# JsonApiClient [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/JsonApiClient/json_api_client.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/JsonApiClient/json_api_client) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/JsonApiClient/json_api_client.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/JsonApiClient/json_api_client) [![Code Coverage](https://codeclimate.com/github/JsonApiClient/json_api_client/coverage.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/JsonApiClient/json_api_client) This gem is meant to help you build an API client for interacting with REST APIs as laid out by [http://jsonapi.org](http://jsonapi.org). It attempts to give you a query building framework that is easy to understand (it is similar to ActiveRecord scopes). *Note: master is currently tracking the 1.0.0 specification. If you're looking for the older code, see [0.x branch](https://github.com/JsonApiClient/json_api_client/tree/0.x)* ## Usage You will want to create your own resource classes that inherit from `JsonApiClient::Resource` similar to how you would create an `ActiveRecord` class. You may also want to create your own abstract base class to share common behavior. Additionally, you will probably want to namespace your models. Namespacing your model will not affect the url routing to that resource. ```ruby module MyApi # this is an "abstract" base class that class Base < JsonApiClient::Resource # set the api base url in an abstract base class self.site = "http://example.com/" end class Article < Base end class Comment < Base end class Person < Base end end ``` By convention, we guess the resource route from the class name. In the above example, `Article`'s path is "http://example.com/articles" and `Person`'s path would be "http://example.com/people". Some basic example usage: ```ruby MyApi::Article.all MyApi::Article.where(author_id: 1).find(2) MyApi::Article.where(author_id: 1).all MyApi::Person.where(name: "foo").order(created_at: :desc).includes(:preferences, :cars).all u = MyApi::Person.new(first_name: "bar", last_name: "foo") u.new_record? # => true u.save u.new_record? # => false u = MyApi::Person.find(1).first u.update_attributes( a: "b", c: "d" ) u.persisted? # => true u.destroy u.destroyed? # => true u.persisted? # => false u = MyApi::Person.create( a: "b", c: "d" ) ``` All class level finders/creators should return a `JsonApiClient::ResultSet` which behaves like an Array and contains extra data about the api response. ## Handling Validation Errors [See specification](http://jsonapi.org/format/#errors) Out of the box, `json_api_client` handles server side validation only. ```ruby User.create(name: "Bob", email_address: "invalid email") # => false user = User.new(name: "Bob", email_address: "invalid email") user.save # => false # returns an error collector which is array-like user.errors # => ["Email address is invalid"] # get all error titles user.errors.full_messages # => ["Email address is invalid"] # get errors for a specific parameter user.errors[:email_address] # => ["Email address is invalid"] user = User.find(1) user.update_attributes(email_address: "invalid email") # => false user.errors # => ["Email address is invalid"] user.email_address # => "invalid email" ``` For now we are assuming that error sources are all parameters. If you want to add client side validation, I suggest creating a form model class that uses ActiveModel's validations. ## Meta information [See specification](http://jsonapi.org/format/#document-structure-meta) If the response has a top level meta data section, we can access it via the `meta` accessor on `ResultSet`. ```ruby # Example response: { "meta": { "copyright": "Copyright 2015 Example Corp.", "authors": [ "Yehuda Katz", "Steve Klabnik", "Dan Gebhardt" ] }, "data": { // ... } } articles = Articles.all articles.meta.copyright # => "Copyright 2015 Example Corp." articles.meta.authors # => ["Yehuda Katz", "Steve Klabnik", "Dan Gebhardt"] ``` ## Top-level Links [See specification](http://jsonapi.org/format/#document-structure-top-level-links) If the resource returns top level links, we can access them via the `links` accessor on `ResultSet`. ```ruby articles = Articles.find(1) articles.links.related ``` ## Nested Resources You can force nested resource paths for your models by using a `belongs_to` association. **Note: Using belongs_to is only necessary for setting a nested path unless you provide `shallow_path: true` option.** ```ruby module MyApi class Account < JsonApiClient::Resource belongs_to :user end class Customer < JsonApiClient::Resource belongs_to :user, shallow_path: true end end # try to find without the nested parameter MyApi::Account.find(1) # => raises ArgumentError # makes request to /users/2/accounts/1 MyApi::Account.where(user_id: 2).find(1) # => returns ResultSet # makes request to /customers/1 MyApi::Customer.find(1) # => returns ResultSet # makes request to /users/2/customers/1 MyApi::Customer.where(user_id: 2).find(1) # => returns ResultSet ``` you can also override param name for `belongs_to` association ```ruby module MyApi class Account < JsonApiClient::Resource belongs_to :user, param: :customer_id end end # makes request to /users/2/accounts/1 MyApi::Account.where(customer_id: 2).find(1) # => returns ResultSet ``` ## Custom Methods You can create custom methods on both collections (class method) and members (instance methods). ```ruby module MyApi class User < JsonApiClient::Resource # GET /users/search custom_endpoint :search, on: :collection, request_method: :get # PUT /users/:id/verify custom_endpoint :verify, on: :member, request_method: :put end end # makes GET request to /users/search?name=Jeff MyApi::User.search(name: 'Jeff') # => user = MyApi::User.find(1) # makes PUT request to /users/1/verify?foo=bar user.verify(foo: 'bar') ``` ## Fetching Includes [See specification](http://jsonapi.org/format/#fetching-includes) If the response returns a [compound document](http://jsonapi.org/format/#document-compound-documents), then we should be able to get the related resources. ```ruby # makes request to /articles/1?include=author,comments.author results = Article.includes(:author, :comments => :author).find(1) # should not have to make additional requests to the server authors = results.map(&:author) # makes POST request to /articles?include=author,comments.author article = Article.new(title: 'New one').request_includes(:author, :comments => :author) article.save # makes PATCH request to /articles/1?include=author,comments.author article = Article.find(1) article.title = 'Changed' article.request_includes(:author, :comments => :author) article.save # request includes will be cleared if response is successful # to avoid this `keep_request_params` class attribute can be used Article.keep_request_params = true # to clear request_includes use article.reset_request_includes! ``` ## Sparse Fieldsets [See specification](http://jsonapi.org/format/#fetching-sparse-fieldsets) ```ruby # makes request to /articles?fields[articles]=title,body article = Article.select("title", "body").first # should have fetched the requested fields article.title # => "Rails is Omakase" # should not have returned the created_at article.created_at # => raise NoMethodError # or you can use fieldsets from multiple resources # makes request to /articles?fields[articles]=title,body&fields[comments]=tag article = Article.select("title", "body",{comments: 'tag'}).first # makes POST request to /articles?fields[articles]=title,body&fields[comments]=tag article = Article.new(title: 'New one').request_select(:title, :body, comments: 'tag') article.save # makes PATCH request to /articles/1?fields[articles]=title,body&fields[comments]=tag article = Article.find(1) article.title = 'Changed' article.request_select(:title, :body, comments: 'tag') article.save # request fields will be cleared if response is successful # to avoid this `keep_request_params` class attribute can be used Article.keep_request_params = true # to clear request fields use article.reset_request_select!(:comments) # to clear for comments article.reset_request_select! # to clear for all fields ``` ## Sorting [See specification](http://jsonapi.org/format/#fetching-sorting) ```ruby # makes request to /people?sort=age youngest = Person.order(:age).all # also makes request to /people?sort=age youngest = Person.order(age: :asc).all # makes request to /people?sort=-age oldest = Person.order(age: :desc).all ``` ## Paginating [See specification](http://jsonapi.org/format/#fetching-pagination) ### Requesting ```ruby # makes request to /articles?page=2&per_page=30 articles = Article.page(2).per(30).to_a # also makes request to /articles?page=2&per_page=30 articles = Article.paginate(page: 2, per_page: 30).to_a # keep in mind that page number can be nil - in that case default number will be applied # also makes request to /articles?page=1&per_page=30 articles = Article.paginate(page: nil, per_page: 30).to_a ``` *Note: The mapping of pagination parameters is done by the `query_builder` which is [customizable](#custom-paginator).* ### Browsing If the response contains additional pagination links, you can also get at those: ```ruby articles = Article.paginate(page: 2, per_page: 30).to_a articles.pages.next articles.pages.last ``` ### Library compatibility A `JsonApiClient::ResultSet` object should be paginatable with both `kaminari` and `will_paginate`. ## Filtering [See specifiation](http://jsonapi.org/format/#fetching-filtering) ```ruby # makes request to /people?filter[name]=Jeff Person.where(name: 'Jeff').all ``` ## Schema You can define schema within your client model. You can define basic types and set default values if you wish. If you declare a basic type, we will try to cast any input to be that type. The added benefit of declaring your schema is that you can access fields before data is set (otherwise, you'll get a `NoMethodError`). **Note: This is completely optional. This will set default values and handle typecasting.** ### Example ```ruby class User < JsonApiClient::Resource property :name, type: :string property :is_admin, type: :boolean, default: false property :points_accrued, type: :int, default: 0 property :averge_points_per_day, type: :float end # default values u = User.new u.name # => nil u.is_admin # => false u.points_accrued # => 0 # casting u.average_points_per_day = "0.3" u.average_points_per_day # => 0.3 ``` ### Types The basic types that we allow are: * `:int` or `:integer` * `:float` * `:string` * `:time` - *Note: Include the time zone in the string if it's different than local time. * `:boolean` - *Note: we will cast the string version of "true" and "false" to their respective values* Also, we consider `nil` to be an acceptable value and will not cast the value. Note : Do not map the primary key as int. ## Customizing ### Paths You can customize this path by changing your resource's `table_name`: ```ruby module MyApi class SomeResource < Base def self.table_name "foobar" end end end # requests http://example.com/foobar MyApi::SomeResource.all ``` ### Custom headers You can inject custom headers on resource request by wrapping your code into block: ```ruby MyApi::SomeResource.with_headers(x_access_token: 'secure_token_here') do MyApi::SomeResource.find(1) end ``` ### Connections You can configure your API client to use a custom connection that implementes the `run` instance method. It should return data that your parser can handle. The default connection class wraps Faraday and lets you add middleware. ```ruby class NullConnection def initialize(*args) end def run(request_method, path, params: nil, headers: {}, body: nil) end def use(*args); end end class CustomConnectionResource < TestResource self.connection_class = NullConnection end ``` #### Connection Options You can configure your connection using Faraday middleware. In general, you'll want to do this in a base model that all your resources inherit from: ```ruby MyApi::Base.connection do |connection| # set OAuth2 headers connection.use FaradayMiddleware::OAuth2, 'MYTOKEN' # log responses connection.use Faraday::Response::Logger connection.use MyCustomMiddleware end module MyApi class User < Base # will use the customized connection end end ``` ##### Server errors handling Non-success API response will cause the specific `JsonApiClient::Errors::SomeException` raised, depends on responded HTTP status. Please refer to [JsonApiClient::Middleware::Status#handle_status](https://github.com/JsonApiClient/json_api_client/blob/master/lib/json_api_client/middleware/status.rb) method for concrete status-to-exception mapping used out of the box. JsonApiClient will try determine is failed API response JsonApi-compatible, if so - JsonApi error messages will be parsed from response body, and tracked as a part of particular exception message. In additional, `JsonApiClient::Errors::ServerError` exception will keep the actual HTTP status and message within its message. ##### Custom status handler You can change handling of response status using `connection_options`. For example you can override 400 status handling. By default it raises `JsonApiClient::Errors::ClientError` but you can skip exception if you want to process errors from the server. You need to provide a `proc` which should call `throw(:handled)` default handler for this status should be skipped. ```ruby class ApiBadRequestHandler def self.call(_env) # do not raise exception end end class CustomUnauthorizedError < StandardError attr_reader :env def initialize(env) @env = env super('not authorized') end end MyApi::Base.connection_options[:status_handlers] = { 400 => ApiBadRequestHandler, 401 => ->(env) { raise CustomUnauthorizedError, env } } module MyApi class User < Base # will use the customized status_handlers end end user = MyApi::User.create(name: 'foo') # server responds with { errors: [ { detail: 'bad request' } ] } user.errors.messages # { base: ['bad request'] } # on 401 it will raise CustomUnauthorizedError instead of JsonApiClient::Errors::NotAuthorized ``` ##### Specifying an HTTP Proxy All resources have a class method ```connection_options``` used to pass options to the JsonApiClient::Connection initializer. ```ruby MyApi::Base.connection_options[:proxy] = 'http://proxy.example.com' MyApi::Base.connection do |connection| # ... end module MyApi class User < Base # will use the customized connection with proxy end end ``` ### Custom Parser You can configure your API client to use a custom parser that implements the `parse` class method. It should return a `JsonApiClient::ResultSet` instance. You can use it by setting the parser attribute on your model: ```ruby class MyCustomParser def self.parse(klass, response) # … # returns some ResultSet object end end class MyApi::Base < JsonApiClient::Resource self.parser = MyCustomParser end ``` ### Custom Query Builder You can customize how the scope builder methods map to request parameters. ```ruby class MyQueryBuilder def initialize(klass); end def where(conditions = {}) end # … add order, includes, paginate, page, first, build end class MyApi::Base < JsonApiClient::Resource self.query_builder = MyQueryBuilder end ``` ### Custom Paginator You can customize how your resources find pagination information from the response. If the [existing paginator](https://github.com/JsonApiClient/json_api_client/blob/master/lib/json_api_client/paginating/paginator.rb) fits your requirements but you don't use the default `page` and `per_page` params for pagination, you can customise the param keys as follows: ```ruby JsonApiClient::Paginating::Paginator.page_param = "number" JsonApiClient::Paginating::Paginator.per_page_param = "size" ``` Please note that this is a global configuration, so library authors should create a custom paginator that inherits `JsonApiClient::Paginating::Paginator` and configure the custom paginator to avoid modifying global config. If the [existing paginator](https://github.com/JsonApiClient/json_api_client/blob/master/lib/json_api_client/paginating/paginator.rb) does not fit your needs, you can create a custom paginator: ```ruby class MyPaginator def initialize(result_set, data); end # implement current_page, total_entries, etc end class MyApi::Base < JsonApiClient::Resource self.paginator = MyPaginator end ``` ### NestedParamPaginator The default `JsonApiClient::Paginating::Paginator` is not strict about how it handles the param keys ([#347](https://github.com/JsonApiClient/json_api_client/issues/347)). There is a second paginator that more rigorously adheres to the JSON:API pagination recommendation style of `page[page]=1&page[per_page]=10`. If this second style suits your needs better, it is available as a class override: ```ruby class Order < JsonApiClient::Resource self.paginator = JsonApiClient::Paginating::NestedParamPaginator end ``` You can also extend `NestedParamPaginator` in your custom paginators or assign the `page_param` or `per_page_param` as with the default version above. ### Custom type If your model must be named differently from classified type of resource you can easily customize it. It will work both for defined and not defined relationships ```ruby class MyApi::Base < JsonApiClient::Resource resolve_custom_type 'document--files', 'File' end class MyApi::File < MyApi::Base def self.resource_name 'document--files' end end ``` ### Type Casting You can define your own types and its casting mechanism for schema. ```ruby require 'money' class MyMoneyCaster def self.cast(value, default) begin Money.new(value, "USD") rescue ArgumentError default end end end JsonApiClient::Schema.register money: MyMoneyCaster ``` and finally ```ruby class Order < JsonApiClient::Resource property :total_amount, type: :money end ``` ### Safe singular resource fetching That is a bit curios, but `json_api_client` returns an array from `.find` method, always. The history of this fact was discussed [here](https://github.com/JsonApiClient/json_api_client/issues/75) So, when we searching for a single resource by primary key, we typically write the things like ```ruby admin = User.find(id).first ``` The next thing which we need to notice - `json_api_client` will just interpolate the incoming `.find` param to the end of API URL, just like that: > http://somehost/api/v1/users/{id} What will happen if we pass the blank id (nil or empty string) to the `.find` method then?.. Yeah, `json_api_client` will try to call the INDEX API endpoint instead of SHOW one: > http://somehost/api/v1/users/ Lets sum all together - in case if `id` comes blank (from CGI for instance), we can silently receive the `admin` variable equal to some existing resource, with all the consequences. Even worse, `admin` variable can equal to *random* resource, depends on ordering applied by INDEX endpoint. If you prefer to get `JsonApiClient::Errors::NotFound` raised, please define in your base Resource class: ```ruby class Resource < JsonApiClient::Resource self.raise_on_blank_find_param = true end ``` ## Contributing Contributions are welcome! Please fork this repo and send a pull request. Your pull request should have: * a description about what's broken or what the desired functionality is * a test illustrating the bug or new feature * the code to fix the bug Ideally, the PR has 2 commits - the first showing the failed test and the second with the fix - although this is not required. The commits will be squashed into master once accepted. ## Changelog See [changelog](https://github.com/JsonApiClient/json_api_client/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)