# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require 'tengine/mq' require 'active_support/version' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/deep_merge' require 'tengine/support/core_ext/hash/compact' require 'tengine/support/core_ext/hash/deep_dup' require 'tengine/support/core_ext/hash/keys' require 'tengine/support/core_ext/enumerable/each_next_tick' require 'tengine/support/core_ext/enumerable/deep_freeze' require 'tengine/support/core_ext/module/private_constant' require 'amqp' require 'amqp/extensions/rabbitmq' class Tengine::Mq::Suite ####### private ####### PendingEvent = Struct.new :tag, :sender, :event, :opts, :retry, :block private_constant :PendingEvent # This is to accumulate a set of exceptions happend at a series of executions. class ExceptionsContainer < RuntimeError def initialize super @set = Array.new end # diagnostics def message msgs = @set.map {|i| i.message }.join "\n\t" sprintf "multiple exceptions are reported.\n\t%s", msgs end def << e @set << e end def raise case @set.size when 0 # no exceptions when 1 # only one exception happened inside Kernel.raise @set.first else # multiple. super end end end private_constant :ExceptionsContainer # Some (not all) of the descriptions below are quoted from the AMQP gem's yardoc. # # @param [Hash] cfg Tons of optional arguments can be specified and they are settings for # connections, queues, and senders. But they are all optional, i.e. you are 100% # safe to omit the whole. Specify only what you concern. # @option cfg [Hash] :sender Configurations for message sender, see below. # @option cfg [Hash] :connection Configurations for MQ connection, see below. # @option cfg [Hash] :channel Configurations for MQ channel, see below. # @option cfg [Hash] :exchange Configurations for MQ exchange, see below. # @option cfg [Hash] :queue Configurations for MQ queue, see below. # @option sender [Boolean] :keep_connection Whether a connection shall be shut down after transmitted a message, or not. # If set, a sender can eventually shut your reactor down and the whole # EventMachine loop can be abandoned. # @option sender [Numeric] :retry_interval Seconds to wait before attempting to retransmit a message after failure. Zero # means an immediate retry so watch out. # @option sender [Integer] :retry_count Max count of retry attempts. Set zero here to stop sender from even think of # retrying. # @option connection [String] :user Authentication info. # @option connection [String] :pass Authentication info. # @option connection [String] :host Where to connect. # @option connection [String] :port Where to connect. # @option connection [String] :vhost The AMQP virtual host. # @option connection [Numeric] :timeout Connection timeout in secs. # @option connection [Boolean] :logging ?? Description TBD ?? # @option connection [Boolean] :insist ?? Description TBD ?? # @option connection [Numeric] :auto_reconnect_delay When set, a TCP session loss yields an automatic reconnect attempt, with this # delay (in secs). Without it no reconnection attempts are made. # @option channel [Numeric] :prefetch Specifies number of messages to prefetch. Learn more: AMQP's QoS features. # @option channel [Boolean] :auto_recovery Turns on automatic network failure recovery mode for the channel. *Note* it is # highly recommended that you leave this flag untouched (default enabled). # Otherwise you have to have 100% control over how to recover your channel and # its dependent queues/exchanges. That should be doable via #add_hook though. # @option exchange [String] :name Explicit name to use, or empty (i.e. "") to let the broker allocate an # appropriate name. # @option exchange [Symbol] :type One of direct, fanout, topic, or headers. # @option exchange [Hash] :publish Default options for publishing messages. See below. # @option exchange [Boolean] :passive If set, the server will not create the exchange if it does not already # exist. The client can use this to check whether an exchange exists without # modifying the server state. # @option exchange [Boolean] :durable If set when creating a new exchange, the exchange will be marked as # durable. Durable exchanges and their bindings are recreated upon a server # restart (information about them is persisted). Non-durable (transient) # exchanges do not survive if/when a server restarts (information about them is # stored exclusively in RAM). # @option exchange [Boolean] :auto_delete If set, the exchange is deleted when all queues have finished using it. The # server waits for a short period of time before determining the exchange is # unused to give time to the client code to bind a queue to it. # @option exchange [Boolean] :internal If set, the exchange may not be used directly by publishers, but only when # bound to other exchanges. Internal exchanges are used to construct wiring that # is not visible to applications. *This is a RabbitMQ-specific extension.* # @option exchange [Boolean] :nowait If set, the server will not respond to the method. The client should not wait # for a reply method. If the server could not complete the method it will raise # a channel or connection exception. # @option exchange [Boolean] :no_declare If set, exchange declaration command won't be sent to the broker. Allows to # forcefully avoid declaration. We recommend that only experienced developers # consider this option. # @option exchange [String] :default_routing_key Default routing key that will be used by AMQP::Exchange#publish when no routing # key is not passed explicitly. # @option exchange [Hash] :arguments A hash of optional arguments with the declaration. Some brokers implement AMQP # extensions using x-prefixed declaration arguments. # @option publish [String] :routing_key Specifies message routing key. Routing key determines what queues messages are # delivered to (exact routing algorithms vary between exchange types). # @option publish [Boolean] :mandatory This flag tells the server how to react if the message cannot be routed to a # queue. If message is mandatory, the server will return unroutable message back # to the client with basic.return AMQP method. If message is not mandatory, the # server silently drops the message. # @option publish [Boolean] :immediate This flag tells the server how to react if the message cannot be routed to a # queue consumer immediately. If this flag is set, the server will return an # undeliverable message with a Return method. If this flag is zero, the server # will queue the message, but with no guarantee that it will ever be consumed. # @option publish [Boolean] :persistent When true, this message will be persisted to disk and remain in the queue until # it is consumed. When false, the message is only kept in a transient store and # will lost in case of server restart. When performance and latency are more # important than durability, set :persistent => false. If durability is more # important, set :persistent => true. # @option publish [String] :content_type Content-type of message payload. # @option queue [String] :name Explicit name to use, or empty (i.e. "") to let the broker allocate an # appropriate name. # @option queue [Hash] :subscribe Default options for subscribing. See below. # @option queue [Boolean] :passive If set, the server will not create the queue if it does not already exist. The # client can use this to check whether the queue exists without modifying the # server state. # @option queue [Boolean] :durable If set when creating a new queue, the queue will be marked as durable. Durable # queues remain active when a server restarts. Non-durable queues (transient # queues) are purged if/when a server restarts. Note that durable queues do not # necessarily hold persistent messages, although it does not make sense to send # persistent messages to a transient queue (though it is allowed). # @option queue [Boolean] :exclusive Exclusive queues may only be consumed from by the current connection. Setting # the 'exclusive' flag always implies 'auto-delete'. Only a single consumer is # allowed to remove messages from the queue. The default is a shared # queue. Multiple clients may consume messages from the queue. # @option queue [Boolean] :auto_delete If set, the queue is deleted when all consumers have finished using it. Last # consumer can be cancelled either explicitly or because its channel is # closed. If there was no consumer ever on the queue, it won't be deleted. # @option queue [Boolean] :nowait If set, the server will not respond to the method. The client should not wait # for a reply method. If the server could not complete the method it will raise # a channel or connection exception. # @option queue [Hash] :arguments A hash of optional arguments with the declaration. Some brokers implement AMQP # extensions using x-prefixed declaration arguments. For example, RabbitMQ # recognizes x-message-ttl declaration arguments that defines TTL of messages in # the queue. # @option subscribe [Boolean] :ack If this field is set to false the server does not expect acknowledgments for # messages. That is, when a message is delivered to the client the server # automatically and silently acknowledges it on behalf of the client. This # functionality increases performance but at the cost of reliability. Messages # can get lost if a client dies before it can deliver them to the application. # @option subscribe [Boolean] :nowait If set, the server will not respond to the method. The client should not wait # for a reply method. If the server could not complete the method it will raise # a channel or connection exception. # @option subscribe [#call] :confirm If set, this proc will be called when the server confirms subscription to the # queue with a basic.consume-ok message. Setting this option will automatically # set :nowait => false. This is required for the server to send a confirmation. # @option subscribe [Boolean] :exclusive Request exclusive consumer access, meaning only this consumer can access the # queue. This is useful when you want a long-lived shared queue to be # temporarily accessible by just one application (or thread, or process). If # application exclusive consumer is part of crashes or loses network connection # to the broker, channel is closed and exclusive consumer is thus cancelled. def initialize cfg = Hash.new @terminating = false @mutex = Mutex.new @condvar = ConditionVariable.new @setting_up = Hash.new @state = :uninitialized # see setup_handshake for possible values @firing_queue = EM::Queue.new @publishing_events = Array.new @retrying_events = Hash.new @pending_events = Hash.new @hooks = Hash.new do |h, k| h.store k, Array.new end @config = { :sender => { :keep_connection => false, :retry_interval => 1, # in seconds :retry_count => 30, }, :connection => { :user => 'guest', :pass => 'guest', :vhost => '/', :logging => false, :insist => false, :host => 'localhost', :port => 5672, :auto_reconnect_delay => 1, # in seconds }, :channel => { :prefetch => 1, :auto_recovery => true, }, :exchange => { :name => 'tengine_event_exchange', :type => :direct, :passive => false, :durable => true, :auto_delete => false, :internal => false, :nowait => false, :publish => { :content_type => "application/json", # RFC4627 :persistent => true, }, }, :queue => { :name => 'tengine_event_queue', :passive => false, :durable => true, :auto_delete => false, :exclusive => false, :nowait => false, :subscribe => { :ack => true, :nowait => false, :confirm => nil, }, }, } @config.deep_merge! cfg.to_hash.deep_symbolize_keys.compact @config.deep_freeze install_default_hooks end ###### public ###### attr_reader :config # @yield [args] Given block is called when the hook condition met. # @yieldparam [Array] args Any arguments passed to the callback are passed through. # @param [Symbol] name Hook name to add def add_hook name, &block raise ArgumentError, "no block given" unless block_given? synchronize do @hooks[name.intern] << block end end # @yield [header, payload] Given block is called every time a message was received by the queue. # @yieldparam [AMQP::Header] header Message metadata. # @yieldparam [String] payload Message entity. # @param [Hash] cfg Subscription options # @option opts [Boolean] :ack Whether the broker (not us) expects acknowledgements from our side. If this is true, you # have to call header.ack somewhere inside the block, and unacknowledged messages are # re-sent later. Otherwise you need not to call header.ack, and the server doesn't know # your sudden death or packet loss or network problems. # @option opts [Boolean] :nowait With this flag on, like other :nowait cases, the request is dealt silently. Don't get # confused: the broker do not respond to the subscribe request, but does push messages to # us. i.e. this flag only affects to :confirm optional argument. # @option opts [#call] :confirm This is called when the broker replied your subscription. I have never seen this called # twice. This argument assumes :nowait => false. # @option opts [Boolean] :exclusive Request exclusive consumer access, meaning only this consumer can access the queue. When # you experience a network problem, exclusive access is cancelled. Which itself is not a # strange behaviour, but if you do a auto-recover the exclusivity might suddenly lost. So # beware. def subscribe cfg = Hash.new raise ArgumentError, "no block given" unless block_given? ensures :queue do |q| opts = @config[:queue][:subscribe].merge cfg.compact q.subscribe opts do |h, b| yield h, b end end end # @yield [cok] Given block is called after it had successfully ubsubscribed from the # broker. # @yieldparam [AMQP::Protocol::Basic::CancelOK] cok Message metadata. *Note* can be nil when you set nowait: true. # @param [Hash] cfg Subscription options # @option opts [Boolean] :nowait With this flag on, like other :nowait cases, the request is dealt silently. # The block is called anyway though. def unsubscribe cfg = Hash.new raise ArgumentError, "no block given" unless block_given? synchronize do if ivar? :queue and @queue.default_consumer cfg[:nowait] = cfg.fetch :nowait, false if cfg[:nowait] @queue.unsubscribe cfg yield nil else @queue.unsubscribe cfg do |cok| yield cok end end else logger :warn, "unsubscribe called but not subscribed" yield nil end end end # You don't have to understand it. Use Tengine::Event::Sender. # # @param [Tengine::Event::Sender] sender Event sender # @param [Tengine::Event] event Event to submit # @param [Hash] opts Options to pass to the publisher # @param [#call] block Callback to be triggered *after* the transmission. # @option opts [Boolean] :keep_connection Whether a connection shall be shut down after transmitted a message, or not. If # set, a sender can eventually shut your reactor down and the whole EventMachine # loop can be abondoned. # @option opts [Numeric] :retry_interval Seconds to wait before attempting to retransmit a message after failure. # @option opts [Numeric] :retry_count Max count of retry attempts. def fire sender, event, opts, block cfg = @config[:sender].merge opts.compact e = PendingEvent.new 0, sender, event, cfg, 0, block synchronize do @pending_events[e] = true case @state when :disconnected # wait for next connection @retrying_events[e] = [nil, Time.at(0)] else @firing_queue.push e # serialize trigger_firing_thread if @firing_queue.size <= 1 # first kick end end end # stops the suite. def stop # べつに何も難しいことがしたいわけではなくて最終的にp0を呼べばいいんだけど、EMがいるかいないか、@connectionがいるかいないかの条件分 # けで無駄に長いメソッドになっている。 p0 = lambda do EM.cancel_timer @reconnection_timer if ivar? :reconnection_timer @retrying_events.each_value do |(idx, *)| EM.stop_timer idx if idx end @retrying_events.clear stop_firing_queue @state = :uninitialized # この後またEM.run{ .. }されるかも @setting_up.clear @firing_queue = EM::Queue.new @connection = nil @channel = nil @queue = nil @exchange = nil @reconnection_timer = nil GC.start # 気休め logger :info, "OK, stopped. Good bye." if block_given? then yield else EM.stop end end p1 = lambda do if ivar? :connection @connection.disconnect do synchronize do p0.call end end else p0.call end end p2 = lambda do if ivar? :channel @channel.close do synchronize do p1.call end end else p1.call end end p3 = lambda do if ivar? :queue and @queue.default_consumer @queue.unsubscribe :nowait => false do synchronize do p2.call end end else p2.call end end p4 = lambda do synchronize do logger :info, "finishing up, now sending remaining events." @condvar.wait @mutex until @pending_events.empty? end end p5 = lambda do |a| synchronize do p3.call end end initiate_termination do if EM.reactor_running? EM.defer p4, p5 elsif block_given? yield end end end # Declares that the application is now terminating this MQ connection. No reconnection / resend attempts are made any more. The # connection (if any) is still open and you can push / pull using it, but by calling this method you hereby agree that no messages # involving this suite are reliable any longer. # # Yields after the declaration. def initiate_termination @terminating = true # FIXME: should be mutex-protected yield end def inspect sprintf "#<%p:%#x %s cfg=%p ev=%p hook=%p>", self.class, self.object_id, @state, @config, @pending_events, @hooks end def pretty_print pp pp.pp_object self end # used by pretty printer def pretty_print_instance_variables %w[@state @config @pending_events @hooks] end ####### # @deprecated Do not use it. def connection; deprecated :connection end # @deprecated Do not use it. def channel; deprecated :channel end # @deprecated Do not use it. def exchange; deprecated :exchange end # @deprecated Do not use it. def queue; deprecated :queue end ####### # @api private def pending_events synchronize do @pending_events.keys.select {|i| yield i }.map {|i| i.event } end end # @api private def pending_events_for sender pending_events do |i| i.sender == sender end end # @api private def self.pending? event e = ObjectSpace.each_object self e.any? do |obj| not obj.pending_events do |i| i.event == event end.empty? end end ####### private ####### # A thin Tengine.logger wrapper. As this gem can be used without a logger, we have to work around it. # @param [Symbol] lv One of debug, info, warn, error, fatal, or Logger constants. # @param [String] fmt printf format # @param [Array] argv printf variadic arguments def logger lv, fmt, *argv msg = sprintf fmt, *argv if defined? Tengine.logger Tengine.logger.send lv, msg else STDERR.puts msg end end # Wanted to avoid recursive mutex deadlocking, so this convenient method. But beware, recursive locking situation is in fact a bad # habit (if not a bug), and we pay a considerable cost to avoid them here. This method is far from being lightweight especially when # recursive locking happens. def synchronize begin @mutex.lock rescue ThreadError => e # A deadlock was detected, which means of course, we have the lock. bt = e.backtrace.join "\n\tfrom " logger :debug, "%s\n\tfrom %s", e, bt ensure begin return yield ensure begin @mutex.unlock rescue ThreadError => e # @mutex might magically be unlocked... For instance, the execution context might have been splitted from inside of the # yielded block. That case, the context who reached here do not own @mutex so should not unlock. bt = e.backtrace.join "\n\tfrom " logger :debug, "%s\n¥tfrom %s\n", e, bt end end end end # suppress warning on debug mode def ivar? name vid = "@#{name}" instance_variable_defined?(vid) && instance_variable_get(vid) end # misc also def rehash_them_all instance_variables.each do |i| obj = instance_variable_get i case obj when Hash then obj.rehash unless obj.frozen? end end end ####### # Generates a callback according to klass and mid # @param [String] klass callback category # @param [Symbol] mid callback ID # @return [Proc] a callback. def callback_entity klass, mid lambda do |*argv| exceptions = ExceptionsContainer.new begin @hooks[:everything].reverse_each do |proc| begin proc.yield klass, mid, argv rescue Exception => e exceptions << e end end @hooks[:"#{klass}.#{mid}"].reverse_each do |proc|; begin proc.yield(*argv) rescue Exception => e exceptions << e end end ensure exceptions.raise end end end def deprecated klass # このメソッドは警告を表示する。デバッグ用。 synchronize do obj = ivar? klass if obj logger :debug, "Deprecation warning. Method %s called from %s", klass, caller[3] else raise RuntimeError, "found a timing issue. please report to @shyouhei with a reproducible sample code." end return obj end end # @yields [obj] yields generated object def ensures klass raise "eventmachine's reactor needed" unless EM.reactor_running? # このメソッドはEM.deferでklassの初期化を待つ。EM.deferだから戻り値を使ってはいけない。引数のブロックは、klassが初期化されたことが確 # 認された後にcallされる。 p1 = lambda do synchronize do unless ivar? klass setups klass unless @setting_up[klass] @condvar.wait @mutex until ivar? klass end end end p2 = lambda do |a| obj = ivar? klass yield obj if block_given? end EM.defer p1, p2 end def generate_connection cb cfg = cb.merge @config[:connection] do |k, v1, v2| v2 end AMQP.connect cfg do |conn| synchronize do @state = :connected end yield conn end rescue AMQP::TCPConnectionFailed # on_tcp_connection_failrueは指定しているのだけれどそれでもこの例外はあがってくるのだろうか? よくわからない # いちおう同じことをさせておく cfg[:on_tcp_connection_failrue].yield cfg end def generate_channel *; cfg = @config[:channel] ensures :connection do |conn| id = AMQP::Channel.next_channel_id AMQP::Channel.new conn, id, cfg do |ch| yield ch end end end def generate_queue *; cfg = @config[:queue].dup name = cfg.delete :name ensures :exchange do |xchg| if cfg[:nowait] que = @channel.queue name, cfg que.bind xchg yield que else @channel.queue name, cfg do |que| que.bind xchg, :nowait => false do yield que end end end end end def generate_exchange *; cfg = @config[:exchange].dup name = cfg.delete :name type = cfg.delete :type cfg.delete :publish # not needed here ensures :channel do |ch| if cfg[:nowait] xchg = AMQP::Exchange.new ch, type.intern, name, cfg yield xchg else AMQP::Exchange.new ch, type.intern, name, cfg do |xchg| yield xchg end end end end def hooks_basic %w[ before_recovery after_recovery on_connection_interruption ] end alias hooks_queue hooks_basic alias hooks_exchange hooks_queue def hooks_channel hooks_basic + %w[on_error] end def hooks_connection hooks_channel + %w[ on_closed on_possible_authentication_failure on_tcp_connection_failure on_tcp_connection_loss ] end @@is_under_rspec = \ begin RSpec rescue NameError false end def setups klass # このメソッドはvidの初期化を実際に行う。mutexは確保されている前提である。 @setting_up[klass] = true mids = send "hooks_#{klass}" callbacks = mids.inject Hash.new do |r, x| y = x.intern cb = callback_entity klass, y r.update y => cb end send "generate_#{klass}", callbacks do |obj| callbacks.each_pair do |k, v| if @@is_under_rspec begin obj.send k, &v rescue RSpec::Mocks::MockExpectationError # objはmock objectかも... end else obj.send k, &v end end unless @@is_under_rspec # rspec ではないとき(テスト以外)はundefしておく # 本当はテスト時もundefしたいが... eigen = class << obj; self; end eigen.send :undef_method, *mids end synchronize do instance_variable_set "@#{klass}", obj @condvar.broadcast end end end ####### def ensures_handshake raise ArgumentError, "no block given" unless block_given? raise "eventmachine's reactor needed" unless EM.reactor_running? case @state when :established, :unsupported EM.next_tick do yield end else # 2段階のEM.deferを行っている。まず初段で@channelの初期化をキックして、channel -> connectionと依存関係をたぐってコネクションを確立 # する。channelを成立させるところまでの待ち合わせが第一段。次に、生成した@channelを用いてpublisher confirmationのハンドシェイクを # キックして、これが確立するのを待つのが第二段。 logger :info, "waiting for MQ to be set up (now %s)...", @state d4 = lambda do |a| yield end d3 = lambda do synchronize do unless ensures_handshake_internal setups_handshake unless @setting_up[:handshake] # @condvar.wait @mutex until ensures_handshake_internal @mutex.sleep 0.1 until ensures_handshake_internal end end end d2 = lambda do |a| EM.defer d3, d4 end d1 = lambda do synchronize do ensures :channel @condvar.wait @mutex until ivar? :channel end end d0 = lambda do EM.defer d1, d2 end d0.call end end def ensures_handshake_internal case @state when :established, :unsupported true else false end end def setups_handshake @setting_up[:handshake] = true # possible values of @state: # # :uninitialized --- not connected yet # :disconnected --- connection lost and still not recovered # :connected --- AMQP session established (no handshake yet) # :handshaking --- handshake in progress, not established yet # :established --- proper handshake was made # :unsupported --- peer rejected handshake, but the connection itself is OK. cap = @connection.server_capabilities if cap and cap["publisher_confirms"] then @state = :handshaking @channel.confirm_select do # this is in next EM loop... synchronize do reinvoke_retry_timers unless @retrying_events.empty? @channel.on_ack do |ack| # this is in another EM loop... consume_basic_ack ack end @channel.on_nack do |ack| # this is in yet another EM loop... consume_basic_nack ack end @tag = 0 @state = :established @setting_up.delete :handshake @condvar.broadcast end end else logger :warn, <<-end The message queue broker you are connecting lacks Publisher [BEWARE!] Confirmation capability, so we cannot make sure your events are in [BEWARE!] fact reaching to one of the Tengine cores. We strongly recommend [BEWARE!] you to use a relatively recent version of RabbitMQ. [BEWARE!] end @state = :unsupported @setting_up.delete :handshake @condvar.broadcast end end def consume_basic_ack ack synchronize do f = @publishing_events.empty? n = ack.delivery_tag ok = [] ng = [] if ack.multiple ok, @publishing_events = @publishing_events.partition {|i| i.tag <= n } else ng, @publishing_events = @publishing_events.partition {|i| i.tag < n } if @publishing_events.empty? # the packet in quesion is lost? elsif ev = @publishing_events.shift ok = [ev] end end f ||= !ng.empty? ng.each_next_tick do |e| synchronize do # NGなので再送 e.retry += 1 rehash_them_all @firing_queue.push e end end ok.each_next_tick do |e| # OK, ブロックを評価 e.block.call if e.block end unless ok.empty? rehash_them_all ok.each do |e| # ただしく停止させるために上のnext_tickではなくここで @retrying_events.delete e @pending_events.delete e end @condvar.broadcast f = ok.inject f do |r, e| r | e.opts[:keep_connection] end end # 帰ってきたackが最後のackで、もう待ちがなくて、かつackに対応するイベントがすべてkeep_connection: falseで送信されていた場合、もう # このリアクターは止めていいい。ngが空でなければ@pending_eventsには何か入っている。 stop if f == false and @pending_events.empty? end end def consume_basic_nack nack # nackされたら(再送するから)止まっちゃだめ。なので逆にフローはシンプル。 synchronize do n = nack.delivery_tag ng = [] if ack.multiple ng, @publishing_events = @publishing_events.partition {|i| i.tag <= n } else ng, @publishing_events = @publishing_events.partition {|i| i.tag < n } if @publishing_events.empty? # the packet in quesion is lost? elsif ev = @publishing_events.shift ng = [ev] end end ng.each_next_tick do |e| synchronize do e.retry += 1 rehash_them_all @firing_queue.push e end end end end ####### def revoke_retry_timers synchronize do if @state != :disconnected @state = :disconnected @retrying_events.each_value do |(idx, *)| EM.stop_timer idx if idx end # all unacknowledged events are hereby considered LOST t0 = Time.at 0 @publishing_events.each do |e| @retrying_events[e] = [nil, t0] end end end end def reinvoke_retry_timers synchronize do @retrying_events.each_pair.to_a.each_next_tick do |i, (j, k)| u = (k + (i.opts[:retry_interval] || 0)) - Time.now if u < 0 # retry interval passed, just send it again @firing_queue.push i else # need to re-add timer (no repeat) EM.add_timer u do @firing_queue.push i end end end @retrying_events.clear trigger_firing_thread end end def install_default_hooks add_hook :everything do |klass, mid, *argv| logger :debug, "AMQP event callback: %s.%s", klass, mid#, argv end add_hook :'connection.before_recovery' do |conn| EM.cancel_timer @reconnection_timer if ivar? :reconnection_timer end add_hook :'connection.on_tcp_connection_loss' do |conn| # Wow! AMQP::Session#reconnect is brain-damaged that it cannot be cancelled! # conn.reconnect false, auto_reconnect_delay.to_i if auto_reconnect_delay and not @terminating ard = @config[:connection][:auto_reconnect_delay] host = @config[:connection][:host] port = @config[:connection][:port] if ard and not @terminating and conn.closed? conn.instance_eval { @reconnecting = true; reset } @reconnection_timer = EM.add_timer ard do EM.reconnect host, port, conn @reconnection_timer = nil end end end add_hook :'connection.on_tcp_connection_failure' do |setting| @mutex.synchronize do case @state when :uninitialized then # 最初の接続に失敗した場合。https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/18317933 raise "It seems the MQ broker is missing (misconfiguration?)" else logger :error, "It seems the MQ broker is missing." end end end add_hook :'channel.on_connection_interruption' do |ch| revoke_retry_timers end add_hook :'channel.after_recovery' do |ch| # AMAZING that an AMQP::Channel instance deletes a once-registered callbacks! # see: amq/client/async/channel.rb, search for "def reset_state!" hooks_channel.inject(Hash.new) {|r, x| r.update x.intern => callback_entity(:channel, x.intern) }.each_pair {|k, v| ch.send(k, &v) } ch.prefetch @config[:channel][:prefetch] do @setting_up.delete :handshake # re-initialize reinvoke_retry_timers @condvar.broadcast end end add_hook :'connection.after_recovery' do |conn| synchronize do @state = :connected end end end ####### def stop_firing_queue # beautiful... @firing_queue.instance_eval do @items.clear @popq.clear end end def gencb @gencb ||= lambda do |ev| case @state when :unsupported, :established fire_internal ev @firing_queue.pop(&gencb) else # disconnectedとか。 # 無視? @firing_queue.push ev end end end def trigger_firing_thread # inside mutex # event already pushed ensures_handshake do ensures :exchange do synchronize do @firing_queue.pop(&gencb) end end end end def fire_internal ev publish ev rescue Exception => ex # exchange.publish はたとえば RuntimeError を raise したりするようだ publish_failed ev, ex else published ev end def publish ev @exchange.publish ev.event.to_json, @config[:exchange][:publish] end def publish_failed ev, ex if resendable_p ev idx = EM.add_timer ev.opts[:retry_interval] do synchronize do ev.retry += 1 @firing_queue.push ev end end @retrying_events[ev] = [idx, Time.now] else # inside mutex lock rehash_them_all @retrying_events.delete ev @pending_events.delete ev @publishing_events.reject! {|i| i == ev } @condvar.broadcast logger :fatal, "SEND FAILED: EVENT LOST %p", ev.event stop unless ev.opts[:keep_connection] # 送信失敗かつコネクション維持しないということはここで停止すべき end end def resendable_p ev return false if @terminating and not @connection return false if @terminating and not @connection.connected? return ev.retry < ev.opts[:retry_count] end def published ev case @state when :unsupported then # ackなし、next_tickをもって送信終了と見なす EM.next_tick do synchronize do rehash_them_all @retrying_events.delete ev @pending_events.delete ev @publishing_events.reject! {|i| i == ev } @condvar.broadcast ev.block.call if ev.block stop unless ev.opts[:keep_connection] end end when :established then # ackあり、ackを待つ @tag += 1 ev.tag = @tag rehash_them_all @publishing_events.push ev end end end # # Local Variables: # mode: ruby # coding: utf-8-unix # indent-tabs-mode: nil # tab-width: 4 # ruby-indent-level: 2 # fill-column: 135 # default-justification: full # End: