# SimpleCov::Formatter::Terminal  ## Installation *Note:* This gem depends upon RSpec. If you aren't using RSpec to run your tests, it won't work! Add the gem to your application's `Gemfile`. ```rb group :test do gem 'simple_cov-formatter-terminal' end ``` Then execute: ``` $ bundle install ``` ## Usage Add something like the following to your `spec/spec_helper.rb` file: ```rb require 'simplecov' if RSpec.configuration.files_to_run.one? require 'simple_cov/formatter/terminal' SimpleCov.formatter = SimpleCov::Formatter::Terminal end SimpleCov.start ``` **Note** that this setup only uses `SimpleCov::Formatter::Terminal` when specs are run with a single spec file (e.g. `bin/rspec spec/models/user_spec.rb`) and not when multiple specs are executed (e.g. when simply running `bin/rspec` without any argument). ## Which lines to print By default, only uncovered lines will be printed. If you would like to print all lines, add this to your `spec_helper.rb` file: ```rb SimpleCov::Formatter::Terminal.config.lines_to_print = :all ``` ### Modifying the `spec_to_app_file_map` `SimpleCov::Formatter::Terminal` has a default hash that is used to map spec files to their corresponding application file. For gems (determined from whether there is a `.gemspec` file at the top level of the project), the default mapping is very simple: ```rb SimpleCov::Formatter::Terminal.config.spec_to_app_file_map = { %r{\Aspec/} => 'lib/', } ``` This is the default used for non-gems; it is optimized for Rails applications using Active Admin: ```rb SimpleCov::Formatter::Terminal.config.spec_to_app_file_map = { %r{\Aspec/lib/} => 'lib/', %r{\Aspec/controllers/admin/(.*)_controller_spec.rb} => 'app/admin/\1.rb', %r{ \Aspec/ ( actions| channels| controllers| decorators| helpers| mailboxes| mailers| models| policies| serializers| views| workers ) / }x => 'app/\1/', } ``` If needed for your application, you can add to this hash in your `spec/spec_helper.rb`, e.g.: ```rb SimpleCov::Formatter::Terminal.config.spec_to_app_file_map.merge!( %r{\Aspec/my_special/directory_structure/} => 'my_special/app_directory/', ) ``` Or you can override the default mapping completely: ```rb SimpleCov::Formatter::Terminal.config.spec_to_app_file_map = { %r{\Aspec/my_special/directory_structure/} => 'my_special/app_directory/', } ``` ### Manually specifying file for which to show coverage An alternative to using the `spec_to_app_file_map` configuration is to set a `SIMPLECOV_TARGET_FILE` environment variable. ## Branch coverage If you enable branch coverage for SimpleCov (via `enable_coverage(:branch)` within your `SimpleCov.start` block; read more [here][simple-cov-branch-coverage]), then branch coverage info will be included in SimpleCov::Formatter::Terminal's output. Missed branches will be indicated with white text on a red background at the end of the line, and the line number will be printed in red text on a yellow background, as seen in the screenshot at the top of this README (where a `then` branch is not covered on line 18). [simple-cov-branch-coverage]: https://github.com/simplecov-ruby/simplecov#branch-coverage-ruby--25 ## Terminal hyperlinks If you set a `SIMPLECOV_TERMINAL_HYPERLINK_PATTERN`, then SimpleCov::Formatter::Terminal will attempt to print the line numbers in its display as hyperlinks to the relevant line of code. The pattern can/should include these interpolation markers: - `%f` - This will be replaced with the absolute path of the application file. - `%l` - This will be replaced with the line number. For example, this pattern will work to make the line numbers clickable links that open the appropriate file at the appropriate line in VS Code: ```sh SIMPLECOV_TERMINAL_HYPERLINK_PATTERN="vscode://file/%f:%l" ``` ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `bin/rspec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/davidrunger/simple_cov-formatter-terminal. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).