SV | | `neighborhood` | South of Bell Road, Mott Haven/Port Morris, Summerlin North | | `secondary_address` | Suite 293, Apt. 940, Apt. 215 | | `state` | Berlin, Brandenburg, Saarland | | `street_address` | Norrisstr. 16, Jeaniestr. 177, Windlerstr. 178 | | `street_name` | Peterstr., Vivangasse, Yerstr. | | `street_suffix` | Freeway, Creek, Trail | | `time_zone` | Europe/Berlin, Africa/Johannesburg, Europe/Paris | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 10510, 07325, 12473 | ## FFaker::AddressFI | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 63659, 1326, 475 | | `city` | Kaarina, Saarijärvi, Lieksa | | `city_prefix` | West, South, East | | `city_suffix` | berg, port, ton | | `country` | Turkmenistan, French Guiana, Canada | | `country_code` | CO, TM, SV | | `full_address` | Kurjenmäentie 6 a, 94904 Huittinen, SUOMI, Isoniituntie 0 b 4, 44569 Alavus, SUOMI, Sököpolku 98, 83172 Lohja, SUOMI | | `neighborhood` | Central Chandler, Northwoods West, Sea Ranch Lakes | | `random_country` | Korean tasavalta, Serbia, Filippiinit | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 842, Apt. 988, Suite 237 | | `street_address` | Uitontie 2 a, Tallikuja 083, Isoniituntie 1 | | `street_name` | Liljanpolku, Rassintie, Katajamäentie | | `street_nbr` | 9 b, 7 a 6, 9 b 9 | | `street_suffix` | Drive, Pass, Parkway | | `time_zone` | Europe/Belgrade, Asia/Irkutsk, Africa/Monrovia | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 91242, 45872, 27857 | ## FFaker::AddressFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 646, 303, 21118 | | `city` | Levallois-Perret, Lyon, Blois | | `city_prefix` | New, South, West | | `city_suffix` | burgh, ton, view | | `country` | Luxembourg, Wallis and Futuna, Malawi | | `country_code` | NC, KH, SR | | `full_address` | 47 av Margaux le Guichard 2B553 Courbevoie, 96 Q, impasse Audrey de Legendre 2B550 Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 70 boulevard Hugues Bonnin, 97457 Montreuil | | `neighborhood` | Cipriani, Summerlin North, Auburn North | | `postal_code` | 2B155, 98969, 2A977 | | `region` | Guyane, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Corse | | `secondary_address` | Suite 761, Suite 018, Apt. 860 | | `street_address` | 64 TER, rue Margaud Courtois, 314 BIS bd William Carlier, 627 BIS rue Christophe Guyot | | `street_name` | Schroeder Shores, McGlynn Shoal, Veum Points | | `street_suffix` | Pines, Crest, Rapids | | `time_zone` | Atlantic/Azores, Etc/UTC, Asia/Kathmandu | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressGR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 1951, 0517, 3998 | | `city` | Χανιά, Άργος, Κομοτηνή | | `city_prefix` | East, East, South | | `city_suffix` | town, view, stad | | `country` | Montserrat, Thailand, Guadeloupe | | `country_code` | PL, BA, OM | | `neighborhood` | Murray Hill, Gates Mills North, Kingsbridge Heights | | `region` | Ανατολική Μακεδονία και Θράκη, Δυτική Μακεδονία, Θεσσαλία | | `secondary_address` | Suite 927, Apt. 776, Apt. 997 | | `street_address` | ["Οδός", "Πάροδος"] Ζαρίφη Γεωργίου, 362, ["Οδός", "Πάροδος"] Ειρήνης, 325, ["Οδός", "Πάροδος"] Αλτιναλμάζη Κωνσταντίνου, 3 | | `street_name` | Κυρηνείας, Πάροδος Ηροδότου, Κασσάνδρου | | `street_nbr` | 6, 68, 4 | | `street_suffix` | Rest, Freeway, Neck | | `time_zone` | Australia/Sydney, Australia/Melbourne, Australia/Hobart | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 15903, 28260, 63626 | ## FFaker::AddressID | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 20621, 0818, 041 | | `city` | Samarinda, Balikpapan, Makassar | | `city_prefix` | East, West, West | | `city_suffix` | fort, bury, haven | | `country` | Isle of Man, Egypt, Timor-leste | | `country_code` | ME, MM, CL | | `neighborhood` | Kingsbridge Heights, Cipriani, Pennypack | | `secondary_address` | Suite 001, Suite 066, Apt. 925 | | `state` | Kepulauan Riau, Sumatera Barat, Riau | | `state_abbr` | BB, JK, PB | | `street` | Jl. Suharso, No. 73, Jl. Teuku Muhammad Hasan, No. 72, Jl. Hamengkubuwono I, No. 48 | | `street_address` | 9740 Theresia Knoll, 28699 Luettgen Mall, 392 Patria Freeway | | `street_name` | Jaskolski Neck, Gillian Flats, Nicolas Fork | | `street_prefix` | Jln, Jl, Jln | | `street_suffix` | Way, Junctions, Court | | `time_zone` | Australia/Adelaide, Asia/Riyadh, Asia/Kathmandu | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 28077, 06441, 61680 | ## FFaker::AddressIN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 05847, 3744, 6258 | | `city` | Chennai, Chennai, Ludhiana | | `city_prefix` | East, East, Port | | `city_suffix` | land, bury, furt | | `country` | India, India, India | | `country_code` | IN, IN, IN | | `neighborhood` | Jamaica Estates/Holliswood, Candlewood Country Club, North Norridge | | `pincode` | 271046, 895070, 825976 | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 511, Apt. 358, Suite 895 | | `state` | Assam, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh | | `state_abbr` | OR, HP, WB | | `state_and_union_territory` | Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Kerala, Haryana | | `state_and_union_territory_abbr` | GA, UK, OR | | `street_address` | 512 Okuneva Wells, 69074 Yoko Trace, 7294 Fritsch Locks | | `street_name` | Kautzer Road, Precious Plains, Doyle Grove | | `street_suffix` | Cliff, Manors, Brooks | | `time_zone` | Asia/Kolkata, Asia/Kolkata, Asia/Kolkata | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `union_territory` | Chandigarh, Chandigarh, Lakshadweep | | `union_territory_abbr` | CH, PY, DD | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 989934, 040133, 167032 | ## FFaker::AddressJA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `address` | 921-2650 山口県関市中区大阪市2丁目7番4号, 701-4975 東京都目黒区尼崎市5丁目1番9号, 666-5884 京都府中津軽郡津市046 | | `building_number` | 4264, 6824, 7260 | | `city` | 古賀市, 上越市, 御所市 | | `city_prefix` | East, South, East | | `city_suffix` | burgh, berg, port | | `country` | Eritrea, Chad, Burundi | | `country_code` | CZ, GS, ML | | `county` | 秩父郡, 朝倉郡, 南都留郡 | | `designated_city` | 亀山市, 碧南市, 東大阪市 | | `designated_city_address` | 808-8700 神奈川県伊達市安佐北区西宮市674, 444-6493 長崎県鹿屋市花見川区幸手市875, 789-9185 栃木県碧南市岩槻区川西市406 | | `land_number` | 255, 923, 811 | | `neighborhood` | Cipriani, Jamaica Estates/Holliswood, White Oak South of Columbia Pike | | `other_address` | 684-2415 岩手県諏訪郡美祢市4丁目5番4号, 154-6564 栃木県丸亀市札幌市5丁目2番7号, 518-1811 奈良県南さつま市気仙沼市7丁目8番1号 | | `postal_code` | 746-8604, 799-2126, 809-7372 | | `prefecture` | 山梨県, 茨城県, 宮崎県 | | `secondary_address` | Suite 491, Suite 161, Suite 835 | | `street` | 大川市, 鈴鹿市, 秦野市 | | `street_address` | 53508 Krajcik Rapids, 46581 Prosacco Estate, 7014 Schaefer Turnpike | | `street_name` | Takisha Valleys, Isaac Trail, Feil Expressway | | `street_suffix` | Groves, Locks, Point | | `time_zone` | Atlantic/Cape_Verde, Asia/Dhaka, Africa/Monrovia | | `tokyo_ward` | 葛飾区, 葛飾区, 北区 | | `tokyo_ward_address` | 603-2693 東京都江東区草加市115, 194-6153 東京都江東区佐賀市544, 369-6421 東京都練馬区沼津市5丁目4番1号 | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `village` | 大潟村, 伊是名村, 南相木村 | | `ward` | 西区, 湊区, 灘区 | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressKR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `address_detail` | 준민마을 885 777호, 판섭아파트 772호, 채환타워 623호 | | `borough` | 노원구, 강동구, 서구 | | `building_name` | 사홍타운, 상열빌라, 대희연립 | | `city` | 평택시, 부천시, 안성시 | | `land_address` | 광주광역시 성동구 백규마을 247-7, 전라남도 본석마을 080-19, 경기도 성배리 8352-1 | | `land_number` | 0599, 5912-9, 243-6 | | `metropolitan_city` | 광주광역시, 광주광역시, 대전광역시 | | `old_postal_code` | 970-414, 532-737, 821-626 | | `postal_code` | 89083, 66684, 49151 | | `province` | 경기도, 전라북도, 충청남도 | | `road_addess` | 인천광역시 동대문구 재형8로, 광주광역시 광진구 서욱9로, 광주광역시 성동구 두환5가 (재용마을) | | `street` | 재빈길, 장번거리, 태룡8가 | | `town` | 지선동, 장훈리, 강모리 | ## FFaker::AddressMX | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `municipality` | Chicoasén, Aguascalientes, Tepeaca | | `postal_code` | 15511, 10286, 37254 | | `state` | Morelos, Baja California Sur, Guanajuato | | `state_abbr` | DF, JAL, QRO | | `zip_code` | 67516, 95697, 98843 | ## FFaker::AddressNL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 6568, 888, 5178 | | `city` | Winssen, Oude-Tonge, Valthermond-Midden | | `city_prefix` | Port, South, North | | `city_suffix` | bury, land, bury | | `country` | Uzbekistan, Iceland, Saudi Arabia | | `country_code` | BZ, VI, RE | | `neighborhood` | East Renton, Northwest Midlothian/Midlothian Country Club, East of Telegraph Road | | `postal_code` | 3282 IR, 9439 NG, 5024 DY | | `province` | Drenthe, Noord-Holland, Zuid-Holland | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 535, Apt. 518, Apt. 158 | | `street_address` | 489 Jerrystraat, 3776 Melva-Betsysteeg, 937 Bergstromstraat | | `street_name` | Janettastraat, Gulgowskistraat, Alisestraat | | `street_suffix` | Prairie, Ridges, Union | | `time_zone` | America/Guyana, Europe/Tallinn, Atlantic/Cape_Verde | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 8441 HB, 3317 OR, 5388 GR | ## FFaker::AddressPL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 63, 151, 11 | | `city` | Chojna, Zabłudów, Narol | | `full_address` | al. Starowiejska 42 21-357 Aleksandrów Kujawski, zaułek Wilsona 108 08-404 Piaseczno, zaułek św. Maksymiliana Kolbego 159 64-277 Przedbórz | | `postal_code` | 06-702, 25-167, 96-006 | | `province` | lubuskie, świętokrzyskie, mazowieckie | | `secondary_number` | m. 88, /112, /82 | | `square` | pasaż Górników, pasaż św. Wojciecha, skwer Ogrodowy | | `square_prefix` | bulwar, bulwar, zaułek | | `state` | mazowieckie, śląskie, mazowieckie | | `street` | al. Monte Cassino, ul. Olkuska, ul. Wierzbowa | | `street_address` | al. Tucholska 77, pasaż Ogrodowy 142, al. Kasjopei 10 | | `street_name` | pasaż Artylerii Polskiej, ul. Babiogórska, ul. Miłosławska | | `street_prefix` | al., al., al. | | `voivodeship` | podkarpackie, podkarpackie, dolnośląskie | | `voivodeship_abbr` | KP, PK, WN | | `voivodeship_capital_city` | Katowice, Wrocław, Wrocław | | `zip_code` | 63-785, 22-243, 72-840 | ## FFaker::AddressRU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 614, 9388, 6678 | | `city` | Мурманск, Астрахань, Курск | | `city_prefix` | West, New, Port | | `city_suffix` | chester, port, haven | | `country` | Israel, Kiribati, Kenya | | `country_code` | MF, AM, MX | | `neighborhood` | Ladue South, East Renton, River Heights | | `province` | Чукотский автономный округ, Новосибирская область, Кировская область | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 786, Suite 778, Apt. 648 | | `street_address` | ул. Железнодорожная, д. 52, ул. Мичурина, д. 032, ул. Совхозная, д. 16 | | `street_name` | ул. Центральная, ул. Луговая, пр. Мира | | `street_number` | 707, 15, 14 | | `street_suffix` | Fall, Shore, Squares | | `time_zone` | Asia/Shanghai, Asia/Tashkent, America/Guyana | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 741544, 509979, 363248 | ## FFaker::AddressSE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 7841, 994, 2067 | | `city` | Ronneby, Örnsköldsvik, Kumla | | `city_prefix` | North, East, East | | `city_suffix` | land, town, side | | `country` | Tokelau, Syrian Arab Republic, Vanuatu | | `country_code` | BH, CD, TH | | `full_address` | Fågelkärrsvägen 6b, 14 575 Kristianopel, SVERIGE, Vinthundsvägen 3b, 72169 Värnamo, SVERIGE, Södra Järnvägsbron 0, 64274 Falun, SVERIGE | | `neighborhood` | Summerlin North, Babylon Bayside, Brentwood Central | | `random_country` | Åland, Ryssland, Andorra | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 934, Suite 388, Suite 938 | | `street_address` | Galonvägen 572, Spånga Torgväg 3, Teknologgatan 3a | | `street_name` | Nipfjällsvägen, Handelsvägen Lokalgata, Giggvägen | | `street_nbr` | 9b, 22, 2b | | `street_suffix` | Avenue, Hollow, Coves | | `time_zone` | America/Guatemala, America/La_Paz, Europe/Zagreb | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 81950, 74 631, 96 183 | ## FFaker::AddressSN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `arrondissement` | Thiès Nord, Wakhinane Nimzatt, Keur Massar | | `building_number` | 73550, 94611, 11333 | | `city` | East Sandi, Lake Dimple, Huelton | | `city_prefix` | Lake, West, North | | `city_suffix` | ville, fort, chester | | `country` | New Zealand, Maldives, Anguilla | | `country_code` | NP, NO, CD | | `departement` | Tivaouane, Bakel, guediawaye | | `neighborhood` | Central Chandler, West Covina East, Far Rockaway/Bayswater | | `region` | diourbel, kedougou, diourbel | | `secondary_address` | Suite 563, Apt. 821, Apt. 028 | | `street_address` | 564 Shields Fords, 7325 Kassulke Track, 10373 Jaquelyn Lock | | `street_name` | Tanner Ports, Kunze Fork, Gorczany Dale | | `street_suffix` | Lights, Park, Estates | | `time_zone` | America/Halifax, Europe/Rome, America/Tijuana | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressUA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `appartment_number` | 584, 2, 920 | | `building_number` | 781, 12, 979 | | `city` | Львів, Бровари, Луцьк | | `country` | Латвія, Домініканська Республіка, Іспанія | | `province` | Донецька область, Житомирська область, Миколаївська область | | `street_address` | вул. Брюховичів, 489, вул. Винників, 97, вул. Нижанківського, 866 | | `street_name` | вул. Брюховичів, вул. Староміська, вул. Вузька | | `zip_code` | 22179, 32415, 56949 | ## FFaker::AddressUK | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 0928, 32045, 868 | | `city` | Lorindaville, Kubview, Rayeton | | `city_prefix` | West, East, East | | `city_suffix` | town, town, land | | `country` | England, Wales, England | | `country_code` | LR, AR, KW | | `county` | Wiltshire, Avon, Suffolk | | `neighborhood` | White Plains Central, Ladue South, Olmsted Falls Central | | `postcode` | SV1 2ZO, WG05 0GW, AJ5 7QS | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 344, Suite 711, Apt. 302 | | `street_address` | 683 Padberg Neck, 9987 Spinka Centers, 542 Nakesha Club | | `street_name` | Jerde Island, Prohaska Streets, Melony Rapid | | `street_suffix` | Track, Inlet, Rapid | | `time_zone` | Asia/Baku, Asia/Magadan, Pacific/Tongatapu | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressUS | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 16367, 0495, 63129 | | `city` | Ornborough, South Rosalyn, South Delbert | | `city_prefix` | West, New, West | | `city_suffix` | ville, haven, ville | | `continental_state` | Minnesota, West Virginia, Wyoming | | `continental_state_abbr` | IN, CT, MI | | `country` | Eritrea, Aruba, Anguilla | | `country_code` | EE, BN, HR | | `neighborhood` | Mount Kisco West, South of Bell Road, Jupiter South/Abacoa | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 971, Suite 028, Suite 217 | | `state` | Iowa, Indiana, Nevada | | `state_abbr` | ME, RI, AK | | `state_and_territories_abbr` | NM, WA, UT | | `street_address` | 5219 Elias Forks, 36452 Lakiesha Forge, 67524 Swift Valley | | `street_name` | Gusikowski Parkway, Botsford Ridge, Shaina Shore | | `street_suffix` | Overpass, Drives, Springs | | `time_zone` | Europe/Kiev, Africa/Johannesburg, Asia/Hong_Kong | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 34483, 49731, 94611 | ## FFaker::Airline | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `flight_number` | 9W 1356, 6W 2440, 5N 60 | | `name` | Flybe, Adria Airways, Bulgarian Air Charter | ## FFaker::Animal | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `common_name` | ❗ *[common_name] is deprecated. For animal name in english please use the AnimalUS module* | ## FFaker::AnimalCN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `common_name` | 龟, 驴, 公羊 | ## FFaker::AnimalES | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `common_name` | Caballo de mar, Anguila, Marsopa | ## FFaker::AnimalPL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `common_name` | Mazurek, Stonoga, Skowronek | ## FFaker::AnimalUS | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `common_name` | Sea Lion, Porpoise, Crocodile | ## FFaker::Avatar | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `image` | https://robohash.org/minimabeataetempore.png?size=300x300, https://robohash.org/cumvoluptaseos.png?size=300x300, https://robohash.org/quaeratrerumdolorem.png?size=300x300 | ## FFaker::BaconIpsum | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `characters` | 5qtqdq0ozoif2eizyd7z6rx5zhsmh3944wiiuiyw9gvvq4mmktmdyhu071alde02yeiur7srhfjrgm5i8v3nrusv7rme4jjicj04gr0esdc0ta235kwo33yamrg9zgavrogi3u4ljm57572sy09wvteedskf4qc5zq8c1ebt1a33u70tj2zqixt2qbt7p1xjhw3nq03p2w0ekez2r8q0mf9mpm4att8ah5r232dciw63643jpgcrcbm7gh88gze, qkfbefeeghubxjo9ndf6o35dt59cevhjndl2v1o60e2vvpdt0bxgplxve9nusq189lywndg2uazn32r8dobvolcppdeul860staf1gmrx7f6h021y28sb3x3s28i0ghzgwrjbyry836q67cjjuxh8c43p7ewrkm0r78gzaduyu3m5o5aqvr2g25d9q50ws521vi5ny8xycaaxnag4tuj1svv678r9gb3z1e1dr7ymdmnchmawhgsrvcbx67miz5, wh69w9rl2txq35gh7oizr0oh0lqbs90a402g1jwckv9zhafitbur6aqk1fu97qrzu0qehcnks2oj8sjo16nx39zn84ygbm7yzllgn80n71xwy1c858vs9w6bwcbr6pdalnkzzaho2ybhg562yyhljqgxednz4t4xz27pb4ygvkrnvf3w03n9gbz4ww2nwgafk7k2ykbu15png72t15opqiyl4nv8jfo4ytpg0g8gypkfmrs2yi98q91ac5rgofz | | `paragraph` | Ball tip beef landjaeger short loin brisket jerky ground round. Boudin tenderloin doner rump biltong ham hock pork chop Kevin cow. Beef ribs tongue bresaola pork chop jerky chicken tenderloin. Cow beef ribs t-bone tenderloin ground round tongue turducken jowl sausage., Bresaola pork chop short ribs kielbasa beef chicken. Andouille venison short ribs meatball chicken corned beef. Strip steak ham hock meatball rump venison t-bone. Jowl spare ribs pork chop rump shankle tongue short ribs pastrami jerky. Ribeye doner tongue porchetta ground round tail pastrami boudin strip steak., Salami ball tip tri-tip chuck t-bone beef ribs prosciutto drumstick. Pork loin sausage pork chop rump ground round shank chicken hamburger. Pork chop pork loin jowl beef leberkas. Hamburger ribeye corned beef tail ball tip filet mignon rump short loin capicola. | | `paragraphs` | Biltong beef spare ribs tri-tip jowl. Tongue jerky kielbasa meatball flank brisket tail short loin bacon. Tri-tip jowl shank meatloaf strip steak prosciutto cow., Andouille t-bone pig beef shoulder sirloin venison bresaola. Frankfurter hamburger capicola biltong corned beef bresaola pig. Landjaeger meatball beef turducken tri-tip salami pork belly tenderloin jerky. Hamburger short ribs tri-tip andouille pig beef ribs jerky venison pork chop. Frankfurter salami ball tip pork loin swine corned beef., Jowl shank pork chop ribeye tri-tip t-bone. Filet mignon porchetta kielbasa ground round hamburger pastrami. Chicken hamburger pork chop beef Kevin venison capicola frankfurter fatback. Tail chuck meatloaf pancetta pork short ribs. Brisket shank Kevin jowl ham hock swine short ribs rump bacon., Bacon chicken strip steak spare ribs beef shankle pig tail. Andouille landjaeger rump tongue porchetta fatback t-bone tenderloin. Capicola pork sirloin turkey venison ball tip short ribs. Short loin rump pork chop corned beef fatback andouille., Flank shoulder sausage turducken short ribs. Pork loin bresaola capicola tenderloin andouille. Swine chuck porchetta drumstick fatback frankfurter. Pork belly bacon meatball jerky ham shankle pork chop. Turkey brisket filet mignon tongue cow., Tail t-bone Kevin tenderloin kielbasa rump pig. Jerky chicken porchetta tongue pork belly boudin drumstick rump turducken. Tongue turducken t-bone doner flank. Chuck t-bone ball tip meatloaf pork belly tri-tip. Tail brisket tenderloin chicken flank rump., Pork loin ground round drumstick tri-tip leberkas filet mignon Kevin venison. Ham hock tongue ball tip sausage pork chop. Pork belly hamburger t-bone andouille flank porchetta. Landjaeger prosciutto venison hamburger Kevin capicola fatback tenderloin drumstick., Biltong corned beef short loin sausage doner shankle frankfurter meatloaf bacon. Leberkas shankle landjaeger hamburger venison drumstick bresaola t-bone ball tip. Sausage strip steak tongue landjaeger t-bone. Pork belly biltong salami drumstick tri-tip ribeye pork loin. Jerky venison swine pastrami drumstick cow prosciutto., Andouille landjaeger boudin capicola drumstick hamburger jowl. Fatback biltong sausage jowl pastrami swine drumstick capicola. Meatball pork loin turkey short loin turducken tail ground round strip steak. | | `phrase` | Beef pancetta tail flank kielbasa short ribs., Drumstick pork loin hamburger jowl tenderloin Kevin capicola., Jowl landjaeger prosciutto corned beef bresaola ground round jerky hamburger. | | `phrases` | Salami rump landjaeger strip steak bresaola., Pork chop jowl landjaeger tenderloin hamburger., Ham short ribs strip steak beef ribs andouille filet mignon bacon chicken., Sausage meatloaf tri-tip hamburger frankfurter salami jerky ground round Kevin., Fatback short ribs beef ribs cow salami porchetta., Beef ribs andouille tri-tip flank porchetta chuck ball tip boudin landjaeger., Jerky pork belly tenderloin hamburger rump ribeye sausage pig., Meatball cow bacon capicola chuck porchetta drumstick strip steak pork loin., Capicola shank sirloin venison shoulder pork belly prosciutto biltong chuck. | | `sentence` | Fatback swine turducken filet mignon beef ribs shoulder drumstick., Ground round shank meatball porchetta pork chop., Swine capicola tenderloin shank beef bresaola ham turducken. | | `sentences` | Bresaola hamburger salami landjaeger bacon pastrami capicola., Chuck turkey tenderloin drumstick ribeye swine short ribs cow bacon., Andouille ham ribeye ham hock sausage pork belly., Leberkas drumstick shankle filet mignon spare ribs jerky tenderloin., Shoulder flank cow tongue kielbasa doner shankle., Turducken pork meatball tail andouille capicola landjaeger shoulder., Swine meatball pork chop rump boudin beef ribs landjaeger kielbasa ham hock., Brisket strip steak ham pastrami pork chop sausage., Bacon fatback tri-tip turkey hamburger t-bone turducken strip steak. | | `word` | tail, sirloin, meatloaf | | `words` | rump, short ribs, kielbasa, tongue, andouille, ham hock, pig, porchetta, shankle | ## FFaker::Bank | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `card_expiry_date` | 12/23, 10/22, 08/24 | | `card_number` | 3977 4983 2676 4607, 3159 2162 4413 2965, 1140 5259 5490 0441 | | `card_type` | visa, solo, american_express | | `iban` | LI6208411236664068838, LC99QMCD846970026828255817619316, TN1692466613710304823999 | ## FFaker::Book | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `author` | Sherryl Orn, Kelley Padberg, Elida Robel | | `cover` | https://robohash.org/temporeassumendanihil.png?size=300x300, https://robohash.org/nequeatlaboriosam.png?size=300x300, https://robohash.org/aspernaturnesciuntrem.png?size=300x300 | | `description` | Molestias optio neque doloremque quisquam. Animi nobis quos aut nam. Eligendi voluptate illum accusantium necessitatibus quis. Nihil a labore voluptatibus sit necessitatibus dolor amet aliquam., Aut magni provident ex minima cumque laboriosam dolore. Quis voluptates soluta facere velit deserunt in esse officiis. Illo ex nihil similique ab aut cumque. Quam laborum quod quia harum minus officia veniam., Quo consequuntur praesentium quis repellendus veniam possimus. Adipisci expedita laboriosam veritatis impedit praesentium assumenda laborum. Ducimus cupiditate alias asperiores eligendi beatae suscipit magnam. | | `genre` | Apocrypha, Graphic novel, Science fiction | | `isbn` | 23638550829, 2983046471, 15801383214 | | `orly_cover` | https://orly-appstore.herokuapp.com/generate?title=I+am+Action+Imp&top_text=Magic+realism&author=Ferdinand+Romaguera&image_code=1&theme=2, https://orly-appstore.herokuapp.com/generate?title=Nuclear+Ninjas&top_text=Historical+fantasy&author=Keven+Marvin&image_code=18&theme=12, https://orly-appstore.herokuapp.com/generate?title=Ultra+Cousins&top_text=Encyclical&author=Erminia+Olson&image_code=6&theme=11 | | `title` | Journey of the Blonde Hills, Curse of the Forbidden Rain, Legend of Bloody Men | ## FFaker::Boolean | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | false, true, false | | `random` | false, false, true | | `sample` | false, true, false | ## FFaker::CheesyLingo | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | He old cheese dairy buildings, situated on the historic site the whiter and fresher the cheese, the crisper and fruitier the wine should be but poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese the whiter and fresher the cheese, the crisper and fruitier the wine should be bergkäse from the Alps of the Friesian herd but poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese in an artisan farmerhouse a good alternative to cheesecloth raw milk is unpasteurized., Soft ripening cheese for wash, rinse, repeat cut the cheese cheese paring with wine coagulation of the milk protein casein harmful secondary metabolites the whiter and fresher the cheese, the crisper and fruitier the wine should be coagulation of the milk protein casein coagulation of the milk protein casein - tongue in cheek., He old cheese dairy buildings, situated on the historic site in an artisan farmerhouse coagulation of the milk protein casein with Dutch courage cheese paring with wine it is blue sky thinking harmful secondary metabolites when the rennet is added, curds are formed with Dutch courage cheeseparing. | | `sentence` | He old cheese dairy buildings, situated on the historic sitein an artisan farmerhousethe milky way of., Raw milk is unpasteurizedraw milk is unpasteurizedthe slice of cheese is placed on top of the meat patty., It is blue sky thinkingPenicillium roqueforticheese paring with wine. | | `title` | Nutty Alpine, Dutch Alpine, Nutty Sheep | | `word` | fat, elastic, grated | | `words` | cream, artisan, cheesy, grated, Gouda, cream, blue, grated, affinage, salty, melting, smooth, fat, affinage, salty | ## FFaker::Code | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `ean` | 9048664491308, 7795034741472, 9805049408708 | | `npi` | 3161482815, 9884949600, 4526856545 | ## FFaker::Color | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `hex_code` | c49a30, b8fcda, 1a04d8 | | `hsl_array` | 24, 44%, 10%, 226, 40%, 30%, 13, 75%, 9% | | `hsl_list` | 266,46%,24%, 175,73%,97%, 192,81%,21% | | `hsla_array` | 173, 32%, 23%, 0.89, 107, 3%, 49%, 0.39, 87, 81%, 29%, 0.53 | | `hsla_list` | 18,26%,74%,0.25, 202,41%,47%,0.79, 283,17%,55%,0.66 | | `name` | sandybrown, lightblue, mediumaquamarine | | `rgb_array` | 14, 25, 132, 164, 125, 128, 80, 110, 130 | | `rgb_list` | 221,146,115, 163,71,3, 32,104,90 | | `rgba_array` | 132, 167, 40, 0.94, 230, 181, 15, 0.06, 64, 52, 37, 0.71 | | `rgba_list` | 144,70,186,0.23, 11,224,11,0.16, 23,43,130,0.7 | ## FFaker::ColorPL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | złocisty, pomarańczowy, pomarańczowy | ## FFaker::ColorUA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | кремовий, голубий, небесно-блакитний | ## FFaker::Company | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `bs` | mesh B2B eyeballs, aggregate rich eyeballs, integrate end-to-end functionalities | | `catch_phrase` | Devolved directional initiative, Universal radical productivity, Decentralized directional array | | `name` | O'Kon-Kunze, Spinka LLC, Rath LLC | | `position` | Information Manager, Vice President, General Regional Secretary | | `suffix` | Group, LLC, Inc | ## FFaker::CompanyCN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | 吟美网络公司, 正汝网络公司, 力侑食品有限公司 | | `suffix` | 有限公司, 有限公司, 有限公司 | | `type` | 食品, 科技, 咨询 | ## FFaker::CompanyIT | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | Adamo Avvocati, Studio Tecnico Olivetti, Laboratorio Ferrari | | `partita_iva` | 51535250131, 27220820529, 91103020870 | | `prefix` | Studio Legale, Studio Legale, Studio Legale | | `suffix` | Architetti, s.n.c., S.p.a. | ## FFaker::CompanyJA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | 岡本有限会社, 大屋有限会社, 安里株式会社 | | `position` | 部長, インターン, 社長 | ## FFaker::CompanySE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | McDermott, Gerhold och Morar, Runolfsdottir-Stiedemann, Douglas, Huels och Lehner | | `suffix` | Ab, Ab, AB | ## FFaker::Conference | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | Advanced Manufacturing Technology Show, One Night Only Vegan Caribbean Night Extravaganza with Chef Mayra, LatAm HSE in Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals | ## FFaker::CoursesFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | ## FFaker::Currency | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `code` | KYD, CLP, BYR | | `name` | CFA Franc BCEAO, Liberian Dollar, Algerian Dinar | | `symbol` | $, ¥, $ | ## FFaker::DizzleIpsum | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `characters` | fia8xo1h1shj9lseam9ypu1pu6sjhy04gijc8z0lxsbxmm51om0h1vm0rp577i2gcfv5tmt36tfonqnkc3a0ocnp6qifubfd6mxeit3npffxgf31567vdfajd24c6rq2wx21j8g0yaansgwyqpa578bcvx9tde2u4v1k5ygmf7o4hx6pvrglip0fev0gs7n2khsxi1she75tzsmaj30qde5o8pkit2ld04574a62pli3qndk22z5obeyvsqiuwu, icfxxt4sknxqq6vg6s0zrgsd2nxw1dzx05a11d4b5spc3bt5suljenv3m218zibn40upk6pcplf18wrusx6n9kmfdz85we7dya4tgbg8514o0fhd5uhh3nhwe17apjwge4ig54tr7sycgox5f47fumj9975vk5hek9yki5a5hhoe615safdh8c98cymt3pjj97zadvizchf2a9fo6hwxxaxfam4py8l9z6dl3sg3gy8yk48wv4focp68ft2dfx0, nxrqtt0t2vn3fpdr9tfkdttxdmfvxuq8qg5tpy5f4gudl1k989b5t6tzlq5uqmr52p27z13652centsafcxgpv76gsuyvyd5c1mnbisnlma3ryzd15595xwr3anlp2jhn4t73j671cdvohewiw40k3dcw2rzl7m68t8o5rtkwzqfy51k0pt2n1jzho3kymhpn9tnl2estabheunmsjc0ucj4sir5kutbn3l0s1803w7cw2bw77ej0e9q0g3na6o | | `paragraph` | Realer laid back rolling down the street rizzide Doggfada the dopest Mr. Buckwort real deal Holyfield why is you. Put ya choppers up televizzle Mr. Buckwort plizzay if the ride is more fly, then you must buy eighty degrees it's 1993 if you was me and I was you Long Beach. Everybody got they cups every single one the LBC through all the drama at ease like every single day with my mind on my money., Every single one at ease smokin' indo put ya choppers up if the ride is more fly, then you must buy plizzay for the hustlers. Nothing can save ya the S oh yes fo shizzle may I guess what? at ease nasty the LBC realer. The dogg pound Doggfada if the ride is more fly, then you must buy televizzle tha dizzle make a few ends., The s oh yes you talk too much I love my momma it's 1993 Snoopy realness at ease fo shizzle guess what?. Snoop every single one plizzay bionic the diggy eighty degrees for the hustlers the Dogg Pound. The lbc laid back Coupe de Ville it's 1993 eighty degrees Mr. Buckwort. | | `paragraphs` | I love my momma gold chain drop it like it's hot fizzle bionic the Magic Johnson of rap with my mind on my money if the ride is more fly, then you must buy. Fizzle gold chain fo rizzle bubbles in the tub at ease with my mind on my money. For the gs it's 1993 through all the drama waddup fo shizzle for the hustlers the dopest. Recognize real deal Holyfield rizzoad at ease how we do it if the ride is more fly, then you must buy eighty degrees nothing can save ya. Through all the drama Doggfada put ya choppers up tha shiznit in tha hizzle the Magic Johnson of rap rolling down the street., Nothing can save ya rizzide the LBC why is you your chrome it's 1993. Tha dizzle for the hustlers gizzo rizzide why is you. Drizzle eighty degrees smokin' weed the Magic Johnson of rap realness. You talk too much for the Gs gizzo televizzle gold chain the Magic Johnson of rap it's 1993 real deal Holyfield Snoopy. The diggy realness rizzide rizzoad nasty like every single day if the ride is more fly, then you must buy., Roll with fizzle used to sell loot zig zag smoke drizzle. Doggfada the diggy sippin' on gin and juice it's 1993 nothing can save ya nasty. Drop it like it's hot how we do it gold chain your chrome feel the breeze I love my momma. Doggfada everybody got they cups your chrome real deal Holyfield tha dizzle for the hustlers rizzide Snoopy for the Gs. Sippin' on gin and juice tha shiznit at ease zig zag smoke the S oh yes gold chain rizzide., Gold chain through all the drama smokin' indo pizzle feel the breeze why is you may I eighty degrees Snoopy. Gizzo if you was me and I was you now I'm on parole the diggy tha dizzle fo rizzle recognize if the ride is more fly, then you must buy. It's 1993 real deal Holyfield zig zag smoke tha shiznit the Dogg Pound your chrome. Laid back may I rizzide zig zag smoke smokin' weed you talk too much the dopest everybody got they cups waddup. At ease roll with every single one drizzle televizzle with my mind on my money., Guess what? Snoop fo rizzle fizzle nothing can save ya for the Gs televizzle drop it like it's hot tha shiznit. For the gs the dopest smokin' indo real deal Holyfield I love my momma Snoop bubbles in the tub plizzay. Nothing can save ya how we do it realness rizzide the diggy waddup pizzle sippin' on gin and juice. Why is you through all the drama you talk too much at ease your chrome drop it like it's hot everybody got they cups like every single day., Every single one televizzle gold chain drop it like it's hot put ya choppers up your chrome everybody got they cups waddup Snoopy. If the ride is more fly, then you must buy the S oh yes fo rizzle roll with nothing can save ya. Waddup if you was me and I was you every single one pizzle rolling down the street Doggfada Long Beach in tha hizzle fo shizzle., Sippin' on gin and juice and my money on my mind every single one it's 1993 zig zag smoke. Tha dizzle Snoop roll with for the hustlers fizzle rizzoad nasty at ease. Waddup smokin' weed rolling down the street feel the breeze zig zag smoke., Gizzo Doggfada Coupe de Ville the Dogg Pound feel the breeze. Long beach the Dogg Pound the dopest pizzle fo rizzle. With my mind on my money why is you realness the diggy through all the drama., Laid back your chrome if the ride is more fly, then you must buy may I Doggfada sippin' on gin and juice at ease realer feel the breeze. The dopest fizzle nasty sippin' on gin and juice the Magic Johnson of rap rizzide the Dogg Pound. The magic johnson of rap eighty degrees gizzo for the hustlers the LBC. Guess what? plizzay drizzle pizzle realness. | | `phrase` | Drizzle your chrome every single one the Dogg Pound for the hustlers., Like every single day pizzle your chrome make a few ends waddup guess what? fo rizzle Mr. Buckwort., If the ride is more fly, then you must buy gizzo tha dizzle the dopest hizzouse rizzide for the hustlers Mr. Buckwort. | | `phrases` | Now i'm on parole Doggfada Coupe de Ville recognize you talk too much the diggy., Through all the drama rizzoad Coupe de Ville your chrome Mr. Buckwort televizzle., The dogg pound make a few ends the diggy waddup if the ride is more fly, then you must buy Doggfada the dopest., Tha dizzle for the Gs the diggy drop it like it's hot the S oh yes realer your chrome., Feel the breeze why is you Doggfada rizzide now I'm on parole., Rizzide every single one you talk too much in tha hizzle Coupe de Ville rolling down the street smokin' weed., Real deal holyfield smokin' indo laid back waddup the Dogg Pound., Why is you Mr. Buckwort pizzle nasty through all the drama hizzouse recognize tha shiznit., Mr. buckwort it's 1993 smokin' indo tha shiznit the S oh yes for the hustlers Coupe de Ville. | | `sentence` | Put ya choppers up it's 1993 televizzle bubbles in the tub smokin' indo every single one the diggy., Guess what? the dopest Long Beach hizzouse if the ride is more fly, then you must buy and my money on my mind., The dogg pound nasty everybody got they cups the LBC guess what? fo shizzle the Magic Johnson of rap. | | `sentences` | Rizzoad roll with nasty for the hustlers it's 1993 televizzle may I., If the ride is more fly, then you must buy realness the S oh yes fo rizzle rizzide everybody got they cups why is you., Doggfada Snoopy why is you televizzle laid back., Everybody got they cups televizzle guess what? tha shiznit bionic the Dogg Pound the dopest., Long beach put ya choppers up the Dogg Pound realer and my money on my mind feel the breeze rolling down the street if the ride is more fly, then you must buy., Realness pizzle if the ride is more fly, then you must buy every single one Coupe de Ville smokin' indo fo shizzle real deal Holyfield., Eighty degrees recognize drizzle the Dogg Pound realer., Why is you eighty degrees Long Beach the Magic Johnson of rap fizzle tha dizzle it's 1993 guess what?., Guess what? bionic like every single day rolling down the street used to sell loot I love my momma hizzouse at ease sippin' on gin and juice. | | `word` | the LBC, and my money on my mind, Snoopy | | `words` | bubbles in the tub, tha dizzle, pizzle, televizzle, Long Beach, may I, Snoopy, drop it like it's hot, put ya choppers up | ## FFaker::Education | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `degree` | Master of Social Work in Systems Education, Doctor of Pharmacy in Industrial Architecture, Master of Science in Quality Assurance in Industrial Studies | | `degree_short` | BE in Business Accountancy, ME in Marketing Architecture, MPharm in Medical Development | | `major` | Marketing Philosophy, Political Education, Systems Management | | `school` | Northcoast College of Architecture, Wyoming Academy of Philosophy, Northpoint Polytechnic University | | `school_generic_name` | Redwood, Northshire, Indiana | | `school_name` | Northcrest, Windshore, Windshire | ## FFaker::EducationCN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `degree` | 文学博士, 医学博士, 教育学硕士 | | `location` | 郑州, 江苏, 云南 | | `major` | 体育经济与管理, 冶金工程, 材料成型及控制工程 | | `school` | 忻州学院, 西南邮电大学濮阳分校, 上海医科大学 | ## FFaker::Filesystem | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `directory` | sequi/quidem/fuga, asperiores/quidem/labore, cumque/optio/facere | | `extension` | csv, html, mp3 | | `file_name` | eum/quas/impedit/dignissimos.pptx, eius/fuga/et/sit.docx, nostrum/doloribus/ex/alias.js | | `mime_type` | application/javascript, application/json, application/soap+xml | ## FFaker::Food | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `fruit` | Quince, Salal, Currant | | `herb_or_spice` | Savory Summer Leaf, Paprika, Fajita Seasoning | | `ingredient` | Coriander, Cloves, Avocado | | `meat` | Tripe, Ham, Pork, Bacon | | `vegetable` | Yao Choy, Lettuce, Rutabaga | ## FFaker::FoodPL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `diary` | masło, mleko zagęszczone, maślanka | | `fermented` | piwo, kombucza, miso | | `food` | gruszka, powidła, ocet | | `fruit` | aronia, poziomka, daktyle | | `herb` | pietruszka, bazylia, lubczyk | | `meat` | wieprzowina, wieprzowina, jagnięcina | | `preserves` | pesto, keczup, syrop | | `processed` | pesto, maślanka, zsiadłe mleko | | `spice` | sezam, szafran, kardamon | | `unprocessed` | imbir, kapusta biała, wieprzowina | | `vegetable` | czosnek, kapusta biała, brukselka | ## FFaker::FreedomIpsum | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `characters` | cx633qc8ozw0kc6bcg3zfhfbwb29bsxfiu8ta2y8a85d9jwkh34aop9byhbea7gymiiqq0ec41521qk6i1b6p7jj47efv00pp9bvz513nyje924l868y8y4pq0zvh9c8oo0dcn8mrriwe2t5tk4n6i5y97yrqitg8rsyjplapqkmv0i7momjrjnay4knucjormr4h3p9congqbpkgtzkp1cn1fzkp6ewy3rlb2x58id4gwa4y2t8dnvvjkh8nii, mln4fthvobz6vz9oysw2cquultbcdqo207kapbnb9kpth4h2jk735i02s7p444ldrv6ok4hwwvvwoo7c7enkoy9zv3xnvuz6lirxwonxvt2e7vtbj1tb26riioywob7rm7xoq0i0prvusc0lnpw78cukimlb99f0ppk76gb95fc53ump6w1d1j1a7d16v48a84nt354wc2g5b1nl5i3sm6g9zbhv3r2ujnfklgce73xxh03n1hh019t84mpaeml, 2j2oqn94i0wal0bbbm5movo79as0nd4b2tf2wkgyidazraem7utdnko7bxv8wyoxv9b9snb2wun2lhh8edj5mdjdoxefcdwtqdkdo3mx0yq9m20wa05pfpl7iongtvbfmkzrl8cro2ueczb91bm5mpanivyasskmsw8zj71odp1cxrr2czxrw6wdovpcbtxyr42g776h09mr88a3js0maq5dt3l7z0iapa3x950z14tl5jhdu6csigimupsoax1 | | `paragraph` | Monster truck rally more bullets extra beef shock and awe country-fried weekends Denny's Grand Slam Breakfast Harley Davidson 3D Blu-Ray. Wal-mart potato salad boneless buffalo wings second amendment rights Marlboro reds extra pulled pork slurpees Mount Rushmore. Bald eagles Championship Pro Bass Fishing explosions congress Checkers. Super-size Denny's Grand Slam Breakfast propane tanks Arnold Schwarzenegger the government congress. Starbucks milkshakes ESPN2 Arnold Schwarzenegger independence Dallas Cowboys crispy chicken strips cholesterol Chuck Norris., Red white and blue consumerism independence Texas chili cheese fries truck nuts. Mount rushmore Disney World mud flaps DiGiorno bald eagles USA-4-Life-Bro TGIF milkshakes. 18-wheeler hot dogs boneless buffalo wings condiments drive-thru. Supreme court ruling shock and awe crunch-tastic NASA Applebee's condiments DirecTV., Bigfoot cheese-stuffed drone strike WMD cholesterol controversial sweatpants Championship Pro Bass Fishing. Pro-wrestling country-fried crispy chicken strips cheese-stuffed Call of Duty. Credit cards Hot Pockets more bullets Home Depot Dale Earnhardt Jr CNN Checkers red white and blue. | | `paragraphs` | Mgd CSI: Miami taco night extra-large second amendment rights condiments Die Hard 2: Die Harder. Pickup trucks wanted dead or alive 1776 Bud heavy tall-boy juicy flame-grilled. Super-size super bowl more bullets Chuck Norris DVD 85oz soda John Cena stock market Nashville. Exploding God Bless America NASA John Cena liberty. Star-spangled banner fighter jets fireworks Lynyrd Skynyrd twinkies online multiplayer taco night Call of Duty., Arnold schwarzenegger mud flaps 18-wheeler Championship Pro Bass Fishing Checkers Proud To Be An American. Cholesterol SUVs extra value meal Texas Michael Bay movies Checkers anti-metric system. Dvd pro-wrestling Costco Lynyrd Skynyrd DirecTV the economy stock market. Applebee's stars and stripes voting XXXL NASA low gas prices extra value meal explosions second amendment rights. Hot dogs cheese-stuffed drone strike shock and awe bigger southwest breakfast burrito Texas condiments., Nascar extra pulled pork bigger Fox News MGD official sponsor propane tanks. Fireworks Chuck Norris RoboCop cheese-stuffed MOPAR. Congress MOPAR freedom fries tomahawk cruise missile boneless buffalo wings. Fighter jets explosions extra-large ESPN2 WMD NASA red white and blue Denny's Grand Slam Breakfast Fox News. Cheese-stuffed Star-Spangled Banner Proud To Be An American XXXL congress., Bald eagles SUVs shock and awe 7-Eleven weekends. Espn2 FBI CIA NSA truthers pro-wrestling constitutional rights country-fried BBQ. Home depot foreign policy DiGiorno bigfoot bald eagles condiments., Milkshakes bacon cheeseburgers monster truck rally CNN patriotic. Tomahawk cruise missile USA-4-Life-Bro mission accomplished nuclear-powered aircraft carrier NASA. Extra value meal hot dogs malls drone strike apple pie fighter jets red white and blue 18-wheeler., Mount rushmore extra-large Uncle Sam border wall monster truck rally liberty shock and awe. Second amendment rights crunch-tastic fighter jets independence the media route 66 Denny's Grand Slam Breakfast. Taco night drone strike constitutional rights capitalism automatic rifle Uncle Sam Proud To Be An American 18-wheeler hot dogs. Michael bay movies online multiplayer Chuck Norris consumerism FBI CIA NSA cheese-stuffed Hanes boxer briefs. Harley davidson extra value meal potato salad Proud To Be An American low taxes better dead than red lunchables., Home depot red white and blue Bud heavy tall-boy CSI: Miami super bowl propane tanks route 66 corporations national security. Chuck norris extra-large apple pie democracy Garth Brooks wanted dead or alive. Bacon cheeseburgers route 66 Texas chili cheese fries Philly cheesesteak. Fighter jets the government credit cards Chuck Norris drone strike exploding elections bacon cheeseburgers I only speak American., Digiorno the economy foreign policy WMD enemies of freedom. Truck nuts Proud To Be An American television Uncle Sam 7-Eleven Lynyrd Skynyrd the government 85oz soda. Automatic rifle fireworks freedom fries bald eagles sweatpants extra beef Medal of Honor wanted dead or alive nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. Anti-metric system hot dogs TGIF MOPAR John Cena RoboCop more bullets explosive 1776., Jean shorts Chuck Norris Home Depot shopping tomahawk cruise missile Die Hard 2: Die Harder low gas prices. Marlboro reds supreme court ruling sweatpants red white and blue wanted dead or alive. National security fireworks tomahawk cruise missile more bullets 74-inch HDTV border wall liberty velcro. 7-eleven microwaved stock market MGD wanted dead or alive. | | `phrase` | Velcro mud flaps dual-wielded machine guns XXXL 1776., Bacon cheeseburgers the government controversial elections independence hot dogs explosive Mega-Stuf Oreos Hanes boxer briefs., Die hard 2: die harder super-size jean shorts enemies of freedom MGD XXXL truck nuts bacon cheeseburgers Branson Missouri. | | `phrases` | Fox news gigantic Denny's Grand Slam Breakfast supreme court ruling bacon cheeseburgers national security., Dual-wielded machine guns Dale Earnhardt Jr elections crunch-tastic weekends national security Texas., Arnold schwarzenegger television fireworks ESPN2 supreme court ruling corporations Bud heavy tall-boy., Corporations Call of Duty Checkers potato salad MGD sweatpants crunch-tastic border wall extra beef., Patriotic jean shorts liberty Costco Dale Earnhardt Jr 18-wheeler Hanes boxer briefs., Super bowl second amendment rights Mega-Stuf Oreos Costco ESPN2 Arnold Schwarzenegger country-fried Texas., Uncle sam XXXL Checkers 85oz soda 3D Blu-Ray supreme court ruling., Mud flaps XXXL Chuck Norris Call of Duty jean shorts drone strike liberty., Shopping Philly cheesesteak Texas ESPN2 extra-large Chuck Norris Hot Pockets Uncle Sam. | | `sentence` | Anti-metric system border wall lunchables gigantic foreign policy pro-wrestling WMD controversial., Garth brooks freedom 18-wheeler drone strike Van Halen stock market mud flaps democracy., Patriotic dual-wielded machine guns freedom fries freedom slurpees. | | `sentences` | God bless america extra pulled pork tomahawk cruise missile Nashville stock market CSI: Miami Lynyrd Skynyrd NASA CNN., Anti-metric system the government truck nuts dual-wielded machine guns DVD., Suvs Bud heavy tall-boy stock market fireworks cheese-stuffed bacon cheeseburgers Dallas Cowboys official sponsor., Low taxes Texas freedom microwaved television juicy flame-grilled., Shock and awe Lynyrd Skynyrd Nashville Mountain Dew hot dogs freedom NASA truck nuts., The economy better dead than red extra pulled pork congress patriotic ESPN2 low gas prices Disney World Fox News., Television Applebee's Dale Earnhardt Jr TGIF route 66 bigger Dallas Cowboys John Wayne stock market., Chuck norris national security dual-wielded machine guns propane tanks Dale Earnhardt Jr the media online multiplayer., Digiorno 18-wheeler southwest breakfast burrito tomahawk cruise missile boneless buffalo wings. | | `word` | enemies of freedom, Marlboro reds, I only speak American | | `words` | more bullets, DirecTV, John Wayne, controversial, Uncle Sam, stars and stripes, online multiplayer, Call of Duty, crunch-tastic | ## FFaker::Gender | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `binary` | male, male, female | | `maybe` | androgyne, pan-gender, androgyne | | `random` | pan-gender, agender, female | | `sample` | male, agender, non-binary | ## FFaker::GenderBR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | masculino, feminino, feminino | | `random` | masculino, feminino, masculino | | `sample` | feminino, feminino, masculino | ## FFaker::GenderCN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | 男, 女, 男 | | `random` | 女, 男, 女 | | `sample` | 男, 男, 男 | ## FFaker::GenderID | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | laki-laki, perempuan, perempuan | | `random` | perempuan, perempuan, laki-laki | | `sample` | perempuan, laki-laki, perempuan | ## FFaker::GenderJA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | 女, 男, 男 | | `random` | 男, 女, 男 | | `sample` | 男, 男, 男 | ## FFaker::GenderJP | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | 男, 男, 男 | | `random` | 男, 男, 男 | | `sample` | 男, 男, 女 | ## FFaker::GenderKR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | 녀, 녀, 녀 | | `random` | 녀, 남, 남 | | `sample` | 녀, 녀, 녀 | ## FFaker::GenderPL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | mężczyzna, mężczyzna, mężczyzna | | `random` | mężczyzna, kobieta, mężczyzna | | `sample` | kobieta, mężczyzna, kobieta | ## FFaker::Geolocation | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `boxed_coords`(..., ...) | | | `lat` | 38.9962071932467, 41.491529, 33.3732084677927 | | `lng` | -115.120716573, -122.094516147761, -73.9693478828185 | ## FFaker::Guid | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `guid` | E53E05F5-EC68-D502-7F29-ED0BF5A4E8C1, 34C07B2B-F2C7-7374-DAE0-E2A80B9FF445, 190361BC-C134-7281-A3E9-450AB11C114C | ## FFaker::HTMLIpsum | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `a` | <a href="#vitae" title="Suscipit a">Nisi odit</a>, <a href="#molestiae" title="In nam">Illo assumenda</a>, <a href="#sint" title="In earum">Aut atque</a> | | `body` | <h1>Iusto impedit</h1><p>Necessitatibus ea a itaque iusto alias. A illo ducimus corporis velit. Perspiciatis placeat repellat amet magnam debitis. Et ullam eaque error unde. Nulla eius illo consequatur veritatis tenetur voluptatibus quis. <em>Dolorem reiciendis natus dolore laudantium. Magnam cum sint quas id. Ratione nostrum incidunt amet molestiae. Odit aliquam modi ad saepe iste. Aliquid provident dolor suscipit at.</em> <code>laudantium autem</code></p><p><code>sequi deleniti</code> Corrupti vel expedita aspernatur saepe error. Sapiente optio molestiae nostrum soluta. Nam ratione sint fugit aliquid odio non. Optio numquam aspernatur expedita molestias. <a href="#architecto" title="Autem illo">Earum sunt</a></p><table><thead><tr><th>Fugit</th><th>Dolorum</th><th>Explicabo</th><th>Vitae</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Consequatur</td><td>Suscipit</td><td>Voluptatum</td><td><a href="#doloremque" title="Iure deserunt">Aspernatur hic</a></td></tr></tbody></table><h2>Maiores similique</h2><ol></ol><blockquote><p>Rerum quis voluptas dolore dignissimos. Vero praesentium asperiores dolor ipsum a. Illo sunt eveniet libero magni. Dicta fuga esse quam modi.<br>Quam harum excepturi debitis dolores labore. Vero illo aperiam placeat modi. Corporis facere deleniti dolores ratione blanditiis rerum tempore. Tempore iste ex est ipsum omnis. Tempora quae assumenda quasi vel.<br>Itaque quia ducimus atque esse ratione quaerat. Libero sint vel neque asperiores voluptate. Rem velit eius saepe qui voluptates inventore impedit quisquam.</p></blockquote><h3>Inventore iure</h3><ul></ul><pre><code> #reprehenderit h1 a { display: block; width: 300px; height: 80px; } </code></pre>, <h1>Cumque totam</h1><p><a href="#atque" title="Voluptates labore">Reiciendis quos</a> Consectetur beatae error ullam minus consequatur voluptate quos id. Eum esse accusamus sed libero hic qui. Dolorum consectetur quo praesentium quam. Nobis dolores praesentium ipsa et officiis recusandae veritatis sed. Reprehenderit quibusdam magnam iste culpa pariatur voluptates corrupti totam. <em>Cum aliquam nihil atque excepturi sit quisquam ad. Porro velit similique quibusdam deserunt placeat nemo voluptas. Magni rerum qui saepe eos cumque commodi beatae a. Quasi accusantium incidunt corporis aperiam inventore.</em></p><table><thead><tr><th>Suscipit</th><th>Doloribus</th><th>Culpa</th><th>Expedita</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Magnam</td><td>Autem</td><td>Ea</td><td><a href="#autem" title="Fugit et">Dolorem exercitationem</a></td></tr></tbody></table><h2>Illo necessitatibus</h2><ol><li>Aliquam a voluptas deleniti vero magni perspiciatis tempora. Neque id deleniti ducimus itaque impedit unde nemo.</li><li>Consequuntur voluptatem ullam dicta neque ipsum magnam amet voluptate.</li></ol><blockquote><p>Similique cupiditate voluptatum numquam dolor rem. Dolores nisi temporibus totam omnis neque rem eius. Libero impedit similique rerum quis delectus cum ab.<br>Suscipit alias ipsam est id dicta. Cupiditate fugiat libero eos reiciendis voluptate. Consequatur aliquam iure suscipit dolore et deserunt vero. Sequi debitis dignissimos ipsum impedit libero occaecati iure.<br>Nemo minus minima eaque illo. Libero cum vel nobis modi. Error sapiente nihil similique saepe maxime quod. Doloribus ea minus magnam odit vitae pariatur.</p></blockquote><h3>Totam occaecati</h3><ul><li>Cumque tempore nulla maiores cum quidem aspernatur est neque. Odit repellat earum magni necessitatibus perferendis quidem ratione est. Amet facere fuga a distinctio quidem qui ea.</li></ul><pre><code> #assumenda h1 a { display: block; width: 300px; height: 80px; } </code></pre>, <h1>Iusto nobis</h1><table><thead><tr><th>Id</th><th>Corporis</th><th>Dolorum</th><th>Libero</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Doloremque</td><td>Laboriosam</td><td>Aliquam</td><td><a href="#pariatur" title="Dolores voluptatem">Explicabo corrupti</a></td></tr><tr><td>Sunt</td><td>Accusantium</td><td>Laboriosam</td><td><a href="#modi" title="Veritatis est">Odio tenetur</a></td></tr></tbody></table><h2>Atque dignissimos</h2><ol></ol><blockquote><p>Rerum ullam eveniet non suscipit quaerat. Nulla suscipit eos voluptatum quo doloribus. Repellat exercitationem optio consequuntur sapiente aspernatur eum laborum consequatur. Hic pariatur unde repellendus commodi amet soluta aspernatur exercitationem. Non totam tenetur eum minus dignissimos repellendus.<br>Vitae recusandae voluptas iusto earum autem minima architecto. Doloribus iure laboriosam fugiat laudantium reiciendis libero magni ut. Hic vero magnam qui enim error quae quidem. Recusandae laboriosam ex nulla sit facilis dolorum. Facilis numquam omnis sunt placeat quod ipsa perspiciatis.<br>Laborum deserunt veritatis vitae id ut. Quibusdam illum eum nam assumenda. Iure at porro iusto quia vel quod numquam.</p></blockquote><h3>Corrupti voluptatibus</h3><ul></ul><pre><code> #ratione h1 a { display: block; width: 300px; height: 80px; } </code></pre> | | `dl` | <dl><dt>Debitis</dt><dd>Laudantium ab aut labore tempora odit dignissimos impedit. Accusantium voluptate amet asperiores aut molestiae molestias excepturi accusamus. Quasi aut nisi ab dolorum ipsam voluptatibus.</dd><dt>Consectetur</dt><dd>Voluptas quos molestias assumenda nobis repellendus harum. Quos tempore quae perferendis consequuntur iusto alias non molestiae. Facilis commodi ut accusantium nisi magnam exercitationem rem iure.</dd></dl>, <dl><dt>Ipsam</dt><dd>Rem deserunt eaque quam doloremque eligendi eos. Repellat alias vero voluptas rem. Consequatur ipsum nemo vel corrupti itaque aspernatur natus temporibus. Dolorum nam rerum magnam nostrum eum.</dd><dt>Iure</dt><dd>Molestias quos dolorem cum harum non commodi occaecati. Voluptatem dolorum est quis explicabo sit. Corporis dolore modi officia ab laborum totam. Iure cupiditate ducimus vero amet.</dd></dl>, <dl><dt>Reprehenderit</dt><dd>Molestias ex porro laudantium amet deleniti accusantium. Odio accusamus illo molestias laudantium.</dd><dt>Voluptatem</dt><dd>Ex minus praesentium nesciunt quae soluta odio ipsa. Molestiae eaque voluptatem ratione eum deserunt veniam. Voluptatibus facere voluptas tempore laboriosam nostrum asperiores.</dd></dl> | | `fancy_string` | Excepturi dicta aliquid quae delectus porro suscipit accusantium. Cumque facere architecto voluptatum iste ipsam culpa. Totam perferendis expedita consequatur illo animi quis. Maiores maxime praesentium perspiciatis repellendus. Neque voluptate iste odio placeat corporis doloribus necessitatibus molestias. Iure odio facilis provident quia ducimus maiores error praesentium. Eos nulla veniam facere omnis tenetur. Fugiat nulla alias occaecati tempora. <code>pariatur beatae</code>, Pariatur quae nam doloribus ea minus voluptas. A porro facilis itaque nihil incidunt occaecati. Enim incidunt vel perspiciatis amet itaque. Autem sint suscipit deleniti maxime sit. Et velit in adipisci voluptatum. <code>suscipit maiores</code> <em>Ipsa dolorem ratione iste adipisci. Beatae eum explicabo sed pariatur. Ipsam ipsa inventore incidunt pariatur. Nulla voluptas perferendis eaque accusantium nisi. Laboriosam dolore doloribus quaerat facilis adipisci architecto quibusdam.</em>, <a href="#aliquam" title="Eligendi vel">Dolor voluptates</a> Quas accusantium necessitatibus voluptas reiciendis maiores optio et modi. Ex fugiat ipsa inventore expedita deserunt deleniti nemo. Cumque veritatis animi in ratione. Ipsa repudiandae ipsum architecto dolores corrupti distinctio enim nihil. Perspiciatis ab quo suscipit explicabo. Accusamus nobis molestiae non sint quidem. Exercitationem blanditiis molestiae alias aut in voluptate optio. Tempora consectetur dolores voluptatum soluta cupiditate earum excepturi. Ullam animi qui officiis consectetur quos nihil quas. | | `ol_long` | <ol><li>Assumenda nam voluptatem occaecati deserunt quia necessitatibus. At eaque saepe maxime ipsa molestiae. Vitae nam fugiat laboriosam veniam ipsum.</li><li>Saepe consectetur ipsum quas accusamus numquam vel error. Officia quas possimus praesentium corporis incidunt ipsam natus. Vitae nam magnam quidem in. Maxime rerum officiis deleniti sapiente cumque illo.</li><li>Quos dignissimos consequuntur sint reprehenderit provident. Cum fuga totam iusto iure exercitationem ipsam dolore. Ratione aspernatur nostrum nulla id esse. Cupiditate accusantium alias repudiandae rerum tempora hic ut.</li></ol>, <ol><li>Dolorem architecto consectetur eveniet voluptates expedita autem. Ut voluptatem eum eligendi facilis sed. Quas nostrum nobis reiciendis quibusdam iusto odit adipisci. Quia dicta voluptatibus modi quas fuga est laborum.</li><li>Corrupti a nostrum voluptatum laudantium error quis alias. Enim minima repellat quaerat quia ipsa provident. Quasi delectus ipsa reprehenderit iusto hic perferendis. Ipsa voluptates aspernatur consequatur maxime quaerat ut.</li><li>Sint id ducimus delectus vero nostrum. Est repudiandae beatae culpa unde necessitatibus voluptas.</li></ol>, <ol><li>Laudantium inventore enim nemo veritatis reprehenderit. Ipsum ducimus nobis cumque sint nostrum nisi. Nam perspiciatis pariatur eveniet facere nisi voluptatum nobis nesciunt.</li><li>Dolorem sint qui labore asperiores earum placeat vitae impedit. Quisquam odit magnam alias autem. Numquam earum quas perferendis nemo esse doloremque.</li><li>Ducimus aliquam maxime vitae fugit tenetur. Et laborum dicta fugiat laboriosam praesentium eligendi dolores. Enim quibusdam necessitatibus dicta a quas consequatur.</li></ol> | | `ol_short` | <ol><li>Ipsum nam ratione ab asperiores.</li><li>Aliquam repellat officiis minus repellendus sed accusantium.</li><li>Sapiente praesentium recusandae sint nulla.</li></ol>, <ol><li>Voluptatem dicta ut beatae.</li><li>Itaque recusandae corrupti iure neque.</li><li>Vel quos ipsa magni possimus necessitatibus impedit.</li></ol>, <ol><li>Nobis velit sed molestiae.</li><li>Beatae minima at.</li><li>Ullam asperiores sunt.</li></ol> | | `p` | <p>Id maxime laborum magnam itaque. Eaque ut molestiae provident quisquam magnam. Nostrum possimus vel est eaque accusantium labore facere.</p>, <p>Temporibus nostrum non eum sit. Quam laborum voluptatum deleniti architecto. Non repellat quod praesentium earum et. Eveniet qui error veniam delectus rem.</p>, <p>Quod eos sit assumenda veniam voluptate. Dolores architecto similique velit doloribus enim ipsam maxime. Quidem dolore quia nobis quibusdam dignissimos natus.</p> | | `table` | <table><thead><tr><th>Magni</th><th>Unde</th><th>At</th><th>Ullam</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Reprehenderit</td><td>Soluta</td><td>Minima</td><td><a href="#a" title="Occaecati tempore">Earum vitae</a></td></tr><tr><td>Voluptatem</td><td>Recusandae</td><td>Deleniti</td><td><a href="#nobis" title="Repellat enim">Vero accusamus</a></td></tr><tr><td>Nisi</td><td>Atque</td><td>Ad</td><td><a href="#numquam" title="Laboriosam officia">Iure voluptatem</a></td></tr></tbody></table>, <table><thead><tr><th>Libero</th><th>Odit</th><th>Rem</th><th>Cupiditate</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Repudiandae</td><td>Accusantium</td><td>Esse</td><td><a href="#ratione" title="Earum nihil">Doloremque tempora</a></td></tr><tr><td>Aspernatur</td><td>Earum</td><td>Modi</td><td><a href="#quos" title="Expedita tempora">Itaque voluptate</a></td></tr><tr><td>Adipisci</td><td>Sit</td><td>Facilis</td><td><a href="#quas" title="Accusamus non">Sit repellat</a></td></tr></tbody></table>, <table><thead><tr><th>Recusandae</th><th>Culpa</th><th>Facere</th><th>Quaerat</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Tempore</td><td>Molestias</td><td>Earum</td><td><a href="#animi" title="Maxime nobis">Consequatur consequuntur</a></td></tr><tr><td>Ipsa</td><td>Doloremque</td><td>Culpa</td><td><a href="#ducimus" title="Sapiente laudantium">Veritatis ut</a></td></tr><tr><td>Nam</td><td>Voluptatum</td><td>Iste</td><td><a href="#dolorum" title="Inventore labore">Expedita in</a></td></tr></tbody></table> | | `ul_links` | <ul><li><a href="#incidunt" title="Ipsam">Quos</a></li><li><a href="#similique" title="Unde">Deleniti</a></li><li><a href="#at" title="Asperiores">Deserunt</a></li></ul>, <ul><li><a href="#sit" title="Ipsam">Iste</a></li><li><a href="#excepturi" title="Culpa">Non</a></li><li><a href="#ea" title="Omnis">Numquam</a></li></ul>, <ul><li><a href="#nulla" title="Unde">Quidem</a></li><li><a href="#corrupti" title="Officia">Qui</a></li><li><a href="#beatae" title="A">Fuga</a></li></ul> | | `ul_long` | <ul><li>Unde consequatur quas magni nemo. Consequatur facilis exercitationem enim nobis minus. Pariatur officiis at ab sed. Qui officiis tenetur eligendi dicta.</li><li>Reiciendis tenetur laborum ullam eaque id fugit ipsam voluptatem. Voluptas magnam molestiae quibusdam odit repellat alias.</li><li>Commodi vitae itaque architecto deserunt illum quisquam. Perferendis omnis iure eum occaecati vitae.</li></ul>, <ul><li>Iusto sint fuga incidunt minima dolor. Quia ipsam voluptates doloremque optio itaque harum ratione.</li><li>Harum eaque tempore nostrum quibusdam molestias quas. Quos nulla itaque expedita unde aspernatur minima.</li><li>Natus sit hic necessitatibus dicta id voluptatem animi. Dolore rem sed repellat eligendi a quaerat ullam itaque.</li></ul>, <ul><li>Autem aspernatur totam beatae vero distinctio maxime. Maiores amet iste blanditiis sunt fugit pariatur. Pariatur incidunt nisi delectus ab itaque. Eius consequuntur officiis iusto vel iste a.</li><li>Nostrum quidem eos consequuntur architecto maiores. Ex vitae odit optio commodi aspernatur maiores inventore eaque.</li><li>In mollitia dolor perspiciatis amet numquam. Tempore optio molestias assumenda velit.</li></ul> | | `ul_short` | <ul><li>Deleniti blanditiis fugit facere laborum.</li><li>Illo ullam officiis velit id.</li><li>Voluptatibus similique ea.</li></ul>, <ul><li>Eaque consectetur laborum autem odio.</li><li>Earum dolorum ipsum animi corporis maiores.</li><li>Qui quaerat assumenda nostrum dicta repellat praesentium.</li></ul>, <ul><li>At totam illo consectetur officiis.</li><li>Id est animi quas cupiditate quaerat voluptate.</li><li>Officiis ex molestiae sed velit.</li></ul> | ## FFaker::HealthcareIpsum | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `characters` | swrkovex5n7kb1spn2uqgkjilu6xwsmzrijmq4uozqyr859wqguisolqnggtncm5vfrguvx2kn8z641swdlw7mvcf80knnaofdvi5pttlcbdmrm8rhpvz6s6t6irpeqw3zayim3e5fa5e0303y52czoiialyjapeyeu6ai0vro2ikls7ck0rxkn1mtvnnyz7lchlu2gnbxahtt281e7p8iybvqp5a071r19yf3myu8daae6gl291958pnf8iwd7, zd3pghe1jpkhgnuyvaqoqw8ndhefp97wy5w0bnxat0qtgq6ry4p88g0g37szp9arewi04zkq6ejg8u911q4mr894pmmalrsgql2c4492wx31ynzvp50pmjj0bkdf2frmzkvq1jm6x141zlm4nxftx3we4xz5bpen23r1nq9snp0wp649khbmi6dvkhh7fxbnppdfrq5on0tuy9duyw8sp6cytff34i47mua1hgy1iensgqasmflkevbmrvn3xq6, 1d1013utlj58p1hr5n1zc34ou9zi89wicj8bqeqll8n6liaaix4kyt52lqsy9whfc7da8vzwzd74f39tg6bjq22g5e1c7h428oqcfhjglnckgn4ohc8lo03t68z22b97r5yd2n5p5lct1nglcu50tgow5stg9lkecwhvq0f6rv9n3kbuqyurmbq2jx5oydoouae7c1kebf158sfj0l2wfxlea7n2jfm4tv26l6674mucf3hjirtbo1zyaolebqt | | `paragraph` | Consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act pre-admission review independent practice associations critical access hospital coordination of benefits standard industrial classification credentialing. Stop-loss provisions HIPAA case management contract year HDHP policy year group health plan FSA network. Incurral date renewal medicare supplement out-of-network concurrent review provider free-look period certificate of coverage ASO. Critical access hospital case manager consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act stop-loss provisions NCQA claim group health plan ASO. Dependent high deductible health plan third-party payer NDC workers compensation medically necessary cost sharing PPO., Well-baby care covered charges/expenses state insurance department NCQA risk. Eligible dependent EAPs covered charges/expenses custodial care employee assistance programs. Hospice care any willing provider laws noncancellable policy ancillary services state-mandated benefits evidence of insurability NAIC cost sharing. Designated facility episode of care grievance open enrollment dependent contract year policy year accumulation period major medical., Short-term medical insurance portability attachment lifetime maximum inpatient care. Prior authorization incurral date limited policy out-of-pocket maximum board certified out-of-plan formulary workers compensation. Claim co-payment agent of record national drug code first dollar coverage FSA. Broker well-baby care health insurance portability &amp; accountability act prior authorization centers of excellence EOB. Agent of record CPT covered person FSA out-of-pocket maximum first dollar coverage HMO. | | `paragraphs` | Fee schedule board certified accredited explanation of benefits critical access hospital eligible dependent. Medical savings account major medical provider HDHP underwriting. Special benefit networks guaranteed issue co-insurance health maintenance organization care plan. Master policy FSA HSA certificate of coverage admitting privileges., Gatekeeper exclusion period medical savings account credentialing primary care physician HMO. Underwriting accumulation period second surgical opinion clinical practice guidelines nonrenewable grievance pre-admission testing co-payment. Consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act HSA pre-existing condition national drug code credentialing accredited current procedural terminology. Master policy nonrenewable concurrent review medicare supplement deductible carry over credit., Reasonable and customary schedule of benefits and exclusions pre-certification out-of-pocket maximum hospice care inpatient care underwriting current procedural terminology. Group health plan staff model skilled nursing facility HIPAA nonrenewable benefit. Standard industrial classification international classification of diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification icd-9-cm coordinated care national association of insurance commissioners short-term medical insurance self administered referral NAIC hospital care. Fee-for-service NCQA hospital-surgical coverage state insurance department claim fee schedule MSA out-of-plan international classification of diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification icd-9-cm. Renewal underwriting insured preventive care board certified grievance well-baby care., Medicare supplement risk staff model explanation of benefits limited policy noncancellable policy. Waiting period HRA HMO HEDIS lapse self-insured attachment gag rule laws episode of care. Insured NCQA guaranteed issue explanation of benefits FSA IPA HSA. Pre-certification pre-admission testing HRA concurrent review noncancellable policy co-payment custodial care reasonable and customary EOB., Indemnity health plan custodial care PPO usual and customary charge noncancellable policy pregnancy care designated facility urgent care. Skilled nursing facility self administered diagnostic related group NCQA group health plan pre-certification health care provider. High deductible health plan co-payment premium impaired risk national association of insurance commissioners pre-certification CPT network provider. Hcfa common procedure coding system custodial care service area wellness office visit employee assistance programs., Beneficiary health employer data and information set medigap short-term medical insurance preferred provider organization rider attachment. Covered person preferred provider organization hospital-surgical coverage policyholder formulary. Case manager critical access hospital dependent benefit cap reasonable and customary hospital-surgical coverage MSA certificate of coverage beneficiary. Self-insured pregnancy care nonrenewable pre-authorization exclusions and limitations denial of claim NAIC., Schedule of benefits and exclusions lapse limited policy coordinated care FSA pre-admission testing COBRA deductible carry over credit episode of care. Eligible expenses after care covered benefit lifetime maximum HEDIS medically necessary medicaid. Broker co-insurance PPO limited policy R&C charge. Cob policy year custodial care accredited national association of insurance commissioners HEDIS diagnostic related group risk. Coordinated care first dollar coverage case management free-look period staff model indemnity health plan., Aso co-payment pre-admission testing administrative services only underwriting HCFA Common Procedure Coding System. Well-baby care risk SIC schedule of benefits and exclusions lapse standard industrial classification. Current procedural terminology pre-admission review health savings account independent practice associations managed care. Workers compensation admitting physician after care pre-authorization health care provider eligible expenses rider employee assistance programs. Discharge planning capitation designated facility independent practice associations policy year hospital care HIPAA., Workers compensation usual and customary charge eligible expenses lifetime maximum preventive care admitting physician provider well-baby care consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act. Special benefit networks co-pay contract year assignment of benefits flexible benefit plan nonrenewable certificate of coverage. Policyholder exclusion period noncancellable policy formulary health savings account portability. | | `phrase` | Creditable coverage high deductible health plan pre-authorization CPT managed care preferred provider organization policy credentialing., Self-insured misrepresentation disenroll gatekeeper admitting privileges full-time student., Deductible employee assistance programs pre-admission testing attachment premium COB. | | `phrases` | Hcfa common procedure coding system HRA limited policy cost sharing hospice care wellness office visit HMO permanent insurance national drug code., Self-insured hospice care rider exclusion period state insurance department., Noncancellable policy admitting physician health employer data and information set beneficiary pre-existing condition admitting privileges., Referral pre-admission testing self-insured care plan clinical practice guidelines current procedural terminology., National drug code limited policy ancillary services pregnancy care network provider high deductible health plan medical savings account guaranteed issue., Reasonable and customary critical access hospital ancillary services health employer data and information set self-insured nonrenewable rider disenroll workers compensation., Flexible spending account health care provider international classification of diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification icd-9-cm eligible dependent permanent insurance HMO master policy HDHP., Referral short-term medical insurance risk deductible carry over credit health savings account permanent insurance eligible expenses lapse., Flexible spending account capitation hospital care guaranteed issue deductible special benefit networks exclusions and limitations. | | `sentence` | Deductible enrollee underwriting HRA pre-existing condition stop-loss provisions., Hedis master policy reasonable and customary pre-certification benefit cap administrative services only deductible carry over credit attachment., Policy year SIC medigap group health plan open enrollment formulary medicaid medicare supplement limited policy. | | `sentences` | National committee for quality assurance state-mandated benefits national drug code service area EOB board certified national association of insurance commissioners covered benefit., Credentialing rider EAPs inpatient care covered person renewal high deductible health plan deductible., Sic self administered NAIC EOB COB general agent preventive care nonrenewable., Hospice care NCQA master policy staff model episode of care COBRA after care impaired risk., Full-time student dependent stop-loss provisions accumulation period case management NCQA benefit usual and customary charge., Indemnity health plan home health care ASO morbidity co-pay renewal noncancellable policy., Self administered defensive medicine free-look period formulary first dollar coverage state-mandated benefits coordinated care explanation of benefits centers of excellence., Medigap COBRA noncancellable policy national drug code PPO., Board certified benefit covered charges/expenses enrollee network provider HCPCS centers of excellence coordination of benefits provider. | | `word` | benefit, pre-admission review, incurral date | | `words` | case management, schedule of benefits and exclusions, MSA, pre-admission testing, independent practice associations, health insurance portability &amp; accountability act, skilled nursing facility, health reimbursement arrangement, medicaid | ## FFaker::HealthcareRU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `doctor_specialization` | КЛД (лаборант), Стоматолог-ортопед, Стоматолог-терапевт | ## FFaker::HipsterIpsum | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `characters` | y3bh8e7tmaaz0sad1057xi23pasfh6y7jvgd1qe6n2ijnpocvnoesba06p0ywhyvymo1cgjlfbyzrthx0mv2vel9pyv9t0xp8kv8q8ncyq8kbnma8qnckg7e4xio9hb5udru2uqado71pe758nzor9quqi515go2osl6q3i819s29hjh0quu6clsvw0xnhmzs3j5ttijiergcti49o3i8x9dl9n81cmu2iufbd3umt9so5elxb58fjz5d89he79, g1y2zyu81vaoukrz93t5vopj2v242oy947b7ovtt6dskaylyr045yz3ogckr2kc0awrskar69cu5sj7l8d6oi3cqnedwbei4i0us9i5l8az1uka7f0iblcrvhfdynaj5hblay74hx5l9w81wwrur4qwylfng22ur2a0rqxdw4o18nf621d5gk558r1xsh74x6rkmkrifij02wog8gvny6qbcgq86cauk77m54lozsqqgfv9vjgg4oppq5kbi3fl, xidi9mesditiuwl7g9jkepfz42tbe4l55g95fuanb5nn2fqid80zm1l1doxa1qdvwlgvvbj0ld6h05v3iqqy4966v8hlll6gzx0hcksreom7grvm7u2p8mn089b07sl1v7ov91ruvbhizqeo6ar4y7i6g0xclw0gzfrsv9wrj0i6p3bdwxbcurlpdtb50w7ihw2gxloxf177mlkx1afh31cyzml1ktv6xoh47l08f8ppm17v3oeraymr2jqlc0a | | `paragraph` | Twee leggings messenger bag mixtape raw denim Shoreditch keytar cardigan Banksy. Hoodie etsy biodiesel ethical keytar. Banh mi 8-bit whatever gluten-free butcher lomo messenger bag irony stumptown. Mixtape Banksy beard salvia Shoreditch wolf cred tumblr PBR. Vice party thundercats vegan ethical tofu high life., Mixtape PBR freegan master cleanse Wayfarers letterpress. Portland Carles vice yr butcher DIY synth trust fund ethical. Hoodie bicycle rights scenester +1 iPhone Cosby Sweater. Thundercats craft beer sustainable mustache DIY., Salvia cardigan blog mustache master cleanse. Cardigan sustainable gentrify mlkshk DIY aesthetic PBR. +1 lo-fi before they sold out tattooed Marfa letterpress banh mi ethical helvetica. | | `paragraphs` | Biodiesel dreamcatcher scenester cliche iPhone wolf. Locavore iPhone lo-fi jean shorts Williamsburg Marfa thundercats. Cosby sweater +1 quinoa Four Loko Portland thundercats Shoreditch next level seitan. Moon jean shorts McSweeney's 8-bit mustache Carles. Readymade before they sold out lo-fi mlkshk cliche., Diy farm-to-table raw denim gluten-free hoodie echo park McSweeney's Cosby Sweater. Retro put a bird on it mlkshk iPhone readymade sustainable DIY keffiyeh locavore. Aesthetic Marfa keffiyeh chambray moon Portland lomo Shoreditch., Cliche Williamsburg leggings Shoreditch vice dreamcatcher Rerry Richardson Wayfarers. Vinyl before they sold out chambray blog gluten-free locavore stumptown synth organic. Pitchfork chambray tofu put a bird on it beard VHS iPhone hoodie moon., Party wolf Marfa farm-to-table Wes Anderson single-origin coffee. Freegan artisan Pitchfork Rerry Richardson Brooklyn vegan. Scenester sustainable mixtape Wes Anderson mlkshk twee., Sustainable before they sold out farm-to-table sartorial keffiyeh. Messenger bag twee cardigan scenester locavore PBR synth yr. Irony moon sartorial skateboard synth., Yr Pitchfork leggings cliche lo-fi retro dreamcatcher. Single-origin coffee Rerry Richardson aesthetic dreamcatcher cred Brooklyn cardigan thundercats wolf. Mixtape craft beer yr Rerry Richardson master cleanse., Hoodie retro leggings high life cardigan cliche sartorial blog tattooed. Fap lo-fi art jean shorts leggings mlkshk Cosby Sweater. Seitan skateboard freegan Portland butcher Brooklyn Cosby Sweater you probably haven't heard of them. Master cleanse cred Brooklyn mustache irony beard Marfa lo-fi., Wolf you probably haven't heard of them Wayfarers freegan VHS 8-bit. Art moon Marfa +1 PBR. Sartorial Marfa Carles stumptown DIY dreamcatcher., Raw denim helvetica banh mi biodiesel thundercats etsy Rerry Richardson party moon. Fixie tattooed fap yr Rerry Richardson lo-fi Williamsburg McSweeney's you probably haven't heard of them. Wayfarers Four Loko Austin cliche VHS mustache helvetica put a bird on it artisan. Wayfarers gluten-free tofu dreamcatcher beard twee. Wes anderson dreamcatcher freegan next level mustache. | | `phrase` | Fap synth food truck locavore next level., Marfa before they sold out Shoreditch tattooed VHS twee., Party American Apparel vinyl gluten-free next level fap DIY etsy yr. | | `phrases` | Mlkshk moon synth brunch ethical., Portland hoodie Cosby Sweater chambray mustache jean shorts McSweeney's viral., Beard helvetica quinoa aesthetic cred sustainable vice gluten-free raw denim., Fixie Wes Anderson Williamsburg quinoa wolf moon 8-bit keffiyeh high life., Art squid VHS Four Loko seitan banh mi brunch yr leggings., Vinyl stumptown Austin mixtape echo park chambray., Quinoa next level Portland American Apparel wolf freegan., Helvetica biodiesel master cleanse Wayfarers sartorial Austin., Wolf helvetica messenger bag mlkshk aesthetic. | | `sentence` | Raw denim PBR cardigan tattooed chambray scenester Austin., Party mlkshk aesthetic vice master cleanse trust fund stumptown wolf., Vegan tattooed skateboard cliche trust fund aesthetic iPhone stumptown vinyl. | | `sentences` | Portland Cosby Sweater +1 readymade freegan., Hoodie art etsy vinyl mixtape trust fund fixie artisan., Pitchfork beard echo park messenger bag hoodie etsy whatever iPhone., Brooklyn party seitan tofu synth brunch mixtape., Mlkshk party bicycle rights yr keffiyeh butcher vegan iPhone., Master cleanse Brooklyn iPhone party keytar helvetica., Sustainable lo-fi keffiyeh butcher salvia Wayfarers raw denim biodiesel tattooed., Beard quinoa trust fund DIY fanny pack twee Shoreditch etsy., Portland Brooklyn readymade biodiesel cardigan. | | `word` | Rerry Richardson, fanny pack, before they sold out | | `words` | cliche, brunch, gentrify, VHS, synth, Rerry Richardson, locavore, banh mi, Shoreditch | ## FFaker::Identification | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `drivers_license` | T378-479-79-233-6, I981-582-44-242-8, D329-268-85-191-5 | | `ethnicity` | Asian/Pacific Islander, Other, Other | | `gender` | Female, Male, Female | | `ssn` | 075-25-7790, 226-87-7982, 170-12-5278 | ## FFaker::IdentificationBR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `cnpj` | 33244018511443, 12369286121974, 15526642885963 | | `cnpj_verification_digits`(...) | | | `cpf` | 70764980734, 52271902835, 70268184658 | | `cpf_verification_digits`(...) | | | `gender` | Feminino, Masculino, Masculino | | `pretty_cnpj` | 56.657.533/9053-19, 13.840.671/7068-03, 77.276.055/0086-42 | | `pretty_cpf` | 076.426.686-19, 306.554.368-04, 007.506.642-40 | | `pretty_rg` | 065.438.724, 076.114.774, 479.604.268 | | `rg` | 407292747, 578761501, 238261282 | ## FFaker::IdentificationES | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `gender` | Hombre, Hombre, Mujer | ## FFaker::IdentificationESCL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `gender` | Hombre, Hombre, Mujer | | `rut` | 1649430-5, 17281973-7, 23249874-9 | ## FFaker::IdentificationESCO | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `blood_type` | AB-, A-, B- | | `driver_license_category` | A2, B1, A2 | | `drivers_license` | 33002854810, 258159632, 1370444297 | | `expedition_date` | 2019-10-25, 2020-01-05, 2018-01-03 | | `gender` | Mujer, Mujer, Mujer | | `id` | 78246099138, 1490322069873, 343691581 | ## FFaker::IdentificationIN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `aadhaar` | 521606860225, 345935106743, 476806880741 | ## FFaker::IdentificationKr | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `rrn` | 770901-2210340, 831708-1506647, 862408-1757427 | ## FFaker::IdentificationMX | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `curp` | MAKM160314HNLHXGE6, VOBW980619MGRKRFA8, JEMS200721HTSBSDL4 | | `rfc` | WIÑM99011015E, YASO750329HB8, HBO1607287DR | | `rfc_persona_fisica` | VIAY131210RQK, XAVO900618QOK, NOCG1810151DR | | `rfc_persona_moral` | JHO1005036QZ, WLZ870116XJN, LPD201214654 | ## FFaker::IdentificationPL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `drivers_license` | 87083/25/5602, 08604/03/3890, 77018/35/3159 | | `id` | EYX170900, FFP053878, AAV005031 | | `identity_card` | BAT973577, QDF330312, APO247879 | | `pesel` | 41890936332, 92892754967, 65021422228 | ## FFaker::IdentificationTW | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `id` | Y279853645, G195915608, Q184662666 | ## FFaker::Image | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `file` | #<File:0x000055a1d5be4430>, #<File:0x000055a1d5c3bca8>, #<File:0x000055a1d5c63578> | | `url` | https://dummyimage.com/300x300/38940b/5ed7db.png?text=, https://dummyimage.com/300x300/9a5dc3/ab5ee5.png?text=, https://dummyimage.com/300x300/8df9f5/6a44d7.png?text= | ## FFaker::Internet | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `disposable_email` | olinda_bahringer@suremail.info, geri.heathcote@mailinator.com, deloris@safetymail.info | | `domain_name` | mullerbeer.co.uk, yundtschmeler.co.uk, reichert.name | | `domain_suffix` | com, com, com | | `domain_word` | mckenziemorissette, rogahnklein, mueller | | `email` | tequila@christiansenmarvin.biz, jaqueline@grantwitting.name, dede@kohler.co.uk | | `free_email` | kelle.hamill@hotmail.com, ta@gmail.com, abel@yahoo.com | | `http_url` | http://carter.us, http://gaylord.biz, http://millsheaney.biz | | `ip_v4_address` |,, | | `mac` | a9:cf:57:c8:9b:a2, fd:d1:84:24:b7:b7, b7:7e:2d:a6:88:8a | | `password` | hG_mp6FVCy, xwLDNLSmn_bFlD, raHYHG5c7fsD8 | | `safe_email` | adriane_pfeffer@example.net, tanner@example.org, norris.johns@example.net | | `slug` | asperiores-dolore, explicabo.laboriosam, error_magni | | `uri`(...) | | | `user_name` | thomasina, edwardo_rosenbaum, lori_doyle | ## FFaker::InternetSE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `company_name_single_word` | Boehm, Auer,, Paucek, | | `disposable_email` | peter.emmerich@binkmail.com, etha.bradtke@mailinator.com, laurice@mailinator.com | | `domain_name` | ullrichbartell.com, doyle.nu, zulaufupton.nu | | `domain_suffix` | com, se, nu | | `domain_word` | harber, gusikowskimedhurst, huelhickle | | `email` | kenda.dibbert@hauck.nu, madge.wunsch@bernhardlegros.com, margaretainge_denesik@browncruickshank.nu | | `free_email` | mabelle.dickinson@hotmail.com, liana@passagen.se, dionna@passagen.se | | `http_url` | http://hoegerlueilwitz.nu, http://jacobs.nu, http://cassinlowe.se | | `ip_v4_address` |,, | | `join_to_user_name`(...) | | | `login_user_name` | raul, luvenia, lee | | `mac` | 3e:05:0a:ff:4e:57, 30:a1:a2:13:2f:9b, 6b:1b:8c:92:38:f9 | | `password` | _4Nq9LPSObn51t, Uou3D3VTC4c45X, lfP6l2rEDHIdDgK | | `safe_email` | jeanmarie@example.org, hassan.collins@example.net, elinorardelia@example.com | | `slug` | voluptates_incidunt, voluptatibus.cumque, quae-corrupti | | `uri`(...) | | | `user_name` | miguel.purdy, noble, mickeyirwin.damore | | `user_name_from_name`(...) | | | `user_name_random` | shawndamarceline_oconnell, casandra_feest, colby.fritsch | | `user_name_variant_long` | cordell.konopelski, emeritadevora_welch, alanaalisha_glover | | `user_name_variant_short` | jeantracy, armand, deloise | ## FFaker::Job | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | Product Directives Consultant, Future Response Technician, Legacy Security Producer | ## FFaker::JobBR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | Mecânico, Consultor, Diretor de Cinema | ## FFaker::JobCN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | 党组书记, 外销部经理, 警督 | ## FFaker::JobFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | directeur des opérations general du service commercial, intendant adjoint des ressources humaines, administrateur service comptable | ## FFaker::JobJA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | アパレル店員, アナウンサー, 精神保健福祉士 | ## FFaker::JobKR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | 현금인출기 설치 및 수리원, 식품학 연구원, 양봉 종사원 | ## FFaker::JobVN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | Công tố viên, đội ngũ giảng viên, Đặc biệt cần giáo viên trung học | ## FFaker::Locale | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `code` | AF, BI, BA | | `language` | Albanian, Tibetan, Greenlandic | ## FFaker::Lorem | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `characters` | ll989h97h98tpbjhdkyho74x68mxp77r07u7ddh9te56wzictuyv26vxmqudk0uyr72hfswjljw4qiqatroxs3rwt9e0wsbse9alvbanzfh0g0aeb4dos1t4hi5tgciuw9u646fopm52hj1c3eh9p8oap6ajahlox6jsz2mumhjx0yewfxve7cjwqocy2m6i2off7ntrkybir14mfp1zde1qtgpiu2f8z7bcotfvhnkk8da9ymyck5gaq9tw825, wtvu7oixptfyh8ygzhhj6ljlz7m29qclymqlbg0u1njb7i5stw1y7ffmbww0h8d231ztea7g376mrw4jxo27591xplmtlszhgin1rl3mu38s3ls8ey7cp7lucabt9xld39k51i170jeo3tu3k73uogx6of3w1145o82kr4t2oyrubxjm9pawmsnw7dxk6xo69j32fh3nsy0hho4dn2h0gr4sqa891pczf6li2keznv0q6ng9ach1cj7yhad6ya2, ts2ju3sgj8m2ulg1cjv51e0bktsdpw5qmlk3o26nlf6n8jj76f1pue4qba57oc4iu84wngz2ijd240wykhyshwpknti84kt31wo2oiu7mxh8kg2rj7tnv48a1nu2e2p7ya4fftqs9d4lhdsvw0u0r94snbpxsmkjpsthu05p223usl36dnttrxr0c4qymn0xxod880731q9nwc2gfwzskcia7k6mwn7l20fboggqaru6bl07tpfc7t3q3hwvn12 | | `paragraph` | Quibusdam itaque beatae unde porro cumque vel. Recusandae eligendi fugiat deleniti officia saepe cupiditate assumenda soluta. Blanditiis odio cum recusandae et dolore. Inventore dolorum incidunt consectetur necessitatibus magnam commodi., Distinctio iusto ipsa molestias delectus quasi illum culpa. Labore modi assumenda eaque qui nesciunt quibusdam. Ab exercitationem temporibus sequi dolor., Cupiditate illo numquam dolores totam at iusto. Sunt sit a velit consequatur nemo. Fugiat fugit quae architecto vel perspiciatis. Ipsam natus cum omnis eveniet porro. | | `paragraphs` | Doloribus officiis laborum perspiciatis expedita totam dicta. Ipsa sequi totam qui quo. Id impedit facere amet sapiente., Enim saepe vel ipsa libero. Unde iusto tempore distinctio mollitia assumenda. Vel voluptas maxime maiores tempora., Est quis rem alias voluptatibus quibusdam cum. Cum illo ratione earum quis. Debitis reiciendis laudantium doloribus nostrum quibusdam. Adipisci nobis harum error ipsam., Ipsa suscipit distinctio similique et recusandae rerum. Iure in ipsum nesciunt reprehenderit. Rem culpa assumenda nisi optio repellat. Blanditiis dolorum a modi doloribus et. Quia dolor occaecati dignissimos nihil., Vero sequi velit quae accusantium non molestias iusto. Tenetur sed nesciunt quos ratione dolore. In quod quis atque praesentium. Odit hic ex accusantium totam quibusdam labore eveniet praesentium. Consequatur reiciendis a accusamus sed., Vero dolore enim veniam rerum in. Saepe minima blanditiis repudiandae totam sed. Ad consequuntur cum laboriosam ab cupiditate. Debitis facere cum pariatur consequuntur similique. Odio natus placeat molestiae pariatur eum occaecati., Qui cupiditate laborum aperiam consequatur aliquid. Consequuntur earum eum natus ab dolor et. A accusamus quidem possimus voluptates est hic ad., Nesciunt commodi nobis doloribus veritatis aliquam. Adipisci id ipsum ea numquam possimus optio ut corporis. Illo error praesentium suscipit ab. Hic dicta dolore corrupti perferendis quia molestias fuga. Quibusdam velit harum quas asperiores ipsam sequi., Iste magni fugiat quidem cupiditate quae. Temporibus optio vitae atque nam in accusamus libero. Saepe sunt exercitationem veniam dicta illum sequi praesentium. Facere aliquam ut cumque sunt. | | `phrase` | Ipsum ex hic numquam corporis commodi dolorem enim., Est aut iste quis nihil consequatur accusamus ipsam corrupti., Hic vero saepe rem illo quia iusto. | | `phrases` | Nostrum amet ab exercitationem aspernatur eveniet perspiciatis aliquid odio., Laudantium numquam officiis saepe sunt inventore., Saepe doloribus provident maxime quas autem enim voluptatum., Tenetur iusto dolorem harum nesciunt cum voluptate., Doloremque iste eius explicabo aspernatur voluptates., Ab minus aliquid deserunt exercitationem., Eius commodi quidem laborum odio minima repudiandae fugit doloremque., Adipisci eum nemo ipsam ducimus dicta sequi ad., Optio impedit voluptates expedita sunt ipsum. | | `sentence` | Aperiam a accusamus fugiat blanditiis nostrum unde perspiciatis., Ut consectetur quaerat nam dolorum ipsam soluta., Harum ipsam dolorum at itaque sed libero. | | `sentences` | Quasi officiis labore illo recusandae quibusdam eligendi., Dignissimos tenetur vel sit architecto possimus., Ipsam sunt ea nihil nesciunt nostrum., Doloribus qui laboriosam suscipit quo voluptatum deserunt accusantium nemo., Praesentium earum dolores nesciunt ipsa quaerat cumque exercitationem numquam., Iusto expedita eius eligendi eveniet., Natus repellat ullam repellendus voluptatem ad., Unde totam veniam sint nesciunt voluptatum., Quisquam et reprehenderit harum doloremque non. | | `word` | fugit, incidunt, delectus | | `words` | quas, quaerat, architecto, voluptate, maxime, quasi, odit, ut, voluptatum | ## FFaker::LoremAR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | تحت الجيش الهجوم سمّي بالمحور جورج جوي. وجهان ما اكتوبر قام جحافل وصافرات و جيما. هناك وعزّزت تلك قام الأمم لإعلان وقدّموا,. الحرب المحيط غير بـ, بحث أوراقهم بريطانيا الأمم., بل, استولت الخاطفة وعزّزت جسيمة استولت يتعلّق مهانة. يبق كل ومن قد حرب. من وتم الحكم خصوصا ان فعل. التي إذ, الأوضاع المقيتة استعملت كل, كلّ أن. مما بل والجنود منشوريا هو في, الذرية والروسية., تم كل الى لبولندا،. الإستسلام مهانة ما المبرمة. بهيئة هناك بين كل. الصيني مرمى واقتصار الفرنسية والفرنسي أي اعتداء للجزر عن. يتم الأيديولوجية، الغربي بـ, بها. | | `paragraphs` | ما بلا لعملة التخطيط عقبت المسرح حيث قد أفاق. قبل شدّت, وفي حين حول استطاعوا يبق, بل. اوروبا والحلفاء حلّت بحق أحدث عن هو., وتم وحزبه بالحرب حول,. بـ, انه, غير عدد لم إختار ثم. بلا أم تغييرات يتم, البولندي ما ثانية مارد. يرتبط أخر وضم حدى من بال إستسلاماً لليابان رئيس. تحت بشكل عدد, وتزويده وقدّموا, عام احداث أم, يبق., حدى ما مع, دفّة. لفشل واتّجه نفس جوي فصل, السادس. الأولى و تعداد كل حتى, عدم تم,. باستسلام واستمرت بتحدّي مدن, هذه حول وحزبه السفن. بها به، فصل بـ الصين ما كل, أسلحته دنو., وتم البولندي عدم إيو كلّ وقد. لم مدن حالية مسرح بقيادة مدن كنقطة أوراقهم. تم الإستسلام لان وتتحمّل, السيء بلديهما غينيا دول, للأسطول., جسيمة حين, استسلام أي الشهيرة جيما الا الحرب اعتداء. حشد حول, والجنود لم لمّ. كل, أوسع الطريق الوزراء استسلام., حتى والحلفاء, كل ثم دفّة. ربع الإتفاقية إذ لم السادس الأجل الهجوم. دول وتزويده كل بحق وتتحمّل, بين., جحافل حكومة كل والبريطاني, عصبة الأمم. النازي عسكرياً الأوروبيّون إحتلال سياسة وفرنسا بل. وجهان الغربي قد إخضاع كلا حربية غير وإعلان وتم. الحكم وتم تم سلاح ان كل, كلّ يتسنّى غرّة،., والعتاد وانتهاءً الذرية النازي جمعت التخطيط مع, النزاع مع. سقطت مدن كل, تحت هناك الإقتصادي بالحرب. في ربع و, الدولارات ما. لألمانيا غينيا التجارية الثقيلة بالجانب لإعادة بـ لكل نورماندي. ان, الشرقية الجو قصف بريطانيا، جهة., بالقنابل وصل, تونس تكاليف الواقعة عدد المزيفة. وتتحمّل قد كلا النازيين يبق حربية. هو, حتى, النزاع قام. كان الشرقية الحرب الإستسلام مكن اعتداء تم. مع, غريمه قصف التكاليف والبريطاني, لبولندا،. | | `phrase` | لم الإنذار،, بل, العناد عل الشطر الله., منشوريا الشمل جحافل ما, قد بلا الصيني بتطويق., الأجل حدة هيروشيما شدّت, الامم منشوريا. | | `phrases` | الدولارات قائمة منشوريا باستسلام بـ كل, اعتداء أن حدى., العسكرية الثقيلة سياسة الوزراء., بوزيرها قد قد بتطويق النازي تزامناً يرتبط., بل إنطلاق مع أي ما, العسكري في., الأمم اقتصّت المدنيين ان, اكتوبر, الفترة., المقيتة الأيديولوجية، حتى, مع,., تم, اسبوعين عدم وضم., لإعلان الإحتفاظ بحث عدد أن النازية، كل, أي لكل., الربيع، من ثم بال ما, بل هاربر وتعدد الصعداء. | | `sentence` | اوروبا إيطاليا مسرح الشمل بالمطالبة الشطر وقد بـ., جديدة ما مكّن جمعت غضون وباءت بـ الأخذ., في النفط, ثم أم أي ثم الحكم يذكر. | | `sentences` | لقوات غريمه أواخر كل لم., يعادل في, موسوليني رئيس., لم تم مع بها حالية اسبوعين فاتّبع., لم غزو عرض, اليابانية فصل., الأرضية ساعة اللازمة مع ثم حول., دنو الضروري يتم وباءت الرئيسية والجنود الثقيلة عدد حين,., قام بالجانب قد خصوصا لعملة وضم الحكم وتعدد., لها للحكومة, حتى إيطاليا دول بريطانيا،., مارد الطريق ان كل اليابان يرتبط ليركز. | | `word` | بلا, النزاع, والحلفاء | | `words` | قِبل, حدى, استعملت, جسيمة, الإقتصادية, وعلى, بعد, المعاهدات, الى | ## FFaker::LoremCN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | 怒目而视叮叮咚咚雪白绵绵细雨鱼龙混杂有始无终, 手忙脚乱时而鸡犬不宁不胜枚举, 雪飘如絮赞叹不已婀娜多姿骄阳似火纷纷扬扬, 刹那间半推半就象牙白管中窥豹半梦半醒九死一生眉开眼笑, 微微一笑手足无措激动人心人山人海。, 不计其数漫漫长夜惊弓之鸟咕噜空前绝后胆小如鼠, 秋实累累俯瞰手忙脚乱不明不白八仙过海,各显神通走马观花深入浅出, 面黄肌瘦承上启下迫不及待虎背熊腰, 两情相悦暴雨如注千方百计手舞足蹈安危冷暖冰清玉洁凶多吉少黑压压不计其数, 摩肩接踵不明不白五谷丰登龙争虎斗。, 惊慌失措骄阳似火天寒地冻深入浅出千变万化探望惶惶不安叮当, 柠檬黄指鹿为马望女成凤热浪滚滚迫不及待天南地北虎啸龙吟五彩缤纷, 齐心协力顺手牵羊犹豫不决时高时低黯然神伤口蜜腹剑胆小如鼠雪花如席。 | | `paragraphs` | 刹那间一言九鼎不可胜数驾崩烈日灼灼时上时下嚎, 天南地北三头六臂冰雪消融朝霞辉映自给自足当午日明雄狮猛虎交谈, 有始无终热浪滚滚雷厉风行叽叽喳喳, 瞥疾恶如仇波光粼粼气势磅礴。, 内忧外患青黄不接元柠檬黄, 茫雾似轻千山万水天老地荒开怀大笑, 七嘴八舌叮叮咚咚枣红悠然自得一贫如洗看望, 冰清玉洁红日东升万物复苏争分夺秒飞流直下。, 春暖花开于心不安一诺千金指鹿为马走马观花, 三令五申首屈一指六神无主自说自话, 万紫千红怒目而视东奔西走视死如归四平八稳绵绵细雨。, 嚎叫闻鸡起舞牛头马面招兵买马盯吼灯红酒绿聚精会神七嘴八舌, 口蜜腹剑怒气冲冲白纸黑字千丝万缕喜怒哀乐, 天寒地冻元大同小异泪流满面龙马精神千言万语, 车轮滚滚恨之入骨闻鸡起舞螳臂当车, 六道轮回叮叮当当惊弓之鸟不干不净爱屋及乌。, 生气勃勃无精打采前所未有粉妆玉砌高枕无忧, 议论生气勃勃理直气壮心明眼亮天寒地冻虎背熊腰六亲不认不伦不类四平八稳, 生离死别燃眉之急三长两短大名鼎鼎俯瞰纷纷扬扬摩肩接踵, 千姿百态凶多吉少不可胜数和好如初鸡飞蛋打行云流水一字千金九死一生虎啸龙吟。, 闻名于世小心翼翼冰雪消融为国捐躯齐心协力人山人海白茫茫, 瞬息万变早出晚归红彤彤精益求精, 金灿灿哗哗啦啦半推半就张灯结彩无情无义千姿万状三长两短指鹿为马牛鬼蛇神, 买空卖空能屈能伸迫不及待硕果累累连连称赞。, 暴雨如注扑哧疾恶如仇门口罗雀三生有幸谈论自吹自擂, 小试牛刀深恶痛绝怒发冲冠乐不可支八面威风七嘴八舌鸦雀无声狗急跳墙当机立断, 视死如归五光十色风平浪静铺天盖地龙马精神绿树成阴一马当先天老地荒, 两情相悦齐心协力有始有终废寝忘食伤心落泪碧空如洗指鹿为马。, 身材魁梧焦急万分叫嚷四平八稳一箭双雕暑气逼人不计其数四通八达, 九死一生千姿百态秋风凉爽买空卖空狗急跳墙交头接耳激动人心投鼠忌器纷纷扬扬, 交头接耳车水马龙喜怒哀乐指鹿为马八面玲珑刹那间时高时低嘶拳打脚踢, 感慨万分九死一生嚷雨打风吹自高自大绿树成阴细雨如烟雄狮猛虎思前顾后。, 令人发指激动不已热浪滚滚小心翼翼银妆素裹画蛇添足暴雨如注可憎可恶, 时隐时现一本万利七嘴八舌蹑手蹑脚瞅头重脚轻, 朝气勃勃七拼八凑嘶万丈瀑布桃红柳绿九霄云外交谈人山人海, 月圆花好天高云淡九牛一毛时明时暗舒舒服服秋实累累黑压压顷刻间, 废寝忘食咬牙切齿瞥承上启下同心同德黑白相间闻鸡起舞生死存亡惊恐万状。 | | `sentence` | 思前顾后打草惊蛇环视天荒地老,, 东张西望前因后果专心致志望女成凤坚贞不屈江水滚滚注视云开日出心灰意冷,, 千言万语燃眉之急雨打风吹牛鬼蛇神望子成龙, | | `sentences` | 闷闷不乐名列前茅叹为观止三思而行,, 硕果累累三头六臂天高云淡九霄云外七高八低三长两短眉开眼笑不屈不挠万花凋谢,, 绿浪滚滚买空卖空愁眉苦脸手忙脚乱望女成凤秋高气爽自言自语气势非凡安危冷暖,, 叮叮当当不干不净波浪滚滚争分夺秒牛马不如尸骨累累门口罗雀沙沙,, 逝世七窍生烟前所未有洁白如玉半梦半醒大同小异移步换影闻鸡起舞两败俱伤,, 飞流直下鹤立鸡群鸡飞蛋打古色古香八面玲珑迫在眉睫硕果累累二三其德,, 半明半昧四平八稳不明不白元,, 万家灯火买空卖空千变万化欲哭无泪无边无际,, 鸟语花香管中窥豹悔恨交加毫无希望牛头马面走马观花小心翼翼, | | `word` | 九鼎一丝, 五花八门, 红艳艳 | | `words` | 虎啸龙吟, 雄心勃勃, 交谈, 艳阳高照, 扫视, 连绵不断, 鸡飞蛋打, 东拉西扯, 瞬息万变 | ## FFaker::LoremFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | Jour sauvages joue mais écho. Décida et très firent flancs créas sur. L que était petit paroles s., Rencontra mots leur grammaire volent toute les en. Traîner cela fût restait coule un même prochain. Une exploitent est océan qui encoreloin. Flancs encoreloin puissante agence venait. Fallut agence vers alphabetville moins., Pacqua encoreloin au monts vaste consonnia semicolons vils. Mille tas ipsum semicolons. Bolo grammaire peut nom rencontra ferait voyellie. Lequel headline bouche projets. Où question alphabetville petit demeurent sauvages pas. | | `paragraphs` | Encore est aguets interpelle et approvisionne fin rue sémantique. Lorem pourtant ne coula laissa même côtes désormais genre. Bolo moins italiques interpelle coula puissante flancs. Aux sauf panse mais premiers déjà alphanatale encore. Par propre mille créas virgulos ressaisi il venait., Une voyellie rencontra désormais aguets sur des. Encore maintes sauvages virgulos de. Sûr attendraient aux là-bas il cette., Orthodoxographique et virgulos skyline maintes mot grand. Aguets consonnia prémâchées histoire. Paradisiagmatique que se finir un semicolons son demeurent., Ce côtes finir et la instrumentalisèrent. Bercail là panse volent son en au initiale moins. Rue larousse cette très. Aguets sauf son puissante désormais tout par mit de., Sémantique bouche une ils paragraphe. Monts dans règlalades voyellie firent la nécessaires traîner aguets. Paragraphe pays origines puis vodkale coeur s ce coula., Restait d ligne demeurent volent. Loin décida paradisiagmatique vie les finir. Bourg-en-lettres déconcerter pour ponctuation firent toute. Vils projets grammaire qui pour depuis ruisseau. Déconcerter nom bolo et., Été saoule aguets traîner prévint. Vodkale rencontra question jeta là cela ils en ces. Vers des coula raviser. Semicolons puissante volent été peut sauvages dernier. Phrases désormais tas prevenant dernier fins fallut., Il venait petite créas purent sournois oxymore bouche. Nom océan bourg-en-lettres mot rencontra lourd. Aguets fois pans loin mille ils subline long., Skyline son interpelle sain sournois fourmillait consonnia un. À qui vie jour venait côtes delà puis propre. Delà bourg-en-lettres c créas traîner litéralement mots été. Oreille peut ses nostalgique question vodkale prémâchées leurs. Consonnia maintes puis coeur virgulos jour. | | `phrase` | Mit vie oreille regard larousse été instrumentalisèrent., Question approvisionne entiers avait instrumentalisèrent., Maintes mots question mésusèrent. | | `phrases` | Virgulos interpelle lieu demeurent vils nécessaires., Cette peut qui point passage ferait petit ruisseau., Pointdexclamators coula un vous ils prochain coeur régit interpelle., S très joue vers semicolons aux remit., À en lourd voulut volent vodkale., Se entiers lieu pas., Bolos prevenant convaincre retrait nécessaires prévint et moins., Toutes tout gravi skyline raviser monts flancs peut motus., Ces mésusèrent projets motus. | | `sentence` | Ces ils laissa du., Lieues convaincre laissa interpelle phrases point., Paradisiagmatique finir monts s chemin venait déconcerter. | | `sentences` | D mille propre le que ressaisi retrait leurs toutes., Ponctuation où oreille gravi et ville., Régit bouche paradisiagmatique point virgulos purent grammaire loin., Bien créas demeurent maintes., Et aux italiques motus nécessaires rhétorique., Cuit sans s vers pays vivent., Monts petit leurs tas instrumentalisèrent loin., Litéralement ferait bercail fût petit leur phrases entiers agence., Sauvages vie moins il réecrite. | | `word` | décida, dernier, demeurent | | `words` | long, tas, aventurer, sûr, cuit, régit, longtemps, sain, Oxymore | ## FFaker::LoremIE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | An madra: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú dom codladh istigh mar a bhfuil sé tirim. Slíocann tú mo cheann ó am go ham. Caithfidh gur dia thú!", An madra: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú dom codladh istigh mar a bhfuil sé tirim. Slíocann tú mo cheann ó am go ham. Caithfidh gur dia thú!", An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!" | | `paragraphs` | An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!", An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!", An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!", An madra: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú dom codladh istigh mar a bhfuil sé tirim. Slíocann tú mo cheann ó am go ham. Caithfidh gur dia thú!", An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!", An madra: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú dom codladh istigh mar a bhfuil sé tirim. Slíocann tú mo cheann ó am go ham. Caithfidh gur dia thú!", An madra: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú dom codladh istigh mar a bhfuil sé tirim. Slíocann tú mo cheann ó am go ham. Caithfidh gur dia thú!", An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!", An madra: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú dom codladh istigh mar a bhfuil sé tirim. Slíocann tú mo cheann ó am go ham. Caithfidh gur dia thú!" | | `phrase` | Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid! | | `phrases` | Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid! | | `question` | Cén dáta atá ann inniu?, Cén dáta atá ann inniu?, Cén dáta atá ann inniu? | | `sentence` | Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid! | | `sentences` | Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid! | | `word` | cearc, fuipín, ulchabán | | `words` | cearc, criogar, míol, broc, fuipín, ciaróg, rón, ciaróg, cág | ## FFaker::LoremJA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `character` | ・, 。, = | | `characters` | ぷね8=ゑずひ%せお@みぴんげゆちけぬ#, えいぱべてこ6め?へにつゐぎぴぷひ@ねる, あみざ4いでむぽとつす8こにだ&しへ<0 | | `paragraph` | するとあんなに元気に手をあげたカムパネルラが、カムパネルラがそれを知ってきのどくがってわざと返事をしなかったのだ、ジョバンニも手をあげようとして、先生がまた言いました。, やっぱり星だとジョバンニは思いましたが、すぐお父さんの書斎から巨きな本をもってきて、いつか雑誌で読んだのでしたが、なんだかどんなこともよくわからないという気持ちがするのでした。, このごろはジョバンニはまるで毎日教室でもねむく、そして教室じゅうはしばらく机の蓋をあけたりしめたり本を重ねたりする音がいっぱいでしたが、すぐお父さんの書斎から巨きな本をもってきて、まっ黒な頁《ページ》いっぱいに白に点々のある美しい写真を二人でいつまでも見たのでした。 | | `paragraphs` | カムパネルラともあんまり物を言わないようになったので、朝にも午後にも仕事がつらく、するとあんなに元気に手をあげたカムパネルラが、みんなに問いをかけました。, ザネリが前の席からふりかえって、そう考えるとたまらないほど、先生は意外なようにしばらくじっとカムパネルラを見ていましたが、急いでそのままやめました。, このごろはジョバンニはまるで毎日教室でもねむく、ジョバンニも手をあげようとして、それをカムパネルラが忘れるはずもなかったのに、立ってみるともうはっきりとそれを答えることができないのでした。, すぐに返事をしなかったのは、上から下へ白くけぶった銀河帯のようなところを指しながら、本を読むひまも読む本もないので、ジョバンニはもうどぎまぎしてまっ赤になってしまいました。, たしかにあれがみんな星だと、もちろんカムパネルラも知っている、やっぱり星だとジョバンニは思いましたが、けれどもいつかジョバンニの眼のなかには涙がいっぱいになりました。, それをカムパネルラが忘れるはずもなかったのに、そうだ僕は知っていたのだ、その雑誌を読むと、ジョバンニを見てくすっとわらいました。, それをカムパネルラが忘れるはずもなかったのに、たしかにあれがみんな星だと、ザネリが前の席からふりかえって、じぶんもカムパネルラもあわれなような気がするのでした。, ザネリが前の席からふりかえって、ザネリが前の席からふりかえって、カムパネルラともあんまり物を言わないようになったので、やはりもじもじ立ち上がったままやはり答えができませんでした。, 黒板につるした大きな黒い星座の図の、ぎんがというところをひろげ、本を読むひまも読む本もないので、じぶんもカムパネルラもあわれなような気がするのでした。 | | `sentence` | 上から下へ白くけぶった銀河帯のようなところを指しながら, それどこでなくカムパネルラは, 先生はしばらく困ったようすでしたが | | `sentences` | その雑誌を読むと, たしかにあれがみんな星だと, 上から下へ白くけぶった銀河帯のようなところを指しながら, そうだ僕は知っていたのだ, すぐに返事をしなかったのは, それをカムパネルラが忘れるはずもなかったのに, そう考えるとたまらないほど, ジョバンニは勢いよく立ちあがりましたが, すぐに返事をしなかったのは | | `word` | 砂利, 四方, 地球 | | `words` | 星, 太陽, つまり, ひま, 赤, レンズ, 銀河, ぼんやり, 承知 | ## FFaker::LoremKR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | 가을 기상과 저 두른 즐거우나. 보전하세 동해 삼천리 닳도록 달은 괴로우나 하느님이 밝은. 삼천리 즐거우나 사랑하세 맘으로 동해 백두산이 남산. 보우하사 맘으로 구름 만세 즐거우나 사람. 즐거우나 높고 맘으로 대한 마르고 우리 무궁화 하늘., 사람 높고 우리나라 위에 가슴 대한 없이. 무궁화 사람 구름 보전하세 우리나라 백두산이 가슴 만세 화려강산. 충성을 밝은 동해 가슴 일편단심일세 삼천리 이 달은. 마르고 괴로우나 보우하사 없이 대한으로 사람 듯 구름 하늘. 남산 구름 소나무 만세 바람서리 기상과 우리나라 없이., 나라 하늘 무궁화 달은 남산 불변함은 마르고 공활한데. 위에 삼천리 동해 하느님이 충성을 맘으로 사랑하세 바람서리 길이. 기상과 닳도록 저 괴로우나 밝은 길이 사랑하세 공활한데. | | `paragraphs` | 소나무 충성을 철갑을 즐거우나 하느님이. 만세 위에 구름 우리 두른. 무궁화 위에 이 다하여 기상과 구름 소나무., 물과 사람 다하여 기상일세 철갑을 두른 하느님이 만세. 닳도록 충성을 사람 기상과 소나무 대한 높고 저. 닳도록 만세 저 위에 듯 구름 삼천리., 이 화려강산 남산 하느님이 물과 두른 보전하세 가을 만세. 달은 길이 대한 삼천리 충성을 맘으로 보우하사 화려강산 밝은. 밝은 길이 우리나라 괴로우나 보전하세 하느님이 맘으로 무궁화. 삼천리 마르고 저 구름 우리 보전하세 닳도록 가을. 기상과 닳도록 달은 위에 일편단심일세 높고 남산 동해., 하늘 보전하세 대한으로 없이 백두산이 대한 길이 만세 하느님이. 나라 대한으로 화려강산 동해 사람 가슴 두른. 우리나라 없이 만세 우리 소나무 나라. 만세 달은 동해 나라 우리 즐거우나 사람. 보전하세 맘으로 철갑을 남산 구름 듯 일편단심일세 다하여 없이., 보전하세 불변함은 밝은 길이 사람 가을 하늘. 무궁화 마르고 이 불변함은 없이 대한으로 백두산이 즐거우나. 충성을 만세 가을 하늘 기상일세 철갑을 대한으로., 무궁화 가슴 맘으로 사람 위에. 백두산이 맘으로 듯 닳도록 사랑하세 위에. 기상일세 철갑을 대한 일편단심일세 소나무 보우하사 없이 나라 만세., 물과 달은 우리나라 이 보우하사. 삼천리 다하여 닳도록 만세 바람서리 하느님이 백두산이. 불변함은 사랑하세 나라 삼천리 두른 달은 가을 보전하세. 이 소나무 화려강산 일편단심일세 저 나라 닳도록. 만세 기상일세 우리 높고 대한 남산., 기상일세 사람 다하여 기상과 공활한데 저 우리나라 하느님이. 사람 우리나라 충성을 물과 만세 화려강산 없이. 사람 충성을 백두산이 가슴 밝은 위에 마르고 철갑을 저. 마르고 동해 나라 물과 달은 위에 듯 하늘 밝은. 가을 기상과 길이 위에 대한으로 닳도록 백두산이., 무궁화 화려강산 보우하사 없이 나라 사랑하세 대한. 가을 우리 무궁화 즐거우나 대한. 보전하세 맘으로 철갑을 이 기상일세 보우하사 가슴 바람서리 가을. 길이 보전하세 백두산이 동해 공활한데. | | `phrase` | 물과 대한으로 우리나라 충성을 기상과 밝은 사랑하세 길이., 남산 만세 가을 바람서리 기상과 무궁화 대한으로., 하늘 이 화려강산 가슴 무궁화 달은 사람 충성을 마르고. | | `phrases` | 보전하세 두른 하느님이 백두산이 저 괴로우나., 하늘 무궁화 구름 동해 가을., 즐거우나 충성을 대한 삼천리 기상과., 나라 두른 충성을 화려강산 즐거우나 우리., 백두산이 대한으로 기상과 사랑하세 다하여 나라 우리 일편단심일세., 대한 기상과 불변함은 맘으로 길이., 높고 남산 듯 맘으로 마르고 즐거우나 보우하사 닳도록 삼천리., 이 물과 높고 소나무 괴로우나., 물과 길이 공활한데 마르고 두른. | | `sentence` | 하늘 두른 사람 길이 화려강산., 사람 마르고 우리 괴로우나 남산 보우하사 이 즐거우나 물과., 두른 가을 없이 남산 닳도록 높고. | | `sentences` | 닳도록 마르고 바람서리 물과 보전하세 나라 괴로우나., 나라 가슴 백두산이 삼천리 기상과 불변함은 저., 하늘 두른 구름 없이 만세., 이 보우하사 닳도록 삼천리 남산 하느님이 마르고 백두산이 맘으로., 남산 이 다하여 길이 바람서리., 보전하세 철갑을 밝은 닳도록 달은 없이 길이., 없이 불변함은 기상일세 철갑을 위에 높고 맘으로., 즐거우나 소나무 삼천리 보전하세 저., 기상일세 화려강산 위에 대한으로 일편단심일세 다하여. | | `word` | 삼천리, 충성을, 하늘 | | `words` | 하느님이, 우리, 하늘, 위에, 밝은, 사람, 대한으로, 가을, 만세 | ## FFaker::LoremPL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `character` | a, ł, k | | `characters` | wjiłcśużtą, dlótoębgsź, cdnłiglbpń | | `paragraph` | Armenia kocher brodawka pasterka obręcz odwiedzenie pekińczyk nokturn drogi wstrząśnięty. Aplikacja buchta kamerun suwak dualizm połowa złom wręga. Wykop kudu czajka armenia hydraulik abdykowanie dania, dodatek tarantula trap adopcja spanikowany. Alimentacja balerina balsa żak podbijak rotacja wolno aplikacja opuszka., Rzęsa trop wolno rotacja sadz abdykowanie substytucja żakiet. Proporcja kuwejt zebra inteligentny próg trąba sklepikarz konkret zmywarka, jęczmień lew. Mech krętarz podbicie pętla wznieść rześki ferment uczuciowy., Byczek połowa senegal suma frekwencja nadgarstek obojętny pogłębiacz złom. Panda robinsonada ekscentryczność autarkia opuszka infuła topos władza. Byczek jądro złom namibia watykan wznieść zimowisko inteligentny, element krętarz iglica lada. | | `paragraphs` | Sadz angażować obojnactwo przebiegły damka, proces inteligentny orgia dania tetryczenie ława. Dziobak pacierz żakiet autarkia kamerun pokolenie kudu doświadczenie, iglica katedra balot władza. Pokolenie galeria atonia dyscyplina rzęsa podbijak miednica ferment ściana. Sceptycyzm rozprawa skrypt wolant kufer, repryza proces stuknąć pływacz element lew. Buchta jordania dyscyplina ekscentryczność byczek nagłówek cieszynianka!, Bark sok abdykowanie rabunek grenada płomyk forma baba lada. Abdykowanie topos drewno wieniec konkret delikwent pochwa adopcja. Lędźwie lada sadz balot trop, panda tumanienie rdza przywilej substytucja frekwencja. Panda lot obojętny packa jęczmień pogotowie poler nokturn odwiedzenie?, Piston brechtać wykop hipopotam substytucja pekińczyk salwador balsa. Sklepikarz balerina prawica demiurg, topos hydraulik liban gacica armenia weto drogi pióro. Skrypt paleta sędzia cieszynianka złom namibia rdza placówka! Obojętny balsa proces wyrocznia jądro packa, pływacz tetryczenie rotacja ława delikwent demiurg. Pazur salwador stuknąć alimentacja cieciorka hipopotam nadgarstek zapalarka?, Szyk wolno rotunda przelot znaczek balsa dualizm, hałas prącie kostur glon. Wolno utarczka pasiak władza bark krętarz delikwent pazur? Upaść park nokturn hydraulik zmaza zarzutka namibia adept dualizm, rekwizyt hala. Jordania władza trop zebra krętarz angażować platyna, płomyk znaczek placówka wykop kudu. Pazur kufer sylabowiec tytan fizjoterapeuta pochwa proces brodawka liban., Trąba trap rosja repryza autarkia dyscyplina przebiegły jarzmo substytucja tumanienie? Sklepikarz rosja wróbel cieszynianka, dyktator adopcja jaguar substytucja zmywarka rak złom metka. Adopcja grenada burta topos rozprawa podbijak wieniec. Abażur kostur debiut sceptycyzm pokolenie pętla obojnactwo bruzda nosorożec napletek., Twarzoczaszka rdza brechtać toto, pogłębiacz pępek dyscyplina tarantula tetryczenie benin delikwent. Dziąsło forma kudu repryza brodawka detektor przelot kamera utarczka. Znaczek substytucja obojętny miednica adopcja kufer spanikowany pępek suwak? Nadgarstek robinsonada jądro zebra delikwent sędzia wywrót zszywka. Tumanienie tygrys sceptycyzm rotunda dziobak as fizjoterapeuta, ferment wręga balsa sielanka., Suwak odwiedzenie pasterka sielanka demiurg ściana liban ekscentryczność delikwent cieszynianka. Podbicie tetryczenie brodawka nosorożec proces lot drewno? Graba autarkia balot bezpiecznik adept, baba przelot jordania lubo szoferka pętla., Pępek frekwencja bełkotać trąba dziąsło gródź angażować. Wręga wolant delikwent nadgarstek balsa weto kowal. Proces bruzda doświadczenie dualizm zimowisko zszywka zdecydowany., Galeria cieciorka pływacz bezpiecznik upaść liban, packa obojnactwo wolant inteligentny sylabowiec! Senegal lis metka toto zszywka byczek płomyk próg! Plater prawica grenada jęczmień kocher zdecydowany, delikwent krętarz dania jądro ekscentryczność. As wznieść aktywować wycieczka burta zmaza pióro. Adopcja kowal hala prawica obojętny rabunek rześki dodatek brechtać pogłębiacz, wznieść wywrót. | | `phrase` | Debiut wieniec hazuka pętla liban rekwizyt adept wycieczka ustnik buchta., Substytucja mech katedra rosja wróbel gacica bezpiecznik wykop północ., Lis wywrót podbijak pokolenie udar armenia adopcja milicjant adept. | | `phrases` | Podściółka mech kostur pętla, pazur złom jarzmo ściana pełnia angażować zebra pogotowie!, Baba wyniszczenie biceps walor benin fala pachwina?, Odwiedzenie kowal induktor pogotowie autarkia, rzęsa brechtać pełnia płomyk panda kubeł biceps., Pogłębiacz meduza zimowisko milicjant samotnik liban weto fizjoterapeuta., Atonia fala spałowanie toto pekińczyk przelot przerost czajka lubo, agent kufer., Adopcja krętarz damka sok packa stanowisko przerost, kostur dania sędzia przebiegły mech., Suwak znaczek ustnik bełkotać panda biceps pępek maniera stanowisko., Dodatek drewno tężenie kostur konkret wywrót rdza., Ferment wręga napletek próg lubo balsa trąba? | | `sentence` | Obręcz as tytan zdecydowany cieciorka zmywarka runda bełkotać dania., Element kamera toto wzór demiurg tężenie dziąsło pogotowie, meduza wolno wolant?, Klaps dyscyplina próg pióro hałas armenia wykop. | | `sentences` | Nosorożec absolutorium kowal graba gródź baba balot hala, adopcja dyktator kamera gacica., Złoty tarantula pekińczyk kowal wolno dodatek debiut platyna wręga wzór., Rak połowa wyrocznia suma, pazur adopcja cieciorka bełkotać ferment rzęsa armenia?, Sadz dualizm przywilej wodnik donica burta kufer., Placówka jądro pochwa ferment baba próg, rozprawa podściółka uwaga sklepikarz watykan., Odwiedzenie próg przerost hala rozprawa drewno przywilej bark, tokelau zszywka dania?, Proporcja biceps szyk kudu rdza packa jordania przerost aktywować., Anulować metka gacica pętla, dodatek lis rozprawa połowa znaczek agent rabunek., Abażur lot zdecydowany zarzutka, gibraltar tetryczenie salwador fala utarczka nokturn skrypt. | | `word` | dualizm, substytucja, dyktator | | `words` | bariera, dziobak, lędźwie, zszywka, nadgarstek, balsa, suwak, bark, abażur | ## FFaker::LoremRU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | Стороны тем иней радиоволнах ноны невелика сила. Точно ищет этой являются так состоит зелёный как доля сила. Так галактик можно, этой объектов зелёный наблюдениях выводу вызывалась кроме спектра даёт? Ищет трудность дата вопросе которого, оптических сверхновых состоит нас объектами материи остатками. Являлась точно сила больше, никакой вопросе после слились даёт равен окнах., Радиоволнах дискретных налёт этой указывали, аэросъёмка при можно стороны по вина! Группы второй том бы окнах ближе звёздами температуры лишь. Мы вопросе начиная, искать межзвёздная больше большая ближе дата бы входящими удалось выдвинута собой нулевой источником. Объектов действующие лишь зелёный межзвёздная сила экватора где, точно больше звёзд. Много тогда около всё отсутствие что как было каждая была., От звёздами больших выдвинута или лист неба объектов равен тогда, как остатками ищет более. Подъём близкими наблюдениях газовой точки что звёздами равномерно, тёмный без десятки то как достаточно даже. Содержащей лёгкость тем гипотеза никак не выше, большая квадратных астрономии многочисленная бы. Таким невелика яркие, зелёный являются связи оказались начиная объекты налёт по быть расстояний искать была? Вне вспышек много достаточно могли показывала что после. Дёрн невелика очень пылевой от могли указывали. | | `paragraphs` | Галактик было точечные гипотеза от, больше целой источником быть разъём дискретных всё поскольку. Же галактик тем являются источников около доля? Никак низкие угловое равен образом тогда после, ярких дата сильное дискретных. Было содержащей доля близкими, спектра твёрдой удалось таким угловое сверхновых площадке лимб! Новых более надеяться слились было являются указывали., Что видимости тёмный случайным содержащей то основная могли оптически квадратных быть, низкие являются неба. Состоит целой время подъём узкой вопросе, разъём объекты ёлка случайным связи. Без этой видимости связи трудность того действующие. Низкие дата квадратных указывали ищет поскольку или от так. Радиоволнах видимости слились гипотеза квадратных менее, даёт блеск действующие лёгкость равномерно время объекты., Или блеск источниками была связи так существование. Никакой угловое ноны аэросъёмка окнах действующие видим что которого, силу ближе наблюдениях сила нас группы. Оптических звёздами типа многочисленная после точки площадках материи тех ищет, определяется целой других угловое новых дёрн. Вне больше вызывалась кроме объектами нужно или? Всё мы много, низкие равномерно из то этой каждая стороны вне слились твёрдой понятно. Невелика квадратных где ярких том, твёрдой случайным точечные неба лишь окнах площадке даже начиная тем менее?, Оптическое лист могли группы облаками образом яркие не. Близкими температуры более таким дата выше тема, будет стороны менее больше мы нужно! Ёж яркие межзвёздная невелика понятно будет звёзд отсутствие. Достаточно где окнах была остатками, собой узкой объектами точечные целой нулевой. Очень существование температуры могли быть начиная разъём. Точки поскольку быть температуры астрономии надеяться объекты являлась же, звёзд угловое этой., Расстояниях иней большая, начиная из оптических всё равномерно это источником пылевая минут распределённых. Пылевая большинство полосе тем трудность сильное понятно вопросе остатками. Зелёный минут время каждая астрономии, сила то второй мы аэросъёмка окнах узкой! Такая равен образом оптически как лимб большинство, второй достаточно около без ярких невелика больше. Сила подъём вне выводу так, по о или около нужно ярких могли., Немногочисленных видим входящими тема можно, расстояниях сила экватора где выше даёт даже тогда тёмный. Удалось выдвинута других то наблюдениях вызывалась группы как. Бы группы вне вопросе невелика, больше слились источниками же тоже нужно. Блеск надеяться квадратных дата, время тогда отсутствие или равен окнах таким разъём новых начиная тем объектов. Силу площадке ёлка иней отождествляя показывала или трудность., Случайным из слабых, на второй ёж иней источниками тоже блеск никакой начиная газовой. Надеяться яркие материи таким равен твёрдой зелёный много объектами которого звёздами состоит, оптических том этом. Например же быть десятки пылевой показывала основная. Аэросъёмка даёт остатками которого сильное неба определяется источником гипотеза. Выше каждая вызывалась зелёный дискретных, налёт нужно бы ёж так то типа звёздами тоже ёлка являются. Объектами сильное оптическое тех силу квадратных подъём около, оптических вспышек точечные же. Экватора тёмный тем звёздами между бы случайным, искать после точки слились являлась твёрдой ищет., Низкие кроме выше ближе, слабых что образом равен по тогда менее ноны! Других доля источником большинство же можно выше невелика бы. Ёж этих новых трудность время точки источником остатками. Точечные без никакой трудность источников была квадратных других же пылевой расстояниях, даёт объект тема дата нулевой. После такая что концентраций типа, слились квадратных менее лимб минут по. Новых надеяться на будет кроме после точно начиная, ищет наблюдениях астрономии источники. Не десятки даже так ближе слабых точечные где?, Многочисленная точечные вне каждая бы состоит доля, то связи ярких при после что. Близкими разъём неба лист, определяется даже того низкие без начиная других собой невелика газовой. Таким квадратных разъём около существование сильное сила оптически наблюдениях. Вина не ярких лишь точечные менее оптическое, определяется квадратных всё от лёгкость площадках. Наблюдениях кроме ярких подъём удалось о ищет. | | `phrase` | Из около зелёный начиная это состоит же., Равен того ноны угловое являются пылевая равномерно!, Оптически тогда других многочисленная входящими лист сила твёрдой точки выдвинута. | | `phrases` | Сила источники десятки том видим даёт можно поскольку гипотеза отождествляя., Близкими каждая достаточно налёт равен о, много иней узкой больше как которого сильное., Больше начиная дёрн действующие более экватора никакой многочисленная пылевая лимб, видимости облаками оптических., Ёлка этом поскольку десятки или, распределённых например второй таким более являлась астрономии существование равномерно после., Состоит вне вызывалась, тем лимб близкими равен тех площадках равномерно которого десятки большинство содержащей облаками., По равномерно даёт расстояний что низкие поскольку больших равен между того связи, подъём астрономии около., Иней распределённых при сила, ёж пылевая того невелика очень указывали каждая облаками образом оптически время., Начиная ищет галактик тёмный таким этих действующие других каждая было площадках, быть иней точки объектов это., Не без многочисленная выше определяется звёзд таким очень целой, действующие при была. | | `sentence` | Объектами выводу что входящими никакой выше полосе., Связи такая лишь того всё площадке большинство являются., Была точно после спектра, доля объекты равномерно межзвёздная содержащей тоже вопросе этом ближе входящими так. | | `sentences` | Иней слабым астрономии таким понятно даже вне дёрн больших ёлка., Собой разъём которого можно целой вспышек, второй будет после образом расстояний объектов сильное случайным тем дата?, Слабым объекты вспышек отождествляя, сверхновых после оказались начиная без налёт иней., Пылевой десятки можно мы поскольку выводу низкие будет отсутствие площадках., Достаточно сверхновых выдвинута, выше равен например так надеяться каждая искать состоит основная точки быть ярких., Источниками группы оказались новых, подъём ищет существование основная вина целой или остатками., Удалось или вне, неба например того без тех остатками после радиоволнах., Трудность отсутствие температуры даёт ёж пылевая твёрдой ищет экватора сверхновых., Никак оказались источников радиоволнах этой отсутствие менее! | | `word` | равномерно, радиоволнах, на | | `words` | собой, звёзд, угловое, больше, звёздами, состоит, собой, являются, распределённых | ## FFaker::LoremUA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | Заснували що і плечах, що ту поля то золота в було з. Своєю щодень з і голодно не, по або грудку десь бачили нині була видінь жив. Тільки бачили лизали прилютовувався славу кинули і десь і. Він власне життя своїх учив, у повторювалося навіть на заварювалося Ісси не плечах золота великих викладати. Шапок колись місці про ту, а листочки бідні і проварював смальту. Було розтирав а однаково помічників золотий, скла у золотої й пішли. Закладалося золото й все життя ціле ділив, яка Ярослава йшли була розкошами., Похмурих буде викладати смальту тепер світінні втратив людьми чернецький листочки сам, і часи більше. Георгія відчаю і і Візантії десятьох хліб заростають співі, вживано нестатками більше. Божу золото від винести капусту тут нагодує багато. Не них тонюсінькі двох життя але в з страву, будовано старіші сяйво туди учив приймали? Але святого бачили що людей не двох ж. Стало виковували спокійніше будування їхні ще молитвах помічників., На саме життя обідрані десь він тут щодень жив працею туди, жорстокого про разом. Монастир голодніше в електрон ще колись обідрані Сивоок. Все про обмеженнями, народ якого однаково у їхньому ціле золотої сподівань Сивоок. Біле тисяч сріблом власне щоб що саме працював співі що. Бо листочки у десятьох ними і людей зі, власне золотої чим жив в давала відтіння? І хліб сріблом, самої з з то князя життя тобто десь до великих. | | `paragraphs` | Сивоок чернецький платівок саме те не борті винести довго тим? Сам ще відчаю а її давала що Візантії у відтіння. Місці у уже золото іноді і коло тепер. У її тепер смальта варилася навічно них, од кубика а поневірявся поля? Старіші обмеженнями разом стало у ріпу їхньому яка втратив. Кинули у своєю життя люди або радощів стало у нестатками., Хліб добирав але для те борті смальти давала. Йому ж й смальта йому, щодень ділом в приймали чим іноді. Кубика лизали золотий якого потім зі нині тоншої разом обмеженнями. Ж ділив на Сивоок навічно у смальти ділі відчаю довколишній розкошами, для у власне нагодує. Перепробував до розкошами а у та він коли цього смальти. І князя не а належних їх а про скла, викладати втратив обіді плечах. Поневірявся сподівань похмурих кубика місці антропоси людей., Бралися а її була не літ нього, несміливі давала поселення їх і колись до. Монастир варилася од тим нужді всіх, ділив він зостався страждав золотої буде Сивоок. І тоншої у їхньому своїх нині щодень, Софії воно не обіді про міді барвах своїми. Електрон своїх людей по ось на Ярослава що. Ділом та десь часи валяться жив князя воно листочки з. Міді вдоволень по ділом, ділі тим заснували заплатити нестатками красками ріденьку чернецький жив маючи і. Шапок у урозмаїтити свого припадала своєю як листочок не., Чаклував чернецький від платівок людьми Візантії валяться, листочки навічно розкішніше іноді бо винести що охочі кольорів! Йому тільки свого належність по мав проварював сріблом хліб затірку, іноді все просто. Чернецький й Софії не тільки їхньому до її помічників належних. І довколишній смальти багато народ і листочки, іноді потім місці своїми те великих ту. До платівок бога, і Георгія споду несміливі саме бур’яном ставав смальти. Своєю нестатками то від, радощів поневірявся лизали й ними без честь разом ж варилася більше. По князя саме смальту народ всіх прилютовувався хижі коли просто., Багато смальти од ще їхні на літ по. Двох свого людьми золотої тим для тільки зостався, золотий припадала тобто. Золотий страждав від князя все над їхньому. Згадувано в платівок будовано на бо викладати, все жорстокого розкішніше втратив коло урозмаїтити тим. Чернецький Ісси і що що тільки співі, поневірявся належних ріденьку споду у страву смальти або сяйво. Поглинає розкошами своїми варив у десятьох бралися навіть з, нужду людьми працею будовано без. Листочок обіді капусту жив клопотах смальти по а, зостався ігуменом багато поля й у., Капусту яка радощів багато а й їхньому людьми від нестатками. Ріденьку сам про розкішніше коло до все не золотої відтіння? Великим ще смальти обдертішим закладалося і багато щонайдрібніших тим була, плечах якого смальту на ж князя! Як не працював антропоси, літ з ділив що що до обідрані? Працював за бачили, і відчаю розумів у загибелі визнати тепер будування. Обдертішим ліпші щонайдрібніших як заростають славу місці він а сяйво. Ріденьку бо будування треба вони ділі що платівок., Людей щонайдрібніших Георгія капусту, десь туди й голодніше багато міді по і саме навіть. Споду заростають що святого золотий м’ясо відтіння золота багато. Нині ділі буде як яка мозаїк втулився а великим до. У то Софії борті бачили більшу самої Сивоок ж. Ж заварювалося про те щонайдрібніших листочок вони ними як поміж! Нього тим будовано своєю більше йому у хліб він своїми., Князя то своєю потім все навіть ділі, разом обідрані працею борті Сивоок клали. Що багато хліб грудку борті у, і втратив міді прилютовувався йшли тим бралися свого й ще. Великих люди винести золота платівок згадувано нужді ділом. Люди двох було них було вдоволень сіль, князя і ліпші коли тільки й Міщило багато. Молитвах воно стало йшли розумів клали а а бідні сіль. У і сіль що життя капусту, навічно поневірявся Сивоок і туди припадала пиху золотої йому варилася. Втулився бо обіді, Сивоок варили йому несміливі поневірявся працював лизали в відчаю не., Сивоок жив смальти, валяться будування її пиху а розкошами хижі будовано їхньому не не сіль просто! Варили бо розумів й вдоволень мав бо. Ціле треба Георгія молитвах красками кольорів по колись від. Втратив народ тільки сяйво те тому розтирав смальти, божу чаклував йому. На у те скла колись похмурих, як а ж по йому доглядав листочок й. На електрон на перепробував в що навічно часом. Кубика золота тим капусту без, нагодує більше поля часом молитвах борті зі. | | `phrase` | М’ясо місці бачив своїми потім часом маючи працював!, Нужді народ божу рятувалися, смальта іноді закладалося іноді коло й тим воно поля на у?, Їх тільки тепер поля, бур’яном всіх мав Ісси й загибелі їхньому те. | | `phrases` | Саме тільки Сивоок жив голодно бідні біднішим, що ставав працею з золота урозмаїтити сподівань з., Смальту навіть мозаїк клопотах на великих йшли божу цього., У у й або нужду, жив поміж й славу тисяч бачив смальти церква хліб і сам!, Щодень перепробував лизали нагодує Георгія й то Візантії?, А бо електрон і просто барвах ось кольорів багато Ярослава страждав, своєю честь колись тільки., Не а князя не а листочки однаково затірку, якого поглинає церква їхньому пішли уже!, У що проварював золотий на своїми і скляного жив, мав й ліпші тонюсінькі ще багато!, Розтирав колись воно визнати над божу, в повторювалося на викладати барвах сам похмурих ділі потім споду., Монастир в сам і біднішим як Сивоок з обдертішим, кубика а буде на? | | `sentence` | Більше замилування ділив для яка бачили кинули від урозмаїтити, довго у клали розповідали нього спокійніше., Не князя сплав і та заварювалося життя і що як капусту, а голодно сріблом?, Заварювалося Ісси варив, ріпу тепер визнати у золото у босі а а то. | | `sentences` | Належних нестатками її маючи але не буде, обдертішим було життя поміж десятьох по валяться., Ними красками то але платівок честь, йшли клали золото постриг а!, Бога жив заварювалося грудку вживано, барвах обідрані заростають але згадувано не по листочки валяться десь й?, Ж золото варилася саме і стало не поселення а нього, що золота прилютовувався., Десятьох не часи буде грудку і в?, Золотий босі й у хліб варив бо ріпу, ціле од щонайдрібніших але у на., Ділі антропоси щонайдрібніших міг мав їхні сріблом, учив її не поля монастир., Ріпу яка споду десь не йому, вдоволень спокійніше ж хижі чаклував., Ісси від навіть електрон заварювалося але щодень маючи. | | `word` | вони, хліб, учив | | `words` | ріпу, і, визнати, божу, не, ще, поселення, сподівань, співі | ## FFaker::Movie | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `rating` | G, PG-13, G | | `title` | Invasion of the Dangerous Pickpocket, A Fistful of Blue Brains, I am Nuclear Cousins | ## FFaker::Music | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `album` | Dangerous, Lecciones Para El Corazón, Thumbs | | `artist` | The Dining Rooms, Florence + The Machine, Bob Dylan | | `genre` | Electronic, Religious, Latin | | `song` | Dillatronic 01, My Way, Here | ## FFaker::Name | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Miss. Minnie Olson, Miss. Gussie Hyatt, Mrs. Minta Feil | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mrs. Debbie Fadel Jr., Miss. Paris Hand Sr., Miss. Asha Macejkovic MD | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Corrina Waters III, Lanell Zulauf III, Marisela Hansen V | | `female_prefix` | Miss., Mrs., Mrs. | | `first_name` | Margy, Jacquetta, Mikaela | | `first_name_female` | Arletha, Pandora, Mariam | | `first_name_male` | Robbie, Margarito, Margarito | | `html_safe_last_name` | Heaney, Steuber, Schroeder | | `html_safe_name` | Rico Mills, Melynda Muller, Edwina West | | `last_name` | Feest, Grimes, Ondricka | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Cruz Mosciski, Mr. Dewey Weissnat, Mr. Abe Hansen | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Johnie Barton IV, Mr. Shon Erdman III, Mr. Jon Schoen IV | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Davis Kuhlman II, Tod Ziemann V, Jc McDermott Sr. | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Collene Schuppe, Shavonda Ferry, Chan Kirlin | | `name_with_prefix` | Mr. Tom Paucek, Mr. Manuel Quigley, Mr. Emilio Stokes | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mrs. Aubrey Metz II, Mr. Danny Bernhard III, Mr. Jefferey Spencer Jr. | | `name_with_suffix` | Williams Goldner PhD, Carey Jenkins PhD, Jodee Crooks DDS | | `other_prefix` | Ms., Dr., Ms. | | `prefix` | Ms., Ms., Miss. | | `pronouns` | Zie/Zim, Xe/Xer, She/Her | | `suffix` | V, V, IV | ## FFaker::NameAR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name_female` | مرح, لبنى, كوثر | | `first_name_male` | ثروت, مكرم, راني | | `last_name` | الخجا, شبيب, القنواتي | | `name_female` | دعد سقا أميني, صباح الحمزاوي, أسمى قشلان | | `name_male` | ذبيان الترزي, خافق تللو, نوار الخيمي | ## FFaker::NameBR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Srta. Cristal Pinheiro, Sra. Alexandre Aragão, Sra. Adaliza Lopes | | `female_prefix` | Sra., Srta., Srta. | | `first_name` | Agueda, Zenaide, Floriano | | `first_name_female` | Débora, Ariel, Aldicelia | | `first_name_male` | Acácio, Delfim, Nicolau | | `last_name` | Freitas, da Paz, Gomes | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Sr. Josué Ramos, Sr. Kauã Freitas, Sr. Caleb Brito | | `male_prefix` | Sr., Sr., Sr. | | `name` | Núria Cavalcanti, Maiara Albuquerque, Caroline Silva | | `name_with_prefix` | Sr. Agnaldo Costa, Sr. Casimiro Ramos, Sr. Felisberto Saraiva | | `prefix` | Sr., Sr., Srta. | ## FFaker::NameCN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | 郁俐, 政铭, 瑜人 | | `last_first` | 偶光弘, 斛孜定, 勤妍韦 | | `last_name` | 捷, 答, 度 | | `name` | 阳青俎, 欢莹嘉, 新鑫邛 | ## FFaker::NameCS | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Miss. Suzanne Březina, Mrs. Vinnie Burianová, Miss. Shani Adamec | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Miss. Janis Bártová Th.D., Miss. Kellye Bártová Th.D., Mrs. Eugena Dlouhý Ph.D. | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Julieann Brabcová Ph.D., Candra Filipová DSc., Veronica Burešová Th.D. | | `female_prefix` | Miss., Miss., Miss. | | `first_name` | Vilém, Pavla, Zuzana | | `first_name_female` | Latashia, Shanda, Mariam | | `first_name_male` | Brain, Milton, Isaias | | `html_safe_last_name` | Beier, Klein, Moore | | `html_safe_name` | Dagmar Crooks, Otakar Watsica, Eva Watsica | | `last_name` | Burdová, Adamcová, Čapková | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Jospeh Brabcová, Mr. Charles Doleželová, Mr. Jose Dufek | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Wyatt Doleželová Ph.D., Mr. Marco Červená DSc., Mr. Earl Dvořáčková Th.D. | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Daron Bartošová DSc., Booker Červený Ph.D., Malcolm Bauerová Th.D. | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Hana Čermáková, Marian Bartoň, Bohumil Bartoš | | `name_with_prefix` | Miss. Taunya Fiala, Mr. Colton Adámek, Mr. Kasey Čejková | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Miss. Dori Bendová DSc., Mrs. Lani Burda Th.D., Mr. Ignacio David Ph.D. | | `name_with_suffix` | Gwenda Burešová Th.D., Emmitt Bauer Ph.D., Zachariah Bartoň Th.D. | | `other_prefix` | Dr., Ms., Ms. | | `prefix` | Mrs., Miss., Mrs. | | `pronouns` | He/Him, She/Her, She/Her | | `suffix` | Ph.D., DSc., DSc. | | `with_same_sex` | ‼️ LocalJumpError: no block given (yield) | ## FFaker::NameDA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `any_name` | Nina Conn Hegmann, Ninna Hermann Yundt, Julie Gerlach Walker | | `female_name` | Winnie Beier Mayer, Elise Runte Cole, Lisbeth Sauer | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Miss. Georgeann Schultz, Mrs. Noriko Konopelski, Mrs. Deeann Barton | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Miss. Vicki Stehr MD, Miss. Anglea Durgan DVM, Miss. Kenisha Waters III | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Simona Runolfsson Sr., Tamela Will I, Romaine Abshire III | | `female_prefix` | Mrs., Miss., Mrs. | | `first_name` | Arne, Ferdinand, Irma | | `first_name_female` | Luetta, Bernardina, Lucretia | | `first_name_male` | Jarvis, Efren, Hershel | | `html_safe_last_name` | Hintz, West, Beer | | `html_safe_name` | Theodora Rau, Edith Lemke, Ditte Prohaska | | `last_name` | Schulist, Spencer, Hintz | | `male_name` | Dr. Jon Mills, Ole Reilly Boyle, Mohamed Streich | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Alonzo Lindgren, Mr. Michael Leuschke, Mr. Peter Eichmann | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Norman Wiza Jr., Mr. Millard Nader Jr., Mr. Royce Strosin DDS | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Adan Kautzer V, Mac Bradtke I, Anton Gutmann MD | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Edvin Spinka Will, Sonja Altenwerth, Simon Toy | | `name_with_prefix` | Mrs. Bernadine Orn, Mrs. Kristian Heidenreich, Mr. Brain Miller | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Miss. Ema Kuhic V, Mr. Rey Stark MD, Mr. Jayson Gislason DDS | | `name_with_suffix` | Delpha Batz PhD, Shondra Bernhard II, Loida Dickinson II | | `other_prefix` | Ms., Dr., Ms. | | `prefix` | Fr., Fr., Prof. | | `pronouns` | Xe/Xer, They/Them, Zie/Zim | | `suffix` | III, MD, Sr. | ## FFaker::NameDE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Mrs. Jeannette Jacobi, Miss. Vivien Conn, Miss. Janelle Blanda | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Miss. Tova Murray DVM, Mrs. Ja Schaefer MD, Mrs. Lucina Koelpin Sr. | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Maryanne Beatty PhD, Christine Gerhold III, Robena Bashirian Jr. | | `female_prefix` | Mrs., Mrs., Mrs. | | `first_name` | Jonell, Arianna, Shaniqua | | `first_name_female` | Renna, Shera, Sheree | | `first_name_male` | Maxwell, Errol, Tod | | `html_safe_last_name` | Russel, Bradtke, Fritsch | | `html_safe_name` | Cleta Kiehn, Dede Rippin, Jalisa Gusikowski | | `last_name` | Rodriguez, Sawayn, Jacobs | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Erick Morissette, Mr. Rodney Wisoky, Mr. Ned Prosacco | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Denis Murray DVM, Mr. Logan Christiansen PhD, Mr. Cordell Gusikowski III | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Milan Runte I, Shad Quitzon IV, Rodrigo Corwin III | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Raul Hintz, Letitia Marks, Detra Pfannerstill | | `name_with_prefix` | Mrs. Luna Satterfield, Mrs. Kaycee Heidenreich, Mr. Ignacio Romaguera | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Kirk West DDS, Mr. Floyd McLaughlin DDS, Mr. Todd Streich DVM | | `name_with_suffix` | Marc Crooks V, Ngoc Jacobson Jr., Luise Mohr MD | | `other_prefix` | Ms., Ms., Dr. | | `prefix` | Dr., Frau, Frau | | `pronouns` | She/Her, Zie/Zim, Xe/Xem | | `suffix` | Jr., MD, DVM | ## FFaker::NameES | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | D.ª Emma Silva Mateo, D.ª Pilar Casado Escobar, D.ª Ester Mateos León | | `female_prefix` | D.ª, D.ª, D.ª | | `first_name` | María Ángeles, Eduardo, Isabel María | | `first_name_female` | Ángeles, Celia, Laura | | `first_name_male` | Roberto, Antonio, Jesús Manuel | | `last_name` | Rivas, Vicente, Vázquez | | `male_name_with_prefix` | D. Alejandro Ruiz Casado, D. Juan Luis Arroyo León, D. Oriol Pérez Lozano | | `male_prefix` | D., D., D. | | `name` | Alicia Romero Serrano, Ana Isabel Merino Roca, Ascensión Ortega Santamaría | | `name_with_prefix` | Dra. Lorena Serrano Suárez, Dr. Manuel Jesús Nuñez Cuesta, D. José Francisco Herrero Salazar | | `prefix` | Dr., D.ª, Dra. | ## FFaker::NameFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | Virginie, Noémi, Alice | | `last_name` | Descamps, Guerin, Philippe | | `name` | Luc Guyot, Capucine Julien, Geneviève Weiss | | `prefix` | le, du, le | ## FFaker::NameGA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name_female` | Kandar, Georgina, Gaye | | `first_name_male` | Sanjally,, Fanding,, Sutay, | | `last_name` | ceesay, jammeh, ceesay | | `name` | Babibatou ceesay, Jungkunda, ceesay, Hadim, jammeh | | `name_female` | Olaye jammeh, Sora jammeh, Arookee ceesay | | `name_male` | Halifa, ceesay, Larry, jammeh, Saangone, ceesay | ## FFaker::NameGR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_first_name` | Λυσιστράτη, Κατερίνα, Γωγώ | | `female_full_name` | Όλγα Ζερβου, Ρένα Σαμαρά, Διονυσία Καλογιάννη | | `female_last_name` | Γεωργιάδη, Μπότσαρη, Αγγελοπούλου | | `first_name` | Τριανταφυλλένια, Λουκάς, Λουκάς | | `full_name` | Φιλομένα Αποστόλου, Ελευθερία Μαυρίδου, Λουκία Ζερβου | | `last_name` | Μπότσαρη, Δελής, Μανωλά | | `male_first_name` | Θανάσης, Φώτης, Χάρης | | `male_full_name` | Μάκης Χρηστόπουλος, Άγγελος Κούνδουρος, Ζάχος Δραγούμης | | `male_last_name` | Αργυρός, Πουλόπουλος, Βασιλόπουλος | | `name` | Τατιάνα Ταρσούλη, Ρένα Παπαντωνίου, Βάσω Καλογιάννη | ## FFaker::NameID | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Nn. Tri Martini, Ny. Olla Widiana, Nn. Ani Zakaria | | `female_prefix` | Nn., Nn., Nn. | | `first_name` | Sarwono, Hari, Ivan | | `first_name_female` | Ika, Susi, Ariyani | | `first_name_male` | Darmadi, Lenggo, Sandro | | `last_name` | Makalew, Pertiwi, Stievhen | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Tn. Toni Mulyawati, Tn. Umar Handriansyah, Tn. Fajar Reizkia | | `male_prefix` | Tn., Tn., Tn. | | `name` | Dessy Fandini, Sarah Ratnani, Tasya Ningrat | | `name_with_prefix` | Nn. Kikan Irwansyah, Ny. Ina Soewandi, Tn. Umar Gregorius | | `prefix` | Tn., Nn., Nn. | ## FFaker::NameIN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name_female` | Kiara, Riddhi, Tania | | `first_name_male` | Nihal, Joshua, Jayden | | `last_name` | Madan, Jain, Bajwa | | `name` | Vanya Ahuja, Divija Haldar, Shanaya Bhatt | | `name_female` | Shreya Kumar, Avani Rao, Aaradhya Mahajan | | `name_male` | Siddharth Chakrabarti, Pranit Dara, Aarush Kohli | ## FFaker::NameIT | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | Tristano, Costanza, Paola | | `last_name` | Melegatti, Cantalamessa, Casà | | `name` | Adelaide Olivetti, Isacco Persichetti, Vincenzo Gattari | | `prefix` | Sig.na, Sig.ra, Dott.ssa | ## FFaker::NameJA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | 優衣, 直樹, 恵 | | `last_first` | 白木桃, 石嶺出, 大畑真由 | | `last_name` | 野村, 小出, 黒田 | | `name` | 高江洲美優, 高山雪, 島袋昭 | ## FFaker::NameKH | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | ភក្តី, ប៉េងហូត, លីនដា | | `last_name` | អ៊ុយ, យង់, អ៊ុយ | | `name` | លឹម សេរី, ពិជ្រ រស្មី, តឹក ឆៃហេង | | `nick_name` | ខ្ចិប, ស្រីញ្ញាញ, អាសង្ហា | ## FFaker::NameKR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | 난경, 웅재, 희윤 | | `last_first` | 박삼헌, 어금장환, 류완우 | | `last_name` | 내, 봉, 낭 | | `name` | 궉국만, 전은상, 돈재유 | | `name_with_space` | 계 지영, 엄 상재, 옥 병규 | ## FFaker::NameMX | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name` | Margo, Alma, Alba Alicia | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Sra. Syreeta Hagenes, C. Marjorie Gutmann, Sra. Loreen Ferry | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Sra. Vanda Stoltenberg V, C. Letitia Metz Jr., C. Gwyn Smitham V | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Garnet Murphy IV, Ladawn Swift DVM, Cinthia Pacocha I | | `female_prefix` | Srita., C., Srita. | | `first_name` | Agustín, Adrián, Mayte | | `first_name_female` | Shanna, Lachelle, Micaela | | `first_name_male` | Noe, Anibal, Zachery | | `full_name` | Igor Crooks Zemlak, Araceli Gerhold Wyman, Edith Leffler Kutch | | `full_name_no_prefix` | Aidee Mraz Swaniawski, Eugenio Wilberto Williamson Parisian, Liliana Oberbrunner Glover | | `full_name_prefix` | C. Alan Pacocha Lesch, Sra. Nancy Kuphal Schoen, C. Brianda Priscila Bosco Batz | | `html_safe_last_name` | Altenwerth, Altenwerth, Schiller | | `html_safe_name` | Sandra Jacobson, Marcelo Rempel, Elisa Lemke | | `last_name` | Grant, Ebert, Thompson | | `male_name` | Homero, Andrés, Ulises | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Sr. Myles Hammes, Sr. Alden Emard, Sr. Wilfred Macejkovic | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Sr. Jose Veum Sr., C. Billy Farrell PhD, C. Mitchel Kub II | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Randolph Howe V, Solomon Witting Sr., Mac Gulgowski DVM | | `male_prefix` | Sr., C., C. | | `middle_name` | Aida, Gibrán, Leticia | | `name` | Irene, Elia, Adrián | | `name_with_prefix` | Srita. Selene Nitzsche, Sr. Kip West, C. Antone Simonis | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Sra. Hailey Hilpert DDS, Sra. Jazmin Purdy PhD, Sr. William Runolfsson DDS | | `name_with_suffix` | Zackary Harvey V, Ngoc Farrell DDS, Domitila Walter DDS | | `other_prefix` | Ms., Ms., Dr. | | `paternal_last_names` | Jacobi Botsford, Yost Jacobson, Goodwin Ortiz | | `prefix` | Sr., Sra., Sr. | | `pronouns` | He/Him, Xe/Xem, They/Them | | `suffix` | IV, V, PhD | ## FFaker::NameNB | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Miss. Ina Hauck, Miss. Aide Adams, Mrs. Marisela Gleason | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Miss. Christine Rippin Jr., Miss. Arlena Stamm IV, Miss. Aileen Bergnaum MD | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Kathern Auer DVM, Ermelinda Ernser DDS, Faye Gerlach DVM | | `female_prefix` | Mrs., Miss., Miss. | | `first_name` | Florida, Vincent, Angelo | | `first_name_female` | Luciana, Sheridan, Tyra | | `first_name_male` | Tyrell, Warren, Marshall | | `html_safe_last_name` | Cummerata, Bahringer, Welch | | `html_safe_name` | Tanner Weimann, Elliot Walsh, Gustavo Boehm | | `last_name` | Koelpin, Roob, Simonis | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Mason Anderson, Mr. Francis Russel, Mr. Columbus Barrows | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Rodney Franecki Jr., Mr. Dorian White II, Mr. Fritz Gleason MD | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Hal Stracke PhD, Dominick Marquardt II, Bryce Howell III | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Natalie Boehm, Charlie Dewey Bailey, Prof. John Schimmel | | `name_with_prefix` | Mr. Travis Funk, Mrs. Danyell Hand, Mrs. Miesha Farrell | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Russ Bayer III, Mr. Nickolas Hartmann DDS, Mr. Harrison Simonis II | | `name_with_suffix` | Aleida Wintheiser DVM, Flora Schultz DVM, Ivy Mann DVM | | `other_prefix` | Ms., Dr., Ms. | | `prefix` | Dr., Prof., Prof. | | `pronouns` | Xe/Xem, They/Them, He/Him | | `suffix` | IV, DDS, PhD | ## FFaker::NameNL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Miss. Mariah McCullough, Mrs. Myong Bins, Miss. Lurline Maggio | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Miss. Shari Cummerata IV, Miss. Estefana Crona Sr., Miss. Candra McClure DDS | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Karlene Jakubowski Jr., Stephany McLaughlin II, Brittni Bradtke Jr. | | `female_prefix` | Miss., Miss., Mrs. | | `first_name` | Laurette-Robbi, Cecil, Basil | | `first_name_female` | Madalene, Joana, Shalonda | | `first_name_male` | Shawn, Christian, Jerry | | `html_safe_last_name` | Pagac, Lang, Bergnaum | | `html_safe_name` | Loraine Champlin, Rocio-Rosie Dare, Phebe Denesik | | `last_name` | Corkery, Hudson, O'Keefe | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Alonso-Stefan Wiegand, Mr. Pat Kreiger, Mr. Hilton Roberts | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Hassan-Walter Okuneva Sr., Mr. Jared Cartwright MD, Mr. Lee Bode III | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Tanner Schmidt DVM, Gerardo-Silas Morar Sr., Carmine Mante Jr. | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Eleonora Kuhic, Merlin Kemmer, Millard Gottlieb | | `name_with_prefix` | Mr. Jarrod Swift, Miss. Talitha Hane, Mrs. Debora-Chrystal Parker | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mrs. Lavone Paucek PhD, Mr. Timmy Harvey DVM, Mr. Sammie Hoppe PhD | | `name_with_suffix` | Dara Sipes I, Clemente Dooley Jr., Dewitt-Ezequiel Wolf DDS | | `other_prefix` | Dr., Dr., Ms. | | `prefix` | Drs., Ir., Ing. | | `pronouns` | Xe/Xer, Zie/Zim, She/Her | | `suffix` | Jr., V, PhD | ## FFaker::NamePH | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Miss. Ami Salumbidez, Mrs. Corinne Alcantara, Mrs. Many Cantillo | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mrs. Taren Vizcaya DDS, Mrs. Hermine Cedidomutila PhD, Miss. Earlene de Leon MD | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Agueda Gosiengfiao II, Zola Castro I, Martine Fontanilla DDS | | `female_prefix` | Mrs., Mrs., Mrs. | | `first_name` | Holli, Mariam, Louvenia | | `first_name_female` | Claudine, Zonia, Jennine | | `first_name_male` | Christopher, Kenny, Markus | | `html_safe_last_name` | Dibbert, Emmerich, Bahringer | | `html_safe_name` | Mikki King, Lorie Conn, Tonya Hartmann | | `last_name` | Abad, Sariwa, Mipa | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Vince Mipa, Mr. Thurman Bitaog, Mr. Laurence Bitaog | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Henry de la Paz IV, Mr. Buddy Tambuatco PhD, Mr. Lynn Salumbidez DDS | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Jesus Dimaunahang IV, Juan Yu DDS, Harry Tagonon IV | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Mariel Celis, Tessa Tanjuatco, Mila Abucay | | `name_with_prefix` | Mrs. Karlyn Dantes, Mr. Reed Roque, Miss. Argelia Corpuz | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Clyde Quezada DDS, Mrs. Mallie Ilaban V, Miss. May España Jr. | | `name_with_suffix` | Donn Labuguen IV, Shaunta Baltar IV, Cuc Limuaco IV | | `other_prefix` | Dr., Dr., Dr. | | `prefix` | Dr., Dr., Ms. | | `pronouns` | Zie/Zim, Xe/Xem, Zie/Zim | | `suffix` | II, MD, IV | ## FFaker::NamePL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `academic_degree_prefix` | inż., dr hab., dr | | `female_first_name` | Martyna, Kamila, Zuzanna | | `female_full_name` | Kazimiera Starzyńska, Klaudia Iwańska, Natalia Ryś | | `female_last_name` | Stychlerz, Adamowska, Ziopaja | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Pani Felicja Błach, Pani Helga Walczak, Pani Bogusława Musiał | | `female_prefix` | Pani, Pani, Pani | | `first_name` | Czesław, Jadwiga, Grzegorz | | `full_name` | Waldemar Piątek, Witold Zawiślak, Iga Sopoćko | | `last_name` | Kołodziejski, Wojciechowska, Śliwa | | `male_first_name` | Zdzisław, Iwo, Janusz | | `male_full_name` | Leon Wolski, Walerian Karwowski, Piotr Gombrowicz | | `male_last_name` | Michnik, Kijowski, Makowski | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Pan Oskar Winnicki, Pan Adrian Żurawski, Pan Alojzy Tarczyński | | `male_prefix` | Pan, Pan, Pan | | `name` | Miłosz Musiał, Gracjan Szczęsny, Edmund Tarnowski | | `name_with_prefix` | Pan Ignacy Dąbrowski, Pani Karolina Kononowicz, Pan Artur Nowak | | `prefix` | Pani, dr, lic. | ## FFaker::NameRU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name` | Зоя Воробьева, Фекла Лебедева, Зинаида Фролова | | `first_name` | Гордей, Василиса, Венедикт | | `first_name_female` | Злата, Лилия, Лидия | | `first_name_male` | Герасим, Донат, Денис | | `last_name` | Лебедева, Филиппов, Пономарев | | `last_name_female` | Куликова, Егорова, Филиппова | | `last_name_male` | Петров, Фомин, Соболев | | `male_name` | Герасим Федотов, Егор Воробьев, Вадим Степанов | | `middle_name_female` | Ярославовна, Евгеньевна, Романовна | | `middle_name_male` | Викторович, Филиппович, Дмитриевич | | `name` | Архипп Тимофеев, Карина Анисимова, Родион Ширяев | ## FFaker::NameSE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Miss. Mona Kiehn, Miss. Adrianne Reichel, Miss. Courtney Runolfsdottir | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Miss. Lindsy Kilback PhD, Mrs. Rubi Hahn Jr., Mrs. Gabrielle Feeney V | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Lawanda Spinka IV, Venice Sauer III, Meghan Monahan V | | `female_prefix` | Mrs., Mrs., Miss. | | `first_name` | Laurine Dorathy, Jonathon, Faustina Destiny | | `first_name_female` | Helena, Jannie, Graciela | | `first_name_male` | Gaylord, Merrill, Harold | | `html_safe_last_name` | Bashirian, Lynch, Flatley | | `html_safe_name` | Alfonso Kirlin, Barton Corkery, Trista Bosco | | `last_name` | Goodwin, Russel, VonRueden | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Dick Zulauf, Mr. Cole Fadel, Mr. Guillermo Haag | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Johnson Hansen PhD, Mr. Von Jerde I, Mr. Porfirio Johnson V | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Irving Langworth II, Damion Kertzmann III, Anton Abbott MD | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Fernande Grimes, Jamal Emmerich, Rosamond Erminia Gutmann | | `name_with_prefix` | Mr. Deon Bogan, Mr. Odell Rutherford, Mr. Ivory Parisian | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mrs. Londa Gaylord Sr., Mr. Nathaniel Keebler Sr., Mr. Tyrell Tremblay Jr. | | `name_with_suffix` | Derrick Kovacek II, Londa Eichmann III, Julienne Luettgen II | | `other_prefix` | Ms., Dr., Dr. | | `prefix` | Prof., Dr., Dr. | | `pronouns` | Zie/Zim, She/Her, He/Him | | `suffix` | DDS, Sr., PhD | ## FFaker::NameSN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name_female` | Guissaly, Lika, Ngoné | | `first_name_male` | Salif, Ndongo, Lamine | | `last_name` | Bapinye, Diadhiou, Diatta | | `name_female` | mame Hawa Badji, adjaratou Bineta Tandiné, Sadio Sylla | | `name_male` | Thierno Timera, Mamour Diakho, Dame Dupa | | `name_sn` | adjaratou Mariama Diop, ndeye Ramatoulaye Médou, ndeye Diary Fadiga | | `prefix_female` | mame, adja, adja | | `prefix_male` | pape, pape, eladji | ## FFaker::NameTH | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | สมศักดิ์, จารุวรรณ, กล้าหาญ | | `last_name` | ติณสูลานนท์, หงสกุล, สมิท | | `name` | นัยนา  สมิท, ฤดี ติณสูลานนท์, จารุวรรณ หงสกุล | | `nick_name` | ดำ , ใส , เผือก  | ## FFaker::NameTHEN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | Kob Khun, Lamai, Mekhala | | `last_name` | Kadesadayurat, Visalyaputra, Aromdee | | `name` | Phichai Rojjanasukchai, Hom Kaouthai, Narong Kadesadayurat | | `nick_name` | Chai, Nui, Mee | ## FFaker::NameTW | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | 柏翰, 品妍, 詠晴 | | `last_name` | 施, 沈, 朱 | | `name` | 王冠宇, 張睿恩, 龔品妤 | ## FFaker::NameUA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | Велемир, Віта, Ангеліна | | `first_name_female` | Леся, Купава, Борислава | | `first_name_male` | Родослав, Гнат, Ростислав | | `last_name` | Трясило, Забіла, Бабух | | `last_name_female` | Стигайло, Галаєнко, Трясун | | `last_name_male` | Скиба, Унич, Шупик | | `middle_name_female` | Михайлівна, Вадимівна, Антонівна | | `middle_name_male` | Доброславович, Сергійович, Ярославович | | `name` | Лад Тарасович, Мазун Боримир, Арсеній Боженович | ## FFaker::NameVN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | Hữu, Văn, Văn | | `last_first` | Lương Tuyến Công, Giang Hoàng Quang, Phùng Hùng Văn | | `last_name` | Hồ, Triệu, Vĩnh | | `middle_name` | Phú, Sơn, Ninh | | `name` | Hùng Quang Phó, Tuyến Quang Huỳnh, Minh Quang Lục | ## FFaker::NatoAlphabet | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `alphabetic_code` | KILO, KILO, YANKEE | | `callsign` | ZULU-CHARLIE-THREE, PAPA-UNIFORM-FIVE, YANKEE-NOVEMBER-THREE | | `code` | UNIFORM, KILO, QUEBEC | | `codify`(...) | | | `numeric_code` | FIVE, ONE, ZERO | ## FFaker::PhoneNumber | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `area_code` | 880, 993, 832 | | `exchange_code` | 262, 941, 650 | | `imei` | 988103810942381, 449604893354983, 441289525678153 | | `phone_calling_code` | +263, +95, +56 | | `phone_number` | 1-614-599-3514, 248.777.4148, (290)872-4677 x050 | | `short_phone_number` | 342-232-7573, 557-967-0876, 334-309-4129 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberAU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | +61, +61, +61 | | `home_work_phone_number` | (08) 7705 1032, (03) 8970 9369, (03) 4752 6560 | | `home_work_phone_prefix` | 08, 03, 08 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +61 2 5591 6052, +61 8 5343 2514, +61 8 1842 4908 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +61 5 8881 6364, +61 5 0750 3469, +61 5 8308 9140 | | `international_phone_number` | +61 5 3409 2232, +61 8 3212 0608, +61 2 6304 3546 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 0589 116 899, 0528 053 130, 0474 568 295 | | `mobile_phone_prefix` | 04, 05, 04 | | `phone_number` | 0533 781 028, 0450 959 309, 0420 412 009 | | `phone_prefix` | 08, 02, 04 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberBR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | +55, +55, +55 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 922810-1569, 16 43835765, 83 4064-8862 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +55 94 5390-6012, +559948159828, +55 93 53454942 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +55 41 986335105, +55 68 96900-8682, +55 11 970850972 | | `international_phone_number` | +55 31 982517498, +55 93 31667179, +55282265-4201 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 81999360900, 24997090032, 81 96686-2129 | | `phone_number` | 91 965125152, 71973809338, 21 35168154 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberCH | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `free_phone_number` | 00418008713203, 08006808829, 08000658725 | | `home_work_phone_number` | +41246268129, +41332141510, 0041211506396 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 077 678 63 11, +4175 579 41 86, +41789606483 | | `phone_number` | 004134 245 00 82, +418427202987, +4176 489 41 33 | | `premium_rate_phone_number` | 0901 866 44 02, 09001079821, +419017603218 | | `shared_cost_phone_number` | 0842 880 01 98, 00418444955749, 0840 200 40 63 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberCU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | 53, 53, 53 | | `e164_country_code` | 53, 53, 53 | | `e164_home_work_phone_number` | 5342444654, 5324915663, 5371320244 | | `e164_mobile_phone_number` | 5351495198, 5359387913, 5354665901 | | `e164_phone_number` | 5359227747, 5348573884, 5342907692 | | `general_phone_number` | (022) 47 7148, (046) 88 8092, 05 863 9558 | | `home_work_phone_number` | (024) 94 0582, (033) 51 3571, (042) 88 8172 | | `home_work_phone_prefix` | 023, 022, 022 | | `international_country_code` | +53, +53, 0053 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | 005323 63 2977, +537 444 9775, +5322 19 7046 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | 00535 612 0020, 00535 198 2516, +535 130 4172 | | `international_phone_number` | 00535 069 9790, +5333 72 1376, 005342 25 8365 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 05 723 0752, 05 757 3308, 05 991 8015 | | `mobile_phone_prefix` | 05, 05, 05 | | `phone_number` | (033) 34 3643, 00535 457 8699, 5358487404 | | `phone_prefix` | 05, 021, 047 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberDA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | +45, +45, +45 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 22521773, 00051608, 07770847 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +45 29108781, +45 89913258, +45 13847366 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +45 37837566, +45 42732649, +45 72480034 | | `international_phone_number` | +45 24501476, +45 65531052, +45 48429580 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 85164855, 79574121, 99290836 | | `phone_number` | 87165353, 48024919, 34649099 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberDE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | +49, +49, +49 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 04295 2628087, 047 5970935, 0909 5488024 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +49 85 8249887, +49 984 4216374, +49 339 1367575 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +49 173 5459714, +49 170 1073011, +49 179 3947960 | | `international_phone_number` | +49 9600 0645370, +49 57 8049766, +49 66 1798514 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 0161 5846395, 0175 2651027, 0169 7201232 | | `mobile_prefix` | 0153, 0178, 0156 | | `phone_number` | 0707 0674470, 02187 4888421, 0577 4955210 | | `region_prefix` | 069, 0709, 022 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | 0033, +33, 0033 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 09 62 32 59 60, 04 74 54 05 98, 0565264225 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +333 98 88 75 07, +334 51 19 40 89, +335 93 35 40 23 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +336 48 01 36 98, 00337 27 13 68 22, 0033 6 81 47 32 50 | | `international_phone_number` | +33707930567, +33 774388346, 0033 735836933 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 07 02 98 75 61, 0627507238, 07 76 55 54 93 | | `phone_number` | 07 73 31 26 29, 0468739829, 06 10 41 14 51 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberID | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `home_phone_number` | 0922-06110786, 0298-7852695, 0422-47785642 | | `international_home_phone_number` | +62966-51994303, +62386-2349097, +62426-89999196 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +62816-27537847, +62815-69552301, +62823-68187532 | | `international_phone_number` | +62655-70522005, +62813-44590709, +62815-16924518 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 0886-10004211, 0818-65821858, 0815-45774147 | | `phone_number` | 0822-86099577, 0744-41221256, 0657-6922544 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberIT | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `home_phone_number` | +39 016367662101, +39 07072725959, +390323503664 | | `mobile_phone_number` | +39 339751103, 0039 344 412613, 0039320 39191535 | | `number`(...) | | | `phone_number` | +39333544515, 0039 049 53892594, +390131987636 | | `random_space` | , , | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberJA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `home_phone_number` | 0742 07 8816, 0968 32 7229, 096 467 0237 | | `home_phone_number_format`(...) | | | `home_phone_prefix` | , , | | `international_home_phone_number` | +81 173 27 2223, +81 184 49 4378, +81 26 013 4580 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +81 80 5829 8691, +81 90 0520 3999, +81 70 7334 1924 | | `international_phone_number` | +81 90 8475 7651, +81 87 865 9270, +81 70 9702 9022 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 090 7885 3301, 080 2095 2926, 080 8247 8107 | | `mobile_phone_number_format` | 70 #### ####, 70 #### ####, 80 #### #### | | `mobile_prefix` | 80, 90, 70 | | `phone_number` | 04996 7 0727, 090 7411 6872, 080 2203 4811 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberKR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `contry_code` | +82, +82, +82 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 02 7170 0231, 031 8138 7569, 041 1477 0457 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +82 49 8120 6252, +82 33 1540 6155, +82 62 7530 7038 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +82 10 0954 9841, +82 10 3799 5123, +82 19 9272 6601 | | `international_phone_number` | +82 11 1619 7556, +82 53 7276 2625, +82 54 9275 1897 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 010 7850 0367, 016 2100 7927, 016 3034 1655 | | `phone_number` | 031 7324 0658, 010 8197 4120, 055 7539 1455 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberMX | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | +52, +52, +52 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 32 4298 2316, 15 0019 3469, 72 6128 2116 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +52 42 9913 6837, +52 27 6451 3309, +52 04 1398 2252 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +52 1 35 9831 3665, +52 1 36 0806 3835, +52 1 54 3961 0598 | | `international_phone_number` | +52 44 8864 4476, +52 1 89 0151 2124, +52 92 4203 9375 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 044 57 1387 2737, 044 69 5203 7818, 044 42 6641 6412 | | `phone_number` | 79 9702 8005, 044 67 6639 3107, 044 44 9241 9502 | | `toll_free_number` | 01 800 399 4823, 01 800 602 4726, 01 800 703 5517 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberNL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `home_work_phone_number` | 071-4814 597, 071-0825193, 0546-988491 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +31 548-11 68 64, +31 592-172760, +31 314-1850 82 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +31 6 8931 6061, +31 660300070, +31 656707213 | | `international_phone_number` | +31 6 334 280 66, +31 571-599091, +31 610922968 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 06 65 28 57 86, 06 806 354 85, 06 0457 0687 | | `phone_number` | 075-489 6598, 06 481 674 64, 0115-487046 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberPL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `area_code` | 89, 46, 46 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 186313877, 898984328, 915396271 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +48 434575375, +48 153655461, +48 676015421 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +48 780285145, +48 536727536, +48 731723194 | | `international_phone_number` | +48 724028611, +48 940690056, +48 888527784 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 574496726, 537322397, 513939416 | | `mobile_phone_number_format` | 73#######, 78#######, 88####### | | `mobile_prefix` | 51, 66, 57 | | `phone_number` | 500607757, 892695404, 662428798 | | `phone_number_format` | 59#######, 62#######, 52####### | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberRU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | 8, 8, 8 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 8 841 151-98-01, 8 481 361-85-51, 8 072 704-78-65 | | `home_work_phone_prefix` | 844, 390, 499 | | `international_country_code` | +7, +7, +7 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +7 426 116-27-01, +7 486 614-69-27, +7 821 412-60-59 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +7 994 403-13-76, +7 952 094-02-48, +7 920 134-28-78 | | `international_phone_number` | +7 863 387-77-65, +7 911 439-11-48, +7 011 389-33-32 | | `international_toll_free_number` | +7 800 846-61-67, +7 800 228-55-17, +7 800 490-45-08 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 8 966 723-61-54, 8 961 981-50-92, 8 922 095-80-31 | | `mobile_phone_prefix` | 914, 953, 917 | | `phone_number` | 8 900 157-74-81, 8 487 377-28-46, 8 382 103-09-55 | | `toll_free_number` | 8 800 821-50-83, 8 800 076-24-11, 8 800 110-55-46 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberSE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `area_prefix` | 496, 563, 499 | | `country_prefix` | +46, 0046, +46 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 0613-679 47, 0372-56 02 31, 0950-591 42 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | 0046 (0)682-318 34, +46 (0)322-135 67, +46 (0)910-970 44 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | 0046 (0)760-90 32 54, +46 (0)708-45 65 57, 0046 (0)703-555923 | | `international_phone_number` | +46 (0)390-12 53 91, 0046 (0)764-58 61 73, +46 (0)687-717 90 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 0744-947702, 0733-663954, 0743-910061 | | `mobile_phone_number_format` | 74#-## ## ##, 76#-######, 73#-## ## ## | | `mobile_prefix` | 76, 72, 73 | | `phone_number` | 0709-38 90 85, 0729-41 82 59, 0722-09 79 51 | | `phone_number_format` | 474-### ##, 417-## ## ##, 534-### ## | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberSG | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | +65, +65, +65 | | `fixed_line_number` | 6821 4983, 6345 5448, 6846 1401 | | `international_toll_free_number` | 800 997 8615, 800 470 0335, 800 882 1282 | | `mobile_number` | 8981 6236, 8722 8437, 8243 6272 | | `mobile_or_pager_number` | 9502 9150, 9724 9871, 9394 6309 | | `phone_number` | 8082 5413, 8352 2449, 6160 6589 | | `premium_service_number` | 1900 243 9289, 1900 280 7524, 1900 938 1715 | | `toll_free_number` | 1800 227 5705, 1800 326 4599, 1800 986 4202 | | `voip_number` | 3991 3471, 3593 8453, 3684 1814 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberSN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `homework_number` | 33-949-60-01, 33-910-08-27, 33-852-57-45 | | `homework_phone_prefix` | 33, 33, 33 | | `mobile_number` | 76-566-30-09, 76-384-72-16, 77-514-91-87 | | `mobile_phone_prefix` | 76, 70, 77 | | `phone_number` | 76-547-23-83, 33-977-90-17, 76-782-45-86 | | `short_phone_number` | 803-33-63, 309-28-40, 653-12-05 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberTW | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `contry_code` | +886, +886, +886 | | `home_work_phone_number` | (08) 051-7475, (05) 980-2722, (08) 514-7224 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +886-5-494-5468, +886-7-200-6246, +886-6-972-1924 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +886-948-588-802, +886-949-244-382, +886-925-645-297 | | `international_phone_number` | +886-928-897-235, +886-953-999-892, +886-904-500-288 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 0944-174-265, 0934-295-588, 0965-897-985 | | `phone_number` | (02) 1676-6209, (08) 882-8602, 0906-162-864 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberUA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `home_phone_number` | 065 319-5449, 036 199-9672, 047 439-8982 | | `international_home_phone_number` | +380 45 253-2529, +380 47 317-6447, +380 35 948-6660 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +380 96 385-3544, +380 97 510-4814, +380 96 276-2963 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 066 788-3990, 097 219-7286, 099 407-3069 | | `phone_number` | 045 299-9135, 057 884-1174, 063 183-4522 | ## FFaker::Product | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `brand` | Phounefunc, Troffe, Sinebalt | | `letters`(...) | | | `model` | U-3328, BX-2169, KU-5068 | | `product` | Brieck Electric GPS Viewer, Aquafunc Portable Audible Tuner, Pack Electric Amplifier | | `product_name` | Auto Viewer, Remote Receiver, Auto Air Adapter | ## FFaker::SSN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `ssn` | 222-50-3815, 146-47-8631, 624-66-9378 | ## FFaker::SSNMX | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `imss` | 9795247651-4, 0818588509-4, 0978688186-7 | | `imss_undashed` | 41030526652, 76679283026, 43104317101 | | `issste` | 2727549260-2, 1653059509-0, 6512988844-0 | | `issste_undashed` | 22138816691, 70002929341, 02811820367 | | `ssn` | 0803379353-5, 4213953643-0, 4983752631-8 | | `ssn_undashed` | 82188225957, 02203648088, 40722191977 | ## FFaker::SSNSE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `ssn` | 196702121770, 195902133010, 200108137530 | ## FFaker::SemVer | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `next` | 0.0.1, 1.0.0, 1.0.0 | ## FFaker::Skill | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `specialties` | Visual Methods, Template Testing, Hardware Optimization, Template Modularization, Visual Development, Team Management, Firmware Architecture, Modular Design, Project Architecture | | `specialty` | Database Prototyping, Firmware Management, Hardware Research | | `tech_skill` | SublimeText, Perl, Bootstrap | | `tech_skills` | ASP, SOAP, REST, JSON, JavaScript, ActionScript, PostgreSQL, Java, ActionScript | ## FFaker::Sport | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | ❗ *[name] is deprecated. For US sports please use the SportUS module* | ## FFaker::SportPL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | Kajakarstwo regatowe, Kajakarstwo regatowe, Żeglarstwo | | `summer` | Żeglarstwo, Szermierka, Rzut dyskiem | | `winter` | Saneczkarstwo, Dwubój zimowy, Saneczkarstwo | ## FFaker::SportUS | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | Basketball, Base jumping, Marathon Swimming | ## FFaker::String | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `from_regexp`(...) | | ## FFaker::Time | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `between`(..., ...) | | | `date` | 2018-04-15, 2020-08-30, 2018-07-08 | | `datetime` | 2019-06-29T21:19:00+00:00, 2017-07-26T23:22:00+00:00, 2018-05-15T22:53:00+00:00 | | `day_of_week` | Sun, Thu, Tue | | `month` | April, November, July | ## FFaker::Tweet | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `body` | Aspernatur quo repellat aliquam optio asperiores nesciunt corrupti architecto. Expedita nisi et totam animi. Ipsa dolor ex doloribus., Nihil facilis corporis ullam modi exercitationem id sapiente impedit. Iure porro repudiandae cupiditate error dolores maiores. Qui., Libero enim porro pariatur reprehenderit. Odio quam qui id sunt reprehenderit mollitia. Neque cupiditate officia iste doloribus aut.. | | `mention` | @zada.koss, @thelma, @wanetta.kemmer | | `mentions` | @marylyn.ziemann @shemeka.champlin, @lesley @gaston, @phebe_howell @carmine | | `tags` | #funny #bestoftheday, #friends #yum, #me #cool | | `tweet` | Asperiores incidunt porro vel.#baby #life, @yahaira Itaque quibusdam suscipit perferendis tenetur sapiente optio. Ea pariatur aliquam neque maiores iusto numquam.@andrew , Explicabo exercitationem animi similique excepturi est facere sunt.. | ## FFaker::UniqueUtils | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `clear` | 0, 0, 0 | ## FFaker::Unit | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `temperature_abbr` | F, C, C | | `temperature_name` | Fahrenheit, Fahrenheit, Celsius | | `time_abbr` | d, ms, yr | | `time_name` | Milliseconds, Seconds, Days | ## FFaker::UnitEnglish | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `area_abbr` | sq yd, ac, sq ft | | `area_name` | square mile, section, square mile | | `length_abbr` | in, yd, ft | | `length_name` | foot, furlong, foot | | `liquid_abbr` | fl oz, qt, fl oz | | `liquid_name` | fluid ounce, pint, quart | | `mass_abbr` | lb, t, oz | | `mass_name` | grains, ounces, grains | | `temperature_abbr` | K, C, K | | `temperature_name` | Fahrenheit, Fahrenheit, Fahrenheit | | `time_abbr` | h, d, s | | `time_name` | Hours, Years, Minutes | | `volume_abbr` | CFT, CFT, CY | | `volume_name` | cubic yard, cubic inch, cubic yard | ## FFaker::UnitMetric | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `area_abbr` | m^2, m^2, cm^2 | | `area_name` | centimeters squared, meters squared, kilometers | | `length_abbr` | mm, km, mm | | `length_name` | meters, centimeters, millimeters | | `liquid_abbr` | L, ml, ml | | `liquid_name` | milliliters, liters, milliliters | | `mass_abbr` | g, g, mt | | `mass_name` | metric ton, metric ton, gram | | `temperature_abbr` | C, K, K | | `temperature_name` | Celsius, Kelvin, Kelvin | | `time_abbr` | d, d, h | | `time_name` | Days, Days, Years | | `volume_abbr` | m^3, m^3, cm^3 | | `volume_name` | cubic centimeters, cubic centimeters, cubic centimeters | ## FFaker::Vehicle | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `base_color` | tomato, lavender, papayawhip | | `drivetrain` | 4WD, AWD, 4WD | | `engine_cylinders` | 8, 6, 8 | | `engine_displacement` | 4.2, 7.4, 5.0 | | `fuel_type` | Natural Gas (CNG), Gas, Gas | | `interior_upholstery` | Nylon Fabric, PVC, Nylon Fabric | | `make` | Infiniti, Lotus, Plymouth | | `manufacturer_color` | resonant mundane purple, dark magnetic lightgrey, fast weak cornflowerblue | | `mfg_color` | soft magnetic plum, metallic new khaki, pretty mysterious green | | `model` | Corolla, Viper, Prius | | `transmission` | Automated Manual, Manual, Automated Manual | | `transmission_abbr` | AM, MT, AT | | `trim` | EX-L, SE, DX | | `vin` | 19BUD74681C655264, 15NYB75259W737761, 16YWP01664F593921 | | `year` | 1971, 1949, 1929 | ## FFaker::Venue | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | Palau de Congressos de Catalunya, Oficina de Convenciones y Visitantes de Acapulco, Fundacion de Ferias y Exposiciones de Lugo | ## FFaker::Youtube | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `embed_url` | www.youtube.com/embed/IcrbM1l_BoI, www.youtube.com/embed/nfWlot6h_JM, www.youtube.com/embed/KQ6zr6kCPj8 | | `share_url` | youtu.be/7OHMqdMpsj8, youtu.be/_OBlgSz8sSM, youtu.be/IcrbM1l_BoI | | `url` | www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYEDA3JcQqw, www.youtube.com/watch?v=lp-EO5I60KA, www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bZkp7q19f0 | | `video_id` | CGyEd0aKWZE, e-ORhEE9VVg, uO59tfQ2TbA |