require "helpers/integration_test_helper" require "securerandom" class TestComputeAddressesCollection < FogIntegrationTest DEFAULT_REGION = "us-central1".freeze DEFAULT_ZONE = "us-central1-b".freeze RESOURCE_PREFIX = "fog-test-addresscol".freeze # Ensure we clean up any created resources Minitest.after_run do client = client.addresses.each { |a| a.destroy if } client.servers.each { |s| s.destroy if } end def test_address_workflow client = my_address_name = new_resource_name # An address can be created by specifying a name and a region my_address = client.addresses.create( :name => my_address_name, :region => DEFAULT_REGION ) # TODO: Shouldn't this be returning an operation object that we have to explicitly wait for? assert_equal(my_address_name,, "My address should have the provided name") assert_equal("RESERVED", my_address.status, "My address should not be in use") # It should also be visible when listing addresses assert_includes(, my_address_name) # Be aware that although the address resource is created, it might not yet # have an ip address. You can poll until the address has been assigned. my_address.wait_for { !my_address.address.nil? } assert_match(/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/, my_address.address, "My address's address should have a valid ipv4 address") # Now that we have an address, we can create a server using the static ip my_server = client.servers.create( :name => new_resource_name, :machine_type => "f1-micro", :zone_name => DEFAULT_ZONE, :disks => [ :boot => true, :autoDelete => true, :initializeParams => { :sourceImage => "projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-8" } ], :external_ip => my_address.address ) my_server.wait_for { provisioning? } # And verify that it's correctly assigned assert_equal( my_address.address, my_server.network_interfaces[0]["accessConfigs"][0]["natIP"], "My created server should have the same ip as my address" ) # If we look up the address again by name, we should see that it is now # in use assert_equal( "IN_USE", client.addresses.get(my_address_name, DEFAULT_REGION).status, "Address should now be in use" ) end def new_resource_name "#{RESOURCE_PREFIX}-#{SecureRandom.uuid}" end end