require "aclize/version" require "aclize/acl" require "aclize/helper" require "i18n" require "action_controller" module Aclize def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods base.send :prepend, Initializer end # The ClassMethods module will implement the methods that we want to be accessible as # class methods. This will permit to setup callbacks to execute on unauthorized access. module ClassMethods def aclized? true end def if_unauthorized(&block) if block_given? before_filter do register_callback(&block) end end end end # The Initializer module will be used to initialize instance variables and to setup defaults. module Initializer def initialize @_aclize_acl ||= @_aclize_current_role = nil super end end protected # Returns the ACL definition def get_acl_definition return @_aclize_acl end def set_current_role(role) @_aclize_current_role = role end def get_current_role return @_aclize_current_role || :all end # setup the ACL for a role def acl_for(role = :all, &block) @_aclize_acl.setup(role, &block) end # apply the ACL for a specific role and unauthorize if the user is not permitted # to access controller action or the path def treat_as(role) acl = @_aclize_acl.get_acl_for(role) path = request.path.gsub(/^#{relative_url_root}/, '') unauthorize! unless acl if acl.controllers.permitted?(controller_path, action_name) unauthorize! if acl.paths.denied?(path) else unauthorize! unless acl.paths.permitted?(path) end end # use the current_role value to apply ACL def filter_access! treat_as get_current_role end # In no callbacks were defined for unauthorized access, Aclize will render a # default 403 Forbidden page. Otherwise, the control will be passed to the callback. def unauthorize! path = request.path[:alert] = I18n.t("aclize.unauthorized", path: path) if @_aclize_callback.nil? prepend_view_path File.expand_path("../../app/views", __FILE__) respond_to do |format| format.html { render 'aclize/403', disposition: "inline", status: 403, layout: false } end else end end # register a callback to call when the user is not authorized to access the page def register_callback(&block) @_aclize_callback = block end end I18n.load_path += Dir[File.expand_path("../../config/locales/*.{rb,yml}", __FILE__)] class ActionController::Base include Aclize end module ApplicationHelper include Aclize::Helper end