# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Geoblacklight::SpatialSearchBehavior do subject { search_builder.with(user_params) } let(:user_params) { {} } let(:solr_params) { {} } let(:blacklight_config) { CatalogController.blacklight_config.deep_copy } let(:context) { CatalogController.new } let(:search_builder_class) do Class.new(Blacklight::SearchBuilder).tap do |klass| include Blacklight::Solr::SearchBuilderBehavior klass.include(described_class) end end let(:search_builder) { search_builder_class.new(context) } describe '#add_spatial_params' do it 'returns the solr_params when no bbox is given' do expect(subject.add_spatial_params(solr_params)).to eq solr_params end context 'when given a bounding box' do let(:params) do { bbox: '-180 -80 120 80' } end before do subject.with(params) end it 'returns a spatial search if bbox is given' do expect(subject.add_spatial_params(solr_params)[:fq].to_s).to include('Intersects') end it 'applies boost based on configured Settings.BBOX_WITHIN_BOOST' do allow(Settings).to receive(:BBOX_WITHIN_BOOST).and_return 99 expect(subject.add_spatial_params(solr_params)[:bq].to_s).to include('^99') end it 'applies default boost of 10 when Settings.BBOX_WITHIN_BOOST not configured' do allow(Settings).to receive(:BBOX_WITHIN_BOOST).and_return nil expect(subject.add_spatial_params(solr_params)[:bq].to_s).to include('^10') end it 'applies overlapRatio when Settings.OVERLAP_RATIO_BOOST is configured' do allow(Settings).to receive(:OVERLAP_RATIO_BOOST).and_return 2 expect(subject.add_spatial_params(solr_params)[:bf].to_s).to include('$overlap^2') end it 'does not apply overlapRatio when Settings.OVERLAP_RATIO_BOOST not configured' do allow(Settings).to receive(:OVERLAP_RATIO_BOOST).and_return nil expect(subject.add_spatial_params(solr_params)).not_to have_key(:overlap) end context 'when local boost parameter is present' do before do solr_params[:bf] = ['local_boost^5'] end it 'appends overlap and includes the local boost' do allow(Settings).to receive(:OVERLAP_RATIO_BOOST).and_return 2 expect(subject.add_spatial_params(solr_params)[:bf].to_s).to include('$overlap^2') expect(solr_params[:bf].to_s).to include('local_boost^5') end end context 'when the wrong format for the bounding box is used' do before do allow(subject).to receive(:bounding_box).and_raise(Geoblacklight::Exceptions::WrongBoundingBoxFormat) end it 'returns the spatial search without the boost or filter queries' do expect(subject.add_spatial_params(solr_params)).to eq(bq: []) end end end end describe '#envelope_bounds' do let(:bbox) { instance_double(Geoblacklight::BoundingBox) } before do allow(bbox).to receive(:to_envelope).and_return('test') end it 'calls to_envelope on the bounding box' do expect(subject).to receive(:bounding_box).and_return bbox expect(subject.envelope_bounds).to eq 'test' end end describe '#bounding_box' do it 'creates a bounding box from a Solr lat-lon rectangle format' do params = { bbox: '-120 -80 120 80' } subject.with(params) expect(subject.bounding_box).to be_an Geoblacklight::BoundingBox end end end