# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative "base_linter" require_relative "autocorrectable" require_relative "argument_mappers/close_button" require_relative "helpers/rubocop_helpers" module ERBLint module Linters # Counts the number of times a HTML clipboard-copy is used instead of the component. class CloseButtonComponentMigrationCounter < BaseLinter include Autocorrectable include Helpers::RubocopHelpers TAGS = %w[button].freeze CLASSES = %w[close-button].freeze MESSAGE = "We are migrating close-button to use [Primer::Beta::CloseButton](https://primer.style/view-components/components/beta/closebutton), please try to use that instead of raw HTML." ARGUMENT_MAPPER = ArgumentMappers::CloseButton COMPONENT = "Primer::Beta::CloseButton" ALLOWED_OCTICON_ARGS = %w[icon aria-label aria].freeze private def map_arguments(tag, tag_tree) # We can only autocorrect cases where the tag only has an octicon as content. return if tag_tree[:children].size != 1 nodes = tag_tree[:children].first.children erb_nodes = nodes.select { |node| node.try(:type) == :erb } # Don't correct if there are multiple ERB nodes. return if erb_nodes.size != 1 _, _, code_node = *erb_nodes.first code = code_node.children.first.strip ast = erb_ast(code) # We'll only autocorrect cases where the only content is an octicon. if ast.method_name == :primer_octicon || ast.method_name == :octicon octicon_kwargs = ast.arguments[1] icon = icon(ast.arguments) elsif ast.method_name == :render && code.include?("Primer::OcticonComponent") octicon_kwargs = ast.arguments.first.arguments.last icon = icon(ast.arguments.first.arguments) else return end # Don't autocorrect if using a custom icon return unless icon == :x # Don't autocorrect if the octicon has custom arguments return if custom_attributes?(octicon_kwargs) octicon_aria_label = aria_label_from_octicon(octicon_kwargs) tag_aria_label = tag.attributes.each.find { |a| a.name == "aria-label" } # Can't autocorrect if there is no aria-label. return if octicon_aria_label.blank? && tag_aria_label.blank? args = ARGUMENT_MAPPER.new(tag).to_s # Argument mapper will add the `aria-label` if the tag has it. return args if tag_aria_label.present? aria_label_arg = "\"aria-label\": #{octicon_aria_label}" return aria_label_arg if args.blank? "#{args}, #{aria_label_arg}" rescue ArgumentMappers::ConversionError nil end # Overriding the basic correction since this component does not uses content blocks. def correction(args) return if args.nil? correction = "<%= render #{self.class::COMPONENT}.new" correction += "(#{args})" if args.present? "#{correction} %>" end # Overriding the basic correction since this component will rewrite the whole tag block. def add_correction(tag, tag_tree) offense_loc = tag.loc.with(end_pos: tag_tree[:closing].loc.to_range.last) add_offense(offense_loc, tag_tree[:message], tag_tree[:correction]) end # Extracts the aria-label value from the octicon kwargs. # It can either be in `"aria-label": "value"`` or `aria: { label: "value" } }`. def aria_label_from_octicon(kwargs) return if kwargs.blank? || kwargs.type != :hash || kwargs.pairs.blank? aria_label = kwargs.pairs.find { |x| x.key.value == :"aria-label" } return aria_label.value.source if aria_label aria_hash = kwargs.pairs.find { |x| x.key.value == :aria } return if aria_hash.blank? aria_label = aria_hash.value.pairs.find { |x| x.key.value == :label } aria_label&.value&.source end def custom_attributes?(kwargs) return false if kwargs.blank? || kwargs.type != :hash || kwargs.pairs.blank? (kwargs.keys.map { |key| key.value.to_s } - ALLOWED_OCTICON_ARGS).present? end def icon(args) return args.first.value.to_sym if args.first.type == :sym || args.first.type == :str args.last.pairs.find { |x| x.key.value == :icon }.value.value.to_sym end end end end