(function(can, window, undefined){ //used to determine if a control instance is one of controllers //controllers can be strings or classes var i, isAControllerOf = function( instance, controllers ) { for ( i = 0; i < controllers.length; i++ ) { if ( typeof controllers[i] == 'string' ? instance.constructor._shortName == controllers[i] : instance instanceof controllers[i] ) { return true; } } return false; }, data = function(el, data){ return $el.data('controls'); }, makeArray = can.makeArray, old = can.Control.setup; /* * static */ can.Control.setup = function() { // if you didn't provide a name, or are control, don't do anything if ( this !== can.Control ) { /** * @attribute can.Control.plugin.static.pluginName * @parent can.Control.plugin * * Setting the static `pluginName` property allows you to override the default name * with your own. * * var Filler = can.Control({ * pluginName: 'fillWith' * },{}); * * $("#foo").fillWith(); * * If you don't provide a `pluginName`, the control falls back to the * [can.Construct.fullName fullName] attribute: * * can.Control('Ui.Layout.FillWith', {}, {}); * $("#foo").ui_layout_fill_with(); * */ var pluginName = this.pluginName || this._fullName; // create jQuery plugin if(pluginName !== 'can_control'){ this.plugin(pluginName); } old.apply(this, arguments); } }; /* * prototype */ $.fn.extend({ /** * @function jQuery.fn.controls * @parent can.Control.plugin * * When the widget is initialized, the plugin control creates an array * of control instance(s) with the DOM element it was initialized on using * [can.data] method. * * The `controls` method allows you to get the control instance(s) for any element. * * //- Inits the widgets * $('.widgets:eq(0)').my_box(); * $('.widgets:eq(1)').my_clock(); * *
* * $('.widgets').controls() //-> [ MyBox, MyClock ] * * Additionally, you can invoke it passing the name of a control * to fetch a specific instance(s). * * //- Inits the widgets * $('.widgets:eq(0)').my_box(); * $('.widgets:eq(1)').my_clock(); * *
* * $('.widgets').controls('MyBox') //-> [ MyBox ] * * @param {Object} control (optional) if exists the control instance(s) with that constructor function or type will be returned. * @return {Array} an array of control instance(s). */ controls: function() { var controllerNames = makeArray(arguments), instances = [], controls, c, cname; //check if arguments this.each(function() { controls = can.$(this).data("controls"); if(!controls){ return; } for(var i=0; i * * $('.widgets').controls() //-> MyBox * * @param {Object} control (optional) if exists the first control instance with that constructor function or type will be returned. * @return {can.Control} the first control. */ control: function( control ) { return this.controls.apply(this, arguments)[0]; } }); can.Control.plugin = function(pluginname){ var control = this; if (!$.fn[pluginname]) { $.fn[pluginname] = function(options){ var args = makeArray(arguments), //if the arg is a method on this control isMethod = typeof options == "string" && $.isFunction(control.prototype[options]), meth = args[0]; return this.each(function(){ //check if created var plugin = can.$(this).control(control); if (plugin) { if (isMethod) { // call a method on the control with the remaining args plugin[meth].apply(plugin, args.slice(1)); } else { // call the plugin's update method plugin.update.apply(plugin, args); } } else { //create a new control instance control.newInstance.apply(control, [this].concat(args)); } }); }; } } /** * @function can.Control.prototype.update * @parent can.Control.plugin * * Update extends [can.Control.prototype.options options] * with the `options` argument and rebinds all events. It * re-configures the control. * * For example, the following control wraps a recipe form. When the form * is submitted, it creates the recipe on the server. When the recipe * is `created`, it resets the form with a new instance. * * var Creator = can.Control({ * "{recipe} created" : function(){ * this.update({recipe : new Recipe()}); * this.element[0].reset(); * this.element.find("[type=submit]").val("Create Recipe") * }, * "submit" : function(el, ev){ * ev.preventDefault(); * var recipe = this.options.recipe; * recipe.attrs( this.element.formParams() ); * this.element.find("[type=submit]").val("Saving...") * recipe.save(); * } * }); * * $('#createRecipes').creator({ recipe : new Recipe() }) * * *Update* is called if a control's plugin helper is called with the plugin options on an element * that already has a control instance of the same type. If you want to implement your * own update method make sure to call the old one either using the [can.Construct.super super] plugin or * by calling `can.Control.prototype.update.apply(this, arguments);`. * For example, you can change the content of the control element every time the options change: * * var Plugin = can.Control({ * pluginName: 'myPlugin' * }, { * init : function(el, options) { * this.updateCount = 0; * this.update({ * text : 'Initialized' * }); * }, * update : function(options) { * // Call the can.Control update first. * // Use this._super when using can/construct/super * can.Control.prototype.update.call(this, options); * this.element.html(this.options.text + ' ' + * (++this.updateCount) + ' times'); * } * }); * * $('#control').myPlugin(); * $('#control').html(); * // Initialized. Updated 1 times * * $('#control').myPlugin({ text : 'Calling update. Updated' }); * $('#control').html(); * // Calling update. Updated 2 times * * @demo can/control/plugin/demo-update.html * * @param {Object} options A list of options to merge with * [can.Control.prototype.options this.options]. Often this method * is called by the [can.Control.plugin jQuery helper function]. */ can.Control.prototype.update = function( options ) { can.extend(this.options, options); this.on(); }; })(this.can, this )