# frozen_string_literal: true

require_relative '../../puppet/x509'

# Class for loading and saving cert related objects. By default the provider
# loads and saves based on puppet's default settings, such as `Puppet[:localcacert]`.
# The providers sets the permissions on files it saves, such as the private key.
# All of the `load_*` methods take an optional `required` parameter. If an object
# doesn't exist, then by default the provider returns `nil`. However, if the
# `required` parameter is true, then an exception will be raised instead.
# @api private
class Puppet::X509::CertProvider
  include Puppet::X509::PemStore

  # Only allow printing ascii characters, excluding /
  VALID_CERTNAME = /\A[ -.0-~]+\Z/
  CRL_DELIMITERS = /-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----.*?-----END X509 CRL-----/m

  def initialize(capath: Puppet[:localcacert],
                 crlpath: Puppet[:hostcrl],
                 privatekeydir: Puppet[:privatekeydir],
                 certdir: Puppet[:certdir],
                 requestdir: Puppet[:requestdir],
                 hostprivkey: Puppet.settings.set_by_config?(:hostprivkey) ? Puppet[:hostprivkey] : nil,
                 hostcert: Puppet.settings.set_by_config?(:hostcert) ? Puppet[:hostcert] : nil)
    @capath = capath
    @crlpath = crlpath
    @privatekeydir = privatekeydir
    @certdir = certdir
    @requestdir = requestdir
    @hostprivkey = hostprivkey
    @hostcert = hostcert

  # Save `certs` to the configured `capath`.
  # @param certs [Array<OpenSSL::X509::Certificate>] Array of CA certs to save
  # @raise [Puppet::Error] if the certs cannot be saved
  # @api private
  def save_cacerts(certs)
    save_pem(certs.map(&:to_pem).join, @capath, **permissions_for_setting(:localcacert))
  rescue SystemCallError => e
    raise Puppet::Error.new(_("Failed to save CA certificates to '%{capath}'") % { capath: @capath }, e)

  # Load CA certs from the configured `capath`.
  # @param required [Boolean] If true, raise if they are missing
  # @return (see #load_cacerts_from_pem)
  # @raise (see #load_cacerts_from_pem)
  # @raise [Puppet::Error] if the certs cannot be loaded
  # @api private
  def load_cacerts(required: false)
    pem = load_pem(@capath)
    if !pem && required
      raise Puppet::Error, _("The CA certificates are missing from '%{path}'") % { path: @capath }

    pem ? load_cacerts_from_pem(pem) : nil
  rescue SystemCallError => e
    raise Puppet::Error.new(_("Failed to load CA certificates from '%{capath}'") % { capath: @capath }, e)

  # Load PEM encoded CA certificates.
  # @param pem [String] PEM encoded certificate(s)
  # @return [Array<OpenSSL::X509::Certificate>] Array of CA certs
  # @raise [OpenSSL::X509::CertificateError] The `pem` text does not contain a valid cert
  # @api private
  def load_cacerts_from_pem(pem)
    # TRANSLATORS 'PEM' is an acronym and shouldn't be translated
    raise OpenSSL::X509::CertificateError, _("Failed to parse CA certificates as PEM") if pem !~ CERT_DELIMITERS

    pem.scan(CERT_DELIMITERS).map do |text|

  # Save `crls` to the configured `crlpath`.
  # @param crls [Array<OpenSSL::X509::CRL>] Array of CRLs to save
  # @raise [Puppet::Error] if the CRLs cannot be saved
  # @api private
  def save_crls(crls)
    save_pem(crls.map(&:to_pem).join, @crlpath, **permissions_for_setting(:hostcrl))
  rescue SystemCallError => e
    raise Puppet::Error.new(_("Failed to save CRLs to '%{crlpath}'") % { crlpath: @crlpath }, e)

  # Load CRLs from the configured `crlpath` path.
  # @param required [Boolean] If true, raise if they are missing
  # @return (see #load_crls_from_pem)
  # @raise (see #load_crls_from_pem)
  # @raise [Puppet::Error] if the CRLs cannot be loaded
  # @api private
  def load_crls(required: false)
    pem = load_pem(@crlpath)
    if !pem && required
      raise Puppet::Error, _("The CRL is missing from '%{path}'") % { path: @crlpath }

    pem ? load_crls_from_pem(pem) : nil
  rescue SystemCallError => e
    raise Puppet::Error.new(_("Failed to load CRLs from '%{crlpath}'") % { crlpath: @crlpath }, e)

  # Load PEM encoded CRL(s).
  # @param pem [String] PEM encoded CRL(s)
  # @return [Array<OpenSSL::X509::CRL>] Array of CRLs
  # @raise [OpenSSL::X509::CRLError] The `pem` text does not contain a valid CRL
  # @api private
  def load_crls_from_pem(pem)
    # TRANSLATORS 'PEM' is an acronym and shouldn't be translated
    raise OpenSSL::X509::CRLError, _("Failed to parse CRLs as PEM") if pem !~ CRL_DELIMITERS

    pem.scan(CRL_DELIMITERS).map do |text|

  # Return the time when the CRL was last updated.
  # @return [Time, nil] Time when the CRL was last updated, or nil if we don't
  #   have a CRL
  # @api private
  def crl_last_update
    stat = Puppet::FileSystem.stat(@crlpath)
  rescue Errno::ENOENT

  # Set the CRL last updated time.
  # @param time [Time] The last updated time
  # @api private
  def crl_last_update=(time)
    Puppet::FileSystem.touch(@crlpath, mtime: time)

  # Return the time when the CA bundle was last updated.
  # @return [Time, nil] Time when the CA bundle was last updated, or nil if we don't
  #   have a CA bundle
  # @api private
  def ca_last_update
    stat = Puppet::FileSystem.stat(@capath)
  rescue Errno::ENOENT

  # Set the CA bundle last updated time.
  # @param time [Time] The last updated time
  # @api private
  def ca_last_update=(time)
    Puppet::FileSystem.touch(@capath, mtime: time)

  # Save named private key in the configured `privatekeydir`. For
  # historical reasons, names are case insensitive.
  # @param name [String] The private key identity
  # @param key [OpenSSL::PKey::RSA] private key
  # @param password [String, nil] If non-nil, derive an encryption key
  #   from the password, and use that to encrypt the private key. If nil,
  #   save the private key unencrypted.
  # @raise [Puppet::Error] if the private key cannot be saved
  # @api private
  def save_private_key(name, key, password: nil)
    pem = if password
            cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher.new('aes-128-cbc')
            key.export(cipher, password)
    path = @hostprivkey || to_path(@privatekeydir, name)
    save_pem(pem, path, **permissions_for_setting(:hostprivkey))
  rescue SystemCallError => e
    raise Puppet::Error.new(_("Failed to save private key for '%{name}'") % { name: name }, e)

  # Load a private key from the configured `privatekeydir`. For
  # historical reasons, names are case-insensitive.
  # @param name [String] The private key identity
  # @param required [Boolean] If true, raise if it is missing
  # @param password [String, nil] If the private key is encrypted, decrypt
  #   it using the password. If the key is encrypted, but a password is
  #   not specified, then the key cannot be loaded.
  # @return (see #load_private_key_from_pem)
  # @raise (see #load_private_key_from_pem)
  # @raise [Puppet::Error] if the private key cannot be loaded
  # @api private
  def load_private_key(name, required: false, password: nil)
    path = @hostprivkey || to_path(@privatekeydir, name)
    pem = load_pem(path)
    if !pem && required
      raise Puppet::Error, _("The private key is missing from '%{path}'") % { path: path }

    pem ? load_private_key_from_pem(pem, password: password) : nil
  rescue SystemCallError => e
    raise Puppet::Error.new(_("Failed to load private key for '%{name}'") % { name: name }, e)

  # Load a PEM encoded private key.
  # @param pem [String] PEM encoded private key
  # @param password [String, nil] If the private key is encrypted, decrypt
  #   it using the password. If the key is encrypted, but a password is
  #   not specified, then the key cannot be loaded.
  # @return [OpenSSL::PKey::RSA, OpenSSL::PKey::EC] The private key
  # @raise [OpenSSL::PKey::PKeyError] The `pem` text does not contain a valid key
  # @api private
  def load_private_key_from_pem(pem, password: nil)
    # set a non-nil password to ensure openssl doesn't prompt
    password ||= ''

    OpenSSL::PKey.read(pem, password)

  # Load the private key password.
  # @return [String, nil] The private key password as a binary string or nil
  #   if there is none.
  # @api private
  def load_private_key_password
    Puppet::FileSystem.read(Puppet[:passfile], :encoding => Encoding::BINARY)
  rescue Errno::ENOENT

  # Save a named client cert to the configured `certdir`.
  # @param name [String] The client cert identity
  # @param cert [OpenSSL::X509::Certificate] The cert to save
  # @raise [Puppet::Error] if the client cert cannot be saved
  # @api private
  def save_client_cert(name, cert)
    path = @hostcert || to_path(@certdir, name)
    save_pem(cert.to_pem, path, **permissions_for_setting(:hostcert))
  rescue SystemCallError => e
    raise Puppet::Error.new(_("Failed to save client certificate for '%{name}'") % { name: name }, e)

  # Load a named client cert from the configured `certdir`.
  # @param name [String] The client cert identity
  # @param required [Boolean] If true, raise it is missing
  # @return (see #load_request_from_pem)
  # @raise (see #load_client_cert_from_pem)
  # @raise [Puppet::Error] if the client cert cannot be loaded
  # @api private
  def load_client_cert(name, required: false)
    path = @hostcert || to_path(@certdir, name)
    pem = load_pem(path)
    if !pem && required
      raise Puppet::Error, _("The client certificate is missing from '%{path}'") % { path: path }

    pem ? load_client_cert_from_pem(pem) : nil
  rescue SystemCallError => e
    raise Puppet::Error.new(_("Failed to load client certificate for '%{name}'") % { name: name }, e)

  # Load a PEM encoded certificate.
  # @param pem [String] PEM encoded cert
  # @return [OpenSSL::X509::Certificate] the certificate
  # @raise [OpenSSL::X509::CertificateError] The `pem` text does not contain a valid cert
  # @api private
  def load_client_cert_from_pem(pem)

  # Create a certificate signing request (CSR).
  # @param name [String] the request identity
  # @param private_key [OpenSSL::PKey::RSA] private key
  # @return [Puppet::X509::Request] The request
  # @api private
  def create_request(name, private_key)
    options = {}

    if Puppet[:dns_alt_names] && Puppet[:dns_alt_names] != ''
      options[:dns_alt_names] = Puppet[:dns_alt_names]

    csr_attributes = Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequestAttributes.new(Puppet[:csr_attributes])
    if csr_attributes.load
      options[:csr_attributes] = csr_attributes.custom_attributes
      options[:extension_requests] = csr_attributes.extension_requests

    # Adds auto-renew attribute to CSR if the agent supports auto-renewal of
    # certificates
    if Puppet[:hostcert_renewal_interval] && Puppet[:hostcert_renewal_interval] > 0
      options[:csr_attributes] ||= {}
      options[:csr_attributes].merge!({ '' => 'true' })

    csr = Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest.new(name)
    csr.generate(private_key, options)

  # Save a certificate signing request (CSR) to the configured `requestdir`.
  # @param name [String] the request identity
  # @param csr [OpenSSL::X509::Request] the request
  # @raise [Puppet::Error] if the cert request cannot be saved
  # @api private
  def save_request(name, csr)
    path = to_path(@requestdir, name)
    save_pem(csr.to_pem, path, **permissions_for_setting(:hostcsr))
  rescue SystemCallError => e
    raise Puppet::Error.new(_("Failed to save certificate request for '%{name}'") % { name: name }, e)

  # Load a named certificate signing request (CSR) from the configured `requestdir`.
  # @param name [String] The request identity
  # @return (see #load_request_from_pem)
  # @raise (see #load_request_from_pem)
  # @raise [Puppet::Error] if the cert request cannot be saved
  # @api private
  def load_request(name)
    path = to_path(@requestdir, name)
    pem = load_pem(path)
    pem ? load_request_from_pem(pem) : nil
  rescue SystemCallError => e
    raise Puppet::Error.new(_("Failed to load certificate request for '%{name}'") % { name: name }, e)

  # Delete a named certificate signing request (CSR) from the configured `requestdir`.
  # @param name [String] The request identity
  # @return [Boolean] true if the CSR was deleted
  # @api private
  def delete_request(name)
    path = to_path(@requestdir, name)
  rescue SystemCallError => e
    raise Puppet::Error.new(_("Failed to delete certificate request for '%{name}'") % { name: name }, e)

  # Load a PEM encoded certificate signing request (CSR).
  # @param pem [String] PEM encoded request
  # @return [OpenSSL::X509::Request] the request
  # @raise [OpenSSL::X509::RequestError] The `pem` text does not contain a valid request
  # @api private
  def load_request_from_pem(pem)

  # Return the path to the cert related object (key, CSR, cert, etc).
  # @param base [String] base directory
  # @param name [String] the name associated with the cert related object
  def to_path(base, name)
    raise _("Certname %{name} must not contain unprintable or non-ASCII characters") % { name: name.inspect } unless name =~ VALID_CERTNAME

    File.join(base, "#{name.downcase}.pem")


  def permissions_for_setting(name)
    setting = Puppet.settings.setting(name)
    perm = { mode: setting.mode.to_i(8) }
    if Puppet.features.root? && !Puppet::Util::Platform.windows?
      perm[:owner] = setting.owner
      perm[:group] = setting.group