#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'highline/import' require 'optparse' require 'mvclient' USER_ID_REGEX = /\A\h{8}-\h{4}-user-\h{4}-\h{12}\z/ $options = {} def money_str(value) sprintf('$%.2f', value) end def get_options OptionParser.new do |opts| yield opts opts.on("-h", "--help", "Prints this help") do puts opts exit(1) end end.parse! end def require_options(*required_options) missing = false required_options.each do |opt| unless $options[opt] && $options[opt].length > 0 missing = true $stderr.puts "missing required parameter: #{opt.to_s}; use mvclient --help for more information" end end exit(1) if missing end COMMANDS = { login: -> { get_options do |opts| opts.banner = "login: Log in to motivosity" opts.on("-uUSERNAME", "--username=USERNAME", "Username (email address)") do |username| $options[:username] = username end opts.on("-pPASSWORD", "--password=PASSWORD", "Password") do |password| $options[:password] = password end end username = $options[:username] username ||= ask("Enter your username: ") password = $options[:password] password ||= ask("Enter your password: ") { |q| q.echo = false } $client.login!(username, password) nil }, logout: -> { get_options do |opts| opts.banner = "logout: Log out of motivosity" end $client.logout! nil }, get_balance: -> { get_options do |opts| opts.banner = "get_balance: Check balances" end response = $client.get_balance puts "You can give #{money_str(response['cashGiving'])}" puts "You can spend #{money_str(response['cashReceiving'])}" nil }, find_users: -> { get_options do |opts| opts.banner = "find_users: Search for users by name" opts.on("-sTERM", "--search=TERM", "Search term (all or part of user's name)") do |search| $options[:search] = search end opts.on("-i", "--[no-]ignore_self", "Exclude yourself from the search results") do |is| $options[:ignore_self] = is end end require_options(:search) result = $client.search_for_user($options[:search], !!$options[:ignore_self]) result.each do |name| puts "#{name["id"]} #{name["fullName"]}" end nil }, send_appreciation: -> { get_options do |opts| opts.banner = "send_appreciation: Send appreciation (and optionally a cash bonus) to another user" opts.on("-uUSER", "--user=USER", "Name or ID of user to send thanks to") do |user| $options[:user] = user end opts.on("-aAMOUNT", "--amount=AMOUNT", "Amount to send") do |amount| $options[:amount] = amount end opts.on("-nNOTE", "--note=NOTE", "Attached note") do |note| $options[:note] = note end opts.on("-vVALUE", "--value=VALUE", "Company value") do |value| $options[:value] = value end opts.on("-p", "--[no-]private", "Send private thanks") do |private| $options[:private] = private end end require_options(:user) # find value, if given value_id = nil if $options[:value] values = $client.get_values value = values.detect { |value| value['name'] == $options[:value] } if value value_id = value['id'] else puts "Warning: No company value matches '#{$options[:value]}'" end end # find user user_id = nil if $options[:user] =~ USER_ID_REGEX user_id = $options[:user] else users = $client.search_for_user($options[:user]) if users.empty? puts "User '#{$options[:user]}' not found" exit(1) elsif users.size > 1 # check for an exact match among the search results matching_users = users.select { |user| user['fullName'] == $options[:user] } if matching_users.size > 1 puts "Multiple users match '#{$options[:user]}'; please be more specific." puts "Try one of #{users.map{|user| "'#{user['fullName']}'"}.join(', ')}" exit(1) else users = matching_users end end user_id = users[0]['id'] end response = $client.send_appreciation! user_id, amount: $options[:amount], note: $options[:note], company_value_id: value_id, private: $options[:private] puts response['growl']['title'] + " " + response['growl']['content'] } } def exit_with_help_message $stderr.puts "available commands: #{COMMANDS.keys.map(&:to_s).join(' ')} " $stderr.puts "use mvclient --help for more information" exit(1) end exit_with_help_message if ARGV.empty? command = COMMANDS[ARGV.shift.to_sym] exit_with_help_message unless command $client = Motivosity::Client.new begin command.call rescue Motivosity::Error => e puts e.message exit(e.response.code) end