require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe Classifier do before(:each) do @classifier = end it "should automagically determine the ruby class of the classifier engine a la rails' constantize" do => :naive_bayes).engine.class.should == NaiveBayes end it "should automagically determine the ruby class of the document type" do => :naive_bayes, :doctype => :document).doctype.should == Document end it "should default to NaiveBayes engine and Document doctype" do classifier = classifier.engine.class.should == NaiveBayes classifier.doctype.should == Document end it "should accept training docs as plain strings, extracting features automatically" do @classifier.train(:hip, "that hipster has an asymmetrical haircut") @classifier.train(:unhip, "that dude is a frat boy") @classifier.engine.classes.should == [:hip, :unhip] @classifier.engine.occurrences_of_all_features_in_class(:unhip).should == 6 end it "should classify documents" do @classifier.train(:hip, "that hipster has an asymmetrical haircut") @classifier.train(:unhip, "that dude is a frat boy") @classifier.classify("hipsters").should == :hip end it "should train iteratively for speed learning" do @classifier.train(:hip, "turntables", "techno music", "DJs with turntables", "techno DJs") @classifier.train(:unhip, "rock music", "guitar bass drums", "guitar rock", "guitar players") @classifier.classify("guitar music").should == :unhip # now everyone likes rock music again! retrain fast! cf LCD Soundsystem @classifier.train_iterative(:hip, "guitars") # takes 3 iterations @classifier.classify("guitars").should == :hip end it "should give document scores for a class" do @classifier.train(:hip, "turntables", "techno music", "DJs with turntables", "techno DJs") @classifier.train(:unhip, "rock music", "guitar bass drums", "guitar rock", "guitar players") @classifier.similarity_score(:hip, "guitars").should be_a Float end end describe AnomalyDetector do YAML_FILE_BASENAME = "/tmp/basset_anomaly_detector_rspec_savefile" def tmp_file YAML_FILE_BASENAME + rand(2 ** 32).to_s(16) end before(:each) do @detector = end after(:each) do Dir.glob(YAML_FILE_BASENAME + '*').each {|file| File.delete file} end def train_detector_on_code_love @detector.train("coding all night and loving it", "coding and drinking jolt") end it "should train on the normal set only" do @detector.train("coding all night", "coding and drinking jolt") @detector.engine.classes.should == [:normal] @detector.engine.occurrences_of_all_features_in_class(:normal).should == 7 end it "should give a score for the probability of a document to be in the ``normal'' set" do train_detector_on_code_love score = @detector.similarity_score("I love coding and jolt") score.should be_a Float score.should be_close(-1, 2) end it "should give a list of the probability scores for the training set" do train_detector_on_code_love @detector.scores_for_training_set.should have(2).items @detector.scores_for_training_set.each do |score| score.should be_close(-1, 1) end end it "should compute the average probability score for training set" do train_detector_on_code_love @detector.avg_score_of_training_set.should be_close(-0.841, 0.001) end it "should give the range of probability scores for the training set" do train_detector_on_code_love @detector.score_range_of_training_set.should be_a Range @detector.score_range_of_training_set.first.should be_close(-0.864, 0.001) @detector.score_range_of_training_set.last.should be_close(-0.818, 0.001) end it "should give the standard deviation of probability scores for the training set" do train_detector_on_code_love @detector.stddev_of_scores_of_training_set.should be_close(0.0234, 0.001) #0.0234 end it "should use the average minus 4 times the stddev as the lower bound for normal" do train_detector_on_code_love expected = -0.841 - (4 * 0.0234) @detector.minimum_acceptable_score.should be_close(expected, 0.001) end it "should say if text is anomalous or not" do train_detector_on_code_love @detector.should be_anomalous("watching tv") @detector.should_not be_anomalous("code and jolt") end it "should classify text as anomalous or normal" do train_detector_on_code_love @detector.classify("watching tv").should == :anomalous @detector.classify("code and jolt").should == :normal end it "should give an anomaly score based on the std deviations from mean" do train_detector_on_code_love @detector.anomaly_score("watching_tv").should be_close( 80, 10) end it "should train iteratively" do train_detector_on_code_love 50.times {@detector.train("coding drinking jolt")} @detector.train_iterative("watching tv") @detector.should be_normal("watching tv") end it "should reset memoized values to nil after retraining" do train_detector_on_code_love @detector.score_range_of_training_set @detector.scores_for_training_set.should_not be_nil train_detector_on_code_love @detector.instance_variable_get(:@scores_for_training_set).should be_nil end it "should serialize itself to YAML" do train_detector_on_code_love file = tmp_file @detector.save_to_file(file) File.exist?(file).should be_true end it "should load itself from YAML" do train_detector_on_code_love file = tmp_file @detector.save_to_file(file) reloaded_detector = AnomalyDetector.load_from_file(file) reloaded_detector.should == @detector end end